#robotics | Logs for 2016-06-30

[00:54:20] <rue_bed> programming
[03:53:39] <deshipu> noobgramming
[09:10:10] <rue_house> hmm, sounds like canada post is gonna shut down before I get the stm32 controllers, *sigh*
[09:20:24] <deshipu> what can you expect from a post corporation that doesn't even have 150 years
[09:20:44] <deshipu> they come and go like mayflies
[09:20:56] <rue_house> I think what we need is a competing postal corp
[09:21:20] <rue_house> maybe one that can get a package across canada is less than 20 days
[09:21:44] <rue_house> I'v learned it only takes 2 days from china to the border, and dosn't go thru customs
[09:22:17] <robotustra> in montreal there are 4 post companies and canada post is the slowest one
[09:22:27] <robotustra> must die
[09:22:37] <rue_house> nowonder our govt dosn't care
[09:22:41] <deshipu> perhaps you could switch to swiss post
[09:22:50] <rue_house> heh
[09:22:57] <robotustra> canada doesn't care at all
[09:23:18] <robotustra> I got stuff from china in 2-3 weeks
[09:23:34] <rue_house> 22 days av here
[09:23:45] <robotustra> and 1-2 days from amazon.ca
[09:23:47] <rue_house> but like I say, tracking shows hitting the border in 2 days
[09:23:57] <robotustra> exactly
[09:24:08] <deshipu> rue_house: I know! Declare war to China and give up, you will have China Post then!
[09:24:12] <robotustra> I think it's not the post issue - its custom issue
[09:24:26] <rue_house> deshipu, tricket
[09:24:40] <rue_house> no, small packages via canada post dont go thru customs
[09:24:54] <rue_house> canada post is the ONLY one that dosn't ahve to go thru customs
[09:25:21] <robotustra> small packs comes fast usually 1 week about
[09:25:23] <deshipu> it's customary
[09:25:36] <rue_house> if its another carrier and the broker sees your package, you have to pay them $50
[09:25:39] <robotustra> no matter from europ or from china
[09:26:10] <deshipu> sounds convenient for them
[09:26:32] <robotustra> whoever did a current sence with arduino?
[09:26:41] <deshipu> that makes no sence
[09:26:53] <rue_house> I have a current sensor
[09:26:59] <rue_house> +-5A
[09:27:05] <robotustra> i2c?
[09:27:11] <robotustra> or analog?
[09:27:11] <deshipu> sencor
[09:27:16] <rue_house> no, those are horridly noisy
[09:27:23] <rue_house> resistor, amps, and the ADC
[09:27:29] <robotustra> ok
[09:27:58] <rue_house> I have a few of those current sensor chips, the noise is 4x the full scale signal
[09:27:59] <robotustra> is it hall effect sencor?
[09:28:05] <rue_house> resistor
[09:28:15] <rue_house> a 0.1R resistor
[09:28:22] <robotustra> ah, it's not so good
[09:28:49] <rue_house> my circuit works fine, the chips are (to my experience) garbage
[09:29:11] <rue_house> 1 min
[09:29:31] <robotustra> I got something like this http://www.ebay.com/itm/30A-range-Current-Sensor-Module-ACS712-Module-Arduino-module-NEW-/281683074851?hash=item41959e9f23:g:W2IAAOSwBLlVSKtj
[09:30:02] <robotustra> what amplifier do you use?
[09:30:36] <rue_house> https://hackaday.io/project/296-bench-power-supply
[09:31:14] <rue_house> hold on...
[09:31:57] <rue_house> https://hackaday.io/project/296-bench-power-supply/log/11062-current-monitor-working
[09:33:11] <robotustra> I used AD620 for tensosensor - very small noise
[09:33:18] <rue_house> thats a + rail monitor, and it'll read the rail from 0 to 30V or so
[09:33:39] <robotustra> ok
[09:34:12] <rue_house> 1V/A
[09:34:28] <rue_house> ...
[09:35:10] <robotustra> where do you put ADC?
[09:35:11] <rue_house> dosn't work out to a +-5A range...
[09:35:19] <rue_house> see at the bottom
[09:35:26] <rue_house> the resistor?
[09:36:19] <robotustra> it's written 1k :)
[09:36:28] <rue_house> yes
[09:36:51] <rue_house> the circuit above it is a 1mA/A genorator
[09:37:04] <rue_house> the 1k makes it 1V/A
[09:37:25] <rue_house> that way the + rail can move up and down, and the signal still works
[09:37:43] <rue_house> the isolated dc-dc on the top left makes sure there is always votlage overhead to do it
[09:38:38] <rue_house> what are you measureing?
[09:38:52] <robotustra> I'm going to do current and voltage sense for battery
[09:39:00] <robotustra> it's more simple
[09:39:00] <rue_house> I should try typing with my nose and see if I make less mistakes...
[09:39:23] <rue_house> right, you gonna do the current sense on the negitive battery rail then?
[09:40:02] <robotustra> нуы
[09:40:04] <robotustra> yes
[09:40:22] <rue_house> how much current are you measuing? 1A? 10A?
[09:40:27] <robotustra> just put isolated current sensor
[09:40:32] <robotustra> up to 30 A
[09:40:39] <robotustra> but fuse will be 10A
[09:40:41] <rue_house> you could just use a shunt
[09:41:10] <rue_house> 75mv/30A
[09:41:47] <rue_house> http://www.aliexpress.com/item/DC-75mV-30A-Current-Shunt-Resistor-For-Amp-Ammeter-Panel-Meter-FL-2-NEW/32580654153.html
[09:42:05] <robotustra> shunt is not good because I need halvanic separation http://www.ebay.com/itm/30A-range-Current-Sensor-Module-ACS712-Module-Arduino-module-NEW-/281683074851?hash=item41959e9f23:g:W2IAAOSwBLlVSKtj
[09:42:31] <rue_house> serial adc with isolation
[09:42:38] <rue_house> maxim application notes
[09:43:39] <robotustra> I don't need such precision :)
[09:43:40] <rue_house> I wonder
[09:43:48] <rue_house> 75mV
[09:43:53] <rue_house> 10 bit
[09:44:15] <rue_house> 1.25Vref
[09:44:34] <rue_house> 1.25/1023 -->> 0.0012219
[09:44:57] <rue_house> 61 counts full scale
[09:45:03] <rue_house> odd
[09:45:30] <rue_house> I wonder what the chip is on the cheap little meters china is making
[09:45:43] <rue_house> maybe they have an amp
[09:45:50] <rue_house> the tiny26 has an amp
[09:46:01] <rue_house> x20?
[09:46:13] <rue_house> that'd be 1220 counds
[09:46:24] <rue_house> whch is enough for a 3 digit display
[09:46:28] <rue_house> hmmm
[22:00:15] <rue_shop3> ok, so
[22:00:40] <rue_shop3> if I use a tiny26 for capturing 11 adc channels, I can use the mega8 for the other 5, for 16 channels
[22:00:49] <rue_shop3> of adc
[22:01:12] <rue_shop3> then I can use the tlc5934 for generating differential pwm
[22:01:21] <rue_shop3> and use the little 4 pin dip driver I found
[22:01:38] <rue_shop3> I use modifed servo32 firmware that can do current control
[22:02:11] <rue_shop3> and I should be able to drop in a communication manager between two, to get force feedback control of 2 servos
[22:02:34] <rue_shop3> 8 channel controller
[22:26:08] <robotustra> rue_shop3: why do you use garbage for your projects?
[22:27:02] <rue_shop3> its not actually garbage, thats just your upbringing
[22:27:22] <rue_shop3> most of the things I use look and work as good as they did when they were new
[22:27:45] <rue_shop3> and, as lots of the parts I use are from really expensive equipment, it works out as a great deal for me
[22:28:22] <robotustra> i don't have such sources
[22:28:29] <robotustra> have to buy everything
[22:29:55] <robotustra> http://i.imgur.com/I0gKDsp.jpg
[22:31:44] <rue_shop3> australlians...
[22:33:10] <robotustra> who?
[22:35:37] <codepython777> anyone here?
[22:36:02] <robotustra> everyone is here
[22:36:37] <codepython777> does anyone know of a good robotics framework for python?
[22:37:49] <robotustra> https://micropython.org/
[22:38:04] <robotustra> https://www.adafruit.com/product/2390
[22:40:02] <codepython777> robotustra: none of those are robotics frameworks?
[22:42:36] <robotustra> I saw one guy who did
[22:42:54] <robotustra> I forget his nick
[22:43:46] <codepython777> robotustra: what are you working on these days?
[22:44:55] <robotustra> this guy: https://forum.micropython.org/viewtopic.php?t=1189
[22:45:10] <robotustra> JonHylands
[22:45:36] <robotustra> may by MicroPythin is his design
[22:45:52] <robotustra> I'm doing my robot slowly slowly
[22:46:13] <codepython777> https://github.com/JonHylands/roz
[22:46:24] <codepython777> robotustra: what type of robot?
[22:47:05] <robotustra> this kind of robot http://robotustra.ca/my-robot
[22:49:30] <codepython777> which camera are you using?
[22:50:11] <robotustra> simple chinise 640x480 x 30 fps
[22:50:15] <robotustra> YUV
[22:50:30] <codepython777> which one?
[22:51:00] <codepython777> budget?
[22:51:29] <robotustra> for cameras or for full robot?
[22:51:42] <robotustra> camera is 10-15$
[22:51:52] <robotustra> each
[22:55:35] <codepython777> which camera does that 30fps at $15?
[22:56:06] <robotustra> I got it from ebay 2 more years ago
[22:56:13] <robotustra> and dissasembled it
[22:57:15] <robotustra> it gives me 30 fps at good light non compressed frames in YUV if I read it with v4l
[22:58:23] <robotustra> the camera was something like this http://www.ebay.com/itm/50M-6-LED-USB-Webcam-HD-Camera-Webcam-Vedio-with-Microphone-For-Computer-Skype-/111709150247?hash=item1a02625c27:g:ppcAAOSwgQ9VlQK9
[22:58:34] <robotustra> externally
[22:59:59] <robotustra> if the light is not very good the fps drops up to 2 times
[23:00:17] <robotustra> in the dark it gived only 15 fps