#robotics | Logs for 2016-05-17

[05:00:36] <rue_bed> SorcererX, images of the motor would help
[05:00:59] <rue_bed> I wonder if you blew up a $500 encoder
[05:57:10] <SpeedEvil> I have in a cupboard a 12" encoder, with ~20 wires coming out of it, with a beautifully smooth bearing and a hollow shaft.
[05:57:30] <SpeedEvil> I connected various parts of it to ~24V in an attempt to get it to spin.
[05:57:40] <SpeedEvil> - I diddn't know what encoders were, I was quite small.
[08:52:26] <LiohAu> I'm looking for a power/emergency switch (don't know how you call it in english) to shut off power from the battery without having to disconnect the battery connector all the time
[08:52:47] <LiohAu> I need to find one on which I can connect 8 awg wire
[08:52:50] <LiohAu> any suggestion ?
[08:52:55] <veverak> CNC emergency button?
[08:53:04] <veverak> they should be buyable
[08:53:06] <LiohAu> going to google that
[08:53:42] <z64555> "big red button"
[08:53:47] <veverak> http://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_trksid=p2050601.m570.l1313.TR0.TRC0.H0.Xcnc+emergency.TRS0&_nkw=cnc+emergency&_sacat=0
[08:53:50] <LiohAu> https://buildyourcnc.com/Item/electronicsAndMotors-electronic-component-e-stop-button-switch-safety yes something like this would be good, but I need it to support 50A ..
[08:54:08] <veverak> that's question of finding proper button
[08:54:11] <veverak> :)
[08:55:00] <LiohAu> yes, actually I have found tons of buttons for high voltage/low current
[08:55:08] <LiohAu> but in my case i'm on 24v / 50A
[09:33:27] <Snert> why not break the juice at the 120Vac instead of on the 24VDC side?
[09:34:46] <Snert> o, not a cnc machine I guess.
[09:37:09] <veverak> LiohAu: anyawy
[09:37:16] <veverak> "emergency button" should be it anyway
[09:39:56] <SpeedEvil> The button will generally not break high powers
[09:40:08] <SpeedEvil> what you want is a contactor - or a high power relay
[09:40:49] <SpeedEvil> Something as simple as a large FET, a switch, and a resistor could work
[09:46:20] <deshipu> an emergency button should have as few breakable components as possible
[09:46:50] <deshipu> preferentially components that stop the device from working when they break, not stop you from switching it off
[10:03:53] <SpeedEvil> Sure.
[10:04:15] <SpeedEvil> you can add a fuse and a NO relay to that.
[13:30:06] <rue_shop5> you could set up a self latching relay
[14:10:18] <deshipu> or self-detonating
[14:19:31] <rue_shop5> (+) ---- start button (N.O.) ------(A)-----stop button (N.C.) ------- relay coil------------- (-)
[14:20:02] <rue_shop5> (+) ------ relay contact (N.O.) ----- (A)
[14:20:22] <rue_shop5> when you push the start button it closes the relay, which holds itself on
[14:20:34] <rue_shop5> when you push the stop button it beaks the circuit and the relay turns off
[15:11:09] <SorcererX> rue_shop5: https://www.servocity.com/html/165_rpm_hd_planetary_gear_moto.html#.Vzt0nK995JQ
[15:13:24] <rue_shop5> they have the pinout right there on that page!?
[15:14:28] <SorcererX> yes, the pinout is no problem
[15:14:54] <rue_shop5> what is confusing you?
[15:15:42] <SorcererX> I have no male 6-pin JST connector to connect it to, so I am wondering what the most suitable way would be to connect it
[15:16:05] <rue_shop5> cut it off and solder on a piece of female header
[15:16:07] <SorcererX> I can ofcourse just cut off the JST connector and wire it
[15:16:10] <rue_shop5> want a picture?
[15:16:21] <SorcererX> just seems.. wrong somehow
[15:16:25] <rue_shop5> nope
[15:16:41] <rue_shop5> use hot glue to form a strain releif
[15:17:07] <rue_shop5> wet your fingers with soapy water and they wont stick to the warm glue so you can form it
[15:17:49] <Snert_> or get the right sex connector.
[15:17:51] <SorcererX> I guess I'll just cut it off then, and just do the motor+/- straight to the screw terminals, then attach some female jumper connectors to the 4 wires for the encoder
[15:17:55] <Snert_> http://www.aliexpress.com/item/Micro-JST-1-25mm-Pitch-6-Pin-Female-Connector-Male-Connector-Connector-Horizontal-strips/32532916244.html?ws_ab_test=searchweb201556_10,searchweb201602_1_10017_10021_507_10022_10020_10009_10008_10018_10019,searchweb201603_6&btsid=5d6e2800-b2a1-447b-a302-264f9f0561a3
[15:18:24] <SorcererX> that's wrong pitch though, but I get the point
[15:18:26] <SorcererX> :)
[15:18:44] <rue_shop5> non-0.1" pitch can be a pain
[15:18:49] <rue_shop5> I just lose them
[15:18:52] <SorcererX> it is 0.1" pitch
[15:19:14] <SorcererX> but yeah, I think I'll just lose them
[15:19:28] <rue_shop5> oh, then just cut the motor wires free and bundle them seperate
[15:19:49] <SorcererX> yeah, that's the plan
[16:59:14] <rue_shop5> haha, these driver chips I have a pile of from printers are $24ea
[17:46:11] <Snert_> ouch. My antique 74153 binary to bcd converter chips weren't that spensive.
[17:46:52] <Snert_> but I had to go to Shenzen to get them.
[17:50:21] <TFK-Killermatrix> i search a opencv distance example for raspberry pi in python
[17:50:48] <TFK-Killermatrix> i need this for my bot
[17:51:03] <deshipu> TFK-Killermatrix: distance example?
[17:51:09] <deshipu> TFK-Killermatrix: what do you mean?
[17:51:14] <TFK-Killermatrix> http://img4web.com/view/VUZC4T
[17:51:34] <TFK-Killermatrix> i use the raspicam for opencv
[17:52:07] <deshipu> ok, and?
[17:53:10] <TFK-Killermatrix> the cam is to measure distance to an object color or face
[17:53:38] <deshipu> I don't think you can do that without knowing the size of the object
[17:53:45] <deshipu> not with a single camera, anyways
[17:54:15] <TFK-Killermatrix> the bot is thus a recognition perform, and thus control the speed of motors
[17:56:02] <TFK-Killermatrix> why not ?
[17:56:30] <deshipu> physics
[17:58:26] <TFK-Killermatrix> hmmmmmm
[17:59:19] <deshipu> but I see you have distance sensors there, why not use those?
[18:00:39] <TFK-Killermatrix> which are for collision avoidance
[18:02:13] <TFK-Killermatrix> I want to keep a targeted goal in distance
[18:02:14] <deshipu> for distance you either need a stereo camera or some kind of lidar (or both, like Kinect does)
[18:03:26] <deshipu> you can tell a robot to try and keep a certain object in camera (like, a blob of color) a certain size -- by moving away when it grows and moving closer when it shrinks
[18:03:38] <deshipu> that would make it keep roughly the same distance...
[18:03:52] <deshipu> gotta run
[18:04:43] <TFK-Killermatrix> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kAMaUuBVK9I
[18:05:05] <TFK-Killermatrix> he used one cam or ?
[18:06:26] <TFK-Killermatrix> hmmm that is a good idee
[18:07:07] <TFK-Killermatrix> there is in the direction of an example?