#robotics | Logs for 2016-08-04

[00:05:09] <rue_house> heh
[00:05:16] <z64555> ESC = Electronic Speed Controller
[00:05:18] <rue_house> ever heard of a chineese amp?
[00:07:39] <codepython777> oh, so chinese amp != 1A :)
[00:34:53] <codepython777> rue_house: do you own a tachometer?
[00:35:02] <codepython777> anyone uses a tachometer here?
[00:35:10] <rue_house> yea
[00:35:12] <rue_house> chineese one
[00:35:32] <rue_house> chineese amp < NA amp
[00:35:45] <codepython777> rue_house: which tachometer do you recommend?
[00:35:58] <rue_house> oh oh oh the one I have!
[00:36:19] <codepython777> rue_house: link please
[00:37:51] <rue_house> http://www.aliexpress.com/item/Digital-Laser-Photo-Tachometer-Non-Contact-RPM-Tach-Digital-Rotation-Speed-meter-Revolution-Counter-with-Function/32679348283.html
[00:38:05] <rue_house> it might be found cheaper
[00:38:24] <codepython777> rue_house: does it need a tape?
[00:38:37] <rue_house> and it comes wit it
[00:38:55] <codepython777> how do you get new tape?
[00:38:56] <rue_house> it does min average, and max
[00:39:11] <rue_house> as long as there is contrast, you can use anyting
[00:39:19] <rue_house> I use black and white electrical tape
[00:40:37] <codepython777> rue_house: https://www.amazon.com/Fluke-931-Tachometer-Meter/dp/B00G1V5Q10 - you didn't buy this one? :)
[00:41:41] <rue_house> dude, $12 vs $434, and they do the same thing...
[00:42:26] <codepython777> rue_house: thanks :)
[00:43:43] <codepython777> rue_house: is there a torque meter you use?
[00:44:25] <rue_house> I made a digital load bank that I plan to use in a dynamo setup
[00:45:24] <codepython777> rue_house: http://www.aliexpress.com/item/Wholesale-High-Quality-Torque-Meter-HP-50/1253334146.html?spm=2114.01010208.3.34.8gYFJC&ws_ab_test=searchweb201556_8,searchweb201602_3_10057_10056_10055_10049_10017_10059_10058_10060_10061_10062_412_10063,searchweb201603_7&btsid=fcb5c47f-8562-4385-a840-7e61b2410ff4 -- worth trying?
[00:46:35] <rue_house> $500 no
[00:47:07] <codepython777> rue_house: I need to test a bunch of motors - and their torques
[00:47:10] <codepython777> preferably fast
[00:47:46] <rue_house> I dont think that box can do verry large motors
[00:48:20] <codepython777> mine wil lbe around 30kgf-cm
[00:48:47] <codepython777> 3 Nm
[00:48:51] <codepython777> I think it can do that much
[00:49:34] <codepython777> upto 10nm
[00:49:39] <codepython777> so it will go a little higher than that
[00:55:57] * z64555 made his own tachometer using an IR beam
[00:56:22] <z64555> $5, excluding the uC
[00:58:03] <z64555> hm, wonder how it does contact measurement
[04:53:44] <upq> hello
[04:53:55] <upq> I have an old ipad 2 that is locked
[04:54:03] <upq> I want to re use its parts
[04:54:10] <upq> mainly the screen
[04:54:36] <upq> what do I need to do that and what other parts i can salvage to use with arduiono/ raspberry pi
[04:54:59] <upq> ps: im totally new to this world but im an expirenced programmer / artist
[05:00:17] <deshipu> if you are completely new, I would rather suggest buying a ready display kit that is designed to work with your rpi/arduino
[05:00:30] <deshipu> saves you time and money
[05:05:47] <Jak_o_Shadows> The screen may be usable. Probably a bit difficult, but doable
[05:14:30] <upq> Any article or something I can refer to for that Jak_o_Shadows ?
[05:16:50] <Jak_o_Shadows> http://hackaday.com/2013/04/22/connect-a-retina-display-to-a-regular-computer/
[05:16:54] <Jak_o_Shadows> Can't verify anything
[05:18:06] <Jak_o_Shadows> btw, rue_bed, did you figure our your openocd type issues?
[06:20:32] <upq> Im looking for a power bank to that doesnt automatically shut down ? any one has any idea?
[06:23:24] <Jak_o_Shadows> power bank?
[06:31:31] <upq> yea, thats used to charge mobile phones
[06:32:52] <upq> it outputs 5v 2.4a but I heared that it cuts off when being used with raspberry pi
[07:08:11] <upq> do i need extra hardware than a usb port to send data from my arduino to raspberry pi
[07:08:14] <upq> ?
[07:10:34] <SpeedEvil> The arduino cannot usually connect over USB
[07:10:40] <SpeedEvil> what are you trying to do?
[07:12:52] <upq> I want to use arduino to host sensors and send the data gathered to a server running on raspberry pi
[07:18:11] <upq> SpeedEvil:
[07:19:23] <SpeedEvil> serial works then
[07:19:29] <SpeedEvil> not USB, rs232
[10:30:12] <anonnumberanon> I should finish writing my terminal emulator.
[13:24:31] <z64555> hm, a 2000 American dime works good to scrape off baked-on rosin on the soldering iron tip
[13:42:30] <robopal> no scratches?
[13:49:31] <z64555> none
[18:59:31] <orlock> Was the guy drunk?
[19:05:17] <z64555> er, wrong channel?
[19:46:35] <rue_shop3> I was doing some extruder tuning
[19:46:45] <Tom_itx> how's jester's working?
[19:46:50] <rue_shop3> great
[19:47:02] <rue_shop3> arg, I'll have to flat one side, it didn't bind enough
[19:47:12] <rue_shop3> oh wait, theres another optoin
[19:47:25] <Tom_itx> they use glue stick to stick their prints
[19:47:42] <z64555> rue_shop3: what kind of extruder?
[19:48:03] <rue_shop3> jhead
[19:48:05] <rue_shop3> air leak
[19:48:38] <z64555> ah, for a 3D printer?
[19:48:40] <rue_shop3> I cleaned it out, lots of strange gunk in there, and put an aluminum gasket in it
[19:48:42] <rue_shop3> yea
[19:48:52] <z64555> neat
[19:50:18] <rue_shop3> I'm printing a pulley on edge, with a 4mm brim...
[19:50:41] <Tom_itx> not much to hold it in place
[19:50:55] <rue_shop3> 4mm brim...
[19:51:06] <orlock> why on edge?
[19:51:31] <Tom_itx> i suppose it would sag otherwise
[19:51:49] <z64555> it'll sag either way
[19:52:00] <orlock> I wonder how long this openscad render will take
[19:52:05] <orlock> on my work desktop
[19:52:24] <orlock> at home on the 4Ghz i7 2600k it took 4+ hours
[19:52:42] <Tom_itx> ssd?
[19:52:52] <orlock> both, yes, but thats not the bottleneck
[19:52:57] <orlock> neithers ram
[19:52:57] <rue_shop3> orlock, i think its the only way I can do it
[19:53:10] <z64555> could print the pulley in 2 halfs and then bond them together
[19:53:12] <orlock> its all single core
[19:53:23] <rue_shop3> whats the object?
[19:53:36] <rue_shop3> yea, or print it on edge as one piece
[19:54:29] <orlock> rue_shop3: a small portion of the chassis for a robot
[19:54:34] <z64555> it's gonna be elliptical if you do it on edge, though
[19:54:52] <orlock> just enough to test fit one motor, axle, and the two gears for driving
[19:55:14] <z64555> unless you figured out the equation to counter its sagging
[19:55:49] <orlock> and a hole to fit the IR sensor
[19:57:08] <orlock> Work is throwing out a pair of tape robots
[19:57:16] <rue_shop3> my z scale is right, it'll be round
[19:57:20] <orlock> Tempted to pull them apart
[19:57:32] <orlock> but i could only see a single smooth rod
[19:57:48] <orlock> rue_shop3: It wont be nicely round
[19:58:41] <rue_shop3> this is an interesting learing print
[19:59:04] <z64555> might have to do some cold work on it. But we'll see
[19:59:07] <z64555> For science!
[20:02:28] <rue_shop3> http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/images/pulley.png
[20:02:33] <rue_shop3> sorry to have you in the dark :)
[20:03:09] <rue_shop3> I'm interested to see how it tries to handle the inner ribs
[20:03:33] <rue_shop3> I expect it'll just call me insane and ignore them
[20:03:43] <orlock> and you are printing that standing "up"?
[20:03:54] <rue_shop3> just like that yea
[20:04:00] <z64555> that's what he's been saying :P
[20:04:05] <orlock> ok
[20:04:15] <orlock> and next, you will print it lying down flat
[20:04:27] <rue_shop3> cocked over 90 degrees with support might be workable to
[20:04:28] <orlock> and know not to do that again
[20:04:30] <z64555> give it a rest. lol
[20:04:39] <rue_shop3> orlock, you cant, the edges are square
[20:05:20] <z64555> so make some filler for the top rim and cold-work it off
[20:05:23] <rue_shop3> yea, I said, unprintable
[20:05:28] <orlock> yeah i dont see the problem - just enable supports
[20:05:40] <rue_shop3> supports inlock the pulley
[20:05:48] <rue_shop3> tried it first
[20:06:26] <z64555> you know what would be neat
[20:06:44] <z64555> If you had the work surface a rotating cylinder instead of a table
[20:07:48] <orlock> i'm not sure what you mean by inlock - they should just pill away
[20:07:53] <orlock> pull away
[20:08:33] <rue_shop3> no, cause it complletely surrounds the pulley
[20:08:43] <rue_shop3> inlocked
[20:09:39] <rue_shop3> so far I been making these on my lathe from HDPE, which I might continue to do, I thought this would be fun
[20:09:54] <rue_shop3> so far no joy on getting an STM32 mircocontroller working
[20:10:08] <rue_shop3> I think ARM hates me, just like RF does
[20:10:33] <orlock> rue_shop3: yeah, thats kinda to be expected as it will think that the whole outside needs support
[20:10:38] <orlock> but it should still just pull away
[20:10:53] <rue_shop3> along which axis?
[20:11:04] <rue_shop3> cause it goes all the way around
[20:11:12] <rue_shop3> and in between
[20:13:21] <rue_shop3> on edge is working pretty good right now
[20:25:33] <Tom_itx> 119 mm tall rue_shop3
[20:31:13] <rue_shop3> yea, just over what my current machines can do
[20:31:24] <rue_shop3> I think the new one could do it, its not finished yet tho
[20:33:05] <Tom_itx> i'll remodel it in catia
[20:33:09] <Tom_itx> later on
[20:43:40] <rue_shop3> k
[20:44:01] <Tom_itx> i could just make the 2 U side rails with holes
[20:44:08] <rue_shop3> tho if the drive runs hot, pla will probably droop
[20:44:08] <Tom_itx> that would be ok with me
[20:44:27] <Tom_itx> ssd
[20:49:45] <rue_shop3> ok
[20:50:05] <orlock> Render finished, 1 hour 25 minutes
[20:56:05] <rue_shop3> I avoid csg in openscad, I extrude dxf's whereever I can, speeds things WAY up
[20:58:51] <rue_shop3> ok, colour sensor
[20:59:35] <rue_shop3> I'm gonna just stream data, RxxxxGxxxxBxxxx
[21:46:03] <Tom_itx> rue_shop3,
[21:49:12] <Tom_itx> http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81/~webpage/rue/HDD_Mount.jpg
[21:49:14] <Tom_itx> better?
[21:50:29] <rue_shop3> yea, that doable
[21:50:39] <Tom_itx> i'm adding some fillets
[21:50:44] <rue_shop3> k
[22:02:17] <Tom_itx> refresh
[22:03:39] <Tom_itx> http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81/~webpage/rue/HDD_Mount.stl
[22:07:25] <Tom_itx> i should make a couple holes a bit smaller.. hang on
[22:10:49] <Tom_itx> ok, i made the outter mounting holes smaller so they can be threaded