#robotics | Logs for 2016-04-08

[01:23:13] <theBear> rue_house, http://imgur.com/mWLkvi0?r http://imgur.com/kCpGoPi wowee ! what an amazing (and obsolete) thingy i just got gived !
[01:23:49] <rue_house> wow cooooool
[01:24:17] <rue_house> I wonder how it knows what track is being requested
[01:24:40] <theBear> totally ! i had no idea we had the technology... there i was in the dark ages looking at interface-level floppy replacements and they had this hmmm, some year
[01:24:57] <theBear> or how fast it sposed to be spinning even
[01:25:29] <theBear> surely it's too complete to be an elaborate hoax... i might have to find some fresh superskinny batteries and findout
[01:25:59] <theBear> i spose even crappy dirty old drives should work "ok" with it, cos ya know, no spinning old crappy disk involved
[01:26:51] <theBear> multimedia card eh ? wide slot eh ? i thinks that the one i had for the old oooold original nomad mp3 player, something like 16mb for $89 or something silly
[01:30:51] <rue_house> I was looking for MFM to SD adapters, the few I found were much too expensive
[01:35:09] <theBear> mfm ? even i aini't got a mfm interface with a machine that still boots, few years back i was doing r+d for real-work moving in the direction of floppy-interface non-pc/proprietry hw controlled emulation via avr, but i only got as far as working out the rough details and calcualting that it would be pushing things between watching timing and interrupts and trying to get that much raw data into/out of
[01:35:09] <theBear> an avr with the standard kinda storage options
[01:35:57] <theBear> those old interfaces are funny, so perfectly simple and suited to things like serial line printers or steppers and r/w heads, but incredibly hard to emulate in modern digital ways
[02:43:55] <rue_bed> floppies are mfm
[02:45:18] <theBear> oh, mfm coding, but not mfm/rll hd (you know, old fat side-connector/goldfinger dual ribbons, the skinny 12ish wide one, and the other more-ish wide one, both with index-slots as i recall
[02:45:42] <theBear> silly me, forgetting something so basic-everyday-knowledge as that <grin>
[02:46:17] <rue_bed> now remmeber back when floppies used the edge connecgtors!
[02:46:58] <theBear> oh yeah, i got one just over there
[02:47:12] <theBear> wonder wtf i got that for, oh backwards, "new" tiny plug to 5 1/4" drive
[02:47:20] <rue_bed> I have a few mixed floppy cables around
[02:47:24] <theBear> even got one or two here with the twist for a: drive
[02:47:40] <theBear> i think twist was for a: in a perfectly counter-intuitive way ?
[02:48:25] <rue_bed> the cable supports 4 drives
[02:48:36] <rue_bed> it twists the drive select pins around
[02:48:53] <rue_bed> funny ibm never supported all 4 drives
[02:56:18] <theBear> 4 drives ? you sure you mean floppy ?
[02:56:32] <theBear> wait, you saying, no no, the hd card was seperate to the floppy card !
[03:41:50] <anonnumberanon> http://www.cc.gatech.edu/~sha9/projects/ha2015mcs/index.html
[03:41:58] <anonnumberanon> better falling for humanoids
[03:43:33] <deshipu> http://spectrum.ieee.org/automaton/robotics/humanoids/shaft-demos-new-bipedal-robot-in-japan
[03:43:35] <deshipu> Schaft
[03:48:45] <anonnumberanon> cool!
[04:54:25] <theBear> rue_house, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kAG39jKi0lI there, you probly ain't seen that for too long, it'll make you smile
[09:30:08] <rue_house> theBear, nice
[09:32:10] <rue_house> deshipu, interesting, interesting hip solution
[09:32:28] <rue_house> anyone see some ed309 in it?
[09:50:44] <theBear> heh, it's almost sad watching ed209 (TWO ohnine buddy) trying to deal with steps
[09:56:34] <rue_house> yea but, look at its feet!
[22:17:04] <anonnumberanon> It's happening...
[22:17:10] <anonnumberanon> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ooMRLmat6IE&nohtml5=False
[22:54:25] <Jak_o_Shadows> I know :D
[22:58:56] <rue_house> geez, lots of the trick is keeping a rocket up on somnething moving that much
[22:59:42] <Jak_o_Shadows> It's flipping amazing.
[22:59:58] <Jak_o_Shadows> I mean, I don't think the challenge was the concept, but tying it all together
[23:01:30] <mrdata> what did i miss
[23:01:41] <Jak_o_Shadows> SpaceX landed on a barge
[23:02:15] <mrdata> nope, didnt miss.
[23:02:19] <mrdata> saw it live
[23:02:24] <mrdata> very nice job
[23:02:26] <Jak_o_Shadows> I didn't
[23:02:30] <Jak_o_Shadows> Probably shouldve
[23:03:06] <mrdata> ive been hoping for this for some time
[23:03:26] <mrdata> previously, high-seas were to blame, or landing legs that didnt lock
[23:03:40] <mrdata> this one was picture perfect
[23:03:49] <Jak_o_Shadows> Why are they going for the barge? Is there not enough open desert in the US?
[23:03:53] <Jak_o_Shadows> Or Australia even.
[23:04:08] <mrdata> even so, it's like landing a pencil, standing up, on a quarter, from across a football field, in high winds
[23:12:11] <anonnumberanon> no mrdata it didn't not land exactly on the X, a little off-centered, they fucking suck
[23:13:36] <mrdata> anonnumberanon, there is such a thing as "good enough"
[23:13:43] <anonnumberanon> :)
[23:16:06] <anonnumberanon> I can't believe I missed it live though. I would have washed it just didn't know it was going on plus last two launches were canceled due to like, things, so that kind of turned me away from watching a third time.
[23:21:13] <mrdata> i was going to miss it, but i stayed home due to a cold
[23:21:18] <mrdata> so caught it
[23:21:39] <anonnumberanon> I'm glad you got sick :)
[23:27:02] <anonnumberanon> So what's their next move?
[23:31:14] <mrdata> for spacex, next target is the dragon II capsule i think they said and manned missions to ISS
[23:54:49] <flyback> you know where spacex might really make some cash
[23:54:55] <flyback> since they masted rocket control etc
[23:55:04] <flyback> two things
[23:55:13] <flyback> the dod project to reuse dead satalites for parts
[23:55:27] <flyback> b) deorbiting space shit
[23:55:48] <flyback> which actually works out to be related for both
[23:56:05] <flyback> from a practical and economic perspective