#robotics | Logs for 2016-08-07

[02:31:14] <z64555> hm, caffine from concentrated tea wasn't enough to induce a power nap
[02:31:35] * z64555 looks over his jumper cable stuff
[02:33:16] <z64555> oh! found some 63/37 rosin core solder
[02:36:55] <z64555> course it would help if I had the cable wire with me, instead of in the storage building
[11:37:18] <rue_shop3> ok, wait, I need to review... I opened the freezer, saw there was nothing for breakfast in it, closed the freezer and forgot about breakfast....
[11:37:30] <rue_shop3> I think I need better error handling
[11:46:47] <Snert> if nobacon() {
[11:50:14] <rue_house> catch...
[11:54:12] <rue_house> I suppose getting dressed is a good way to start a day
[11:54:23] <rue_house> so the question is, do I want to start a day today
[12:47:27] <z64555> why start a day when you could start an age? :D
[14:08:13] <rue_shop3> YOUR RIGHT DAMNIT
[14:08:28] <rue_shop3> I'm gonna start an age without pants
[14:10:45] <veverak> ok
[14:10:51] <veverak> somebody with ROS experience? http://answers.ros.org/question/241227/problem-building-deb-for-rosconsole-in-kinetic/
[14:11:14] <veverak> I worry that my question on tehir Q&A will be Q only as usual
[14:27:20] <rue_shop3> its been cloudy all morning, 1 MINUTE after I started up to do some aluminum casting it started raining
[14:27:23] <rue_shop3> W T F
[14:27:35] <rue_shop3> veverak, ros is stupid, nobody here uses it
[14:28:05] <rue_shop3> everyone is using the term OS for everything and its annoying
[14:28:22] <veverak> rue_shop3: "nobody here" is stupid generalization
[14:28:28] <veverak> I know at least of two people excluding me
[14:28:30] <veverak> ;)
[14:29:29] <rue_shop3> and its not working for you
[14:29:35] <rue_shop3> casue its stupid, its not an os
[14:29:58] <rue_shop3> people need to learn the difference between an operating system and a set of compile-time libraries
[14:30:11] <veverak> he?
[14:30:15] <veverak> did I said it's ROS?
[14:30:23] <veverak> I don't understand why you argue about it
[14:33:07] <rue_shop3> sometimes things bug me
[14:33:18] <veverak> yeah, and?
[14:33:28] <veverak> I never argued that it is OS, or never saw one doing so
[14:33:56] <veverak> so, sort of lost in getting the point of arguing about that
[14:34:23] <z64555> just a rant about the misuse of the term of OS, carry on
[14:34:29] <z64555> :)
[14:34:54] <veverak> hmm, I will make car-like robot and call it "bicycle"
[14:35:11] <wildmage> veverak, i went to school with one of the original developers
[14:35:24] <wildmage> or rather, the Stage/Gazebo portion
[14:35:52] <z64555> oh its daytime! I should grab that cable stuff
[14:36:41] <veverak> wildmage: any interesting story ? :)
[14:37:11] <wildmage> veverak, yeah, Nate Koenig took a long time to graduate. But so did I
[14:37:23] <wildmage> he was too busy writing Gazebo
[14:38:05] <veverak> lol
[14:38:13] * veverak actually got to phase where he has nice URDF
[14:38:17] <veverak> wanted to run it ingazebo
[14:38:21] <veverak> gazebo compilation fails
[14:38:25] <veverak> too lazy to solve it
[14:38:33] <veverak> and it didn't solved itself for last week :/
[14:45:20] <z64555> mkay... reciever and servos use 5V logic
[14:45:29] <veverak> RC?
[14:45:32] <veverak> can use 6V sometimes
[14:46:45] <z64555> yeah, it's got a range of 4.5 to 6.5, but it's pretty much 5V logic
[14:46:52] <veverak> true about that
[14:46:58] <veverak> hmm
[14:47:01] * veverak needs good tea
[14:47:03] <veverak> and food
[14:47:09] <veverak> have to properly think about app design
[14:47:35] <veverak> where are the damn papers in this house
[14:52:59] <z64555> heck if I know :P
[14:58:55] * z64555 cracks open his receiver to inspect the connections
[15:05:36] <z64555> yup, the + and - pins are on a rail
[15:05:46] <veverak> hmm
[15:06:01] <veverak> am I only one who got headache from new room?
[15:06:17] <veverak> not sure how to organize everything so it makes sense
[15:10:22] <z64555> if it's books, alphabetical by either title or author
[15:10:51] <z64555> (or use the library of congress's cataloging system if you want to be pedantic man)
[15:11:48] <Anniepoo_> no, you're not alone
[15:15:22] <z64555> i might be missing something here. new room?
[15:19:15] <z64555> interesting, looks like the 0.2" headers where soldered on by hand. Two of the pins were messy
[15:19:35] <z64555> either that or their machine needs cleaning
[15:39:25] <z64555> mkay, I can use the 1x2 connectors to make a pair of signal cables
[15:39:37] <z64555> I'm a bit concerned about noise propagation though
[15:55:37] <veverak> z64555 changed flat where I lived
[15:55:45] <veverak> so got bunch of stuff still in bxoe
[15:55:47] <veverak> s
[15:55:55] <veverak> and not enough of furniture
[15:59:53] <z64555> oh that's always fun
[16:00:28] <z64555> you can build your own desk, table, shelves if you need to
[16:03:59] <veverak> not exactly time effective
[16:04:08] <veverak> and I am no longer in possesion of car in this town
[16:04:10] <veverak> so :/
[16:45:02] <veverak> well
[16:45:07] <veverak> one good thing about horrible lamp is
[16:45:17] <veverak> that it makes good holder for camera https://1drv.ms/i/s!Ap3PvGFWAjJUgYoaNuNtyQx9M9YoOQ
[16:45:18] <veverak> :)
[17:11:35] <z64555> tonight's dinner is...
[17:11:48] <z64555> pizza with a side of hushpuppies
[23:57:54] <orlock> monoxane: no?
[23:58:05] <orlock> monoxane: Only on days of total fire ban or whatever
[23:58:09] <orlock> Doh