#robotics | Logs for 2016-04-26

[00:09:48] <rue_shop5> 20 holes
[00:09:55] <rue_shop5> took me 4 hours
[00:09:58] <rue_shop5> ARG
[00:10:08] <rue_shop5> granted 9 of them are tapped
[00:10:19] <rue_shop5> the bedframe steel ate 3 of my taps
[00:10:45] <rue_shop5> didn't even get to weld anything
[00:10:48] <rue_shop5> POO
[00:39:28] <rue_house> I still have another 8 or so holes I have to do in the bedframe metal
[00:39:48] <rue_house> and my backup #6 tap is already dull from the last 6 holes it did
[00:41:36] <rue_house> I need something to make the z slider from
[00:42:17] <rue_house> those last few peices of chome-vanidium might work
[00:56:53] <rue_house> did everyone die
[00:56:54] <rue_house> ?
[00:57:05] <rue_house> are you all robots and I didn't get invited?
[01:05:06] <anonnumberanon>
[01:05:34] <anonnumberanon> huehuehue
[01:05:48] <anonnumberanon> about to close my eyes and think of some new algorithms
[01:08:50] <rue_house> trapazoidal with different accel and decel rates
[06:40:01] <Brainius> Is anyone in here familiar with the programming behind 3 wheeled omnidirectional drives?
[06:41:17] <Brainius> I've been trying to make one and I've got my code, but I can't figure out why my robot doesn't interpret the angle correctly.
[06:41:23] <Brainius> http://pastebin.com/nEeGS27U
[06:46:13] <Brainius> (the language is RobotC Natural Language. So just C with application specific syntax. The joystick input is 2 perpendicular axes that range from -127 to 127 and the motors have the same values for their power input)
[06:49:08] <Brainius> ...and could someone please tell me if I'm in the wrong channel or possibly send me towards the right one?
[06:51:18] <Jak_o_Shadows> hmm
[06:52:00] <Jak_o_Shadows> You've accounted for atan trickiness
[06:52:17] <Jak_o_Shadows> through, really, 3.14, you can afford more decimal points than that
[06:52:32] <Jak_o_Shadows> also, put Pi in a constant or something?
[06:53:06] <Jak_o_Shadows> Could it be more implementation specific? Could vexRT[chX] be changing between subsequent reads?
[06:53:30] <Tom_itx> i'd also suggest looking into some of the delta arm code
[06:54:18] <Brainius> Yeah, vexRT[ChX] is the joystick input.
[06:55:15] <Brainius> And I think i have tried pi as a constant. It didn't seem like it changed much.
[06:55:24] <Brainius> What is delta arm?
[06:55:50] <Jak_o_Shadows> well, I'm not saying it would change much, it's just nicer.
[06:56:04] <Jak_o_Shadows> Yeah, but could the joystick input be changing between you working out the angle and appplying it?
[06:57:39] <Brainius> Maybe if there is some kind of lag I guess, but I'm not sure what kind of effect that would have on the program
[06:58:25] <Jak_o_Shadows> well, it'd give unpredictable results, maybe
[07:00:46] <Brainius> I've tried isolating a motor but it seems to just go at full power no matter what the angle, yet it reverses at a certain angle which confuses me somewhat
[07:01:44] <Jak_o_Shadows> Can you get your motors to drive at different speeds at all?
[07:30:43] <Brainius> Jak_o_Shadows: yeah, their values range from -127 to 127
[07:31:04] <Brainius> Sorry for the late response. I'm in class now
[07:31:11] <yakiza> Hello everyone i have an arduino uno r3 do you know if i can run c# code on that
[07:31:12] <yakiza> ?
[07:32:01] <Jak_o_Shadows> Yeah, but can you actually see that?
[07:32:07] <Jak_o_Shadows> Do you have any kind of debugging interface?
[07:36:39] <Brainius> I can't debug the program with the remote control in use. (it has one usb and I have to use it for the controller.) I could code in a button to troubleshoot it by making it trigger to change the values... But that would be pretty time consuming.
[07:38:58] <Jak_o_Shadows> I would just step the speed in increments of 10, with pauses between them, and just see if it gets faster.
[07:39:21] <Jak_o_Shadows> I mean, who says your PWM is working? Who says your motor is that linear.
[07:39:29] <Jak_o_Shadows> After that, it'd be great to actually see the joystick values
[07:40:26] <theBear> i didn't say it is working, i ain't takin that rap
[07:41:20] <Brainius> I already know that it does that. I've done a decent number of programs with this program before.
[07:41:54] <theBear> also a tiny or even not tiny dc motor with pwm driving it won't slow down real noticably without some load on it, like how on flat ground with a pushbike you can pedal flat out, or flat out with breaks inbetween, and not much changes, but go uphill and a short break slows you right down
[07:42:49] <theBear> if you think in terms of power, takes almost nothing to maintain motor speed without some non-negligible resistance, so it doesn't matter if you offering to supply power fulltime or parttime
[07:43:08] <Brainius> If anything, I need to be changing the angle with that strategy... Which actually I can do... I think I will try that and increase the angle increments by PI/6 each time the button is pressed
[07:45:20] <xx88xx> hey guys, i want to build a little bot which need to visit only some rooms in my house and i'd like to know if there is a solution to put some marks that he can follow.I also need to know what sensor do i need. help please
[07:46:58] <Jak_o_Shadows> xx88xx, lots of things would work. IR, RFID, RF triangulation, computer vision
[07:48:17] <xx88xx> Jak_o_Shadows, is there alternatives for RFID? i mean can i put on my wall some invisible marks?
[07:48:34] <xx88xx> i don't want to see the marks
[08:00:46] <xx88xx> Jak_o_Shadows, maybe i can use stepper motors with a predefined path instead of complex sensors and marks?
[09:18:05] <rue_house> xx88xx, SLAM, good luck!
[09:25:21] <Jinxit> it's not SLAM if you have the map available :)
[09:25:37] <rue_house> the map is just a cheat sheet
[09:25:47] <rue_house> you still hav to match the two mpa
[09:25:49] <rue_house> s
[09:26:17] <Jinxit> you can run a particle filter that only uses the "cheat sheet"
[09:26:58] <rue_house> no idea
[09:27:21] <rue_house> I'v not had the chance to try much of that stuff yet
[09:27:34] <Jinxit> it probably wouldn't run on an arduino though
[09:29:13] <rue_house> hmm I wonder
[09:29:49] <rue_house> Isuppose the limit is the number of simotanious states required
[09:30:54] <rue_house> *offset = (( this->accel * this->t1 * this->t1 )/2) + (this->vTop * (this->t2 - this->t1)) + (this->vTop*dt) + (( -(this->accel) * dt * dt )/2);
[09:31:14] * rue_house just stares at the equation like its written in some alien font
[09:31:51] <rue_house> mornings aren't friendly
[09:35:50] <rue_house> would someone isolate that for dt^2 for me?
[09:38:17] <rue_house> wolfram alpha just looks confused when I ask
[09:41:22] <rue_house> this is definitly easier the other way arounf
[10:24:37] <xx88xx> rue_house, i'm watching youtube on SLAM, but it's looks a bit complex,since i'm not using camera.
[11:37:33] <jennie> Hello, anyone used Raspberry pi here?"
[12:01:19] <joga> jennie, likely many have
[22:50:13] <armyofevilrobots> rue_shop4:
[22:50:25] <armyofevilrobots> CNC is cleared off for tomorrow.
[22:57:16] <rue_shop5> OH HI