#robotics | Logs for 2016-05-24

[00:35:28] <rue_house> I put a 22000uF on it, the power supply needs to be replaced
[00:35:36] <rue_house> must only be 6 or 8A on the 12V
[00:38:39] <z64556> hm.
[00:39:40] <rue_house> its one of what looks to be a long list of initial issues with the machine
[01:29:38] <rue_bed> I have a better machine 1/3 finished
[04:06:20] <veverak> thaaaat sucker
[04:06:28] * veverak left his genetic algorithm run over night
[04:06:36] <veverak> that quadruped started to jump
[05:47:03] <sazawal1> I am using  couple of force sensors in my system. They are placed in parallel in such a way that the load distributes equally among them. So if I have four sensors and the external force is F, then each sensor would take F/4 Newtons. I want to find out what would be the accuracy of the sensor system if accuracy of one sensor is f % of the applied load
[06:14:22] <LiohAu_> anybody used a kangaroo motor controller?
[06:14:43] <LiohAu_> should I tune it or not when controlling it with packet serial?
[08:36:48] <LiohAu_> SpeedEvil: are you there?
[08:37:30] <LiohAu_> any idea of how I could check that the encoder is correctly connected in this ugly thing : https://www.dropbox.com/s/r6dzectdqzym7dr/Photo%2024-05-2016%2015%2004%2030.jpg?dl=0 ?
[08:55:33] <Polymorphism> I wouldnt really describe that as ugly
[08:55:37] <Polymorphism> I think you need a stronger word
[08:55:39] <Polymorphism> jk =P
[09:14:35] <rue_house> LiohAu, I cant tell what your trying to measure
[09:23:42] <LiohAu_> rue_house: I'm not measuring anything right now
[09:23:56] <LiohAu_> I would like to find a way to verify that the encoder is correctly wired
[09:24:06] <LiohAu_> even if the wiring method sucks...
[09:24:12] <rue_house> i dont know what that is, your picture is too close
[09:24:27] <rue_house> is it a castor wheel on a robot?
[09:24:39] <rue_house> or a metal scoop?
[09:24:45] <LiohAu_> it's the front axle of a robot
[09:24:53] <LiohAu_> with a dual motor driver + controller
[09:25:11] <rue_house> its not a caster then?
[09:25:14] <LiohAu_> and a breadboard that has 4 pull-up resistors for the 4 encoders channels
[09:25:16] <LiohAu_> no
[09:25:22] <rue_house> just a wheel?
[09:25:32] <LiohAu_> 2 wheels with 2 motors
[09:25:44] <rue_house> ah
[09:25:55] <rue_house> you want to know how much each wheel turns?
[09:26:16] <LiohAu_> yes
[09:26:51] <Tom_itx> no i want to know _how_ each wheel turns
[09:26:56] <rue_house> is it a servo baord? that uses the encoder to control the motor?
[09:27:09] <LiohAu_> no it's a dc motor, so not a servo board
[09:27:15] <rue_house> yea
[09:27:19] <LiohAu_> it's a kangaroo board from dimensions engineering
[09:27:29] <rue_house> a servo is a motor with a feedback system to control the motor
[09:28:15] <LiohAu_> well usually people talk about servo when everything is in 1 box
[09:28:31] <LiohAu_> and servo are more used for position control
[09:28:37] <LiohAu_> here I'm trying to achieve velocity control
[09:28:40] <rue_house> yea, is that what it is?
[09:28:43] <rue_house> ok
[09:28:45] <LiohAu_> https://www.dropbox.com/s/u5an18pas7b5dmc/Photo%2020-05-2016%2020%2003%2004.jpg?dl=0
[09:28:53] <LiohAu_> maybe you'll understand better with that picture
[09:29:01] <rue_house> so its a velocity, not position servo system?
[09:29:08] <LiohAu_> yes velocity
[09:29:41] <rue_house> ok
[09:30:17] <LiohAu_> so there is classical 2 quadrature encoders on the motors, and that kangaroo controller board is supposed to use them for a kind of "autotune" system
[09:30:33] <LiohAu_> but I can't get that tuning thing to work, so I would like to know if the encoders are wired correctly
[09:31:08] <LiohAu_> but I don't know where should I measure the voltage
[09:31:31] <rue_house> do you have the encoders attached to the mtoors?
[09:31:35] <LiohAu_> yes
[09:31:50] <LiohAu_> on the 1st picture, the blue and purple wires are channel A/B
[09:32:00] <rue_house> ok, what kinda encoders are they, cause there are a million types
[09:32:13] <LiohAu_> magnetic quadrature ones
[09:32:16] <LiohAu_> 2 channel, no index
[09:32:21] <rue_house> ok
[09:32:28] <rue_house> open collector or ttl output?
[09:32:40] <LiohAu_> I don't know, how can I know,
[09:32:41] <LiohAu_> ?*
[09:32:54] <rue_house> what is the encoders part number
[09:33:10] <LiohAu_> wait i'll look at the datasheet
[09:34:04] <Tom_itx> you may need pullups on the outputs
[09:34:08] <LiohAu_> http://www.superdroidrobots.com/images/TD-044-240-C.jpg
[09:34:20] <LiohAu_> Tom_itx: this is what the messy breadboards achieve actually
[09:34:34] <LiohAu_> try to achieve*
[09:35:10] <LiohAu_> rue_house: I have the two channel one on that datasheet, I don't see anything about ttl or open collector
[09:35:40] <rue_house> output circuit shows your find
[09:35:42] <rue_house> fine
[09:36:18] <rue_house> you can hook leds to the encoder, from the output to ground,
[09:36:34] <rue_house> as you turn it you should see them blink in sequence
[09:36:38] <LiohAu_> oh, ok so open collector means you need pull up? if so yes the docs from the site where I bought them told me to use pull-up
[09:37:01] <rue_house> according to that datasheet they already have the pullup
[09:37:39] <LiohAu_> hm aren't they describing what I should put in my output circuit ?
[09:37:57] <rue_house> no, thats the internal sensor circuit
[09:39:26] <LiohAu_> "Encoder Interface:
[09:39:27] <LiohAu_> Dual Channel/Quadrature Encoder mounted to tail shaft of motor. See datasheet in image gallery. (Each channel requires a 1k pull up resitor to Vcc as shown on datasheet.) This pull up board can be used in-line, providing the required pull-ups to Vcc for channel A and channel B."
[09:39:30] <LiohAu_> written here : http://www.superdroidrobots.com/shop/item.aspx/ig42-24vdc-240-rpm-gear-motor-with-encoder/840/
[09:39:57] <LiohAu_> so I really think they are not included
[09:42:48] <rue_house> odd
[09:44:45] <rue_house> use a meter, slowly turn the output and see if they output ever goes above 2V
[09:47:36] <rue_house> off to work, bye
[09:47:52] <LiohAu_> hm
[09:48:03] <LiohAu_> rue_house: i just tried your led thing
[09:49:37] <LiohAu_> the kangaroo board has 2 channels (1 for each motor), and on one channel the led is not really shiny, but when I turn the wheel (and so the motor), the led blink
[09:49:58] <LiohAu_> on the 2nd channel, the led is more shiny, and nothing happens when I turn the wheel..
[18:40:18] <rue_house> I wonder if he did the leds from ground to output like I said
[18:42:05] <Snert_> if not he may be back.
[18:50:00] <z64555> :/
[18:50:05] <z64555> no current limited resistor?
[18:54:09] <Snert_> sure, just pwm that puppy. Hope he thinks of that.
[18:54:33] <Snert_> I don't like that method myself, but to each their own.
[20:07:43] <z64555> still need a current limiting resistor unless you know what the internal resistance of the uC is
[20:23:33] <Snert> part that bothers me is I may bork the code and all of a sudden, so pin but pin full on.
[20:24:02] <Snert> I try to err on the side of safety and worse case condition.
[20:29:00] <mrdata_> when borking code, remember to have an airbag
[23:48:41] <rue_house> yay, I added point support to my dxf reading library
[23:59:34] <rue_house> so lets see
[23:59:57] <rue_house> in a cam processor, we want to apply a number of operations to a number of things in a drawing