#robotics | Logs for 2016-07-07

[00:14:02] <rue_shop3> I can recite, I cant do complex thinking
[00:14:33] <mrdata> Ubuntivity, idk
[00:14:47] <mrdata> perhaps not
[00:15:32] <Ubuntivity> mrdata: is there a standard similar to NEMA that defines a motor torque and angle of rotation per step?
[00:15:46] <mrdata> Ubuntivity, well. "NEMA 17 1.8 degree 200 steps-per-revolution four-phase unipolar permanent-magnet stepper-motor" according to google
[00:15:47] <rue_shop3> no
[00:17:34] <mrdata> hmm... http://motion.schneider-electric.com/downloads/datasheets/17_mtr.pdf
[00:18:06] <mrdata> i think i'm just finding specs for individual motors
[00:18:20] <mrdata> what does NEMA 17 require?
[00:19:44] <mrdata> http://reprap.org/wiki/NEMA_17_Stepper_motor
[00:20:37] <mrdata> all these motors have 1.8 degrees per step
[00:26:01] <mrdata> Ubuntivity, however the torque is not the same
[00:26:16] <anniepoo> aaaaagh
[00:27:12] <anniepoo> 8cP just finished two weeks of trying to make something. It's in my hand
[00:28:59] <Ubuntivity> thanks mrdata
[00:37:47] <z64555> rue_shop3: It's possible to go to sleep, very high levels of caffine can act as a sedative instead of a stimulant
[00:43:51] <rue_house> how the hell do I stay AWAKE
[00:44:01] <z64555> sleep for 20 minutes
[00:44:05] * anniepoo hands rue_house an eye patch and Napolean hat
[01:34:52] <mrdata> why do you want to remain awake? are you nursing a concussion??
[01:41:31] <mrdata> got an appointment in the morning?
[01:42:03] <mrdata> geeking on a project?
[01:42:43] <mrdata> a number of foods will promote alertness
[01:43:09] <mrdata> a boiled egg has some taurine in it
[01:43:26] <mrdata> vitamin B 12 i hear helps
[09:06:08] <rue_house> I want to be awake because I need time for me, I dont want to live if I'm only awake while at work and SLEEP THE REST OF MY LIFE
[09:06:42] <rue_house> its funny, the energy drink had a load of taurine in it, and right after it I had an egg salad
[09:06:55] <rue_house> and I was still fighting to keep my eyes open
[09:09:08] <deshipu> sleep is the best possible use of free time
[09:10:17] <rue_house> no
[09:10:47] <rue_house> I need to turn myself into a robot, there is a lot of work to do, sleeping is lost time
[09:11:27] <deshipu> rue_house: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s8mEPTH0VCY
[09:11:33] <robotustra> if you will not sleep your brain will stop to think
[09:16:41] <rue_house> I want to limit sleep to 8 hours
[09:17:00] <rue_house> from 16
[09:17:47] <deshipu> cure depression, that should help
[09:18:09] <rue_house> depression?
[09:18:17] <rue_house> dont think I'm depressed
[09:18:27] <deshipu> one of the most common causes of long sleeping times
[09:18:31] <rue_house> tho, I been living alone and I know that makes people crazy
[09:19:04] <rue_house> huh
[09:19:08] <deshipu> won't hurt to have yourself checked, it's also one of the most underdiagnosed conditions
[09:19:50] <deshipu> and it affects quality of life very badly
[09:20:34] <robotustra> 16 hours - it's ok for cats
[09:20:52] <rue_house> yea well I have a lifespan and things to get done
[09:21:04] <robotustra> I always knew that something wrong with you
[09:21:16] <robotustra> YOU ARE A CAT!
[09:21:16] <rue_house> even on a good day there is
[09:21:24] <rue_house> hah
[09:21:57] <deshipu> it's treatable
[09:22:28] <rue_house> yea, without drugs if your smart
[09:22:56] <deshipu> depends on how deep you are in it
[09:24:05] <deshipu> it can also be a number of other things
[09:24:24] <deshipu> narcolepsy, auto-brewery syndrome, food allergy
[09:25:04] <rue_house> lack of sexlife, lack of company, lack of anyone who knows what any of the things I say mean...
[09:25:06] <deshipu> so consult a specialist
[09:25:19] <deshipu> rue_house: nah, those don't cause sleep
[09:25:25] <rue_house> hah
[09:25:50] <deshipu> but they may be symptoms of your condition
[09:25:54] <rue_house> I been wondering if I was depressed
[09:26:16] <deshipu> if it's for a long time, you might not even know the difference anymore
[09:26:25] <rue_house> yea I know
[09:26:50] <rue_house> like I say, I know living alone has side effects
[09:27:12] <rue_house> I didn't re-rent the room
[09:27:19] <rue_house> but I know I should
[09:27:34] <veverak> just get yourself checked to doctor
[09:28:02] <rue_house> or a few
[09:28:45] <rue_house> our doctors here specialize in listening to the weekends pet stories that little old ladies tell
[09:28:59] <deshipu> not meeting people does make you more susceptible to all sorts of mental irregularities, but is not necessarily the cause
[09:29:30] <deshipu> rue_house: then come to Poland and have yourself checked here
[09:32:38] <veverak> rue_house: or czech republic
[09:32:40] <veverak> :)
[09:32:48] <veverak> if it won't kill you it can make you only stronger
[09:32:49] <veverak> :)
[09:33:02] <rue_house> with fet technology today shouldn't there be a L9110 chip thats capable of like 20A?
[09:36:11] <rue_house> there is no compliment for the irfz44 is there?
[09:36:31] <rue_house> prolly be irfz9544?
[10:23:39] <z64555> 54 mentioned
[10:23:47] <z64555> oh, nevermind
[14:41:09] <veverak> fu me
[14:41:18] <veverak> got little 1m high towers with RGB leds on them
[14:41:20] <veverak> ~50 each
[14:41:41] <veverak> startup phsae when it goes from 0 brigthness, to 50% of white on all diodes
[14:41:55] <veverak> and code for poweroff (goes to 0 on all diodes)
[14:41:58] <veverak> 60 lines
[14:42:01] <veverak> nah
[14:42:03] <veverak> not overkilling, not even bit
[14:42:22] <veverak> but, numpy.interp is trully my favourite thing
[14:42:23] <veverak> :)
[14:42:52] <veverak> (that 60 lines is only the effect, not stuff around it)
[18:41:06] <nicklee> Terminology question: What would you call an adapter you attach to a motor shaft that allows you to attach the motor to other things-- say a turntable?
[18:41:55] <Snert_> shaft adapter. Shaft extender.
[18:42:05] <Snert_> shaft coupler
[18:42:23] <Snert_> all depending on what you're attaching to on both ends
[18:43:13] <nicklee> I'm looking for something similar to an X-shaped servo horn, but larger
[18:44:06] <nicklee> that I can attach to, say, a wooden disk with screws
[18:44:21] <Snert_> there are sch things are heavy duty servo arms and long reach servo arms
[18:44:49] <Snert_> you could attach a normal servo X arm to a larger X arm.
[18:45:30] <nicklee> hmm, that's a thought
[18:45:59] <nicklee> my ultimate goal, for context, is to attach a DC motor to a full-size car's steering wheel to steer it remotely
[18:47:24] <Snert_> might do that with a kiddee pedal car first, to get the geometry and steering all correct.
[18:47:39] <nicklee> Snert_: do you have a vendor you like for this stuff?
[18:48:02] <Snert_> No, I've just seen large servo arms before. Hobbyking.
[18:48:51] <Snert_> Servo arms that go on servos that are used in giant scale rc models.
[18:49:27] <Snert_> they may bot be big enuff, but they're alot bigger than teenytiny servo arms.
[18:49:55] <nicklee> yeah, could likely attach them to something bigger
[18:50:00] <nicklee> let me have a look around
[18:50:23] <Snert_> right, but the larger arms give you much more of a surface to attach to the larger thing with
[18:51:18] <nicklee> yeah. less fragile too since most of them seem to be made from aluminum rather than plastic
[18:54:29] <Snert_> I you actually want to control a car steering wheel you might need more than a servo.
[18:55:14] <rue_house> more than a hobby servo
[18:55:17] <rue_house> make a servo
[18:56:59] <robotustra> look muthbusters
[18:57:12] <robotustra> they have servos to drive cars
[18:57:25] <robotustra> and they call it servo
[18:58:01] <rue_house> yea, its not an off-the-shelf hobby servo
[18:58:35] <robotustra> it's something stronger, like pneumatic
[18:59:16] <rue_house> iirc they had a converter box that let them plug in a sensor and large motor and operate it with the remote
[19:00:40] <nicklee> Snert_: Not planning on using a server-- probably a much more powerful motor with a potentiometer or rotary encoder on the back
[19:00:43] <nicklee> *servo
[19:01:08] <rue_house> so, not a hobby servo
[19:01:15] <nicklee> rue_house: yeah, what you said
[19:01:26] <rue_house> funny enough, the controller chip is generic
[19:01:32] <rue_house> and could operate any motor
[19:02:09] <nicklee> not too worried about driving the motor/writing the software to control it, but I'm out of my depth when it comes to the mechanical attributes like mounting the motor and connecting it to things
[19:02:23] <rue_house> it can directly drive motors in SG90 servos, they use a small driver in standard sized servos, but you can hook it to a full size motor driver
[19:02:38] <rue_house> is it for a darpa challange?
[19:03:09] <nicklee> rue_house: nope, just a hobby project
[19:03:20] <rue_house> .. with a car
[19:03:34] <nicklee> It's a long story
[19:03:51] <rue_house> I'm guessing so
[19:04:16] <Tom_itx> rue_house has a few fairly large builds as well :D
[19:04:21] <nicklee> Professionally, I'm a software engineer but I've been getting into EE/robotics on the side.
[19:04:27] <rue_house> can I get a cut for keeping the bank robbery under wraps after you guys pull it off?
[19:04:31] <nicklee> heh
[19:04:35] <nicklee> remote bank robbery
[19:04:38] <nicklee> that's a good idea
[19:04:59] <Tom_itx> why bother, nowdays just do it electronically
[19:05:01] <rue_house> "put the money in the trunk"
[19:05:18] <rue_house> "or squishy squishy"
[19:05:58] <Snert_> get a patsy to do a real robbery, same time do a much bigger electronic robbery
[19:06:24] <Snert_> so the patsy draws attention away from the firewall breach
[19:07:21] <nicklee> Basically need something like this: http://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/1vUAAOSw7NNUKV~F/s-l1600.jpg
[19:07:32] <rue_house> "GIVE ME ONE CENT, A __MILLION__ TIMES!!! AHAHHAHAHAHA.... wait... no, more..."
[19:08:18] <Snert_> sounds like Bill Gates.
[19:08:33] <rue_house> http://www.aliexpress.com/item/50PCS-10P03-10P05-10P06/32459299878.html
[19:08:41] <rue_house> what do you think I'll get if I buy this?
[19:08:50] <mrdata> nicklee, "something" like that?
[19:09:11] <mrdata> nicklee, with a better specification, you could have them made for you
[19:09:22] <rue_house> what happens if I go to bed right after having an energy drink
[19:09:22] <nicklee> mrdata: yeah, a coupler like that, but the size I need.
[19:09:31] <rue_house> wait, maybe I shouldn't have aseked that
[19:09:45] <nicklee> mrdata: that's a thought, certainly, but unsure how interested a fab shop is going to be in making just one
[19:10:01] <rue_house> I can make one
[19:10:09] <rue_house> it'll only cost $80 to ship out of canada
[19:10:17] <rue_house> but I'll make it for just $5 for you
[19:10:39] <rue_house> shipping will only take 5 weeks, 3 weeks of that will be cause of the postal strike/whatever
[19:10:55] <mrdata> sounds great
[19:10:56] <rue_house> if you start walking now, you could have it sooner
[19:11:11] <nicklee> Can't dreamy mc dreamboat end the postal strike?
[19:11:12] <mrdata> at http://site3.ca/ we have a CNC milling machine
[19:11:39] <mrdata> though, this is a round part so may be made with the lathe
[19:11:41] <rue_house> so do I, but _I_ dont ahve any CAM softare
[19:11:54] <Tom_itx> you should have
[19:12:16] <rue_house> oh its a laser cutter head
[19:12:23] * rue_house untwists his head
[19:12:35] <nicklee> Is that the way this sort of thing usually goes? Custom fabricated vs. off-the-shelf?
[19:13:14] <rue_house> is LGBTQ an acronym for the kinda thing it sounds like?
[19:13:35] <rue_house> somethng for guys to stay clear of?
[19:13:55] <nicklee> not gay guys, I guess
[19:14:00] <rue_house> ok, I have finished consuming the energy drink, so, can I stay awake?
[19:14:11] <nicklee> looks like the correct term for what I need is "drive flange"
[19:14:20] <mrdata> rue_house, aqre you weaning yourself off of sleep?
[19:14:34] <mrdata> after 48 hrs of no sleep, i get hallucinations
[19:14:49] <nicklee> or "axle hub"
[19:14:56] <rue_house> I'm trying to limit sleep to 8 hours/24 hours
[19:15:26] <rue_house> its trying to dial me down to 16 hrs/24 hrs
[19:15:36] <rue_house> er up
[19:15:44] <rue_house> up, down, whatever
[19:16:30] <rue_house> for $6.30, I get 50 of soemnthing that can take 10A and from 30 to 60V
[19:16:42] <rue_house> (in P channel fet)
[19:16:44] <mrdata> melatonin helped me with that
[19:16:53] <mrdata> it puts me to sleep on a schedule
[19:16:58] <rue_house> I'm running a 2A motor
[19:17:19] <mrdata> otherwise my biorhythm presses forwqrd 1 to 2 hrs / day
[19:17:46] <rue_house> I dont want to sleep for 16 hours a day
[19:18:06] <rue_house> 23 hours on weekends
[19:19:21] <Tom_itx> those energy drinks aren't helping that
[19:19:33] <rue_house> I'v never done one before
[19:19:43] <rue_house> I'm trying it for 3 or 4 days
[19:19:46] <mrdata> so the melatonin helps me get to sleep, then bright full spectrum lighting helps me stay awake
[19:20:20] <mrdata> the energy drink you have might have taurine in it?
[19:20:21] <rue_house> funny, cool white led light seems to help me relax to sleep
[19:20:27] <rue_house> tones
[19:20:40] <rue_house> this one was a monster 'rehab'
[19:20:53] <Tom_itx> i've taken most of the cool white out of the house now in place of daylight
[19:21:06] <rue_house> Tom_itx, blue?
[19:21:14] <rue_house> or redish?
[19:21:29] <rue_house> / purplish
[19:22:15] <Tom_itx> 5600k? iirc
[19:22:21] <rue_house> http://www.aliexpress.com/item/free-shipping-100-20N03-20N06-25N05-25N06-30N06-40N10-SOT-251/32621128118.html
[19:22:27] <rue_house> again, wtf do I get?
[19:23:00] <mrdata> LED lighting has no UV in it
[19:23:36] <mrdata> it's a false spectrum
[19:23:37] <rue_house> blue and white must, thats how it works
[19:23:43] <rue_house> phosphor
[19:24:08] <mrdata> LEDs are narrow spectrum
[19:24:17] <rue_house> yea
[19:24:36] <mrdata> so i'm talking about using sunlight
[19:24:38] <rue_house> thats why white and blue use the led to charge phoaphor
[19:25:14] <rue_house> UV led -> phosphor -> whatever-the-hell-colour-you-want
[19:26:28] <rue_house> well, my eyes aren't snapping shut
[19:26:39] <rue_house> so there must have been some effect
[19:26:53] <mrdata> ok
[19:31:02] <rue_house> ok, for my 2A H bridge
[19:31:12] <rue_house> http://www.aliexpress.com/item/50PCS-10P03-10P05-10P06/32459299878.html
[19:31:13] <rue_house> and
[19:31:21] <rue_house> http://www.aliexpress.com/item/50PCS-20N03-20N06-25N05-25N06-30N06-40N10-SOT-251/32454369759.html
[19:31:35] <rue_house> cause, I'm pretty sure, that nomatter what they give me, it'll work out
[19:32:15] <rue_house> part of my is still really tired
[19:32:44] <Tom_itx> you'll just crash harder
[19:33:55] <rue_house> as long as I'm crashing at 9:45pm I dont care how hard it is
[19:43:49] <rue_house> logins used to be the bane of the internet, these days, its proving your human
[19:44:47] <rue_house> I have to move the slider so that I can identify text so that it will accept my login and password
[19:45:36] <Snert_> ya. my fprint reader can do away with all that.
[19:46:08] <Snert_> but it will takeawhile until websites and misc. login places support an fprint reader.
[19:46:18] * rue_house cuts off Snert_s finger to validate his webpage logins
[19:46:38] <rue_house> "it dosn't work, it keeps thinking I'm you..."
[19:46:48] <Snert_> they may have their drawbacks. None of which can negate the convienence.
[19:47:09] <rue_house> "Click here to recover your finger"
[19:47:18] <Snert_> lol ya
[19:47:52] <Snert_> I got a forward looking camera. Retina scan...fprint and I'm in.
[19:48:48] <rue_house> wait, we should force you to submit a blood sample too
[19:49:01] <rue_house> AND text your cell phone
[19:49:05] <Snert_> I would fail that.
[19:49:21] <Snert_> I have electrons for blood.
[19:49:53] <Wetmelon> o/
[20:01:46] <rue_house> I ordered some of those, and then realized that rdson is like 0.2 ohms :S
[20:02:22] <rue_house> zippo:/files/temp# ohm -r 0.2 -i 2
[20:02:22] <rue_house> Wattage is: 0.800000
[20:02:22] <rue_house> Current is: 2.000000
[20:02:22] <rue_house> Voltage is: 0.400000
[20:02:22] <rue_house> Resistance is : 0.200000
[20:02:23] <rue_house> You have new mail in /var/mail/root
[20:02:42] <rue_house> 1w...
[20:04:14] <Tom_itx> Resistance is: futile
[20:04:48] <rue_house> not if it causes the transistor to smoke
[20:05:33] <rue_house> I dont want to use to-3 cause its just a 2A driver and I'm trying to keep it small
[20:05:56] <rue_house> the 8 pin H bridge I got are only rated for 0.8A and I dont know if that'll do or not
[20:28:05] <rue_house> hmm 1A bipolar, thats VCE is 8V at 1A
[20:28:13] <rue_house> ... pass
[21:24:10] <nicklee> Has anyone here purchased powerful DC motors lately?
[21:24:54] <nicklee> Looking for a 12V motor that can apply ~10N*m of torque at around 120RPM. Most hobby suppliers don't seem to want to go that high.
[21:26:16] <rue_house> how about a window winder motor drom a auto scrapper
[21:26:47] <nicklee> That's a good idea. I saw some for sale online but they didn't have torque ratings.
[21:26:50] <rue_house> 1L/m, I think one could do that
[21:27:27] <rue_house> 120rpm is 2rps...
[21:27:31] <rue_house> they are a bit slow
[21:28:06] <rue_house> definitly a wheelchair motor is big enough
[21:28:18] <rue_house> get one of the ones for the differential drive chairs
[21:28:26] <nicklee> That's a good idea
[21:28:41] <nicklee> One of my grandmas has a powerchair she doesn't use... I wonder if she'd notice :)
[21:28:51] <rue_house> people will usually sell broken or batteries with shot battires cheap
[21:29:03] <rue_house> not one of the ones with the rear transaxle
[21:29:14] <nicklee> yeah, one with two motors, one for each wheel
[21:29:55] <Tom_itx> wheelchair motors
[21:30:25] <Tom_itx> from powerchair repair place
[21:30:26] <rue_house> elderly are leading the way in small electric vehicles
[21:30:34] <nicklee> lol
[21:30:45] <nicklee> some quick Alibaba chatting is yielding good results as well
[21:30:52] <orlock> nicklee: I'm unsure of the measurements exactly, but cordless drills
[21:30:57] <rue_house> shipping would be too much
[21:31:12] <rue_house> 1L of water on a 1m stick?
[21:31:18] <rue_house> not from any normal drill
[21:31:27] <orlock> oh yeah, when you put it like that...
[21:32:11] <orlock> look ar mr fancy pants nicklee starting with his requirements first
[21:32:25] <orlock> almost like an ENGINEER!
[21:32:41] <nicklee> "SCIENCE!"
[21:33:04] <orlock> eh, we keep the scientists and engineers seperate here most of the time
[21:33:24] <nicklee> not the same thing-- I wish more people understood that
[21:33:38] <nicklee> bill nye is a fraud
[21:34:04] <orlock> we have teams of both
[21:34:21] <orlock> the scientists determine somethings possible in a lab
[21:34:36] <orlock> and then the engineers figure out how to make a robot to take the place of the sicntists
[21:34:39] <orlock> scientists
[21:35:21] <orlock> .. then after the engineers have made a prototype and throw it in the bin, i collect it
[21:37:12] <orlock> nicklee: http://www.danahermotion.com/
[21:37:24] <orlock> but likely not suitable
[21:40:24] <nicklee> looking
[21:45:29] <orlock> nicklee: they are very fancy but very expensive.. but if you have the cash, they will make it
[21:45:52] <rue_shop3> you can get an old chair for $50 easy
[21:45:57] <rue_shop3> if you really try, you can get one free
[21:50:54] <nicklee> orlock: hey, it's a write-off :)