#robotics | Logs for 2016-04-18

[11:58:36] <T_K> Greet you!
[12:07:57] <T_K> Could FC-280SC-20150 motors be useful?
[12:10:35] <T_K> www.ecyberspaces.com/productsview.asp?id=1381
[12:15:33] <Snert_> For $2.20 it doesn't hurt to find out.
[12:21:01] <veverak> well
[12:21:08] <veverak> for school project need to do simple simulation
[12:21:19] <veverak> quadruped robot moving
[12:21:27] <veverak> thinking what to use... gazebo seems fine
[12:22:07] <veverak> P.S: goal is to collect all values that influence movement of the robot (48 integers so far), and run genetic algorithm over it
[12:30:41] <T_K> Snert_, would its capabilities be reasonable to tinker with?
[12:32:02] <Snert_> I suppose so. It's a 2dollar motor so I wouldn't expect alot in the way of torque. Fun to play with though
[12:37:58] <T_K> Thank you for advice, Snert_!
[12:38:08] <T_K> Got 1 atM.
[12:38:42] <T_K> ...And wondering if more could be good. ...when obtained for free.
[12:44:42] <Snert_> have you hooked it up yet?
[12:45:54] <T_K> No.
[12:47:51] <T_K> At least not electrically to a power source.
[13:08:46] <Snert_> more as in 12 or more as in 2. Either way it could be fun.
[13:09:23] <Snert_> what the heck they're easy to throw away if you have too many and lose interst
[13:10:41] <Snert_> myself, I'd quickly want gears and to mount it and see what it could drive. So maybe I'd lose interst if I couldn't mount the motor the way I wanted to.
[13:24:34] <T_K> Snert_: Would be nice to make something where several could work together.
[13:25:12] <T_K> Like a jointed thing.
[13:28:25] <Snert_> I'm building a motor demo/proof of concept board.
[13:29:06] <Snert_> 2 or 3 stepper motors mounted on a piece of playwood, belt in between all the motors. And encoders.
[13:30:01] <Snert_> the motors don't have to do anything, just move and track position.
[13:38:04] <T_K> Wish you luck!
[13:39:25] <Snert_> I'm just saying that 2 or 3 motors hooked up and working might not have to really do anything. If you can control speed and direction then goals are met.
[13:39:51] <Snert_> from a "control" point of view.
[13:45:30] <T_K> Yea, a minimalistic robot.
[13:47:56] <T_K> Bare bones|gears robot.
[13:54:10] <Snert_> I might do a shoulder joint, laid out horizontal. That gets me away from a mechanical strength in the vertical direction kind of thing.
[13:55:15] <Snert_> and a lazy susan turntable type thing. That would be what the robot arm would mount onto for a base.
[15:41:36] <robopal> hi.
[15:56:31] <theBear> oooh, there's a likely character, some of the local rifraf outta the woodwork
[15:57:00] <RifRaf> hello sir
[16:00:28] <theBear> fuck me, up before 7 ? you workin hard again eh ? or on a more not-just-saying-nonsense note, howzit gaarn ? i trust your everything is going swimmingly this year :)
[16:01:43] <RifRaf> yes much better year, new job, working with a bunch of engineers making giant robot type machines
[16:02:16] <RifRaf> steep learning curve but loving it, you still in WA or back over this way?
[16:09:24] <theBear> giant robot type ones eh ? heh
[16:10:09] <theBear> still wa, card carrying pensioned unfit to work cripple these days, but i do my best to be optimistic and i fill my time with crazy electronics and tiny soldering that just ain't worth anything much to anyone so i don't go mental :)
[16:10:24] <theBear> finally got a ful license and a car tho
[16:11:00] <theBear> you been away for ages, i mighta had major "emergency" spine surgery and moved/felt my left ankle/lower leg for the last time ever since i seen yer
[16:18:38] <theBear> just got around to seeing the link where rif working.... effing awesome ! not exactly robots as we think of em, but some serious move-without-needing-a-push HEAVY machinery goin on, which sounds like fun for big boys what know their robotickery to me
[16:41:27] <SpeedEvil> theBear: yay. (spinal surgery)
[16:51:08] <theBear> well ya know, when yer in the er feeling some imaginary nothing like a red hot invisible pole zipping thru yer knee-area at a billion miles an hour without change or relief, the kinda thing that makes operating on yer own finger or arm, down to the bone to remove things that shoulda never been covered and grown in there for years, just seem laughable in retrospect, makes any effing pain you ever had before laughable in retrospect... when yer at that
[16:51:08] <theBear> stage in yer life, any fixery is damned attractive... and scars are not uncool in my eyes, but when yer finally start to accept that the chief neurosurgeon dudes are right, and your ankle and a bbunch of nearby feeling is basically dead just not detached forever, mmm, there's less good in that end of things
[16:53:23] <theBear> hehe, on my followup neuro appt ihad the head dude and the young-gun super dude who actually did me (i gave him a little interview in the days leading up, ya know, seeing as he be able to fix me lots of paraquad me with a slip of his whatever docs use in there, heh, i think there was some kinda industrial dremel anglegrinder more than a tiny bit for example, ya don't want a jackass or shakey 70yold dept head in charge of that :) both used terms like
[16:53:23] <theBear> " you can go run and jump, ride your friends dirtbike on the weekends, you're all fine again" heh, i guess to be fair they didn't know i hadn't been able to do that stuff for a long time before that surgery came up, but i enjoy their conviction and positive words even now
[16:53:50] <SpeedEvil> yay?
[16:54:21] <SpeedEvil> So they decompressed the nerves, but because of the long-term compression tehre is still question about ultimate function?
[16:59:26] <theBear> they made the tight spots in at least a couple segments MUCH less tight, but the whole lower end still moves all over the shop like a effing stack of hardboiled eggs trying to not fall over on itself, and that one loweer left segment main nerve, big fat effer on the mag image, i forget, about l3 or l4 exit, that was black and deadified on the first scan when i got in there, and like they suspected, all the un-crushing in the world can't un-destroy
[16:59:26] <theBear> the thing taht got crushed when it totally effed alraedy
[17:00:29] <theBear> so i still have radically varying day to day and hour to hour going on, and far from employable or able to lift things like a carton of beer or err, a few kgs of submersible pump myself, ever, without 99% chance of a instant and long lasting ouchey
[17:00:51] <SpeedEvil> What you need is an exoskeleton.
[17:00:54] <SpeedEvil> :/
[17:00:58] <SpeedEvil> Sort-of-kidding
[17:01:57] <SpeedEvil> If only through-the-skin bone fixation wasn't impractical.
[17:02:38] <theBear> but i no fool, and like i say the doc was more than good in my eyes, but ya know, can't fix everything, and i still a bit young and just not tragic enough for anyone to recommend excessive fusions or stuff like taht yet, which i don't really want even if it is my only/best chance, cos of what i seen in others i know well over the years... one of them things that kinda freezes the decay in time, but also the current level of ouchiness in many real
[17:02:38] <theBear> ways, and i barely cope with the fluctuations, any more base-level of pain would just break me ;(
[17:03:20] <SpeedEvil> yeah. It's kind of hard for some to understand that yes, it sort of works, but you'd almost rather have it cut off.
[17:03:43] <theBear> also eff yeah, maybe not like that elysium movie exactly, but some jackass weirdo old dude at the local supermarket checkout got all excited talking to me one morning and swore that there were all these plans for practical/easy to build ones in the wild world of interwebs, and i suspect he was just as crazy as he initially seemed, cos one of us would know about it by now
[17:04:09] <SpeedEvil> There 'is'.
[17:04:43] <SpeedEvil> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Km1rvwsaqrQ
[17:05:08] <theBear> speaking of cut off, the neighbors had my regular thought while we had a chat last night, that a dead foot i need to springload just so i don't constantly trip over the effer, is way less good than one of those magic paralympic runner bendy L leafspring things, there's a health-insurancead on tv here currently, fucker with no legs and a pair of them jogging like a fucking olympian he is, while i can't even rush to the door or to fix a boiled over
[17:05:08] <theBear> pot on tghe stove
[17:05:09] <SpeedEvil> there are various people overclaiming things.
[17:05:38] <SpeedEvil> As is usual on youtube.
[17:05:39] <theBear> mmm, you know me, i ain't been round these parts 10 years give or take cos i ain't a practical reality kinda dude in the tech area
[17:05:59] <theBear> rofl, i can't stop giggling, thanks, i needed a nice laugh
[17:06:32] <theBear> "how i made this work" he says, heh, i'm not sure that is what working looks like, that wobbbly bolt couple thing he waving as he says it
[17:06:42] <SpeedEvil> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atmospheric_diving_suit
[17:07:23] <SpeedEvil> Major plus is that you get to make martian robot noises.
[17:08:32] <SpeedEvil> The hard part of what you really want is external joint fixation - which means sensing where the bones are and compensating for load. Which sort of implies other things.
[17:09:02] <SpeedEvil> And has issues with going wrong and actively forcing the joints out of alignment
[17:10:08] <theBear> i can't take him serious enough to listen hard, but surely he playing that bucket of bolts crappy thing up, there's no lever-stuffs i can spot to make it "do" anything, just kinda makes you look like some cheapass robot project a mad scientist threw out during the night
[17:10:44] <SpeedEvil> Tehre are semi-serious 'load-offloading' passive ones.
[17:11:40] <SpeedEvil> http://gizmodo.com/this-passive-exoskeleton-makes-36-pounds-feel-like-noth-1624228132 - ah
[17:12:06] <theBear> mmm, at this stage i'd be morte htan happy with one or more purpose-specific "suits", you know, maybe something that can lift my top from my hips so i could carry even small things on my own again without almost guaranteed instant nerve/bone nastiness in the middle, ya know, that'd be awesome, i'd happily waste a bunch of time swapping it on/off between my current doing-nothing-special time periods (that are huge) if it helped even a bit
[17:13:38] <theBear> i always thought those alien-movie style industrial assistant suits would be supercool, and even in the 90s or so when i looked em up, real ones already existed in the real world, but i always kinda worry that if you say, slipped and did the splits, that the suit would "assist" your movements/pressure against it and happily tear you in half, that kinda stuf, pluss a multi-ton steel monster suit ain't practical for stuff like doing the dishes,
[17:13:39] <theBear> watching tv, or even food shopping
[17:16:08] <SpeedEvil> theBear: that's just defeatist. You just need a proper sofa to cope with a multi-ton steel monster.
[17:18:31] <joga> are those passive exoskeletons in use now?
[17:18:44] <theBear> SpeedEvil, you heard about my long-running futon-leak-hole then i guess.. but even with the fanciest sofa from the fanciest sofa-engineer in the fanciest european sofa district, i don't think the ceiling is tall enough, it ain't silly modern low here, but i did chance a lightbulb and replace the shade without standing on anything earlier today
[17:19:11] <theBear> joga, nah, but i'm in my office chair, it goes up and down and if you do the side-shift with the same lever, it totally rocks, maaan !
[17:19:16] <theBear> backwardss that is
[17:19:16] <joga> I understand in japan healthcare they approved and perhaps use the HAL thingy
[17:19:35] <theBear> a homicidal sociopathic red light with an annoying almost-sexy voice ?
[17:19:36] <joga> (or, approved as medical device or so)
[17:24:22] <theBear> eff me, that visitor really threw out my err, "tight" scheduletoday, it'sbeen hours sincei finally got in my front door, and i still only half-unscrewed 1/5 security torx to peek inside my redundant/spare old nicad dewealt drill charger to see if it can be tickled and called a nimh or lipo or even switchable both charger, by ya know, tomorrow (today)ish
[17:25:27] <theBear> heh, a search ain't gonna gimme the right hal in this day and age of kernel drivers and stupid ms buzzwords for the sales dudes to abuse beyond reason, gimme a hint, i gotta know what it is now
[17:25:57] <theBear> don't make me scowl for a moment at my own screen, dammit man !
[17:27:02] <joga> hal you mean?
[17:27:37] <joga> it's by CYBERDYNE :D
[17:27:53] <joga> "HAL® [Hybrid Assistive Limb®] is the world‘s first*1 cyborg-type robot, by which a wearer‘s bodily functions can be improved, supported and enhanced."
[17:29:02] <theBear> well, sure sounds fnacy, sidenote: tv news ad the other day showed "first time a patient has worn this thing with lots of wiresand bits on their arm, h ebeen paralyzed for yearsand he just learned in a few minutes how to tell the robot arm with him mind, what he wants to do
[17:29:09] <joga> http://i1.wp.com/www.writerwilke.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/Hal-5.jpg
[17:29:23] <joga> yeah it's probably the same thing or similar
[17:29:51] <joga> it basically intercepts the signals your brain sends to your muscles and moves the exoskeleton accordingly to help you
[17:29:51] <theBear> and of course i know all the theory for taht one, but i don'tt hink i can make a fancy cyberskeleton or that some jumpy first-realworld-attempt movement wouldbe much better
[17:30:29] <joga> but I understand that it's already in use in japan somewhere, perhaps not as widespread as having more typical hospital gear but certainly not science fiction anymore
[17:32:48] <theBear> wtf ? that just looks like that "almost walks naturally after a few billion in reaseach and time aibo or haibo, you remember,looks like theuy jsut chopped his head off and aplied that resolute looking fellerin the picture
[17:33:02] <theBear> yeahh, i got probly retire that
[17:33:34] <joga> heh well it does remind of aibo etc
[17:33:41] <joga> just being all roundy and sleek and white
[17:34:27] <joga> "In March 2013, ten Japanese hospitals conducted clinical tests of the newer legs-only HAL system.[20] In late 2014, HAL exoskeletons modified for construction use entered service with the Japanese construction contractor Obayashi Corporation."
[17:35:05] <theBear> i thought he had them glowey joints too
[17:35:38] <joga> this article http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2015/08/03/the-mechanical-exoskeleton-shaping-the-future-of-health-care.html states that ".... more than 150 Hybrid Assisted Limb (HAL) exoskeletons are in place at hospitals and assisted-living facilities in Japan."
[17:35:58] <joga> (from half a year ago)
[17:37:47] <theBear> hmmm... ancient old persons surely can't be MUCH richer there than here err, heh, i'm pretty poor recently on reflection, but thanks, now i gonna move baby backs the one that drives ass crazy
[17:38:40] <theBear> lets go miracle an old charged into a relativelysafety conscious new charger
[17:38:43] <theBear> eff yeah !~