#robotics | Logs for 2016-04-14

[01:02:43] <rue_house> I'm making the sensor
[01:08:38] <rue_house> wtf, the main color sensor being used these days outputs a freq!?
[01:15:57] <anonnumberanon> how much money is it?
[01:36:02] <rue_house> about $5 usd or so
[01:36:24] <rue_house> but I dont get why they used a freq instead of serial ouput
[01:46:33] <rue_house> ah
[01:46:51] <rue_house> maybe becaue you can get better resolution than an adc
[16:22:53] <wpo> rue_house: what about a tcs34725? barfs out crgb values as 16-bit integers over i2c
[16:44:13] <anonnumberanon> LadyAda is adult material.
[17:30:44] <solrize> hi i was looking for a channel about metal stuff, and this is the closest i could find... is there such a thing as rather powerful stepper motors that don't cost too much, and also where do you get small gear boxes? thanks
[17:32:05] <solrize> powerful = 1/4 hp or so maybe
[18:18:12] <rue_house> wpo, didn't catch that one
[18:18:18] <rue_house> c?
[18:23:38] <wpo> clear
[18:24:10] <rue_house> WHITE!?
[18:51:32] <wpo> that one, yeah
[18:52:01] <Jak_o_Shadows> yo
[19:17:56] <rue_house> my cats are doing the standoff thing
[22:50:09] <Wetmelon> You guys know how to take a continuous time transfer function controller and implement it on a microcontroller?
[22:50:20] <Wetmelon> I assume I have to discretize it somehow
[22:50:23] <Wetmelon> But then what?
[22:51:28] <Jak_o_Shadows> Are you just using the microcontroller to implement a TF to modify the plant?
[22:57:43] <Wetmelon> Jak_o_Shadows: ye
[23:00:26] <Jak_o_Shadows> That sounds possibly quite useful
[23:00:35] <Jak_o_Shadows> What order system?