#robotics | Logs for 2016-04-30

[02:19:11] <pokmo> hi
[02:19:51] <pokmo> does anyone know R-clips like this could be used on a small plastic tube that's 3mm thick? https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/51/R-Clip.jpg
[02:20:10] <pokmo> would the clip damage the tube?
[02:49:11] <rue_2bed> pokmo, it wouldn't be my first choice
[02:49:21] <rue_2bed> how about a compression fitting?
[02:51:39] <pokmo> rue_house, which type are you thinking?
[02:51:53] <rue_2bed> like on a tap
[02:51:54] <pokmo> rue_house, but rc car body clips seem to work fine on rc cars, right
[02:52:17] <rue_2bed> is the pipe being used for a pipe?
[02:52:51] <rue_2bed> or for linking drive shafts
[02:53:39] <pokmo> rue_house, well, nothing flows inside. i'm trying to make sure two nylon washers on a plastic tube from sliding out
[02:53:41] <pokmo> like here https://i.imgur.com/AZ4tNNz.jpg
[02:54:28] <rue_2bed> can you put slot cuts part way into the tubes and use E or C clips?
[02:55:25] <pokmo> rue_house, but don't E/C clips put even more stress on the tube?
[02:55:36] <pokmo> gotta squeeze them in using pliers
[02:55:45] <rue_2bed> not if they are sized right
[02:55:56] <pokmo> right
[02:56:04] <rue_2bed> they idealy sit in a groove
[02:56:08] <pokmo> rue_house, so why are R-clips not ideal?
[02:56:15] <pokmo> rue_house, yeah
[02:56:20] <pokmo> rue_2bed, ^
[02:56:21] <rue_2bed> the groove is what sets their position
[02:56:41] <rue_2bed> because they are meant to go into holes thru what they hold on
[02:57:11] <pokmo> rue_house, yeah, i could drill holes on the tube
[02:57:12] <rue_2bed> you drill a hole thru the pipe and push the straight part of the R clip thru it
[02:57:22] <rue_2bed> ah, well then go for it
[02:57:38] <pokmo> i just fear the r clips would put too much stress on the plastic
[02:57:45] <pokmo> and somehow damage/deform it
[02:57:51] <rue_2bed> they can
[02:58:03] <pokmo> are there plastic e clips or something less hard?
[02:58:09] <rue_2bed> drilling a hole thru something will weaken it
[02:58:21] <pokmo> yeah
[02:58:23] <rue_2bed> it'll be thesame force nomatter what
[02:58:32] <pokmo> same force as?
[02:58:48] <rue_2bed> metal would be the same force as plastic
[02:59:16] <rue_2bed> if your worried about the strength of the tube, make it of someting stronger
[02:59:25] <pokmo> rue_house, how come? if it was plastic, it could be more flexible, right
[02:59:31] <pokmo> rue_2bed, ^
[02:59:51] <rue_2bed> either the clip or the tube would break
[03:00:15] <rue_2bed> if your applying enough force to break something, it dons't matter what your applying the force with
[03:00:20] <pokmo> if both were plastic?
[03:01:06] <pokmo> yeah, but if might not necessarily break, right
[03:01:14] <rue_2bed> ever hit your finger with a metal hammer?
[03:01:16] <pokmo> actually, hair clips are plastic.. they're a bit like R clips
[03:02:00] <rue_2bed> if you hit your finger with a rubber hammer just as hard, it wouldn't hurt less
[03:02:06] <pokmo> rue_2bed, my thinking was that if it was plastic, it could be more flexible, so the force needed to squeeze it in could be less
[03:02:37] <rue_2bed> if your worried about the pipe breaking, make it of something stronger
[03:03:01] <pokmo> rue_2bed, the material is pretty much fixed unfortunately
[03:03:31] <goppo> plastic R clips: http://i01.i.aliimg.com/img/pb/006/770/452/452770006_730.jpg
[03:03:47] <pokmo> oh, that's what they use on fabrics
[03:12:37] <pokmo> i guess i'll get a few thin metal R clips and just test them out
[19:33:29] <The_jester> http://pastebin.com/Af6MJi9q
[19:45:57] <The_jester> well?
[19:49:58] <rue_house> your going to make it redo a line every half second?
[19:50:22] <rue_house> sorry, I'm out of neocitran, and I couldn't remember how much water to put in the noodles
[19:51:49] <The_jester> http://pastebin.com/6DdJ4D2Z
[19:51:57] <The_jester> ^^^^ this ^^^^
[19:52:30] <rue_house> yea
[19:52:33] <rue_house> ok, give me a min
[19:52:40] <rue_house> +- being ill
[19:53:40] <The_jester> rue += - illness
[19:54:42] <The_jester> so that russion billionaire is still sinking money into downloading brains, I think he is your best bet buddy...
[19:55:00] <rue_house> I wonder where he's at
[19:55:29] <The_jester> some maniac mansion i amagine
[19:55:49] <rue_house> no I mean progress wise
[19:56:14] <The_jester> i can only amagine..
[19:56:41] <The_jester> i guess you need to mri and map every nuron first
[19:57:03] <rue_house> no, not required
[19:57:17] <rue_house> the physical arrangement is almost completely unimportant
[19:57:26] <The_jester> wrong
[19:57:32] <rue_house> heh
[19:58:05] <The_jester> our brains are a series of trasistors
[19:58:30] <rue_house> they are so complex that the arrangement of the transistors dosn't matter as much as the setpoints they are all programmed with
[20:00:08] <rue_house> if your neurons lose their setpoints, your brain is just a lump of meat
[20:00:16] <rue_house> it takes about 5 minutes
[20:01:13] <rue_house> 20 to 400
[20:01:23] <rue_house> 380
[20:01:36] <rue_house> 38
[20:01:38] <rue_house> ok
[20:01:41] * the_jester_ got bumped
[20:01:51] <rue_house> <rue_house> they are so complex that the arrangement of the transistors dosn't matter as much as the setpoints they are all programmed with
[20:01:52] <rue_house> <rue_house> if your neurons lose their setpoints, your brain is just a lump of meat
[20:01:52] <rue_house> <rue_house> it takes about 5 minutes
[20:01:52] <rue_house> <rue_house> 20 to 400
[20:01:52] <rue_house> <rue_house> 380
[20:01:53] <rue_house> <rue_house> 38
[20:01:55] <rue_house> <rue_house> ok
[20:02:48] <rue_house> (38 = 380/10)
[20:02:54] <the_jester_> me point being is that the processor and the program rom are both on the same die... so to speak
[20:03:25] <rue_house> kinda
[20:03:43] <rue_house> but the data is so redundant that if you put it on a mostly wrong platform it would correct itself
[20:03:46] <rue_house> its THAT stable
[20:04:35] <the_jester_> well its kinda like you need to be able to model the hardware before you can look at dumping the software
[20:05:23] <rue_house> heh, cool, but not right.. (my code)
[20:05:39] <the_jester_> and that being said since you there are so many neurons (hardware addresses) in the brain i think the only way you could create a 'rom' is to image the whole thing, Kinda like decapping a die
[20:08:08] <the_jester_> i think this: take destination - origin = path distance,
[20:09:10] <the_jester_> lemme see what youve got
[20:09:19] <rue_house> nono its all messed up hold on
[20:11:20] <rue_house> ah much closer
[20:12:43] <the_jester_> i keep getting messed up because i forget there are two counters to deal with, x and y
[20:15:10] <the_jester_> so i guess we would loog at how far vertically which tells us how many steps horizontally we have to divide them horizontal differance by, then run a function that updates the cureent x y proportionally untilo it reaches the predefined endpoint on the bottom of the screen.
[20:15:35] <the_jester_> ^^^ tottal gibberish
[20:16:43] <the_jester_> endX - startX = draw steps;
[20:17:22] <the_jester_> endY - startY = distance per step;
[20:17:49] <the_jester_> function dr4awstep(){
[20:19:25] <the_jester_> if counter draw steps is not equal to endX then add distance per step to currentY, then draw line from oragin to current Y
[20:20:33] <the_jester_> i should have just started by drawing a line from the top of the screen to the bottom in steps , dead center
[20:20:58] <the_jester_> MODS this is off topic..lol
[20:21:51] <the_jester_> should have used a 2d array
[20:22:02] <the_jester_> should have done alot of things
[20:22:44] <the_jester_> remeber at times i will have to get a dozen or so of these lines streakinbg down across the screen
[20:22:59] <the_jester_> at once
[20:24:13] <the_jester_> suppose all there xy coridinates should be in an object
[20:24:57] <the_jester_> seperate entry for each line its origin, desination, counters and status
[20:25:21] <Jak_o_Shadows> what are you programming?
[20:25:27] <rue_house> mother was visiting, hold on
[20:26:09] <the_jester_> could use a method to predefine all the variables including the origin and destination anhh a counter update each variable contained within
[20:26:52] <the_jester_> this is going to be the most complicated program ive ever written
[20:27:23] <the_jester_> setting a 1 week timee limit
[20:28:52] <rue_house> there is a slight error still
[20:28:53] <rue_house> but
[20:29:26] <rue_house> http://pastebin.com/wR1mHCaE
[20:35:05] <the_jester_> well that works well enough for now
[20:36:59] <the_jester_> considering you have probley never played missle command..
[20:40:11] <the_jester_> Y = Y + 10 could be Y += 10;
[20:40:40] <the_jester_> or is it =+
[20:42:34] <the_jester_> i guess you could run a constant counter the whole time the programs running and referance that with regards to spawn times and grahics steps
[20:43:15] <the_jester_> so long as you didnt take forever to finish the level allowing the counterr to roll over
[20:44:20] <the_jester_> howver as soon as you missed al the missles and it killed all your bases the computer would end the level and stop the counter anyway
[20:45:08] <the_jester_> well rue appears to have died from his cold so im gonna bail
[20:48:08] <the_jester_> http://pastebin.com/vwT9zW4D
[20:48:45] <the_jester_> ^^^ enjoy a game of breakout on me; if anyone cares to improve upon the paddle copllision detection be my guest
[20:57:17] <rue_house> if all these visotors get ill, its gonna be a quiet next few weeks
[20:57:43] <the_jester_> interesting stuff passing through pastebin atm. looks like alot of people are working on RTS & RPG gales, lots of charecter attibutes and assoiated code being passed back on forth
[20:58:09] <rue_house> :)
[21:01:24] <the_jester_> did you try breakout rue?
[21:01:36] <rue_house> yea
[21:01:39] <rue_house> intersting bug
[21:01:44] <rue_house> its stuck over the line
[21:02:00] <the_jester_> i know that happened to me today aswell
[21:02:27] <rue_house> it looks great tho
[21:02:27] <the_jester_> same thing thaqt causes it to skip along the top of the paddle ocasionally aswell i think
[21:03:51] <the_jester_> i think whats happening is the ballX is ending up stuck in the line and its sitting there flipping between +- ballspeed states
[21:04:44] <Jak_o_Shadows> You don't atually ever end the game :P
[21:07:10] <the_jester_> well no, eventually once all the blocks are cleared it will redraw the playfield increase the ball speed and it will game over once your out of lives; along with implementing sound but not untill the balls stops getting stuck at the top of the playfield and dribbling along the top of the paddle
[21:07:41] <Jak_o_Shadows> You're not including the radius of the bal when you're comparig X for the paddle
[21:07:46] <Jak_o_Shadows> yeah, I'm at -36 lives :D
[21:08:46] <rue_house> hah! there 238, -1
[21:10:21] <rue_house> good, show, your really getting some coding down
[21:10:32] <the_jester_> it needs work. 2nd game ever though
[21:10:58] <the_jester_> small baby steps
[21:11:45] <the_jester_> eventually i'll get that auswitz tycoon game up on steam..lol
[21:12:28] <DagoRed> ..... that sounds horrible and makes me curious
[21:13:08] <the_jester_> LMAO
[21:13:21] <rue_house> the_jester_, maybe next you can help me write a g-code genorator
[21:13:27] <the_jester_> it would be popular with /pol/ on 4chan
[21:14:27] <deshipu> you could make several themes
[21:14:49] <deshipu> chinese, mayans, columbus
[21:15:47] <Jak_o_Shadows> rue, I'm happy to help with the g-code thing, but I don't have a heap of time for a few months
[21:15:52] <Jak_o_Shadows> But if you're happy with slow...
[21:15:56] <the_jester_> i know, russian gulag theme pack, North Korean Prisioncamp pack. hell north american japaneese interment camp. Canadian residential school theme
[21:16:07] <deshipu> "build the great american railroads and slaughter the natives" would be a great game for the thanksgiving
[21:16:53] <the_jester_> Wrath of Gangus Kahn
[21:16:54] <rue_house> write a function that takes an arc expressed in ......
[21:17:00] <rue_house> oh I forgot
[21:18:07] <the_jester_> hasnt been a holocaust tycoon game since the amiga as far as i know
[21:18:13] <deshipu> the_jester_: anda gitmo pack for the 9/11
[21:18:38] <rue_house> centerx, centery, radius, start_angle, end_angle and converts it to startx, starty, centerx, centery, arc_length
[21:19:04] <rue_house> Jak_o_Shadows, ^
[21:19:33] <the_jester_> deshipu: this is all great stuff.. should i feel sad im ROFL? :o(
[21:20:02] <deshipu> it's funny until it happens to you or your friends
[21:20:25] <DagoRed> The ideas for games in this channel have gotten quite fucked up... yet I get ever more intrigued.
[21:20:32] <deshipu> but it is a huge logistics challenge none the less
[21:20:44] <the_jester_> Naw, Im canadian and its 2016 im pretty sure im safe from the Nazis
[21:20:45] <DagoRed> It's about as bad as the family simulator for game of thrones which.... the starks never have a chance.
[21:21:00] <deshipu> apparently hitler couldn't do what he did without help of IBM machines
[21:21:09] <DagoRed> the_jester_: Not if Glenn Beck has anything to say about it.
[21:21:32] <deshipu> the_jester_: I wouldn't be so sure if Trump wins
[21:21:40] <DagoRed> hold on
[21:21:42] <DagoRed> no
[21:21:54] <rue_house> I'm still tearing down hexchat into a gui too
[21:21:59] <DagoRed> I'm not a Trump supporter but he is not Hitler.
[21:22:08] <deshipu> yet
[21:22:12] <DagoRed> Never will be
[21:22:17] <deshipu> hopefully
[21:22:31] <DagoRed> There's no hopefully.
[21:22:36] <DagoRed> http://www.cc.com/video-clips/04rkt0/the-daily-show-with-jon-stewart-back-in-black---glenn-beck-s-nazi-tourette-s
[21:22:38] <DagoRed> .info
[21:22:38] <makepi> DagoRed: Back in Black - Glenn Beck's Nazi Tourette's- - Video Clip | Comedy Central- http://j.mp/1SS8Evu
[21:22:51] <the_jester_> Hitler seemed like a great choice in the beginning.
[21:22:58] <rue_house> so is the election between obama and trump?
[21:23:06] <the_jester_> obamma is out
[21:23:11] <the_jester_> had his 2 terms
[21:23:17] <rue_house> who is the compeditor?
[21:23:23] <the_jester_> trump vs clinton
[21:23:28] <rue_house> oh god
[21:23:37] <rue_house> mrs clinton?
[21:23:52] <rue_house> the us dollar is gonna TANK
[21:23:53] <deshipu> rue_house: I'd double the moose patrols along the border
[21:24:00] <rue_house> get ready to buy us money
[21:24:03] <the_jester_> im not sure who scares me more, trump or a fem-nazi social justice warrior
[21:24:33] <rue_house> its gonna hit 75c CAD!
[21:24:43] <deshipu> tbh usa politics is always scary, a bit like watching battlebots
[21:25:05] <rue_house> ok, the cat just made a big deal about be letting her in the widow, she went out the kitchen door and came back to the window to ask for in again
[21:25:11] <DagoRed> rue_house: I love you go "not hillary with out blinking"
[21:25:35] <the_jester_> a little more like watching a drunk speed through town, you know its gonna end up badly for someone.. Its just a matter of who gets run over
[21:26:09] <deshipu> why no adult intervenes?
[21:27:47] <the_jester_> in 20 years north america will be a new republic of china anyway. B.C. is already so overwhelmed with asians and hipsters its nuke worthy
[21:28:11] <rue_house> for the last 3 months the us dollar has been dropping
[21:28:19] <rue_house> when is the election?
[21:28:26] <deshipu> the_jester_: you don't like asians?
[21:29:09] <rue_house> when is the election?
[21:29:10] <rue_house> when is the election?
[21:29:44] <rue_house> nov!
[21:29:47] <rue_house> oh boy!
[21:30:01] <rue_house> its gonna be down to 50c by nov!
[21:30:10] <DagoRed> ....
[21:30:13] <deshipu> good thinig I get paid in CHF
[21:30:26] <DagoRed> #feelthejohnson
[21:30:36] <rue_house> they might as well be voting between Kang and Kodos
[21:31:31] * DagoRed wants to know what is being said on "This hour has 22 minutes"
[21:31:40] <the_jester_> I dont mind asians, im not that kinda person but i dont like the insane degree of asian forien buyers in the vancouver real estate market. its driven the price of housing through the roof and killing the working class. places like facebook are moving out of vancouver because housing if so costly peop0le dont want to move here. 65-70% of you anual income here goes to housing. Great for chineese millionares, shitty for the born a
[21:32:47] <rue_house> trump will win, but the fallout with be spectarular
[21:32:50] <the_jester_> thinking he would be able to own a little property somewhere with a little house and a $500k mortgage. in the last 20 years real estate prices have increased like 7 fold... Suck :(
[21:33:18] <deshipu> so what makes you think that asians as a group are responsible for that, instead of, say, a group of buyers, some of whom just happen to have slanted eyes?
[21:33:24] <DagoRed> rue_house: yup
[21:34:12] <rue_house> for whatevber reason, chinese are buying up all the property around here and starting pot growing ops
[21:35:44] <the_jester_> its been established (for real by studies by the greater vancouver real estate board) that most of the condos and properies in vancouver are being snapped up by asoan foreign investers.
[21:35:59] <rue_house> there are pot grow ops everywhere, I cant understand why the markets aren't saturated yet
[21:36:12] <the_jester_> rue: your wrong about the pot. that is the east indians.
[21:36:29] <rue_house> nope, we been getting the calls to upgrade the building power feeds
[21:36:48] <rue_house> the wave this year is chineese
[21:37:24] * DagoRed shakes head
[21:37:33] <DagoRed> Nobody puts this much effort into growing food.
[21:37:40] <the_jester_> mostly white guys growing pot. and why not is a highschool drop out can be imune to the law by growing medicine (Ermm) and make $250k a year it seems like a good oprotunity. and if the scale you think is going on where would the people live
[21:37:52] <rue_house> why do people need food if they can be high?
[21:38:14] <the_jester_> welcome to the new economy sucker!
[21:38:24] <rue_house> I know about 20 grow shows in this area, where the hell is all this pot going?
[21:38:29] <rue_house> we must be suppling the world
[21:38:36] <DagoRed> The US
[21:38:37] <the_jester_> dispensarys ion vancouver
[21:38:49] <rue_house> I'm told there are only 7
[21:38:51] <the_jester_> and yeah most of it is for export
[21:39:17] <rue_house> so, if you pull up to the border with a semi fill of pot, they just dont notice?
[21:39:26] <DagoRed> Pennsylvania just allowed sale of medical marijuana and hemp has been accepted as well... but it's illegal to grow it in the state.
[21:39:28] <rue_house> or its making enough to just pay off the border guards
[21:40:00] <the_jester_> your facts are wrong. Mabey 7 along each street.. every second or third building has a giant green neon potleaf sign in its window.. You should take a drive in vancouver some evening.. its quite eye opening
[21:40:08] <rue_house> I am of the understanding that organic tomatoes bring in as much a pot
[21:40:39] <rue_house> ok, well, I still dont understand the saturation point of the market
[21:40:54] <the_jester_> as much as $5K usd per .lb
[21:41:15] <the_jester_> put that in your pipe and smoke it
[21:41:18] <rue_house> but if it keeps going this way, everyone is gonna have to grow to keep up with the economy
[21:42:09] <the_jester_> meh, what your seeing is prohibition in action man, same thing was going on in chicago in the 20s
[21:42:47] <Jak_o_Shadows> rue_house, what do you mean by arc-length. Also, angle is like that of a unit circle? Between -180, 180, or what? Also, radians or degrees. Also, just a conceptual question, you break it into sections yeah?
[21:43:00] <rue_house> yea, arc angle
[21:43:09] <rue_house> all degrees
[21:43:38] <rue_house> the arc gets traced in angular steps thru a sin function
[21:43:50] <Jak_o_Shadows> arc_length is the angular step?
[21:43:52] <rue_house> with the steps reduced with the radius
[21:44:10] <rue_house> no, arc length is the degrees or sweep of the arc
[21:44:19] <rue_house> no, arc length is the degrees of sweep of the arc
[21:44:31] <Jak_o_Shadows> ohhhhh.
[21:44:36] <the_jester_> should just be big giant greenhouses in the fraiser valley. give it 1 year, pot will be legal, the governmant will control all the production and distribution and all these grow houses will be gone, along with the trickle down that keeps the local plumping and electrical supply comapnys working.
[21:44:37] <rue_house> C = 200 degrees
[21:44:48] <the_jester_> reganomics
[21:45:31] <the_jester_> a 1 bedroom condo in vancouver will still be 1.5 million dollars though...
[21:45:45] <rue_house> how amny pot plants can you grow in it
[21:45:59] <rue_house> its about a 5 year payoff
[21:46:15] <the_jester_> none, there isnt enough power and ventalation will be and issue
[21:46:34] <rue_house> heh, its been proven that ventilation dosn't matter, the area just takes on a little mold
[21:46:35] <Jak_o_Shadows> So the start_angle, end_angle \belong [-180, 180], with the arc always going CCW between those ?
[21:47:03] <rue_house> start and end angles would be 0 to 360, and ccw is fine
[21:47:22] <Jak_o_Shadows> ok, 0-> 360. I think I get it.
[21:47:49] <rue_house> there are expected to be application adjustments to the code
[21:47:56] <rue_house> that bit is minor
[21:47:57] <the_jester_> nosey chineese neibour lady will report you to the cops and the starta, rcmp will arrest you and bc forfiture office will strip away all your assets: on the bright side you'll get 3 meals a day, a roof over your head and an opprotunity yto improve your education whi8le your in jail.
[21:48:19] <rue_house> unlike the homeless
[21:48:49] <the_jester_> rue: if your rot out the whole condo building people would notice.. not so much in a house...
[21:49:20] <rue_house> the rcmp can also take your stolen items, refuse to give you bacnk anyhting without your name on it, and sell it at their auction
[21:49:30] <Jak_o_Shadows> rue, language? I presume C (if so, I'll get a python version working first, because I have some drawing utils in python in my current project)
[21:49:52] <rue_house> the cat is going the other way around now, in the kitchen slider and asking to go OUT the bedroom window
[21:49:56] <rue_house> C
[21:50:04] <rue_house> but all languages are equal
[21:50:10] <Jak_o_Shadows> Yeah, pretty much
[21:50:22] <deshipu> brainfuck then
[21:50:31] <the_jester_> the weed i buy is grown in a warehouse specificly converted for the perpose with proper HVAC systems installed. Owners know whats up and are happy. Cops know whats up too but wont act because they are producing medicine.
[21:51:22] <rue_house> no, nonono, not brainfuck
[21:51:42] <the_jester_> bye
[21:51:43] <DagoRed> hahaha
[21:51:49] <deshipu> it's turing-complete
[21:52:05] <rue_house> even if the cops and fire dept know about an illegal grow-show, they cant/wont do anything
[21:52:26] <rue_house> some of us knew one that tried to get reported, nobody could do anything
[21:52:52] <deshipu> he's gone, jim
[22:19:06] <rue_house> deshipu, +++++++++++[>+++++++<-]>+.+.<+++++[>------<-]>---.
[22:19:15] <rue_house> final say on doing it with brainfuck
[22:26:58] <rue_house> I wrote a bf interpreter to warm up for making a little language I call rezembler
[22:27:12] <Tom_itx> ruesembler
[22:27:17] <rue_house> its a worst than minimal instruction set language
[22:27:27] <rue_house> er wrose
[22:27:30] <rue_house> sdasjldfhklasuhdf
[22:27:48] <Jak_o_Shadows> Ok, good, now that I remember basic bloody algebra
[22:28:27] <rue_house> 16 opcodes...
[22:28:38] <deshipu> you only need 2
[22:28:40] <rue_house> 2 registes
[22:28:54] <rue_house> you have to make self-modifying code to have it do anything
[22:28:59] <rue_house> its designed that way
[22:30:09] <deshipu> so, if all languages are equivalent, being turing-complete, why don't you write your programs in that?
[22:30:33] <rue_house> for example, you can only output a fixed value, so you have to modify the code to set the value you want to output
[22:31:25] <rue_house> same with math, you can only subtract, and only a fixed value
[22:31:44] <rue_house> anyhow
[22:32:01] <rue_house> maybe one day I'll be evil and implement it a hardware processor
[22:32:10] <Tom_itx> fpga
[22:32:16] <rue_house> it has to run from ram
[22:32:26] <rue_house> cause it has to modify itself to do things
[22:32:40] <rue_house> ls
[22:32:49] <deshipu> file not found
[22:35:32] <rue_house> http://paste.debian.net/482917/
[22:36:16] <rue_house> iirc X is set to the end of the program data when the program is loaded
[22:36:31] <rue_house> so you know the barrier between your ram and your program
[22:38:53] <rue_house> its like an anti-harvard arch
[22:39:18] <deshipu> TeX does that
[22:39:54] <deshipu> only worse, because macros
[22:40:46] <deshipu> I've learned that no matter what horrible thing you come up with, it exists in some computer system somewhere and is considered normal there
[22:46:32] <rue_house> I was really surprised the last time I used a windows machine how much advertizing there was
[22:46:41] <rue_house> even for the paid programs that were already insalled
[22:46:54] <rue_house> trying to focus on any real content was difficult