#robotics | Logs for 2016-05-03

[03:19:41] <yakiza> Hello guys i have an arduino uno r3 a bread board and 2 flex sensors and i want to connect them do i need anything else except than cables
[03:20:24] <Jak_o_Shadows> erm, I would lean towards no
[03:20:33] <Jak_o_Shadows> Hard to tell without more details, but I think no
[03:23:43] <yakiza> Jak_o_Shadows what informations do you need?
[03:24:29] <Jak_o_Shadows> well, the main thing is whether the flex sensor noticeably changes (resistance?)
[03:24:38] <Jak_o_Shadows> Like, if it has a decent range, you'll be fine
[03:24:44] <Jak_o_Shadows> if not, it's more complicated
[03:25:23] <yakiza> Jak_o_Shadows i am going to build a remote control glove that from the change on the resistance of the flex sensors i will be able to move a robot
[03:25:32] <Jak_o_Shadows> ah, cool.
[03:25:36] <Jak_o_Shadows> I think you'll be find then.
[03:25:40] <Jak_o_Shadows> I have a friend doing something similarish
[03:25:46] <yakiza> great :D
[05:05:15] <yakiza> Guys i have an arduino uno r3 with a minibreadboard shield prototype and a JY-MCU bluetooth and i want to connect it i also have resistance i saw this tutorial and this guy is using something between the bluetooth and the breadboard what is that do i need it?http://www.instructables.com/id/Arduino-JY-MCU-Module-Bluetooth-Android-Applicatio/step2
[05:05:16] <yakiza> /Connect-Arduino-to-JY-MCU/
[05:54:12] <Jak_o_Shadows> I don't know what that guy is using
[05:54:15] <Jak_o_Shadows> those modules are easy to connect
[05:54:25] <Jak_o_Shadows> oh wait, that's the arduino
[05:54:29] <Jak_o_Shadows> yeah, you need a voltage dividor
[05:54:38] <Jak_o_Shadows> to get from the 5V of the sensor to the 3.3V of the arduino
[09:19:41] <rue_house> http://www.instructables.com/id/Arduino-JY-MCU-Module-Bluetooth-Android-Applicatio/step2
[09:20:58] <rue_house> its just a few resistors? whats the confusion?
[11:44:46] <Snert_> a voltage divider being used to supply juice? As opposed to a voltage divider to provide level shifting?
[11:45:34] <Snert_> Myself, I wouldn't do the former.
[11:48:38] <Snert_> a 5v to 3.3v regulator being so cheap and common.
[23:06:52] <TheMaster> Hello guys
[23:08:07] <Guest60516> Can i connect an arduino uno with bluetooth to my computer (send data to visual studion C#) and the visual studio send data with bluetooth somewhere else)
[23:08:20] <orlock> sure
[23:08:22] <orlock> the question is
[23:08:24] <orlock> can you
[23:09:04] <Guest60516> orlock i am new so thats why i got in here to ask how i could do something like that
[23:09:26] <orlock> you know you can get arduino IDe compatible chips
[23:09:30] <orlock> with built in wifi/tcp
[23:09:35] <orlock> so not even need for bluetooth
[23:09:49] <orlock> your bluetooth is essentially going to be serial
[23:10:06] <joga> but...if you want bt, you just need some bluetooth thing for the arduino
[23:10:18] <Guest60516> i have a JY-MCU bluetooth for arduino
[23:10:33] <orlock> then you just hook it up to pins 0 and 1
[23:10:48] <orlock> or use softserial, and hook it up to other pins at slower rates
[23:11:25] <Guest60516> i dont need any other component?
[23:11:40] <orlock> that should be it
[23:11:45] <orlock> plus bluetooth for the PC
[23:11:54] <orlock> or actually, maybe 2x bluetooth
[23:12:05] <Guest60516> y i got both :)
[23:12:37] <Guest60516> oh you mean 2 bluetooth for t the pc one connecting to arduino the other to what ever i need it
[23:13:22] <Guest60516> orlock i cant use just one bt in the pc?
[23:13:47] <orlock> i dont know, try and associate it with two different devices
[23:13:49] <orlock> it might work
[23:13:51] <orlock> i suspect not
[23:14:06] <orlock> i prefer tcp myself