#robotics | Logs for 2016-07-13

[05:34:47] <Jak_o_Shadows> "Mathematicians. If you let them use the concept of infinity, there’s almost nothing they won’t be able to prove."
[05:36:24] <deshipu> that's so untrue
[05:37:10] <deshipu> in fact, most of the greatest unproven problems in mathematics are directly related to infinity
[05:37:42] <deshipu> maybe because if you only have finite number of cases, you can prove or disprove by just checking them all
[05:41:34] <Jak_o_Shadows> eh, sorta.
[10:50:54] <z64555> ahah. that's where I saw it
[10:51:02] <z64555> the tubing should be in my tool bag
[10:53:30] <z64555> heh, no wonder I couldn't find the bag
[10:53:47] <z64555> All the tubing had escaped, and I must have trashed the bag at some point
[10:53:54] <z64555> Tubing was still in the tool bag, thankfully
[10:59:00] * z64555 flips on the iron
[12:01:23] <z64555> hm. helps to put the tubing on before making the joint
[12:10:53] <deshipu> yup
[12:11:12] <z64555> also helps if the joint you're making isn't an ungodly blob
[12:11:12] <deshipu> but not too close, or you will get premature shrinkage
[12:11:18] <z64555> sheesh. dunno how this happened
[16:06:56] <Loshki> deshipu: "In any problem, if you find yourself doing an infinite amount of work, the answer may be obtained readily by inspection." -- Stefan
[16:09:25] <Snert_> simple troubleshooting using your 5 common senses. yes.
[21:46:18] <anonnumberanon> lost my job
[21:46:33] <anonnumberanon> things will be bad for a while
[21:46:36] <anonnumberanon> again...
[22:15:07] <z64555> wtf happened
[22:15:47] <anonnumberanon> sigh...they claim I don't have the software background as an elec eng..
[22:17:56] <z64555> uh, yeah. Electricals are for hardware. CSEN's are for software
[22:19:21] <anonnumberanon> yeah i tried into the software industry though
[22:20:07] <anonnumberanon> apparently wasnt good enough
[22:23:49] <Tom_itx> how long had you worked there before they decided this?
[22:23:56] <z64555> Software design has come a long way since flipping bits and setting fuses
[22:24:44] <anonnumberanon> It has been almost 2 months.
[22:31:30] <anonnumberanon> I learned 1/3rd of the Ada language for them too.
[22:33:33] <z64555> i been haxed!
[22:33:37] <z64555> (no not really)
[22:34:42] <z64555> anonnumberanon: try not to let it eat at you
[22:36:29] <z64555> If it's any consolodation, I burned myself several times today trying to solder on the ESC's to the power rings
[22:37:13] <z64555> and possibly ruined an iron tip
[22:40:16] <anonnumberanon> Well..pain is gain.
[22:40:36] <anonnumberanon> So now all thats left is power and a signal..
[22:41:06] <z64555> Yeah, need to figure out how I'm going to attach the pigtail for the battery onto the ring
[22:41:34] <z64555> maybe get a paper clip or something to hold the wires together
[22:42:04] <anonnumberanon> i dont knw. ring should have same connector as the battery
[22:42:24] <anonnumberanon> (you make it the same)
[22:42:35] <z64555> well. yeah. but right now there's no leads to solder onto
[22:43:04] <anonnumberanon> battery has no leads? are u drunk?
[22:43:14] <z64555> no no. the ring doesn't have the leads
[22:43:18] <z64555> battery does
[22:43:33] <anonnumberanon> oh. order connectors
[22:43:39] <z64555> have them already
[22:43:49] <anonnumberanon> the thin gold ones
[22:44:15] <anonnumberanon> wait which ones do u have?
[22:44:18] <z64555> m8 I got it all set up, I just have to solder
[22:45:31] <anonnumberanon> just heal your fingers atiently, youll get back out there
[22:45:42] <z64555> lol
[22:48:48] <z64555> the rings do fit quite nicely though. Almost as if it were planned
[22:52:57] <anonnumberanon> yeah its good when this happens and you didnt have to engineer it
[22:54:18] <z64555> yup
[23:18:05] <z64555> yay, transmitter is on the way!
[23:20:47] <anonnumberanon> nice