#robotics | Logs for 2016-04-13

[00:15:47] * flyback bites Tom_shop
[01:01:37] * rue_house jabs flyback with a tazer
[01:01:47] <flyback> BMCC
[01:24:00] <anonnumberanon> Damn timer0 will not interrupt faster than every 2 microseconds.
[01:24:43] <anonnumberanon> or 4
[01:29:32] <rue_bed> your a nitwitt
[01:30:25] <rue_bed> your trying to do software pwm I take it?
[01:42:12] <anonnumberanon> heh "software" is pretty ambiguous here
[01:43:36] <anonnumberanon> I've been working on it all evening. Where I'm at: timer0 compare interrupt. Smallest timestep at 4 us.
[01:45:46] <anonnumberanon> "The tricky part is that they are already tied to specific peripherals and functions. Using a timer for an interrupt will interfere with using the pins it's tied to for PWM."
[01:47:03] <rue_bed> want help designing it?
[01:47:14] <rue_bed> cause I can go thru it all
[01:47:28] <rue_bed> 4 times, hooked to 4017, driving 10 servos each
[01:48:14] <anonnumberanon> using more hardware is disgusting :)
[01:48:23] <rue_bed> it*might* be possable to service the interupts in a ad-hock manner without missing anything
[01:48:53] <rue_bed> ugh, you cant have more than 1 time-critical interrupt source
[01:49:02] <rue_bed> unless you have a multi-core
[01:49:30] <rue_bed> I might have finished writing that terrible one I was talking about,
[01:49:44] <rue_bed> with lots of channels, low resolution and lots of jitter
[01:49:49] <rue_bed> *just* what you people want
[01:50:10] <rue_bed> and even if I posted the code now, nobody would want to use it
[01:51:04] <rue_bed> I think I know a way to do it, but you have to be executing from ram
[01:51:05] <rue_bed> haha
[01:51:50] <rue_bed> people dont want good working code, thats why unmaintainable bloatware exists
[02:00:45] <anonnumberanon> it's 2:34
[02:00:46] <anonnumberanon> last thing i saw was at [2:24:25]
[02:00:49] <anonnumberanon> did you say anything? i disconnected at [2:24:25]
[02:00:57] <anonnumberanon> I said: What do you say about this? https://electronics.stackexchange.com/questions/22584/arduino-better-microsecond-resolution-than-micros
[09:16:40] <rue_house> anonnumberanon, so the pwm pulse should be as good at .0625us
[09:16:46] <rue_house> as good as
[21:23:34] <anonnumberanon> lmao
[21:24:00] <anonnumberanon> maybe that's achievable with the output compare timer interrupts, but takes away four pins from use
[21:26:47] <anonnumberanon> I got to 2us time steps last night. That's already better than Arduino 's micros() function which works with 4us timesteps. My own function may have less jitter as well but I can't know that for sure yet. Later I'll also go deeper into the routines using assembly so see if I can maybe shave off a microsecond. Ending up with 1us timesteps would be a good final goal I feel.
[22:10:13] <anonnumberanon> <rue_house> anonnumberanon, so the pwm pulse should be as good at .0625us
[22:10:14] <anonnumberanon> <rue_house> as good as
[22:10:15] <anonnumberanon> <anonnumberanon> lmao
[22:10:16] <anonnumberanon> <anonnumberanon> maybe that's achievable with the output compare timer interrupts, but takes away four pins from use
[22:10:18] <anonnumberanon> anonnumberanon> I got to 2us time steps last night. That's already better than Arduino 's micros() function which works with 4us timesteps. My own function may have less jitter as well but I can't know that for sure yet. Later I'll also go deeper into the routines using assembly so see if I can maybe shave off a microsecond. Ending up with 1us timesteps would be a good final goal I feel
[22:17:56] <rue_house> the arduino micros fn sucks, most arduino libraries suck
[22:19:45] <rue_house> take for example the servo library
[22:20:03] <rue_house> take ANY of the wav player libraries
[22:20:17] <rue_house> one of them actually plays the header
[22:36:11] <rue_house> ok lets get serious for a sec
[22:36:21] <rue_house> I need ideas for a protocol for a color sensor
[22:38:04] <rue_house> I think if I send a "?\n" and it sends back "R:xxxx G:xxxx B:xxxx\n"
[22:38:32] <rue_house> xxxx from 0000 to 1024
[22:55:55] * anonnumberanon puts on serious face mask
[22:56:11] <anonnumberanon> its value is 0X3A
[22:56:41] <anonnumberanon> nop nop nop nop nop....
[23:32:03] <mrdata_> rue_house, the libraries need to be stripped down to save space
[23:32:17] <mrdata_> so skipping the header is extra code
[23:32:33] <mrdata_> but you can strip that before you feed it to the arduino, cant you?
[23:37:55] <anonnumberanon> sensor does not give R, Gr, Gb, B ?