#robotics | Logs for 2016-04-07

[01:59:24] <deshipu> rue_shop3: an arm an a leg
[09:39:57] <rue_house> k, so if its not a university project, a pot makes a good position sensor
[09:43:14] <deshipu> and then you can reuse it for keeping plants
[09:43:45] <deshipu> just make sure it's linear
[09:47:22] <veverak> deshipu: everything prepared?
[09:47:25] <veverak> :)
[09:47:33] <rue_house> potted plants dont like logs?
[09:47:35] <deshipu> veverak: still need to flash all the esp8266s
[09:47:41] <veverak> hmm
[09:47:48] <veverak> deshipu: but that seems doable
[09:47:57] <deshipu> veverak: preparing for that now
[09:47:58] * veverak thought about finding some esp8266 bench or something
[09:48:07] <deshipu> I have a rig
[09:49:00] <rue_house> it occurs to me that the market is flooded with game controllers that would be an upgrade from standard remotes for controlling stuff
[09:50:31] <rue_house> as low as $5
[09:54:23] <veverak> yep
[09:54:25] <veverak> :)
[09:54:40] * veverak got one wireless here with usb controller that is pygame friendly
[09:54:48] <veverak> but robot have to have OS ...
[10:06:43] <deshipu> I just got a chinese bluetooth gamepad to pair with my computer
[10:06:55] <deshipu> can make it emulate mouse and control volume
[10:07:20] <deshipu> also, can switch slides in a presentation
[10:09:01] <deshipu> http://www.aliexpress.com/item/Wireless-Bluetooth-Game-Controller-Joystick-Gaming-Gamepad-for-Android-IOS-Moblie-Smart-Phone-for-iPhone-for/32565129038.html
[10:09:04] <deshipu> this one
[10:09:15] <deshipu> of course can also work as a gamepad
[10:10:31] <deshipu> but no idea how I would go about pairing that with a robot
[10:11:00] <deshipu> would probably need to hack the firmware of a hc-05
[13:37:27] <swoc> Hey! Does anyone ever chat on this channel?
[13:38:45] <veverak> yeah
[13:39:29] <swoc> Are you all builders or just fans?
[13:39:40] <deshipu> https://cdn.hackaday.io/images/545571460052755967.jpg
[13:39:43] <deshipu> soon
[13:39:51] <mrdata_> nope
[13:41:01] <deshipu> will match the pink OSHPark PCB perfectly
[13:41:22] <deshipu> does anybody know where I can get a sparkly lipo?
[13:47:33] <jhylands> If you punch a screwdriver through one, they get pretty sparkly
[13:48:58] <veverak> hmm
[13:49:02] <veverak> finally started to use VIM
[13:49:07] <veverak> question is
[13:49:09] <veverak> why so latE?
[13:49:13] <deshipu> how do you quit?
[13:49:22] <veverak> alt+f4
[19:10:50] <rue_house> veverak, esc : q