#robotics | Logs for 2016-04-09

[00:00:33] <Jak_o_Shadows> They're a bit off deorbitig space stuff
[00:00:39] <Jak_o_Shadows> There is a lot of hard work before that
[01:11:55] <anonnumberanon> flyback> you know where spacex might really make some cash
[01:12:07] <anonnumberanon> What makes you think that would "really make them some cash" ?
[04:17:49] <rue_shop3> yay, ok, tommorows project is designed
[04:22:59] <rue_shop3> and its 2am...
[13:51:05] <rue_shop3> wow, I put an aluminum tire rim in my 20 ton press to break it up, it did WAAY better than I ever thought it could
[13:51:15] <rue_shop3> bent part of the press...
[14:20:24] <SpeedEvil> :)
[14:20:41] <SpeedEvil> Good Al is ridiculously strong
[16:57:31] <fractex> Does anyone have experience using an android device to control a robot?
[16:57:43] <fractex> By 'control' I mean on-board processing, not human interface
[16:58:24] <SpeedEvil> Define robot
[16:58:35] <SpeedEvil> do you mean something you're building
[16:58:37] <SpeedEvil> over RC
[16:58:43] <SpeedEvil> or as the 'CPU' of the robot?
[16:58:59] <fractex> as the 'cpu'
[16:59:09] <SpeedEvil> what sort of android device?
[16:59:19] <SpeedEvil> For example, you can do android on r-pi or o-pi
[16:59:40] <fractex> mid- to low-end android phone
[17:00:18] <fractex> My thinking is that they are inexpensive, have useful sensors and radios, and are reasonably powerful
[17:00:47] <SpeedEvil> It's not a fundamentally insane idea.
[17:01:18] <SpeedEvil> The annoying part is that android gets in the way considerably and IO is very limited
[17:02:01] <fractex> So anything approaching real-time is effectively impossible on a low-power platform running something as complex as Android?
[17:02:54] <SpeedEvil> No.
[17:03:15] <SpeedEvil> Android intentionally decouples you from the hardware in ways that it is really hard to in many ways escape from.
[17:04:37] <fractex> Is it possible to evade those restrictions using root privileges?
[17:06:07] <SpeedEvil> yes - but you're left witht he GPIO issues
[17:06:19] <SpeedEvil> o-pi or r-pi may end up easier
[17:06:51] <SpeedEvil> https://pythonhosted.org/RPIO/pwm_py.html - for example for the r-pi using DMA to run arbitrary (well, up to 32 I think) servos
[19:52:38] <rue_shop3> how many bits and how much jitter
[19:53:12] <anonnumberanon> lots and not much
[19:53:20] <rue_shop3> want real numbers
[19:53:37] <rue_shop3> I'm sure lots is 8 bits and not much is 0.1ms
[19:55:15] <anonnumberanon> How much prescaler are we talking?
[21:20:09] <rue_shop3> what part of a drift punch drifts?
[22:40:13] <Tom_itx> used for enlarging or aligning holes
[22:40:20] <Tom_itx> so the holes 'drift' together
[22:40:43] <Tom_itx> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drift_pin
[23:21:31] <gordo> ok
[23:24:05] <rue_shop3> I SEE WHAT I WANT AND I __MAKE IT__
[23:24:08] <rue_shop3> :)