#robotics | Logs for 2016-08-20

[00:54:07] * z64555 scrounges around for headers
[00:57:12] <z64555> hm, must be in storage
[01:02:38] <z64555> oh that's interesting
[01:02:47] <z64555> This launchpad actually has 2 processors on it
[01:04:17] <z64555> of the same type.
[01:04:27] <z64555> One of them presumably is the debugger
[01:17:46] * z64555 contemplates fixed point mulitiplication
[02:06:45] * z64555 nukes his inbox
[05:53:58] <z64555> blah. fixed point multiplication/division requires the result to be scaled by the base
[05:56:59] <z64555> If your fixed point rep is 16.16, then you could just trash the lower 16 and move the register down
[05:57:13] <z64555> ...maybe
[05:57:38] <z64555> yeah.
[05:57:55] <z64555> so *thats* why they used 16.16
[06:23:09] <z64555> hm, 24-bit PWM timer. I guess they use the upper byte as the control register
[06:27:11] <z64555> blah, this is all outlined here, in wikipedia
[06:27:12] <z64555> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fixed-point_arithmetic
[06:27:47] <z64555> I gotta remember that wikipedia isn't a stone slab
[11:49:05] <rue_house> I wonder how it is that the world went from everyone writing HD447880 libraries to everyone writing fixed point math libraries
[11:49:20] <rue_house> people have been on fixed point math for like 6 years now
[11:49:32] <rue_house> I'v had to have seen 6 libraries written by now
[13:23:56] <veverak> alol
[13:43:58] <z64555> rue_house: fixed point math became interesting agin because of quadrotors. Hobbiests (and manufacturors) are trying to go with the cheapest microcontroller they can get, which don't have an FPU
[13:45:02] <SpeedEvil> But much of fixed point math is now not actually hard with 32 bit
[13:46:32] <z64555> I don't see how that makes a difference, other than having a higher resolution like with 16.16 versus 8.8
[13:48:01] <SpeedEvil> The typical 32 bit processor has much faster math (even fixed) than 8 bit, and you don't have to go through as many hoops to manipulate values way larger than your ALU, meaning it's lots faster
[13:48:45] <z64555> that sounds more like an architecture thing, not a word length thing
[13:49:05] <SpeedEvil> IT's architecture and code complexity
[14:16:57] <z64555> ah, found an xbee shield that I can plug into the USB
[14:17:26] <z64555> didn't find any headers, though. boo.
[14:58:27] <rue_house> simulated serial comms isn't good enough? your enumberating a custom device?
[15:16:48] <z64555> need wireless
[15:16:59] <z64555> 'cause quadrotor. flying robot. etc.
[16:30:28] <z64555> hmmm...
[17:45:48] <Alerite> what
[17:45:51] <Alerite> hello
[17:46:00] <Alerite> anyone here
[17:46:04] <Alerite> i dont know how irc works
[17:46:05] <Alerite> hello
[17:46:09] <Alerite> k
[17:49:32] <z64555> yeah, he sure doesn't.
[18:34:08] <veverak> finally
[18:34:13] <veverak> almost done writing first test suite
[18:34:15] <veverak> ehmm
[18:34:18] <veverak> enough of procrastination
[18:41:07] <anonnumberanon> z64555, I've been using nrf24l01 for wireless, it's hard to use and it messed with my real time on my robot
[18:42:57] <anonnumberanon> I was trying to make it interruptable (really nothing to do with interrupts) for when the real time stuff needs to absolutely take place (making PWM)
[18:44:16] <anonnumberanon> lists of things i want to master asap: my own nrf24l01 library, my own USB solution library
[19:03:27] <rue_shop2> 2401 is a 1k eeprom
[19:16:30] <anonnumberanon> that's good storage, right?
[19:17:21] <anonnumberanon> wait but i wouldnt be using it id be using a micro connected to it via spi (or i2c can't remember which)
[19:18:06] <anonnumberanon> i don't know if you can reprog the module itself
[20:58:06] <z64555> Xbee wouldn't have enough bandwidth for remote control via digital link, but it's perfectly find for waypoints
[20:58:25] <z64555> at least I don't hink it would
[21:03:43] <codepython777> what bitrate can you get from xbee?
[21:08:44] <z64555> 115Kbaud seems to be the maximum bitrate that people have been able to achieve, even though it's a 2.4GHz spread spectrum
[21:17:46] <rue_house> wtf, since when is 115kbaud not enough for remote control!?
[21:17:58] <rue_house> I can do seamless remote control at 4800baud
[21:24:25] <codepython777> rue_house: I think even 100 baud might be enough ;)
[21:26:15] <[VEGETA]> anyone knows a robot control motherboard for wheeled robots? for learning purposes xD
[21:37:58] <rue_house> yes, I will sell you one, cheap, $100
[21:49:37] <codepython777> $50 here :)
[21:54:55] <[VEGETA]> link? xD
[22:00:31] <ace4016> what are you looking for exactly?
[22:20:37] <z64555> rue_house: it might be, dunno.
[22:21:53] <z64555> robot control board. pfft. It's just a developer/evaluation board and a strong enough motor driver
[22:22:18] <z64555> I really don't know about that kid
[22:57:59] <Jak_o_Shadows> My new cordless screwdriver (<24 hours old) is exactly as complicated as you would expect it to be inside.
[23:09:25] <Casper> Jak_o_Shadows: will it take many years for your cordless screwdriver to work?
[23:18:48] <Jak_o_Shadows> nah
[23:18:56] <Jak_o_Shadows> It's pretty simple, barring the li-on battery stuff.
[23:19:16] <Jak_o_Shadows> I don't have a huge amount of trust in the gears & motor, but it should do fine.
[23:28:13] <Casper> man the more I read about mig welding... fluxcore vs C100 vs C25... the amount of "just go C25" is scary.... many say "if you want to go C100, just go fluxcore"...
[23:28:24] <Casper> dunnot what to dooooo
[23:28:26] * Casper cries
[23:30:38] <zhanx-> Ok so I was thinking, air muscles for this robot arm I am making
[23:35:17] <Jak_o_Shadows> Casper, at least mig welding is easier than stick. Think of that.
[23:35:34] <Casper> Jak_o_Shadows: yes and no
[23:35:57] <Jak_o_Shadows> Easier physically, harder decision wise?
[23:36:06] <zhanx-> https://www.zoro.com/parker-round-air-cylin-1-116inbore-6instroke-106dsr0600/i/G6128281/?gclid=Cj0KEQjw_9-9BRCqpZeZhLeOg68BEiQAOviWArBjgMAnuPmnLMoynF4FNicWXCLm6emg1M6LqqXWRMcaAo_U8P8HAQ&gclsrc=aw.ds
[23:36:10] <Casper> with stick... just look up in the table for material vs thickness... and use that electrode...
[23:37:19] <ace4016> zhanx, going to compensate the muscles for thermal effects?
[23:37:35] <zhanx-> Hence why I am asking :)
[23:38:10] <zhanx-> First time using them maybe
[23:39:35] <Casper> I'm tempted to go C25, but the gas price is quite higher
[23:41:11] <ace4016> heh
[23:41:43] <Casper> from what I read, filling the C100 bottle should be about 25$, while C25 is 60$
[23:42:01] <Casper> but, the C100 is 175cuft while the C25 is 50cuft