#robotics | Logs for 2016-06-25

[03:36:13] <rue_house> oooh, oh oh oh, maybe I should use a variable list for packing the function arguments
[03:37:31] <rue_house> oh, I already make a argument type
[03:38:17] <rue_house> the two ends of this problem are getting closer
[03:41:07] <z64555> differential solutions. :)
[03:41:29] <Jak_o_Shadows> that's always good
[03:42:11] <rue_house> not sure where to put the code that gathers the arguments for the function call
[03:42:27] <rue_house> I have to be carefull, arguments might have math that needs to be done first
[03:42:39] <rue_house> which the prioritizer should have already taken care of
[03:42:53] <rue_house> but by then I'v lost the closing bracket on the fn call
[03:43:35] <rue_house> so , aside from the fact I have multiple constants/vars in a row, I dont know how much of the remaining equiation is variables for the function call
[03:44:07] <rue_house> Type: Function Content: "sin" Priority: 000 lhs: 00000000 is: 0804D0D8 rhs:0804D128
[03:44:07] <rue_house> Type: Constant Content: "90" Priority: 000 lhs: 0804D0D8 is: 0804D128 rhs:0804D150
[03:44:08] <rue_house> Type: Operator Content: "*" Priority: 080 lhs: 0804D128 is: 0804D150 rhs:0804D178
[03:44:08] <rue_house> Type: Constant Content: "2" Priority: 000 lhs: 0804D150 is: 0804D178 rhs:0804D1A0
[03:44:08] <rue_house> Type: Constant Content: "6" Priority: 000 lhs: 0804D178 is: 0804D1A0 rhs:00000000
[03:44:17] <rue_house> ./eq "sin(90*2, 6)"
[03:44:43] <rue_house> its almost like I need an element in the linked list to use as bookmarks
[03:45:21] <rue_house> paramBegin and paramEnd
[03:45:45] <rue_house> I think I can get the parser to otherwise ignore it
[03:45:52] <Jak_o_Shadows> I'm starting to get to the stage where I can just build things, not watit on ebay
[03:46:00] <rue_house> but when the fuction is called, it can pack them all up for the call
[03:46:09] <Jak_o_Shadows> I mean, that said, I just bought $25 of buttons and switches, but hey, at least I have the uC i'm going to use
[03:46:14] <rue_house> Jak_o_Shadows, congrads that can take a lot of stock
[03:46:30] <rue_house> you seen my shop, right?
[03:46:54] <Jak_o_Shadows> Only in the background of things
[03:48:11] <Jak_o_Shadows> I have a logic analyzer, lots of resistors, buttons incoming, a few spare micro-controllers, motor drivers, and LEDs. Only thing I'm short on, for short-term, is probably belts, small belts, the spade-type crimps
[03:50:53] <Jak_o_Shadows> I think I might try to standardize on stm32 chips for actual projects.
[03:51:44] <rue_house> $EA?
[03:52:12] <rue_house> microchip will be discontinuing avrs, I need to ship to jump to
[03:53:04] <Jak_o_Shadows> Well, they obviously go up in capabilitiy, and this is on the lower end, but http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/2016-STM32F103C8T6-ARM-STM32-Minimum-System-Development-Board-Module-For-Arduino-/172154620150?hash=item28153708f6:g:~TwAAOSwAvJW~3Bn is only $4.54, for a whole thing
[03:53:52] <Jak_o_Shadows> ali has one for $2.75 AUD
[03:54:58] <Jak_o_Shadows> But like, their competitor in avr land is the teensy
[03:55:04] <rue_house> http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/robots/arm6/p1070900.jpg
[03:55:18] <rue_house> yea, int eh background you start to get an idea
[03:55:29] <rue_house> http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/robots/arm6/p1070894.jpg
[03:55:37] <rue_house> all those drawrs are full
[03:55:56] <Jak_o_Shadows> I wish I had the space to be quite that organized.
[03:56:07] <rue_house> and thats just the stuff in small quantity, for the larger volume stuff I have tupperware and totes
[03:56:14] <rue_house> heh
[03:56:31] <Jak_o_Shadows> I have not quite that much stuff
[03:56:36] <Jak_o_Shadows> (by quite a way)
[03:56:42] <rue_house> I need more space, there are a lot of things I cant put away cause I just have too much
[03:58:16] <Snert> that's quite a hoard :)
[03:58:22] <rue_house> I have two 19L storage boxes of gears
[03:58:28] <rue_house> just gears
[03:59:01] <rue_house> I have one of stepper motors
[03:59:16] <rue_house> another 8L or so of just 2 phase steppers
[03:59:39] <rue_house> dc motors, servo motors, gear motors...
[03:59:44] <rue_house> is 3 more bins
[04:00:24] <rue_house> www.aliexpress.com/item/Free-Shipping-1pcs-STM32F103C8T6-ARM-STM32-Minimum-System-Development-Board-Module-For-Arduin0-new/32391407504.html
[04:00:33] <rue_house> erm, I think its cheaper than the arduino baords...
[04:01:32] <rue_house> what is the uploader?
[04:03:07] <Jak_o_Shadows> I got this one: http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/181928076825
[04:03:21] <Jak_o_Shadows> can debug was well - or at least hte offical ones can
[04:03:38] <Jak_o_Shadows> the whole openocd thing
[04:04:51] <rue_house> I can debug just fine with 1 io pin
[04:05:05] <rue_house> http://www.aliexpress.com/item/Free-shipping-1pcs-mini-ST-LINK-V2-ST-LINK-STLINK-STM8-STM32-emulator-download-super-protection/32615600295.html?spm=2114.01010208.3.152.dk2XDx&ws_ab_test=searchweb201556_10,searchweb201602_5_10037_10017_405_507_10032,searchweb201603_7&btsid=a107a579-cfed-46a3-a8e7-501b1e1758ba
[04:05:09] <rue_house> oops
[04:05:11] <rue_house> do I need that?
[04:07:06] <rue_house> http://www.aliexpress.com/item/Free-shipping-1pcs-mini-ST-LINK-V2-ST-LINK-STLINK-STM8-STM32-emulator-download-super-protection/32615600295.html
[04:07:07] <Jak_o_Shadows> Yeah, you do ned it to program it
[04:07:11] <rue_house> ^^ do I need one of.. ok
[04:07:20] <rue_house> whats the uploader?
[04:07:23] <rue_house> not avrdude..
[04:07:24] <Jak_o_Shadows> It's what do you call it, jtag
[04:07:32] <Jak_o_Shadows> I use openocd
[04:08:06] <Jak_o_Shadows> You may be able to use a different jtag programmer, but that doesn't sound like fun really
[04:08:35] <rue_house> well damn, even debian has openocd
[04:08:41] <Jak_o_Shadows> :D
[04:08:51] <Jak_o_Shadows> yup. A slightly old version, but it works fine for this chip.
[04:08:59] <Jak_o_Shadows> ./ if you only want to debug one at a time
[04:09:16] <rue_house> I dont need a debugging sytem
[04:09:21] <rue_house> really, I dont
[04:10:15] <rue_house> if those are clocked down to ~20Mhz, they must draw almost no power
[04:11:28] <rue_house> Jak_o_Shadows, do you have source for a 'flash led on port pin' ?
[04:12:59] <rue_house> well I just spent $18 on a parts selection there, I hope it pays out
[04:13:47] <Jak_o_Shadows> http://mightydevices.com/?p=121 is the general gist of things
[04:13:57] <Jak_o_Shadows> The slight magic comes from the makefile and libraries used
[04:14:28] <Jak_o_Shadows> Um, by the time yours arrive, I'll hopefully be a lot more experience, and will have better examples and knowledge
[04:15:03] <rue_house> I just want to know how to flash an led
[04:18:55] <Jak_o_Shadows> I can get you some stuff in a week and a half's time
[11:04:00] <rue_house> gcc-arm-none-eabi
[11:19:13] <rue_house> ok, I got the flashing led code to compile
[11:19:47] <rue_house> this stuff is actually less evolved than the avr stuff
[11:38:56] <rue_house> datasheet seems pretty good
[11:39:32] <rue_house> 3.3V }:/
[15:36:57] <codepython777> anyone here who has worked with psu for robots? step-up/down/regulated...
[15:45:11] <mumptai> codepython777, is there a decent way to get away without using switched converters?
[15:48:07] <codepython777> mumptai: what are you using, and what are the specs on it?
[15:49:39] <jhylands> codepython777, I use lots of them
[15:49:39] <mumptai> what ever fits. usually it to 5V as an intermediate bus, and then to 3.3V and some core voltages (like 1.2V)
[15:49:59] <jhylands> depends on what voltage you want, how much current you need, and what your source voltage is
[15:50:14] <mumptai> but the intermediate voltage can be almost arbitary
[15:50:27] <jhylands> If you want to run a raspberry pi, this is the absolute best option I've found: https://www.pololu.com/product/2851
[15:50:44] <mumptai> if there are rc-servos around, i add one for 6.5V and atleast 1-2A
[15:52:18] <jhylands> Pololu also has a nice 6 volt, 2.5 amp converter - https://www.pololu.com/product/2859
[15:52:23] <codepython777> My source is 14.8V Lipo - and i need to run 19v+3.5A, 5V+.2A and 6V+3A circuits on it
[15:52:41] <codepython777> is there something that can all this in one go, instead of making different converters
[15:52:52] <jhylands> no, I don't think so
[15:53:21] <jhylands> This will do your 19 volts - https://www.pololu.com/product/2571
[15:53:22] <mumptai> a multi output design is possible, but probably not worth the effort
[15:53:52] <codepython777> so you guys put a separate converter for each component?
[15:54:08] <jhylands> generally, yes
[15:54:16] <mumptai> yes
[15:54:30] <jhylands> they're cheap and very easy to find, and the switching regulators don't generate any heat even with big offsets
[15:54:36] <codepython777> jhylands: that gives 30mA ! I need 3.6A
[15:55:25] <jhylands> where do you see that?
[15:55:33] <codepython777> jhylands: how do you pull power - just parallel circuit, then step down/up?
[15:55:39] <mumptai> a flybayck or forward converter using a custom would transformer could created multiple output, but is not worht the hassle for small runs and prototypes, and possibly not even for huge productions
[15:55:57] <codepython777> jhylands: https://www.pololu.com/product/2571
[15:56:11] <jhylands> well, considering it can take up to 5 amps input
[15:56:31] <jhylands> I don't see a problem generating 19 volts at 3.6 amps from a 14 volt 5 amp source
[15:57:22] <codepython777> https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B019W4C5IE- how about this?
[15:57:59] <jhylands> yeah, that will do it also
[15:59:55] <mumptai> U3V50AHV looks nice, really compact
[16:00:58] <jhylands> yeah, I really like pololu stuff - its high quality, and works really well
[16:01:14] <jhylands> some of the stuff you get from amazon or ebay is direct from China, and often crap
[16:02:36] <jhylands> I'm finally reprinting a new body for Roz, my quad walker
[16:03:03] <mumptai> dunno, sometimes i prefer spending some € more than having to play with crappy electronics
[16:03:27] <jhylands> yeah, I agree
[16:09:14] <codepython777> mumptai: U3V50AHV - where is the max output current on that one?
[16:09:45] <jhylands> codepython777, the max current output depends on the input and output voltages
[16:10:44] <jhylands> if you input 12 volts and output 24 volts, the max you could get would be a bit less than 2.5 amps, for example
[16:11:15] <codepython777> jhylands: so if the input is 14V and current can goto 5A easy, the output 19V can get 3.6A easy? where in the spec does it say that?
[16:12:02] <codepython777> https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00115BJ30 - says max current is 10A
[16:14:16] <mumptai> there is some graph in the description
[16:14:39] <mumptai> efficiency for vout=18V with vin=12V
[16:15:55] <jhylands> codepython777, its just math
[16:16:23] <jhylands> at 14.8 volts, 5 amps is 74 watts
[16:16:42] <jhylands> at 19 volts, that's 3.9 amps
[16:16:55] <jhylands> not sure what the efficiency of the regulator is though
[16:17:21] <codepython777> jhylands: it would have been nice if pololu would tell me that it could pump out 19v 3.9A
[16:17:28] <jhylands> it looks like its a bit over 90%
[16:17:39] <jhylands> so you're going to get about 3.5 amps
[16:17:50] <jhylands> or maybe 3.6
[16:17:59] <mumptai> there is a very similar graph in the description
[16:18:44] <jhylands> in any case, that's probably too close, so you'd be better off with the one from amazon
[16:18:52] <jhylands> if you really definitely need 3.6 amps
[16:19:44] <mumptai> and also 14.8V is a nominal voltage, end-of-charge will be lower, and the input current will have to rise
[16:20:15] <jhylands> yeah, exactly
[16:20:21] <codepython777> mumptai: From what i understand lipos can push out current easy ?
[16:20:25] <jhylands> its too close to the limit of the regulator
[16:21:48] <mumptai> but still a nice small board, will keep it in mind