#robotics | Logs for 2016-05-26

[06:03:12] <[VEGETA]> what is the best book to learn ros? i.e, other than online stuff... I need a good reference
[06:09:55] <[VEGETA]> this book? http://www.amazon.com/Learning-ROS-Robotics-Programming-Second/dp/1783987588/ref=pd_sim_14_4?ie=UTF8&dpID=41ckkwRM2AL&dpSrc=sims&preST=_AC_UL160_SR130%2C160_&refRID=0SW4FYZE63EGNKVXMB2H
[07:33:26] <Snert> I got nothing but good to say about o'reilly books.
[07:33:31] <Snert> http://www.amazon.com/Programming-Robots-ROS-Practical-Introduction/dp/1449323898/ref=pd_sim_14_2?ie=UTF8&dpID=51Mw6NpMpmL&dpSrc=sims&preST=_AC_UL320_SR244%2C320_&refRID=1HMBNXCRHAZ7WF1XY3XS
[07:33:38] <Snert> so just get them both.
[08:02:04] <[VEGETA]> so own that book?
[08:11:10] <Snert> no, but I have just about every other o'relly book.
[08:11:32] <Snert> they're so full of useful examples that you can bend to what you want.
[08:11:55] <Snert> but you can't go wrong with either one I bet.
[08:12:37] <Snert> I'm sure I'll get both when the time comes.
[08:12:58] <[VEGETA]> my problem with ROS is using other people's packages
[08:13:05] <[VEGETA]> like navigation and tf
[08:13:26] <Snert> no comments, eh?
[08:14:07] <[VEGETA]> ?
[08:14:24] <[VEGETA]> besides thank you for you review... i have nothing xD
[08:14:29] <Snert> the code does not have comments?
[08:14:52] <[VEGETA]> these comments serve the one who actually an expert
[08:14:59] <Snert> I have that problem too.
[08:15:51] <Snert> that's where the books come in I guess.
[08:16:08] <Snert> live in google all day finding nothing really useful.
[08:16:22] <Snert> or use a good reference book.
[08:17:06] <[VEGETA]> i want to build a robot using a kinect sensor to build 3d map of the room
[08:17:59] <[VEGETA]> and distribute the map to other robots that doesn't use ros
[08:18:28] <veverak> hmm
[08:18:30] <veverak> is it just me
[08:18:36] <veverak> or does actually ROS gets more popular?
[08:18:39] <veverak> :)
[08:18:48] <[VEGETA]> it is more popular
[08:20:04] <[VEGETA]> for me i found no other way to build my research robot
[08:20:15] <[VEGETA]> it is out of need rather than love
[09:54:42] <z64555> no comments in source code tells me either "I'm lazy, and all of this stuff should be self-documenting anyway" or "I don't know what this actually does"
[09:54:50] <z64555> :)
[09:55:37] <veverak> :D
[10:04:04] <[VEGETA]> for a robot that doesn't have sensors to get map data...
[10:04:26] <[VEGETA]> and it must navigate in a known environment that has a map on a server
[10:04:49] <[VEGETA]> what is the recommended way to give that robot what it needs to navigate?
[10:05:03] <[VEGETA]> and by what tools?
[10:05:04] <SpeedEvil> dead reckoning of some means can work
[10:05:45] <SpeedEvil> Also, what do you mean by 'navigate'
[10:05:50] <SpeedEvil> and 'map'
[10:06:05] <SpeedEvil> For example, the roomba 'navigates' environments with no map.
[10:06:10] <SpeedEvil> And only bump sensors
[10:06:33] <[VEGETA]> i mean a mobile robot (car) that must go from A to B
[10:06:48] <[VEGETA]> these A and B are in a map generated by Kinect sensor data
[10:07:00] <[VEGETA]> and stored in a server running ROS master and stuff
[10:07:19] <[VEGETA]> However, that mobile robot doesn't have ROS in it
[10:07:47] <[VEGETA]> it has its own system, but I need a method to give map data (required for navigation) to it
[10:08:45] <[VEGETA]> let's call these robots "swarm" robots
[10:08:56] <[VEGETA]> and the robot with a kinect is a "scout"
[10:09:11] <[VEGETA]> the scout sends the map data to a server
[10:09:27] <[VEGETA]> server builds the map and send required data to all agents
[10:10:06] <[VEGETA]> I've seen a package called "rosserial" claims to be a way to communicate with non-ros robots
[10:10:14] <veverak> nope
[10:10:20] <veverak> rosserial communicates with arduino and alike
[10:10:26] <veverak> [VEGETA]: figure out something
[10:10:37] <veverak> I would just think about what data I actually need to send to swarm robots
[10:10:48] <veverak> and send it over network as 'json' string
[10:10:50] <veverak> for example...
[10:10:51] <[VEGETA]> ^ EXACTLY
[10:10:56] <[VEGETA]> I've been thinking about this
[10:10:59] <[VEGETA]> and no clue
[10:11:06] <veverak> or something ;)
[10:11:23] <[VEGETA]> these swarms won't understand all map data that ros robots will
[10:11:34] <veverak> wait
[10:11:39] <veverak> you don't even know what you want to send them?
[10:11:42] <veverak> :)
[10:12:36] <[VEGETA]> TBH, no. there are lots of map data. for ros robots it is easy because they run the same package
[10:12:46] <veverak> than figure it out
[10:12:48] <veverak> :)
[10:12:50] <[VEGETA]> however, for non-ros robots, it is not
[10:12:53] <veverak> after THAT care about how to do it
[10:13:05] <[VEGETA]> hmmm you gotta a point
[10:13:22] <[VEGETA]> I made some delicious tea. help me and I give you some
[10:13:29] <veverak> (I suppose you will endup wit writing simple node that gets that data soemhow (topic for example) and sends them to swarm robots or something)
[10:13:43] <veverak> [VEGETA]: got my own :)
[10:13:55] <[VEGETA]> ^ i lost my dominion on you then
[10:14:25] <[VEGETA]> you guys are way more friendly than us anime fansubbers in rizon xD
[10:18:50] <z64555> er, the swarm bots still need some sort of method to get their location
[10:19:06] <[VEGETA]> aha right
[10:19:09] <z64555> is their a monitoring station that tracks each of them
[10:19:14] <veverak> yep
[10:19:14] <z64555> *there
[10:19:20] <veverak> interesting would be to make something
[10:19:28] <veverak> that allows each send signal and receive it
[10:19:32] <[VEGETA]> i thought of tracking their position, and send alarm when they are close to something
[10:19:43] <veverak> and somehow figure out how long it took for signal to arrive from the robot it send it
[10:19:58] <veverak> than you can tall that swarm robot A is at +-n distance from B
[10:20:00] <veverak> :)
[10:20:08] <veverak> THAT is interesting research
[10:20:16] <[VEGETA]> that is pain too xD
[10:20:19] <z64555> yeah. noise is gonna mess that up
[10:20:25] <veverak> z64555: it is
[10:20:29] <veverak> but with enough robots
[10:20:34] <veverak> maybe you can make usable data out of it
[10:20:49] <z64555> robots are a source of noise, as well
[10:21:00] <[VEGETA]> I assume the 3d map is great and accurate
[10:21:39] <veverak> but
[10:21:50] <veverak> half of the robot science is to learn how to work with unreliable data
[10:21:58] <z64555> additionally, antennas can block and even reflect signals, effectively casting a shadow
[10:22:19] <[VEGETA]> great discussion, so far we arrived at the problem of getting the accurate position of swarms
[10:22:28] <z64555> this is not as prevailed on simple whip antennas, but it still exists
[10:22:40] <z64555> *prevailant
[10:22:47] * z64555 hunts for his glasses
[10:23:00] <veverak> [VEGETA]: this IS problem
[10:23:03] <[VEGETA]> so if I get the position accurately enough + track it with the server -> send alarm when there is something in the way
[10:23:05] <veverak> and not trivial to solve
[10:23:07] <veverak> :)
[10:23:31] <z64555> yeah, I'm in favor of having at least some rudimentry sensors on each swarm bot to suppliment the positioning signal
[10:24:55] <[VEGETA]> for example?
[10:25:06] <veverak> simple mechanical switch?
[10:25:08] <veverak> ;)
[10:25:52] <z64555> yes, at the very least have like a whisker switch so the little monsters won't be biting at your ankles all the time
[10:25:56] <z64555> :)
[10:26:18] <[VEGETA]> these are ok. i can add like bump sensors or ir or...
[10:26:39] <veverak> yep
[10:39:17] <[VEGETA]> i've posted the question here: http://answers.ros.org/question/235282/how-to-get-a-non-ros-robots-position-in-a-known-map-stored-in-a-ros-master-server/
[14:09:58] <veverak> maybe here
[14:10:12] <veverak> anybody knows where I could possibly find sources for new prusas mk42?
[14:10:18] * veverak can't find it on the internetz
[14:10:25] <veverak> (allready wrote email btw)
[14:33:15] <alexi5> hello
[14:34:24] <SpeedEvil> hey
[14:48:17] <alexi5> do you know of any good tutorials on the implementation and visualization of occupancy grids
[19:28:45] <orlock> a Fanuc control board has sttarted generating NMI's
[19:28:49] <orlock> i think on ethernet link drops
[20:16:33] <Snert> I blame a ratty enet cable