#robotics | Logs for 2016-07-30

[01:35:53] <Anniepoo_> evening all
[01:46:34] <Jak_o_Shadows> yo
[01:46:45] <z64555> huh, I had a spec of dirt on my monitor
[01:46:53] <z64555> "Who the heck is Anniepop_"
[15:35:11] <Anniepoo_> hi z
[19:58:54] <anonnumberanon> I did not get the job making actuators :(
[19:59:38] <anonnumberanon> "Your qulifications and interests align with the position but we won't be bringing in a dedicated EE just yet."
[20:16:21] <Snert_> "Your application to occupy 8 hours of my waking life everyday for a mere pittance has been rejected"
[20:22:07] <Snert_> never know, it might be a silver lining in this too.
[20:38:21] <anonnumberanon> They could have grabbed me for cheap too lol.
[20:38:41] <anonnumberanon> I don't think there could have been an offer I would have said no to.
[22:28:22] <z64555> "dedicated EE just yet" that tells me they think you're too expensive
[23:09:01] <anonnumberanon> But that would be a pretty limited way of thinking, coming from engineers. I think they just be shy. I would have replaced the CEO's embedded programming job. Lots of interrupts. Code has almost no doc.
[23:22:38] <z64555> jeez.
[23:23:48] <z64555> why is it so difficult to write down what your function is doing
[23:25:06] <z64555> Hell, I usually just make the doc before I make the function, so at least I have an idea what I started working on
[23:25:31] <anonnumberanon> yeah that's how i work too
[23:25:56] <anonnumberanon> but maybe really fast programmers just think onlly in term of code
[23:26:09] <z64555> and then sometimes when I'm doing the implementaion, I write out sudo-code as comments, then fill in the function below them
[23:27:11] <anonnumberanon> i write what the program will do and then i translate that into pseudo code and i then translate the pseudo code into functional code
[23:28:42] <z64555> speaking of which, I need to research libclang and see how I can use it. I'm making a source code tool that'll organize the .cpp and .h files
[23:30:02] <z64555> in .h, I organize the functions logically, and in the .c/.cpp I organize them alphabetically. the .h contains the API documentation and the .cpp contains some documentation on sections that need it
[23:31:01] <z64555> the theory being that it would be easier for people to search through a file for whatever function they need, or to look to see how a function works/repair it if it's organized like this
[23:34:08] <Wetmelon> z64555: Basically javadoc for .c/.h?
[23:35:59] <anonnumberanon> z64555, meh just focus on solving hard problems with C you're not a code ape
[23:36:21] <anonnumberanon> no offense to code apes
[23:36:32] <z64555> no relation to grape ape
[23:37:27] <z64555> Wetmelon: no, I'm not making a documentation program, just an organizer
[23:39:47] <z64555> I may put in some doxygen boilerplate for the organizer, so I won't have to type in a whole bunch of /** */
[23:40:27] <z64555> argh I'm so exhausted. I've been helping my dad with some yard work all of yesterday and today
[23:40:44] <z64555> and yes, I have a nice burn going
[23:57:03] <Wetmelon> I'm not sure I understand the difference but ok