#robotics | Logs for 2016-05-09

[00:50:06] <anniepoo> Furniture would be a great application for a robot swarm
[00:50:07] <anniepoo> http://design-milk.com/12-seats-for-maximum-relaxation/nap-3a-feel-seating/
[09:28:25] <rue_house> anniepoo, "Arg, one of these bots just poked me in the
[09:37:34] <deshipu> anniepoo: I don't know, you'd always find lost stradders in corners
[12:07:58] <anniepoo> lol
[12:10:55] <deshipu> you would have to go around the whole flat to herd yourself an armchair
[12:39:49] <LiohAu> ok so I connected my robot to the battery for the 1st time
[12:40:13] <LiohAu> and I burnt one of the motor driver I had.
[12:40:50] <LiohAu> looks like a short between battery input and motor output, since wires are very close on the terminal block
[12:41:10] <deshipu> happens
[12:41:15] <LiohAu> I would like to find a way to makes things more safe, what can I do ?
[12:41:29] <deshipu> I usually check the most crucial connections with a multimeter before connecting the battery
[12:41:40] <LiohAu> deshipu: how do you do that?
[12:42:03] <LiohAu> I mean before you plug the battery, there's no current, so how do you measure that there's no shoft ?
[12:42:04] <LiohAu> short*
[12:42:05] <deshipu> switch it to ohm-meter and look if there is no short between the power lines
[12:42:17] <deshipu> the ohmmeter has its own, small, current
[12:42:45] <deshipu> just enough to check if there is a connection or not
[12:42:48] <LiohAu> ok I think I did not use an ohm meter since 15 years
[12:43:04] <deshipu> it is useful
[12:43:30] <LiohAu> I see that I have 2M, 200K, 20K, 2K and 200 ohm which one should I use?
[12:43:49] <LiohAu> is it like voltage, you start with biggest one and you go down until you get a result ?
[12:46:12] <deshipu> the smallest
[12:46:16] <deshipu> 200Ω
[12:46:26] <LiohAu> ok
[12:46:36] <deshipu> if there is a short, it will be 0 or close to it
[12:47:40] <LiohAu> and about the terminal block, here is the board (after burning), is there a safer practice than just connecting the wire into the terminal ? https://www.dropbox.com/s/027f17q4pua4i8v/IMG_1274.JPG?dl=0
[12:49:57] <LiohAu> for instance on the other side of the board, there was a board like this : http://www.superdroidrobots.com/images/TE-180-000.jpg <- they don't use wires so that looks cleaner
[12:52:46] <deshipu> you could use plugs and sockets
[12:52:54] <deshipu> also, tin your wires
[13:11:17] <z64555> Since you're checking for a short on an unpowered device, it's ok to use the smallest ohm setting
[13:11:35] * z64555 thinks for a moment
[13:11:51] <z64555> although, really, and ohmmeter doesn't really work on a powered device
[13:12:27] * z64555 rambles nonsense
[13:12:30] <deshipu> well, it does *something, just not what you'd expect
[13:12:36] <Snert_> I remember slamming the needle on an analog ohmmeter is you didn't kill the juice....
[13:14:30] <LiohAu> "also, tin your wires" => twisting is not enough?
[13:14:35] <LiohAu> @deshipu
[13:14:46] <deshipu> LiohAu: as you can see, they escape from the terminal
[13:15:10] <deshipu> if you tin them, and cut to exactly the length that goes into the terminal, you should have much smaller chance of a short
[13:15:26] <deshipu> tinned wire is more rigid, won't bend as much
[13:16:38] <Tom_itx> also a bigger chance of wire fatigue at the solder/wire intersection
[13:16:45] <z64555> eh, try to tin it at any bends it may need. if you tin just the tip and have a bend right next to the tinned part then you have a stress point right at the bend
[13:17:33] <Tom_itx> more or less what i just said
[13:17:34] <deshipu> make sure that all the wire that comes out is insulated
[13:17:37] <z64555> yes. :)
[13:17:44] <deshipu> only expose and tin enough to fit into the terminal
[13:18:12] <deshipu> the parts that are insulated -- the insulation helps to relieve the stresses and it won't break
[13:19:22] <z64555> why am I doubting this...
[13:20:30] <deshipu> paranoia, probably
[13:20:52] <LiohAu> what is the word for this in english : http://www.installation-renovation-electrique.com/images/domino-serre-fil-bornier-electrique.jpg ?
[13:20:56] <LiohAu> domino also?
[13:21:57] <deshipu> screw terminals
[13:22:19] <LiohAu> hm so what is the difference with the green thing here : https://www.dropbox.com/s/027f17q4pua4i8v/IMG_1274.JPG?dl=0 ?
[13:22:36] <LiohAu> it's named "terminal block" in this case?
[13:22:54] <Tom_itx> you're only allowed 1 question
[13:22:58] <LiohAu> :(
[13:23:15] <Tom_itx> same thing just different
[13:23:21] <LiohAu> ok.
[13:23:40] <Tom_itx> that's a mess btw
[13:23:58] <z64555> not helpful :P
[13:24:31] <Tom_itx> they also make those screw terminals that plug into their mating part that is soldered to a board
[13:24:51] <z64555> banana plugs?
[13:24:57] <Tom_itx> no
[13:25:03] <LiohAu> Tom_itx: yes like on this one : http://www.superdroidrobots.com/images/TE-180-000.jpg
[13:25:27] <Tom_itx> yeah
[13:26:10] <Tom_itx> they work ok until the wire gets too heavy
[13:26:28] <LiohAu> so I have a screw terminal (the black one) used to connect my battery to 2 of these boards + a step-down board that power a raspberry pi like board.
[13:26:49] <LiohAu> how can I replace that since it does not look safe too?
[13:28:43] <LiohAu> (to be more accurate: 2 wires coming from battery + and - entering in the black screw terminal, on the other side : 3 red/+ wires and 3 black/- wires (2 red and 2 black for the motor drivers, and the 2 remaining ones to the step-down board)
[13:30:49] <LiohAu> something like this : https://www.dropbox.com/s/6sudf2h16kuabvh/Photo%2009-05-2016%2020%2003%2019.jpg?dl=0
[13:31:24] <LiohAu> I really dislike it, but I never saw a connector that had more outputs than inputs
[13:32:38] <LiohAu> sorry I'm going to ask on #electronics as I excessed my askings quota here for today :P
[14:27:59] <Snert_> short of solder & shrink, that looks pretty good. The wires are wel seated depthwise into the screw terminal block.
[14:28:44] <Snert_> a couple zip ties for mechanical support/stablility would be good.
[14:43:24] <theBear> that's not jsut a connector, it's a connection... the little ones are probly just sense wires, easy to slip in beside a big one on any connection really
[15:39:05] <yakiza> hello guys i have a lego nxt robot and ive made an remote control control the lego with the movement of his hand and his fingers so far ive made it go forward backwards stop right left any suggestion
[15:39:14] <yakiza> what can i make it do more?
[15:39:35] <yakiza> remote control glove*
[15:42:36] <z64555> attach a gripper
[15:42:56] <z64555> make it do a beer run. :D
[15:44:16] <yakiza> that would be nice