#robotics | Logs for 2016-06-09

[00:05:12] <The_Jester> Rue Here?
[00:14:15] <rue_house> yes
[04:27:12] <Solarlux> Hello all
[04:33:53] <Jak_o_Shadows> hi
[05:02:07] <ppq> hello
[05:09:21] <ppq> i'm looking for some advice on what to buy. i need a robot arm kit (2 or 3 DOF is enough) with sensors that is simple to interface with on a low level, meaning direct sensor access and direct control of the servos. the sole purpose is to test feedback(!) control algorithms with matlab/simulink and interface that with the robot, so i really only want to work on the software side, not on the hardware. i have a spare dspace box to interface with simulink but i
[05:09:22] <ppq> don't want to build everything else on my own.
[05:10:10] <Jak_o_Shadows> what are you trying to do ?
[05:10:23] <deshipu> ppq: what's your budget?
[05:11:07] <ppq> Jak_o_Shadows, to implement and test feedback control algorithms and some trajectory planning, there is not really a physical task.
[05:11:33] <deshipu> ppq: you can't use a simulator?
[05:12:20] <ppq> deshipu, 1-2k USD/EUR is my budget. sure, simulations are fine, but a real implementation with measurements is a lot better :)
[05:15:31] <ppq> i found a few robot arm kits intended for educational use but none of them have accessible sensors, only a servo control box with local closed loop control that is hidden from the user.
[05:17:42] <Jak_o_Shadows> oh, you want sensors on the joints?
[05:18:26] <ppq> yes
[05:28:49] <Solarlux> I ´m depressed no income
[05:31:31] <deshipu> ppq: not really my range, but I remember seening a couple of such arms on kickstarter, at least they claimed to have force control
[05:31:58] <deshipu> ppq: and they say they are open source/open hardware, to there should be documentation on how to talk to the servos, I suppose
[05:34:57] <ppq> deshipu, that sounds very good, do you happen to remember what they were called?
[05:39:05] <deshipu> there is one like http://www.7bot.cc
[05:40:54] <ppq> thanks!
[05:41:02] <deshipu> personally I have a project to use a very cheap MeArm and hack force sensing into it
[05:41:13] <deshipu> but that's going to be very inaccurate
[09:09:05] <rue_house> deshipu, finally one thats not a pallette bot
[09:09:47] <rue_house> hahahah $2000
[09:10:48] <rue_house> oh, they didn't route the cables thru a hollow shaft in the bottom :(
[09:12:44] <rue_house> there is someone who knows how to make money off hype, quarter of a million bucks kickstarter
[11:38:59] <Snert_> wow that 7bot looks great.
[11:39:13] <Snert_> might be vaporware though.
[11:39:28] <Snert_> I'm not seeing a $ sign on their web pages
[11:41:46] <deshipu> Snert_: they had a kickstarter and apparently they shipped
[11:41:58] <Snert_> good news.
[11:42:09] <deshipu> at least what the updates say
[11:42:11] <Snert_> 1.7k is still too much for me though
[11:42:26] <Snert_> but I would love to pattern off it.
[11:42:51] <deshipu> precision servos are expensive
[11:42:57] <deshipu> precision anything is expensive
[11:43:27] <Snert_> yea. But I just save for abit.
[11:43:50] <Snert_> It's hard to pay more than $100.00 for a hobby servo though there are a few that cost more than that.
[11:44:49] <Snert_> It's kinda looking like a meArm and make that work then scale it up 25% and put good encoders and such on it.
[11:45:19] <Snert_> dupe the meArm patterns in alu or cf.
[11:45:41] <deshipu> not sure how that would work
[11:46:28] <Snert_> I'd scale it up so that a gearhead stepper (2) would fit at the base of the arm.
[11:47:07] <Snert_> one on each side as pictured.
[11:47:28] <veverak> btw
[11:47:32] <veverak> are there any really small steppers??
[11:47:36] <veverak> or something?
[11:47:41] <veverak> for like really small robot? :)
[11:47:45] <Snert_> yes...check pololou.
[11:47:47] <veverak> (diff drive propably)
[11:47:55] <deshipu> veverak: yeah, the motors for moving lens in the cameras
[11:48:04] <deshipu> veverak: I have a box of them
[11:48:07] <Snert_> I got one of the smallest they has. 3.3v motor.
[11:48:10] <veverak> deshipu: got link?
[11:48:25] <deshipu> ein moment
[11:48:59] <deshipu> http://www.aliexpress.com/item/Mini-motor-50pcs-4-Wire-2-Phase-micro-stepper-motor-Ten-Types-with-Plastic-Tool-Box/1642983580.html
[11:49:40] <veverak> looks cool
[11:49:59] <deshipu> never got to play with them
[11:50:02] <veverak> wow
[11:50:21] <deshipu> there are some even smaller ones
[11:50:31] * veverak wanted to build small esp8266 based robot
[11:52:00] <deshipu> sounds good, you just need a quadruple h-bridge
[11:52:07] <veverak> hmm
[11:52:55] <veverak> http://www.ebay.com/itm/360-Degree-Continuous-Rotation-RC-9g-Micro-Servo-Hobby-Motor-Model-Robot-Helicop-/272189268261?hash=item3f5fbea125:g:YCoAAOSwUuFWzDkQ something like that but cheaper would be nice
[11:53:01] <deshipu> this robot uses them: https://hackaday.io/project/11399-micro-robots-for-education
[11:53:20] <deshipu> veverak: it's trivial to convert an SG90 into continous rotation
[11:53:33] <veverak> well
[11:53:38] <veverak> I am not sure this is exactly what I want
[11:53:46] <veverak> with steppers-like things you got somehow precise movement
[11:54:57] <veverak> nah
[11:55:44] <deshipu> veverak: http://abc-rc.pl/Feetech-FS90R
[11:55:57] <deshipu> veverak: I have a robot on converted sg90 servos
[11:56:21] <deshipu> veverak: https://hackaday.io/project/8475-microbot
[11:56:24] <deshipu> it works well
[11:56:33] <deshipu> but for precision you still need encoders
[11:58:03] <deshipu> veverak: that servo from the polish store even comes with a round horn that you could use as a wheel
[11:59:38] <deshipu> anyways, either way works
[11:59:45] <veverak> hmm
[11:59:48] <veverak> have to think it through
[11:59:54] <deshipu> the servos are somewhat slow, though
[11:59:57] <veverak> it needs some purpose
[12:00:01] <veverak> I can't think of proper one
[12:00:25] <deshipu> veverak: I have a plan for a magnet bot that would go around randomly like roomba does, and collect lost screws and needles
[12:00:50] <veverak> sounds cool
[12:01:35] <deshipu> only much smaller and faster than roomba, of course
[12:02:23] <veverak> :)
[12:06:14] <deshipu> veverak: seems like those steppers are quite weak
[12:06:30] <deshipu> veverak: reading https://hackaday.io/project/11399-micro-robots-for-education
[12:08:36] <veverak> I have to stack up 5v PSUss
[12:08:40] <veverak> 5V from 230V
[12:12:14] <veverak> or
[12:12:21] <veverak> somehow figure out how to sanely power multiple projects
[12:13:54] <veverak> it would maybe make sense to find 5V 30A power source
[12:14:00] <veverak> hook it to multiple of USB connectors
[12:14:07] <veverak> and use microusb in my esp projects to power it up
[12:14:08] <veverak> hmm
[12:14:10] <veverak> ;)
[12:17:15] <deshipu> use steam power
[12:17:21] <deshipu> it's practical for everything
[12:19:24] <veverak> LOL
[12:19:56] <veverak> SMD female micro usb costs same as short microusb -> usb a cable
[12:19:57] <veverak> funny
[12:20:12] <deshipu> money are an illusion
[13:08:07] <Snert_> that makes life a little bit nicer is all.
[13:15:06] * veverak just checked micropython on esp8266 doc
[13:15:08] <veverak> it's great
[13:15:12] <veverak> :)
[13:41:42] <deshipu> veverak: do you have any spi device you can read from?
[13:42:40] <veverak> nope
[13:45:00] <veverak> have to figure out how to simply send file from/to esps micropython
[13:48:19] <deshipu> you have three options
[13:48:31] <deshipu> webrepl, mpfshell, and your own code
[13:48:47] <deshipu> I think mpfshell recently grew a fuse filesystem
[13:49:00] <deshipu> and also works over serial or wifi
[13:49:08] <veverak> yeah, looks cool
[13:49:10] <deshipu> so that is probably the way to go
[13:52:38] <veverak> deshipu: awesome!
[14:01:47] <veverak> yay
[14:01:57] <veverak> can't send file via mpfshell :/
[14:09:43] <veverak> Device communication failed: ('exception', b'', b'Traceback (most recent call last):\r\n File "<stdin>", line 1\r\nSyntaxError: invalid syntax\r\n')
[14:09:47] <veverak> it's not exactly helping
[14:10:20] <deshipu> veverak: I think someone on the forum had the same problem
[14:11:57] <veverak> ARCHLINUX PLS
[14:12:00] <veverak> COME ON
[14:12:04] <veverak> deshipu: python2/3 error
[14:14:08] <deshipu> micropython is python3, always
[14:14:22] <veverak> but mpfsheel is not
[14:14:25] <veverak> :)
[14:14:34] <veverak> mpfshell uses python2 evidently
[14:14:39] <veverak> or, with python3 it simply doesn't workt
[14:14:42] <veverak> taht is
[14:14:44] <veverak> :)
[14:14:53] <veverak> and arch got binary "python" linked to latest python 3
[14:14:57] <veverak> not python2 like everybody else
[14:17:23] <veverak> nah, wrote an issue to maintainer if he wants to take care of this or not
[14:20:27] <veverak> damn it
[14:20:32] <veverak> finally got time to play with it a bit
[14:20:37] <veverak> but can't figure out what I want to do
[14:20:38] <veverak> ;/
[15:18:57] <veverak> damn it
[15:19:09] <veverak> deshipu: by any chance, does micropython have DNS server implemented somewhere?
[15:34:29] <deshipu> veverak: yes
[15:34:44] <deshipu> veverak: at least I think so
[15:34:57] <veverak> I am aware of the client
[15:35:01] <veverak> but can't find server
[15:35:06] <veverak> I know that arduino/esp8266 got one :)
[15:35:19] <deshipu> I know someone was making a "captive portal" for it
[15:35:40] <deshipu> maybe it doesn't yet, after all
[18:23:05] <rue_house> hmm avr web server
[18:23:10] <rue_house> 8 bit
[18:24:08] <DagoRed> yeah.. no
[18:24:24] <DagoRed> You're better off doing a websocket stream to a real server.
[18:24:44] <DagoRed> Also look at an MQTT interface to webserver.
[18:25:51] <rue_house> hmm, just stream the data from a 27515
[18:25:54] <rue_house> er
[18:25:56] <rue_house> 24515
[19:45:38] <veverak> deshipu: http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1479754
[19:45:42] <veverak> updated the gimbal
[19:45:46] <veverak> gimbal simplified
[19:45:48] <veverak> ;)
[21:21:10] <rue_shop3> ok, realtime robot tracking software, check
[21:21:17] <rue_shop3> playback software, check..
[21:23:25] <rue_shop3> marbelator software, check
[21:27:05] <rue_shop3> and the software for the tilt and pan
[21:29:59] <orlock> looks like i might finally be getting a quality telescope mount
[21:30:05] <orlock> one thats actually got _bearings_
[21:30:19] <orlock> instead of plastic shims
[21:30:42] <orlock> still second or third hand and old
[21:30:52] <orlock> but not junk
[21:31:01] <rue_shop3> hmm
[21:31:07] <rue_shop3> what about your concrete mount
[21:31:21] <orlock> the concretes in the ground
[21:31:27] <orlock> i should be able to still use it
[21:31:32] <rue_shop3> k
[21:31:34] <orlock> thats just for the tripod feet
[21:31:59] <orlock> also, the one is just a dumb 2 axis hand controller
[21:32:12] <rue_shop3> gonna need more belts?
[21:32:18] <orlock> so i still get to use my custom PC interface
[21:32:39] <orlock> nope - this one does come with 2 motors integrated into the design from the factory
[21:32:57] <rue_shop3> oh its electronic but not automatic
[21:33:04] <orlock> yeah
[21:33:19] <rue_shop3> oh I wonder if the astrological society here would like some of that
[21:34:00] <orlock> theres the "computer" handset upgrade its _$800_
[21:34:24] <orlock> just to add a $15 microcontroller and display
[21:34:42] <orlock> the dual motors by themselves, $300
[21:35:00] <orlock> thats all "new" prices
[21:35:08] <orlock> not what i'm paying
[21:35:56] <orlock> rue_shop3: its silly, they all usually come with gear drives, belt drives are actually an optional aftermarket upgrade to improve performance, as it removes some of the periodic error
[21:36:37] <orlock> just the "head" that sits on top of the tripod weighs 10kg
[21:36:57] <orlock> without counterweight bar or counterweights
[21:36:59] <rue_shop3> yea, do a 500:1 in one belt drive with a 16 microstep motor and have almost no lash
[21:37:24] <rue_shop3> and what do you know, because of the repap, the drivers are dirt cheap
[21:37:59] <rue_shop3> you dont care about offset either, you can use a cable drive and have even less cogging
[21:38:14] <rue_shop3> if it slips during transport, it wont matter
[21:39:27] <orlock> http://www.iceinspace.com.au/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=200433&d=1465263643
[21:39:57] <rue_shop3> hah, comes with a HaD in cut aluminum
[21:40:17] <orlock> Ahh, thats actually the tripod spreader
[21:40:20] <orlock> the holes are for ep's
[21:40:30] <rue_shop3> oh
[21:40:32] <rue_shop3> :)
[21:40:49] <orlock> i dont use ep's, as i dont use my fuzzy deceptive eyes
[21:42:16] <orlock> i stack weights on it instead
[21:43:03] <orlock> hah, somebody selling the same style mount as i have for $200 - i'm buying this one for $300
[22:46:20] <rue_house> usb bar, power bars, power cords, ...
[23:10:14] <rue_bed> ok laptop is ready
[23:13:57] <rue_house> cool
[23:14:11] <rue_house> I'll pack up the computer, but I'll have to unglue the reprap from it