#robotics | Logs for 2016-08-09

[00:05:35] <knolax> hey
[00:08:04] <knolax> hey
[00:16:17] <knolax> lhelp
[00:39:48] <z64555> ?
[09:48:34] <rue_house> if you use alcohol to really clean the tape bed of a printer, the glue comes thru and may not let go of your print
[10:08:08] <rue_house> I crashed thingiverse, sorry.
[10:23:12] <rue_house> oh no, I just had to turn javascript off while browing pinterest and thingiverse, right
[11:53:36] <SpeedEvil> http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/LEFT-RIGHT-WHEEL-TYRE-FOR-Muck-Truck-POWER-BARROWS-MOTORISED-WHEEL-BARROW-x-2-/322219643009?hash=item4b05c99081:g:se0AAOSwIgNXpzxm
[11:53:43] * SpeedEvil ponders how to motorise these.
[13:47:11] <z64555> most motorized wheels that I've seen use a chain or belt attached to the wheel hub
[13:47:24] <z64555> the wheel hub then spins freely on an axle
[13:47:38] <z64555> Alternatively, the hub is welded to the axle, and the axle is spun
[13:48:36] <z64555> SpeedEvil: take the wheel off of your car for inspiration :)
[13:48:57] <z64555> just uh, be sure to put it back on correctly
[14:01:51] <SpeedEvil> I was more meaning to make a hub motor
[14:07:23] <z64555> Could use a disc or pancake motor
[14:07:44] <z64555> don't know if they make them for that size
[14:14:22] <Snert_> sun and planetary if you don't really need to go all that fast.
[14:20:08] <SpeedEvil> Pretty slow, top speed would be ~2.5MPH or so, maybe a little faster, so 60RPM
[14:20:49] <blib> SpeedEvil: use a small cnc to motorize?
[14:21:05] <SpeedEvil> Motorise what?
[14:21:13] <blib> those wheels that you linked
[14:21:42] <blib> SpeedEvil: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/LEFT-RIGHT-WHEEL-TYRE-FOR-Muck-Truck-POWER-BARROWS-MOTORISED-WHEEL-BARROW-x-2-/322219643009?hash=item4b05c99081:g:se0AAOSwIgNXpzxm
[14:21:46] <SpeedEvil> What does 'small CNC' have to do with that?
[14:23:29] <blib> SpeedEvil: what is the diameter of the axle holes?
[14:24:14] <SpeedEvil> About 60mm
[14:27:58] <blib> so a small cnc would cut you something you could bolt to it?
[15:34:53] <z64555> man what a crap connection.
[15:35:16] <z64555> when splicing two wires together, *don't* tin either of them
[15:36:00] <z64555> you'll end up with a blob of solder between the two, so the copper doesn't actually connect
[15:59:29] <z64555> but of course everybody knew that already because you are all such great electronic craftsmen. :)
[16:18:54] <Snert_> sounds like not enuff heat.
[16:19:29] <Snert_> if I'm twisting wires together I don't solder it until after the twist twist.
[16:20:21] <Snert_> but I usually just tin both halves, align them side by side and let the flow happen.
[16:20:39] <Snert_> looks better when ya shrink it.
[17:58:57] <z64555> hm
[17:59:44] <z64555> I could possibly omit the 5V regulator/supply and tap into the ESCs BEC
[18:00:04] <z64555> (Electronic Speed Controller, and Battery Eliminator Circuit, respectively)
[18:01:23] <z64555> I'm a bit worried about power fluctuations, specifically of the case where the supplied voltages from the BEC's are not equal
[18:02:12] <z64555> I should draw out a simple schematic and analyze it, to see if some protection diodes are needed