#robotics | Logs for 2016-07-03

[01:52:28] <notadeveloper_> hi
[01:52:36] <notadeveloper_> hi what do you call a top down claw
[01:55:01] <notadeveloper_> i am looking for a team
[01:55:07] <notadeveloper_> anyone?
[01:55:45] <Jak_o_Shadows> like in the game thingys?
[03:21:41] <Jak_o_Shadows> "The Claaaawww"
[05:09:37] <veverak> nah
[05:09:45] <veverak> enough of minecraft for this month
[05:09:54] <veverak> got automatic/semi-automatic half of the house
[05:14:14] <veverak> (second half didn't needed it)
[05:28:55] <deshipu> https://cdn.hackaday.io/images/1249351467539962837.jpg
[05:29:09] <deshipu> I think this font is good enough for now
[05:29:50] <rue_house> oo, kindle?
[05:30:00] <deshipu> no, smaller
[05:30:14] <deshipu> 172x72
[05:30:15] <rue_house> on what controller?
[05:30:19] <deshipu> ssd1606
[05:30:34] <rue_house> which is a type of?
[05:30:55] <deshipu> you know all those ssd1306 oled controllers
[05:31:03] <rue_house> no
[05:31:28] <deshipu> it's similar, only has 2 bits per pixel
[05:31:48] <rue_house> black, white, ?, ?
[05:31:54] <rue_house> or greys?
[05:31:56] <deshipu> greys
[05:31:59] <rue_house> ah
[05:32:13] <deshipu> there are eink displays with black, white, grey and red
[05:32:24] <rue_house> is there a touch surface on it?
[05:32:27] <deshipu> no
[05:32:43] <rue_house> huh
[05:33:00] <rue_house> wonder how they do the red
[05:33:08] <deshipu> one side of the ball is red
[05:33:22] <rue_house> haha, I should look up how they work
[05:33:38] <deshipu> they have tiny balls that rotate with high voltage
[05:33:40] <Jak_o_Shadows> I'd like e-ink displays to be cheap
[05:33:49] <deshipu> yeah, this one is still $20
[05:33:52] <deshipu> but getting there
[05:34:06] <deshipu> they are allegedly cheap to manfucature, just the patents are expensive
[11:52:09] <rue_house> deshipu, how fast does it draw?
[11:54:21] <deshipu> rue_house: slow
[11:54:52] <deshipu> rue_house: you can only refresh the whole screen, the communication is 4-wire spi, and the refresh itself takes about a second
[11:55:05] <rue_house> ah
[11:55:07] <deshipu> and while it refreshes, it cleans and redraws the screen
[11:55:26] <deshipu> so certainly not good for movies
[12:00:01] <rue_house> mmm, no buffered refreshes
[15:15:12] <SpeedEvil> https://gifsound.com/?gifv=7qWU3Px&v=OWFBqiUgspg&s=6 - robotic horse
[15:17:44] <deshipu> movie mechatronics is fun
[15:29:18] <SpeedEvil> http://imgur.com/user/onlyporridge/submitted/best - I wonder if computer vision can work out programatically what the best porridge is
[16:06:37] <SpeedEvil> http://imgur.com/gallery/VGA5j
[16:13:57] <SpeedEvil> - from a 'imagine that mechanised' pov
[16:21:59] <deshipu> you'd need some really strong actuators
[16:22:18] <deshipu> and yes, I know, "that's what she said"
[16:30:07] <veverak> finally
[16:30:10] <veverak> realized how to code something
[16:30:13] <veverak> better go to sleep
[16:30:42] <deshipu> I usually do it with vim
[16:31:28] <veverak> nah, code will be complex
[16:31:37] <veverak> it's just theory based on which it will work
[16:32:18] <deshipu> wouldn't it be better to have the code simple?
[16:32:32] <veverak> it would be, but
[16:32:35] <veverak> define simple
[16:32:41] <veverak> it will be complex system from simple parts
[16:32:43] <veverak> :)
[16:33:27] <deshipu> the problem of defining a measure of complexity/simplicity is actually very interesting
[16:33:45] <veverak> I suppose so
[16:33:49] <deshipu> we know it intuitively, but to define it formally...
[16:34:04] <veverak> but I like to divide something into small simple parts
[16:34:08] <veverak> :)
[16:34:21] <deshipu> and have complex interactions between them
[16:34:25] <veverak> deshipu: anyway, was thinking about "walking planner"
[16:34:39] <veverak> and maybe got something that allows me to go in a way, and turn 30 degrees to left
[16:34:43] <veverak> without stoping
[16:36:20] <veverak> write it down formally, simplify, code, run tests
[16:36:24] <veverak> :))
[16:38:05] <deshipu> veverak: yeah, figuring out where to place each foot is a hard problem
[16:38:27] <veverak> not if you go straight O:)
[16:38:39] <deshipu> even then
[16:38:43] <deshipu> depends on the terrain
[16:38:55] <veverak> yeah
[16:39:01] <deshipu> and initial position of legs
[16:39:15] <deshipu> even figuring out which leg to move next is already hard
[16:41:21] <veverak> deshipu: input: path -> make speed guesses (picks leg timing) during path -> create paths along main path for legs (only center moves trough main path)
[16:41:49] <veverak> obviously now I try to move each lag in specific timing farthest point on it's path
[16:42:06] <veverak> tricky to pick that, because I have to consider "center" of robot moving
[16:42:11] <veverak> nah, that will be solvable
[16:42:35] <robotustra> how to you integrate dynamic equations?
[16:43:10] <veverak> magic?
[16:43:39] <robotustra> no dynamic equations?
[16:43:59] <veverak> goot solution too
[16:45:46] <deshipu> pick values at random and see if the equation is good ;)
[16:46:24] <deshipu> it's O(1) if you destroy the universe every time you pick wrong
[16:46:45] <deshipu> but you have to be careful for equations with no solutions then
[16:48:24] <veverak> deshipu: anyway, for the start i can pick distance to move for center of robot based on speed
[16:48:45] <veverak> legs will than just pick closes point from their path
[16:52:39] <deshipu> veverak: one problem is: if you put that leg there, will you be able to shift your center of gravity enough to move the next leg?
[16:53:53] <veverak> with correct path for each leg and distance it moves, I should
[16:53:57] <veverak> deshipu: if
[16:54:04] <veverak> I will be able to simulate the algorithm
[16:54:20] <veverak> I can launch it on set of random paths + starting points
[16:54:24] <veverak> could bring some results :)
[16:57:17] <deshipu> veverak: you remember https://hackaday.io/project/3229-pengu-q1-quadruped/log/10754-virtual-spring-based-gaitgeneration-v01 ?
[16:59:04] <veverak> interesting :)
[17:00:32] <veverak> deshipu: I suppose I will have similar concept
[17:00:45] <veverak> robot will have desired pos for legs between cycles
[17:01:08] <veverak> and each cycle it will try to reduce any errors in some "max-correct-step"
[17:01:17] <veverak> nah, too far away now, have to put it on paper tomorrow
[17:01:19] <veverak> gn
[23:27:56] * anniepoo is thinking about what to do with 450 gallons of shredded foam rubber