#robotics | Logs for 2016-05-07

[00:05:19] <MDude> the best kind of robot
[00:50:23] <z64555> aha, looks like I finally hit the cap
[00:50:40] <z64555> content rich sites such as webcomics are very slow to load, similar to 56K
[00:50:54] <z64555> but text services are still pretty quick
[00:52:17] <DagoRed> Use lynx to browse.
[00:52:28] <DagoRed> JavaScript and ads won't load.
[01:03:41] <Jak_o_Shadows> What is your cap anyway?
[01:14:46] <z64555> should be more than 10GB, I forgot the exact number
[01:15:09] <z64555> I'd have to dig around in paperwork for it
[01:15:30] <Jak_o_Shadows> oh
[01:15:35] <Jak_o_Shadows> that's a tiiny amount
[01:16:20] <z64555> 14GB
[01:16:31] <z64555> yeah, but I don't do netflix or streaming of any kind
[01:17:13] <z64555> 10GB did me just fine up until the end of last year, when I decided to try to get into Fortnite
[01:21:10] <Jak_o_Shadows> I have 1TB, which is overkill
[01:21:20] <Jak_o_Shadows> Also, fortnite is actually somehwat released? cool
[01:23:27] <z64555> it's still in Beta...
[01:23:40] <z64555> It's very playable, so I'm not sure what all they're still testing
[01:23:42] <Jak_o_Shadows> I had presumed it'd been canceled.
[01:24:26] <z64555> probably some disagreement in upper management as to how revenue will be generated from it.
[01:24:33] <Jak_o_Shadows> How hard is it to get in? Automatic or not?
[01:24:37] <z64555> but, that's speculation
[01:25:01] <z64555> Ah, they give out keys to members and then occassionaly give out more keys
[01:25:15] <Jak_o_Shadows> Sort of a random draw every so often?
[01:25:18] <z64555> so its membership is peer-based, or whatever the term is
[01:25:42] <z64555> no, not a random draw, members give them out to friends and friends of friends, or whoever they feel like
[02:55:46] <deshipu> Jak_o_Shadows: pidgin is nice if you like your passwords being available in plain text to all programs you run
[02:57:08] <Jak_o_Shadows> TBH, I'm not sure that's too much of an issue. Sure, plaintext bad, but still
[04:16:15] <veverak> wow?
[04:16:29] <veverak> Jak_o_Shadows: wait a sec, can I send you some testing program for you tu ran?
[04:16:39] <veverak> simple .c binary, nothing hamrful, I promise!
[04:16:41] <veverak> :)
[04:18:30] <veverak> FINALLY
[04:19:06] <veverak> merging two list of transformations in space (rotation, movement, in time_point) together was pain
[04:19:20] <veverak> but, adding transition in -inf, and +inf at the start/end of both lists made things easier
[04:53:50] <Jak_o_Shadows> haha
[09:21:15] <yakiza> Hello guys i got an arduino and a grove tilt switch sensor and i want to connect that in to a breadboard but i dont know where the SIG and the NC goes
[09:22:17] <deshipu> measure?
[09:22:31] <deshipu> NC, as the name implies, is not connected
[09:22:45] <yakiza> http://www.seeedstudio.com/wiki/Grove_-_Tilt_Switch
[09:22:46] <yakiza> here
[09:22:50] <yakiza> this is the sensor that i got
[09:23:10] <yakiza> i know where the ground and the vcc goes i dont know the other two
[09:25:50] <yakiza> i dont need the nc in this sensor i just need the sig but i dont know what sig stands for
[09:26:23] <Snert> signal
[09:27:50] <yakiza> Snert i connect it to analog a0 for instance?
[09:28:17] <Snert> I'd stick with a D pin, myself.
[09:28:37] <Snert> but ya whatever pin you use
[09:33:31] <yakiza> Snert i mean where i the signal pin in the arduino
[09:34:04] <robopal> yakiza, but it tells you right there on the page you linked
[09:34:10] <Snert> D1,D2, D6, D12, whatever.
[09:35:32] <yakiza> the thing is i dont have that kind of shield i have a plain breadboard
[09:37:54] <robopal> yakiza, you have an arduino, you have the sensor and you have a breadboard
[09:38:01] <robopal> what do you need the breadboard for?
[09:38:03] <yakiza> yes
[09:38:33] <yakiza> i have other sensors connected to the breadboard i need to connect this sensor as well
[09:38:40] <yakiza> and i dont know where to pu the sig pin
[09:39:12] <robopal> see again usage
[09:39:19] <robopal> paragraph on the link
[09:39:25] <robopal> it even has a code example
[09:40:24] <robopal> I dont understand what more you need, you have already done these steps for the other sensors on the breadboard
[09:41:39] <yakiza> ok let me check again
[09:54:43] <dave1001> Hello guys i have 2x flex sensors connected to my arduino and i get these readings
[09:54:45] <dave1001> http://prntscr.com/b1ceqa
[09:54:53] <dave1001> how can i make it better?
[09:55:10] <dave1001> i cannot understand witch one is flex and witch is flex1
[10:00:47] <deshipu> dave1001: print something more to distingish them
[10:01:03] <dave1001> like
[10:01:09] <dave1001> Serial.println("Flex sensor 2:",flex0to100a);
[10:04:04] <dave1001> thanks
[10:04:09] <dave1001> i did something
[10:04:49] <deshipu> I think you have to do it in two separate prints, but yeah
[10:06:26] <dave1001> yeah thats what i did
[10:06:33] <dave1001> but again i dont get quite what i want
[10:30:04] <rue_house> 2 wire sensor?
[11:57:12] <z64555> well that was confusing. lol
[12:21:26] <computer2000> Hey - I'm working on a robotics project and currently using servo motors, controlling the arduino with johnny five - the servo has noticeable jitter / doesn't run smoothly - is there any way to fix this?
[12:21:29] <computer2000> Servo jitter - movement just not smooth enough
[12:40:36] <SpeedEvil> Do the servos jitter when stationary?
[13:21:22] <z64555> he gone. :/
[13:41:04] <Loshki> http://electronics.stackexchange.com/questions/77502/is-there-a-way-to-stop-servos-from-shaking
[13:46:29] <Snert> people run them from 6v to cut down on jitter.
[13:46:48] <Snert> but don't expect too much when it's a $3 servo.
[16:18:05] <deshipu> you can also run them on higher frequency
[16:18:52] <deshipu> but most of the times when I had jittering servos it was becuase of not enough current
[22:02:11] <rue_house> Loshki, yea, adjust the gain
[22:02:15] <rue_house> it will make the error worse