#robotics | Logs for 2016-07-25

[00:51:02] <rue_bed> I need to work out how to make my internet connection make $3/day
[00:51:25] <rue_bed> can a regular computer make that bitcoin mining?
[00:56:08] <z64555> http://imgur.com/gallery/8pWFo
[00:56:33] <z64555> regular computer? probably not fast enough to beat the specialists
[00:56:41] <joga> nah it's hopeless
[00:57:16] <joga> you'll perhaps get $0.0000000000002/day
[00:57:17] <z64555> oh dangit, saw the dumb "bonus" image too late
[00:57:28] <z64555> still. The farm bot is an interesting idea
[00:58:32] <anonnumberanon> yeah it's nice z64555
[00:58:36] <joga> I think just a few moments ago the yield was essentially cut into one third, so you need a lot of specialized gear for the mining alone and preferably free electricity
[00:59:18] <joga> and using common gpus for it has been useless for years already
[01:58:35] <Snert> it only starts at 1 terahash.
[01:58:43] <Snert> anything less and forget it.
[02:36:15] <hitchDiddy> i was wondering if you could build a small self balancing robot with two FS5106R servos. what do you think?
[02:45:08] <deshipu> may be a bit slow
[02:45:56] <deshipu> 1 rps
[03:27:04] <hitchDiddy> deshipu: it is quite powerfull, maybe I can compensate this with bigger wheels... thanks
[08:08:07] <SpeedEvil> Or just gut a hoverboard
[08:37:40] <hitchDiddy> SpeedEvil: Amazon link?
[08:37:59] <SpeedEvil> what?
[08:38:17] <hitchDiddy> Of the hoverboard
[08:38:22] <SpeedEvil> Literally any
[10:36:37] <z64555> balanceboard
[10:39:16] * SpeedEvil sighs.
[10:39:26] <SpeedEvil> I have a design for a proper hoverboard, but lack the funding.
[10:39:58] <SpeedEvil> Also, it may be prohibitively noisy
[10:41:41] <SpeedEvil> - 150kW of fans rotating at 70000RPM will do that.
[10:44:07] <z64555> ion cushion would be quieter, but probably not feasible
[10:45:32] <SpeedEvil> On the plus side - it can ascend to 5km or so on a charge.
[10:45:43] <SpeedEvil> On the minus side, not and descend in a controlled manner.
[10:45:50] <deshipu> just use solid fuel rockets ;)
[10:46:02] <z64555> yeah. no.
[10:47:52] <deshipu> project orion?
[10:49:31] <z64555> -_-
[11:19:59] <theBear> 150kW, 70krpm !?!?! at least tell me those are silly rc-kW's and not actual 1000-watts-power * X ratings ?
[11:22:27] <theBear> speaking of k's, been a long time since i abused or even enjoyed any horsey tranquilizers, and WAY longer than that even since i insufflated them as part of a process not involving any medical professionals and excessively fancy plumbing/pumping setups to achieve it... silly sampled english voice, putting ideas in my head... i wonder if i know any vets these days
[11:25:22] <z64555> wat
[11:27:33] <theBear> what speedevil said with the big numbers
[12:05:16] <SpeedEvil> theBear: no - an array of 100 or so RC fans, with ~20kg of lithium batteries discharged in 2-5 mins
[12:06:22] <theBear> holy balls ! i'm not sure i even seen that much wind, not man-made anyway :)
[12:06:45] <theBear> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PL23meWoB9k heh, have some parody >= original
[22:03:22] <anniepoo> 8cD After a day of enjoying industrial chemicals while wearing a respirator, I'm waiting for the shop to cool off before an evening of standing in front of a rapidly spinning machine and pouring oil on it.
[22:49:41] <ace4016> what are you doing with chemicals that need a respirator
[22:52:24] <Tom_itx> trying to poison himself