#robotics | Logs for 2016-05-27

[06:11:43] <[VEGETA]> Snert, I found the book as pdf!
[06:11:59] <Snert> in the torrent?
[06:12:11] <Snert> or kindle?
[06:13:57] <[VEGETA]> i found a link, here it is: http://uploaded.net/file/aeyznuua
[06:14:13] <[VEGETA]> it is from this site: wowebook.org
[06:16:33] <[VEGETA]> http://www.wowebook.org/programming-robots-with-ros-a-practical-introduction-to-the-robot-operating-system.html
[06:21:06] <[VEGETA]> u got it?
[06:28:36] <Snert> ummmm no.
[06:29:11] <Snert> pop ups...ads to wade through. An account to create...fuck all that.
[06:29:29] <Snert> thx for the info but I'd rather buy it.
[06:30:13] <Jak_o_Shadows> abebooks.com sometimes has cheap textbooks
[06:42:40] <[VEGETA]> i downloaded it without these problem, no account too
[06:42:52] <[VEGETA]> i can upload it to mega for u if u want
[06:59:31] <[VEGETA]> Jak, do you know where to buy this book cheaply
[06:59:32] <[VEGETA]> http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0072383321/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?ie=UTF8&psc=1&smid=A1K639BK8M1486
[07:04:13] <Snert> [VEGETA]: where are you? europe?
[07:04:52] <Snert> cause......here's a cheap copy
[07:05:12] <Snert> http://www.ebay.com/itm/Thermodynamics-An-Engineering-Approach-3rd-Edition-Textbook-/121997552822?hash=item1c679eecb6:g:2m4AAOSwys5WURE8
[07:05:21] <[VEGETA]> I am in Jordan
[07:05:34] <[VEGETA]> I need 4th edition
[07:07:12] <[VEGETA]> look it is the 8th edition here
[07:07:13] <[VEGETA]> http://www.ebay.com/itm/Thermodynamics-An-Engineering-Approach-8-Intl-Edition-/172219487771?hash=item281914d61b:g:PWgAAOSwYHxWID~j
[07:07:27] <[VEGETA]> he says aroun 32$
[07:07:37] <[VEGETA]> however, the book itself costs 250$!!!!!!!!!!!!
[07:07:47] <[VEGETA]> now, how can I be sure it is not a scam!?
[07:09:03] <Snert> if it's ebay you have good recourse.
[07:09:15] <Snert> just keep ebay and paypal between you and them.
[07:12:22] <[VEGETA]> well, it says international edition... is it that cheap?!
[07:12:52] <Snert> usually it is cheaper.
[07:13:11] <Snert> B&W pics sometimes too.
[07:13:20] <Snert> but great value.
[07:13:31] <Snert> I got AOE international addition.
[07:13:42] <[VEGETA]> AOE?
[07:13:56] <Snert> art of electronics
[07:14:11] <Snert> latest edition too...36.00 shipped.
[07:14:52] <[VEGETA]> see this: http://www.amazon.com/Yunus-Cengel-Thermodynamics-Units-International/dp/B00SCTXCEM/ref=sr_1_6?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1464349599&sr=1-6&keywords=thermodynamics+an+engineering+approach&refinements=p_n_availability%3A2245265011
[07:14:57] <[VEGETA]> is this good actuall?!
[07:16:01] <Snert> yes! good quality hardcover.
[07:17:04] <Snert> oh sorry. I meant aoe was good quality
[07:17:45] <Snert> for your book - I would just get it!
[07:18:42] <[VEGETA]> aha
[07:19:57] <[VEGETA]> but why buying AOE when there is practical electronics for inventors 4th edition?
[07:20:02] <[VEGETA]> i got 3rd edition...
[07:27:26] <[VEGETA]> damn that ROS book! it uses Python instead of C++!
[07:28:18] <Snert> crap! I wanted to get that too.
[07:30:28] <Snert> does practical inventors electronics have schematics with component values and canned circuits?
[07:34:32] <[VEGETA]> i've got 3rd edition, what do you want me to search for you in it?
[07:44:53] <Snert> nothing, really. Just looking to pick a good reference with canned circuits.
[07:45:28] <Snert> I use aoe when I need to look up the finer points of stuff.
[07:45:48] <Snert> the occaisonal math or something.
[07:51:21] <[VEGETA]> what do you think about this book: http://www.amazon.com/Mastering-Robotics-Programming-Lentin-Joseph/dp/1783551798?ie=UTF8&keywords=ROS&qid=1464351109&ref_=sr_1_4&s=books&sr=1-4
[07:52:24] <[VEGETA]> right now i am confused which ROS book to buy
[07:52:35] <[VEGETA]> since that book uses shitty python!
[08:01:59] <[VEGETA]> anyway, I found and downloaded a pdf of it! along with other ROS books
[08:03:52] <[VEGETA]> it will be a very hard route for me, being a ROS noob
[08:08:38] <[VEGETA]> www.it-ebooks.info < u can find them all here xD
[08:37:03] <[VEGETA]> what is the best way to build 3d maps and navigate in them?
[08:37:10] <[VEGETA]> kinect or octomap?
[11:20:33] <SpeedEvil> https://twitter.com/SarcasticRover
[14:05:17] <[VEGETA]> how to detect humans and dynamic obstacles? assuming the use of ros and kinect at least
[14:40:09] <Snert_> humans are warm?
[14:40:16] <Snert_> so are cats I suppose.
[14:51:25] <[VEGETA]> so you suggest something like ir cameras or thermo imagers?
[14:51:50] <[VEGETA]> integrating them with ros gonna be a problem, since that must be added to the 3d map itself
[14:55:30] <Snert_> Not necessarily. RF id tag...or something else.
[14:55:47] <Snert_> I have no idea about ROS.
[14:56:34] <Snert_> maybe a hum is just a moving obstaclt to ROS?
[14:56:40] <Snert_> obstacle
[14:57:59] <Snert_> thosw ros books don't give an example of that?
[15:00:26] <[VEGETA]> human IS a moving obstacle but you need to define it in a way that is different than the other map data
[15:00:54] <[VEGETA]> i.e, static obstacles belong to the map but dynamic ones are not... they must be defined
[15:01:19] <[VEGETA]> I read stuff... which suggested marking point clouds of humans differently
[15:01:49] <[VEGETA]> that is a good suggestion, but achieving it is a different story
[16:01:01] <[VEGETA]> and there is the kinect range problem, both near and far
[23:01:13] <Loshki> There's a lot of python in and around robotics. Might was well bite the bullet.
[23:28:33] <Polymorphism> lol
[23:38:02] <theBear> i always thought they were concentrated somewhere in africa... something new every day eh ? :)
[23:41:06] <Loshki> Also, I have tried (and so far, failed) to teach myself electronics from AofE, or from ##electronics
[23:41:41] <Loshki> For which I blame Horowitz, Hill and theBear, in that order
[23:42:30] <theBear> how long in actual time (not hours spent, months/weeks gross style) you up t o on that
[23:43:13] <theBear> woah now, i never advocated the aoe, at the most i might have mentioned that others advocate it, but i'm a forrest mims man to the core, mimscore bro, all the kids are doing it
[23:45:47] <Loshki> I'm sorry. I thought it was clear I was joking. I don't believe you can teach yourself electronics from scratch via AofE (it's not really a beginner's book) any more than you can do it by hanging around ##electronics.
[23:52:03] <theBear> it's clear yer weren't blaming my awesome ass, i mean, obviously my ass is beyond infallable... my ass is golden <grin> and that's just common knowledge, but umm, you don't think so ? whenever i had a glance it seems fairly similar to any other beginner/all that basic prerequisite learn by rote and hopefully a little thinking too while you doing that style... and i was far from a beginner, and already a working professional of several years when i
[23:52:04] <theBear> first came to these parts after thinking "hmm, irc must have a bunch of useful things by now, so much more internets than my last period of addiction" but my finer-points, mathing and general understanding for design/head-simulating stuff (ie. working out with little doubt how a schematic works without having to do much/any manual mathing or work, and just idiot-checking little circuit fragments in your head to confirm they do what you want before
[23:52:04] <theBear> building) have filled in and closed just about any tiny gaps of knowledge or understanding i got around/skipped/missed in the past, and really made me a LOT more accompllished in the field :-)
[23:53:26] <theBear> a lot of that is also thanks to the old "when you go through the process of teaching and associated working out how to teach, something to another person(s), it helps you concrete and appreciate that same knowledge/area in your own head, and more than a tiny bit)
[23:53:40] <theBear> woops, non-matching punctuations