#robotics | Logs for 2016-08-06

[00:46:25] <rue_shop3> who is bombing who?
[01:44:05] <Jak_o_Shadows> oh dear
[01:55:12] <Snert> was a comment about lidar on a chip link above
[01:55:28] <Snert> prolly only military at this point.
[02:23:23] <rue_shop3> http://www.bushytails.net/~randyg/encoder/encoderwheel.html
[02:23:27] <rue_shop3> cool, its still there
[08:02:10] <anonnumberanon> man, bombs, lol
[08:02:16] <anonnumberanon> probably not dude
[08:02:52] <z64555> hm?
[08:04:02] <anonnumberanon> bombs can't really tell where they are unless unless they use GPS, and still at that state using GPS for localization while you just got fired at a target by a jet, is, if anything, an additional failsafe. I don't see how lidar would help a bomb head better locate its target.
[08:59:14] <SpeedEvil> anonnumberanon: well - no.
[08:59:23] <SpeedEvil> anonnumberanon: there are many ways to drop bombs.
[08:59:29] <SpeedEvil> 'drop on coordinate' is one.
[09:00:08] <SpeedEvil> RADAR homing, homing on a LASER spot, remote control, and automated visual target recognition have all been used
[09:00:32] <SpeedEvil> you probably wouldn't use a LIDAR on a chip due to low range, that's more likely for mobile
[09:00:37] <SpeedEvil> (phones)
[09:18:48] <z64555> there was a project some time ago for a surface scanner/inspector for the space station
[09:19:25] <z64555> the lidar on a chip might have use there
[09:34:32] <veverak> so
[09:34:35] <veverak> maybe
[09:34:36] <veverak> just maybe
[09:34:46] <veverak> I will finally make ros repository -> debian jessie armhf
[09:34:47] <veverak> :)
[09:36:33] <anonnumberanon> ros is good, debian is good, arm is good
[09:38:06] <veverak> anyway
[09:38:14] <veverak> it will be just basic packages
[09:38:26] <veverak> good time to think about everything that could be valuable
[09:45:25] <veverak> ros-comm, usb_cam, diagnostics
[09:45:28] <veverak> good start
[10:21:23] <Snert> military has tons of use for lidar on a chip.
[10:22:46] <anonnumberanon> What's the resolution and speed on this toy though?
[10:28:22] <SpeedEvil> range is more important
[10:28:41] <SpeedEvil> LIDAR is also pretty inherently high power self-illumination
[10:28:45] <SpeedEvil> which is bad
[11:34:46] <z64555> dupont jumper stuff arrived today
[11:37:43] <z64555> so I might have some schenanigans with R/C transmitters tonight
[11:44:34] <anonnumberanon> cool
[12:32:29] <rue_shop3> hahaha I put the limit switch on the wrong direction when I reassembled my printer
[12:35:13] <Tom_itx> fix it in software
[12:36:36] <rue_shop3> actually, it helps solve a different problem
[12:37:01] <rue_shop3> but I'v glued my bed in at the wrong spot, should be been 2cm back, I'll just live with it for now
[12:37:40] <rue_shop3> I'v almost got the full 20cmx20cm
[12:38:20] <Tom_itx> i figured you had more travel than that
[12:42:14] <rue_shop3> nope, I'm making the new machine a bit larger, but only because its based on cutting the threaded rod in half instead of lots of silly little peices
[12:42:57] <rue_shop3> might be 24cmx25cm when done
[12:44:21] <rue_shop3> still waiting for glue to set
[12:46:05] <veverak> rue_shop3: [ocs
[12:46:07] <veverak> *pics
[12:49:36] <rue_shop3> of the setting glue?
[12:49:42] <veverak> printer
[12:49:43] <veverak> :)
[12:49:59] <rue_shop3> http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/projects/reprap2/p1070113.jpg
[12:50:04] <rue_shop3> its a bit firther along
[12:50:22] <rue_shop3> I changed the nema23 for a geared nema17
[12:50:24] <rue_shop3> 2:1
[12:50:47] <rue_shop3> the Z and X are gonna be done with 10mm
[12:53:27] <rue_shop3> I'll find updated images
[12:53:35] <rue_shop3> tho its still a pile of parts
[12:53:45] <rue_shop3> *structured heap*
[12:57:56] <veverak> jaj
[12:57:58] <veverak> :)
[13:59:15] <horar> hello everybody
[14:01:28] <z64555> hi
[14:10:22] <horar> does anyone here have any experience with using MakeBlock?
[14:36:35] <rue_shop3> ?
[14:36:45] * rue_shop3 waits for glue to set
[14:39:16] <horar> http://makeblock.com/en
[14:45:01] <rue_shop3> wow, WAY too pricey
[14:45:38] <veverak> yep
[14:45:59] <veverak> I suppose best block system
[14:46:06] <veverak> are alu square shape extrusions
[14:46:09] <horar> i thought that at first too, but if you look at the individual components, like gear motors with encoders, they're no more expensive than you would pay for similar things from a robotics shop.
[14:46:09] <veverak> and good workshop tools
[14:46:11] <veverak> :)
[14:46:43] <horar> the extrusions are expensive, but they would save you a ton of time. they are supposed to be extremely strong too.
[14:46:46] <robopal> are you looking for a kit, to buy?
[14:48:59] <horar> thinking about it. want to experiment with 3d printed robot parts. been seeing some nice projects on youtube lately.
[15:10:18] <veverak> hmm
[15:10:30] <veverak> what could be most cost effective arm board?
[15:10:44] <veverak> I mean, some computer that is arm and got best performance/cost ratio
[15:11:31] <horar> cheapest one i've seen is on futurlec
[15:11:50] <rue_shop3> most cost effective is the $3 ones I been buying
[15:11:54] <rue_shop3> 72Mhz
[15:12:08] <veverak> ok
[15:12:12] <veverak> single board that is strong :)
[15:12:23] <horar> lol pi zero: 800MHz/$5
[15:12:59] <rue_shop3> rrly?
[15:13:12] <horar> yes runs linux.
[15:13:22] <horar> it's raspberry pi 2 with all the big bits removed.
[15:13:28] <horar> buy them from adafruit.
[15:13:31] <rue_shop3> http://www.aliexpress.com/item/STM32F103C8T6-ARM-STM32-Minimum-System-Development-Board-Module-Forarduino/32369020878.html
[15:13:47] <rue_shop3> I dont beleive a pi for $5
[15:14:07] <horar> it's on their website. still selling like hot cakes so limit of one per customer.
[15:14:15] <horar> been out for six months.
[15:14:21] <rue_shop3> oh, with $40 shipping to canada?
[15:14:29] <veverak> ODROID-C2 looks cool
[15:14:40] <veverak> nah
[15:14:44] <veverak> definetly need 2GB ram at least
[15:14:47] <rue_shop3> yes, unlike the unobtainable pi, those boards I pointed to, you can just buy
[15:14:58] <veverak> rue_shop3: that looks interesting
[15:15:08] <rue_shop3> I got one flashing an led
[15:15:12] <veverak> so
[15:15:14] <rue_shop3> now I just need something to use it for
[15:15:20] <veverak> I need packages for rpi3 raspbian
[15:15:21] <rue_shop3> so I'll stock a few and wait
[15:16:17] <veverak> my options are: figure out how to crosscompile ROS (I feel big nO NO here) | figure out how to launch armhf in virtual (got at least chance here) | maybe ros will finally stop playing pussy and get armhf packages by itself | buy ODROID-C2 for $40
[15:16:40] <horar> https://www.adafruit.com/products/2885
[15:16:41] <rue_shop3> why do you need ros?
[15:16:44] <veverak> note: they got armhf packages, but only for ubuntu
[15:16:49] <veverak> rue_shop3: complex behavior?
[15:16:52] <veverak> :)
[15:16:55] <veverak> video streaming
[15:16:56] <rue_shop3> pff
[15:17:02] <veverak> video analysis of soem sort in future
[15:17:29] <rue_shop3> in the future there will be more powerfull controllers that will do it all for you
[15:17:37] <rue_shop3> might be out next week if you wait
[15:17:52] <LiohAu> anybody knows how to determine which /dev/xxx corresponds to a serial device?
[15:18:24] <veverak> d
[15:18:27] <veverak> LiohAu: udev
[15:18:30] <veverak> :)
[15:18:38] <veverak> or, dpeends on use case of course
[15:18:48] <veverak> but udev can detect a lot of information about each device
[15:18:51] <horar> rs232 or usb?
[15:18:54] <LiohAu> I have an ODROID XU-3 with UART pins, and I don't know which /dev/ corresponds to that pins
[15:19:02] <veverak> and based on the information, put device into proper /dev/<you_name_it>
[15:19:08] <veverak> LiohAu: doc?
[15:19:10] <veverak> :)
[15:19:16] <horar> dmesg?
[15:19:18] <LiohAu> veverak: did not find the device name in the doc :(
[15:19:39] <horar> tail syslog and plug it in?
[15:19:42] <LiohAu> horar: in dmesg I could obtain the /dev/ name of the additional USB -> UART dongle
[15:19:48] <veverak> LiohAu: ls -l /dev/tty* and put it somewhere
[15:19:55] <veverak> also
[15:19:58] <LiohAu> but for the board UART pins I did not ifnd :(
[15:19:58] <veverak> is it enabled?
[15:20:04] <LiohAu> veverak: don't know :D
[15:20:21] <veverak> based on configuration it can be really really ... :D
[15:21:15] <LiohAu> https://gist.github.com/LiohAu/2f1a0f5a990c3567c282ab6b5760694f
[15:21:42] <veverak> lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 7 Jan 1 2013 /dev/ttyACM99 -> ttySAC0 ?
[15:21:51] <veverak> another SAC there
[15:22:07] <veverak> that ACM or those SAC may be it
[15:23:09] <LiohAu> veverak: what make you think it is one?
[15:23:25] <veverak> simple
[15:23:36] <veverak> I know that /dev/tty\d{2} are usually not it
[15:23:38] <veverak> :)
[15:23:45] <veverak> or
[15:23:57] <LiohAu> http://odroid.com/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=en:xu3_hardware_uart
[15:23:58] <LiohAu> ...
[15:24:01] <veverak> /dev/tty[\da-z]{2}
[15:24:14] <veverak> :)
[15:24:51] <LiohAu> ok, what I can do to check if that device is "correctly" working?
[15:26:18] <veverak> screen /dev/tty... 115200
[15:26:26] <veverak> and connect tty->usb to it?
[15:26:54] <LiohAu> hm you mean using my 2nd device to talk with the 1st one?
[15:27:06] <veverak> yep
[15:33:38] <LiohAu> "/dev/ttySAC0: Device or resource busy" :(
[15:34:23] <horar> maybe it's set as your console.
[15:35:12] <LiohAu> hu?
[15:35:21] <LiohAu> you mean /dev/ttySAC0 IS my console?
[15:38:23] <horar> yes
[15:38:35] <LiohAu> I tried with the USB -> UART dongle
[15:38:39] <LiohAu> I don't have the same issue
[15:38:53] <LiohAu> but I don't receive answers for the command I'm sending :(
[15:43:29] <LiohAu> "open up a terminal at 9600 baud (8-N-1)"
[15:43:55] <LiohAu> $ stty -speed 9600 -f /dev/ttyS1
[15:43:55] <LiohAu> stty: invalid argument ‘-speed’
[15:47:16] <robopal> -ispeed input speed, -ospeed output speed, -speed just prints current speed
[15:47:44] <robopal> also, no, without -
[15:47:58] <robopal> they are all settings, so says the manual
[15:48:20] <robopal> I am reading here: http://www.computerhope.com/unix/ustty.htm