#robotics | Logs for 2016-07-09

[01:45:01] <Jak_o_Shadows> eyyy, my logic analyaer is working
[01:47:13] <mrdata> nice
[02:11:58] <Jak_o_Shadows> maybe those 100K pull ups are too big for a i2c bus here
[02:16:45] <mrdata> well, a 100K pull up will require 10x the time of a 10k pull up
[02:18:29] <Jak_o_Shadows> correct me if I'm wron, but without the pull ups, it should always be low right?
[02:19:03] <deshipu> no
[02:19:34] <deshipu> without pull ups it will float
[02:21:50] <mrdata> you probably dont want floating inputs
[02:22:09] <Jak_o_Shadows> those two pins are staying at a pretty constant 3.14 V
[02:22:17] <Jak_o_Shadows> that doesan't quite seem like floating to me
[02:22:41] <mrdata> something else is bringing them up?
[02:22:55] <Jak_o_Shadows> It might have internal pull-ups - not sure
[02:23:05] <mrdata> lots of things do
[02:23:54] <mrdata> i do recall a stm32 with "weak" ie: 100k internal pullups
[02:24:32] <Jak_o_Shadows> nah, this is a msp 430
[02:24:45] * mrdata shrugs
[02:25:18] <Jak_o_Shadows> Bloody stupid libraries written by bloody ...fd
[02:25:19] <Jak_o_Shadows> safdasf
[02:26:43] <deshipu> deal with it
[02:52:07] <theBear> hmmm, what happened to rif today.. if i don't get to help with his work, i don't see how i gonna earn free beers :)
[02:52:20] <theBear> yeah, i said earn and free, deal with it !
[02:55:18] <z64555> free beer for the free bear. sounds catchy
[03:01:53] <mrdata> can you pay the fee of free beer for the bear?
[03:02:02] * mrdata agrees; catchy
[03:03:06] <theBear> i'm a crippled pensioner, i can't pay for much at all when it comes down to it
[03:03:28] <theBear> but rif is a big fat country away these days, so there is little risk of seeing any monies :)
[10:38:24] * z64555 thinks about buck mode power converters again
[10:38:47] * ace4016 bucks z64555's power
[10:38:55] <z64555> oy
[10:41:04] <rue_house> MOTHER OF ALL LIGHTNING STORMS!!!
[10:41:09] <rue_house> 2:53am
[10:44:25] <z64555> Quick! Let Ben Franklin know!
[10:44:27] <z64555> oh wait
[11:15:56] <Snert> I wonder if Ben got shocked during that little escapade
[11:22:11] <deshipu> considering how little is actually true of the "official" american history, I wouldn't be very surprised if that never happened
[11:27:15] <Snert> I always questioned juice traveling down string. Though I'm sure that can happen.
[11:28:40] <rue_house> http://www.aliexpress.com/item/Free-shipping-bga-reballing-tool-Vacuum-suction-pen-FFQ939-bga-sucker-made-in-China/32267999811.html
[11:28:43] <rue_house> see how that goes
[11:31:29] <rue_house> well, I wonder if the lightning hit the post office again,
[11:31:50] <rue_house> 3 weeks ago a 'close' strike burned up 2 peices on it, took me ages to work out
[11:52:30] <z64555> Some theories say that any charge on the key would have been nothing but static
[11:52:55] <z64555> since, if the kite actually got struck by lightning he would've been dead
[13:12:23] <rue_shop3> The non-switching power supply on the shop network switch *just* failed
[13:12:30] <rue_shop3> dead as a doornail
[13:14:06] <z64555> no bueno
[13:16:04] <rue_shop3> thermal fuse on the primary went
[13:16:39] <z64555> thermal fuse? thats a new term for me
[13:17:04] <z64555> is that similar to power breakers?
[13:17:32] <z64555> bi-metalic strip that expands due to heat, after a certain amount of expansion it breaks the circuit?
[13:18:05] <z64555> oh that reminds me, I should check the voltage and current requirements of the R/C receiver
[13:19:10] <rue_shop3> 115c
[13:19:31] <rue_shop3> its a fuse put in the transformer that burns out if it gets too hot
[13:20:40] <z64555> ah
[13:21:26] <z64555> I think I've seen one of those before. Cylindrical looking thing with something that looks like cloth on the ouside?
[13:21:56] <rue_shop3> this one is rectangular and plastic, but the same deal
[13:25:50] <z64555> neat
[13:27:27] <rue_shop3> it must have been overloaded, ran the network switch
[13:27:33] <rue_shop3> I put a 1.5A switching supply on it
[13:41:43] <z64555> hopefully that works out
[13:41:51] <z64555> **looks for his wire strippers
[13:58:09] <z64555> hm, what's a good way of removing carbon from metal?
[13:58:17] <z64555> soap, perhaps?
[14:01:04] <rue_shop3> heating it up, till it reacts with the oxygen in the air to form co2
[14:01:06] <rue_shop3> :)
[14:01:28] <z64555> eh, already tried that.
[14:01:34] <z64555> it just got more soot. lol
[14:02:08] <rue_shop3> did you try a paintbrush?
[14:02:56] <rue_shop3> or use a layer of paint to bind it all togethor, and peel it off
[14:03:02] <z64555> difficult to use any paintbrush on a wire the thickness of a human hair
[14:03:10] <z64555> sorry, I forgot to mention that
[14:03:26] <rue_shop3> oh, steel wool
[14:04:04] <rue_shop3> you can also seperate it from the copper with solder flux
[14:04:26] <rue_shop3> which usually is easy to get from rosin core solder
[14:15:48] <z64555> there we go, steel wool did the trick. Ripped off a tuft from a soap pad
[14:17:11] <z64555> 1 down, 7 to go.
[14:17:25] <z64555> ...hm. I should look for my heat shrink
[14:24:22] <z64555> meh. next best thing: vinyl tape
[15:50:10] <z64555> it worked!
[15:51:02] <z64555> now I don't have to buy new heaphones for awhile
[17:49:58] <z64555> jeez, this room of mine is still hot
[18:05:53] <z64555> hm, wonder if I should buy a FPV camera while I'm getting the transmitter
[18:38:34] <z64555> interestingly, the video transmitters on the market use TV frequencies
[23:50:24] <anonnumberanon> sup