#robotics | Logs for 2016-07-29

[10:17:07] <Snert_> Busy box found incorporated into yet another commercial product.
[10:17:25] <Snert_> my axis security camera uses busybox.
[10:17:25] <deshipu> nihil novi sub sole
[10:17:47] <Snert_> I'm surprised how often I find that.
[10:18:10] <deshipu> I think it's in the init by default in most kernels
[10:40:53] <Snert_> it may be totally legal, but I still think doing so rips off the os world.
[10:41:26] <Snert_> Axis should contribute some $ to the involved projects at least.
[10:41:47] <deshipu> meh
[10:41:59] <deshipu> the world as a whole is better off
[10:42:29] <SpeedEvil> It is not legal unless some conditions are fulfilld.
[10:42:45] <SpeedEvil> Does the camera come with a GPL offer, for example?
[10:43:38] <SpeedEvil> Or rather - the seller of the camera is violating the GPL and thence has no right under copyright law to distribute the software.
[10:43:40] <SpeedEvil> if it does not
[10:44:27] <Snert_> it's Axis. I saw the obligatory blurb.
[10:46:27] <Snert_> the cool thing is it has digital inputs. So a dweeno should be able to trigger certain events and things.
[11:38:31] <veverak> deshipu: http://squirrel.veverak.org/laptop/tote/Screenshot%20from%202016-07-29%2018-10-29.png
[11:38:34] <veverak> my tote in simulator
[11:38:36] <veverak> FINALLY
[11:38:38] <veverak> :)
[13:33:12] <deshipu> very red
[13:33:46] <deshipu> so, why are you not using Gazebo again?
[13:53:59] <veverak> deshipu: doesn't compile
[13:54:14] <veverak> but at this stage it's just about using .urdf file in it
[22:24:13] <Wetmelon> SpeedEvil: Are you a robot guy too? You seem to do a little of everything :P