#robotics | Logs for 2016-06-22

[01:18:37] <cyberdelic> welp, the couch now has a big burn all up one end
[01:18:42] <cyberdelic> thankyou battlebot
[23:50:38] <codepython777> anyone here?
[23:51:31] <Jak_o_Shadows> yo
[23:53:50] <codepython777> hi Jak_o_Shadows
[23:54:11] <codepython777> is there any code base for odometry somewhere?
[23:56:34] <mrdata> is it complicated enough to need a code base?
[23:56:49] <Jak_o_Shadows> like, of wheels?
[23:57:00] <Jak_o_Shadows> or the whole thing, using more tha one type of sensor
[23:57:17] <MrCurious> ros (hectorslam, gslam)?
[23:58:17] <codepython777> MrCurious: ROS seems like an overkill for just odometry code?
[23:59:08] <codepython777> hectorslam demo uses lidar!
[23:59:25] <mrdata> count the number of times the wheel rotates; then multiply by 2 pi r to get distance travelled
[23:59:51] <codepython777> mrdata: how do you use the fact that you also have gps, accelerometer, gyro, ...