#robotics | Logs for 2016-04-04

[00:42:13] <anniepoo> https://www.instagram.com/p/BDxCl3WszNS/?taken-by=anneogborn
[00:42:16] <anniepoo> 8cD
[02:03:25] <rue_bed> I suppose it could be worked out with slic3r
[02:03:40] <rue_bed> layersare...6mm high...
[20:02:11] <rue_house> I should post the new progress on arm6
[20:02:37] <rue_house> http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/robots/arm6/slide.htm
[20:02:56] <rue_house> did everyone interested see that I got the pause forward and reverse buttons working?
[20:06:47] <Snert_> nice work.
[20:07:06] <Snert_> can you repost the forward/reverse buttons?
[20:19:46] <gnomi> Hi
[20:23:23] <gnomi> I am looking for ideas for a college project robot. We need to use a vision system for real time distance/ object detection. it does not need to be hi res hardware but it could be. Anyone have any ideas on where to start. Lidar is a bit to expensive and more powerful then we need. I have looked into opencv or simplecv some for image processing. However I was exploring the idea of using RFID to create a realtime location system. The robot needs to beabl
[21:49:12] <ace4016> and he left
[21:49:17] <ace4016> oh, that was hours ago
[22:49:14] <rue_house> an hour is no excuse
[22:57:47] <mrdata> i think it is
[23:53:59] <rue_house> no
[23:59:16] <flyback> CANUCK
[23:59:17] <flyback> CANUCK
[23:59:18] <flyback> CANUCK
[23:59:19] <flyback> CANUCK
[23:59:28] * flyback dukes of hazard jumps over rue_house
[23:59:40] <flyback> rue_house,
[23:59:45] <flyback> you should check out vawts
[23:59:54] <flyback> I been playing with a semi broken old a/c unit blower wheel