#robotics | Logs for 2016-06-21

[02:01:16] <rue_bed> marker for night, and its gonna trigger a chime for me
[02:06:25] <z64555> s/chime/klaxon
[02:19:42] <rue_bed> my driveway and the neighbours drivesay sound the same from the back f the house, I'dlike sokething to knw who has the visitor
[02:19:51] <rue_bed> I miss people somettimes
[02:19:55] <rue_bed> I hate this keybaord
[02:21:43] <z64555> so, sonic or IR
[02:22:00] <z64555> sonic might spook the dogs going by, though
[02:22:15] <z64555> so probably an IR sensor. or maybe even a camera if you want to get fancy
[02:22:18] <rue_bed> its a breakbeam
[02:22:30] <rue_bed> gonna use modulated ir
[02:22:34] <rue_bed> 38Khz
[02:22:38] <z64555> cool
[02:22:54] <z64555> so, you'll need to make pillar(s). plural
[02:23:06] <rue_bed> yea
[02:23:30] <rue_bed> about 18" deep, the sensors are at the back of pipes
[02:23:41] <rue_bed> to shroud their line
[02:24:12] <z64555> hm, how are you going to align them? Unless you're going to use a visible laser/light source
[02:24:33] <rue_bed> live
[02:24:47] <rue_bed> I get about a 6" spot on each end
[03:00:38] <Triffid_Hunter> grr wtf, got a piece of code here that works fine under gdb or strace but won't work normally.. :/
[03:04:46] <deshipu> heisenbug?
[03:28:38] <Triffid_Hunter> deshipu: yeah, apparently union { int flags = 0; struct { bool blah : 1; bool blah2 : 1; bool blah3 : 1; }; }; doesn't actually set the flags to 0 during construction in gcc 4.8.5, just leaves it as a random value
[03:28:52] <Triffid_Hunter> so I have to flags=0 in the constructor :/
[08:12:14] <veverak> 0hmm
[08:12:21] <veverak> I want to write ROS-based robot
[08:12:56] <veverak> but
[08:13:06] <veverak> I want to use the code in simulations
[08:13:26] <veverak> problem is, that in simulation I would like to speedup the time
[08:14:02] <veverak> so, either I won't use language-specific time processing and create topic that sends ticks based on which robot moves
[08:14:20] <veverak> (which would speedup a lot in simulation)
[08:14:37] <veverak> OR I find a way how to fake time clock for program
[08:14:54] <deshipu> can you do dependency injection?
[08:14:57] <veverak> Triffid_Hunter: afaik you should initialize everything in constructor
[08:15:05] <veverak> deshipu: hmm, not sure
[08:16:16] <deshipu> like, pass a clock object to the component when creating it
[08:16:24] <veverak> yaeh, I know what you mean
[08:16:35] <veverak> yeah
[08:16:50] <veverak> "runtime" variable that specifies clock source for ROS
[08:16:56] <veverak> so each node can deal with it it's way
[08:17:02] <veverak> either "native" or "topic"
[08:17:05] <veverak> deshipu: sounds good
[08:18:22] <veverak> hmm
[08:18:27] <veverak> I will solve this also on algorithm level
[08:18:34] <veverak> for native clock it's not important
[08:18:54] <veverak> but for topic clock each algorithm will report when it's finished after receieving tick
[08:18:59] <veverak> so next one can be idemietly send
[08:19:03] <veverak> *sent
[08:19:11] <deshipu> I wouldn't be surprised if there was such a thing in ROS already
[08:19:16] <veverak> also this way I could get usefull data for analysis
[08:19:22] <veverak> deshipu: googling didn't helped
[08:19:27] <veverak> but that could be problem of bad query
[08:19:53] <deshipu> or inadequate documentation
[08:19:55] <veverak> http://wiki.ros.org/Clock
[08:19:57] <veverak> ...
[08:20:06] <veverak> deshipu: thanks to pointing out that that should exist
[08:20:08] <veverak> :)
[08:20:59] <deshipu> if you need a rubber duck again, I'm gere
[08:21:00] <deshipu> here
[08:21:30] <veverak> only downside is that it doesn't have the "report on finished" mechanism
[08:21:32] <veverak> but nah
[08:21:34] <veverak> I can live without that
[08:42:01] <deshipu> veverak: hey, look, tote's pcb! http://www.aliexpress.com/item/Multirotor-Quadcopter-Drone-Acro-Afro-Naze32-NAZER-32-6DOF-10DOF-Flight-Controller-Battery/32282971165.html
[08:54:07] <veverak> wow
[08:54:09] <veverak> :)
[21:34:21] <rue_shop3> you know the little votex' that dolphins blow?
[21:34:32] <rue_shop3> and can be make with a pipe cannon
[21:34:59] <rue_shop3> well, today I was wondering what uses of doing that with timespace could be