#robotics | Logs for 2016-03-22

[00:39:47] <rue_house> https://youtu.be/5vLEtVLV71I
[00:39:49] <rue_house> heheheheh
[00:40:49] <DagoRed> that is awesome!
[00:41:09] <rue_house> spot welder + coathanger wire + paint, nice combo
[00:41:58] <DagoRed> looks like it
[00:41:59] <rue_house> if I make 4, I can have them all pass it around in a circle
[00:42:30] <DagoRed> that would be awesome.
[00:42:37] <DagoRed> Waste of time but fun to watch.
[00:42:42] <rue_house> ya know, I wrote that acceleration profile code, I should set them up with it
[00:43:13] <orlock> see how fast you can get your robot arms passing balls around?
[00:43:24] <orlock> (fnaar fnaar)
[00:43:38] <rue_house> :)
[00:43:51] <rue_house> right now its linear speed
[00:43:53] <orlock> work having a robot sumo compition in a few months
[00:43:56] <orlock> yearly thing
[00:43:58] <rue_house> based on the time available for the move
[00:44:16] <orlock> 3 weight classes - apparently the biggest is 3kg?
[00:44:24] <orlock> or maybe i mishead and it was 300g?
[00:46:18] * DagoRed shrugs
[00:46:47] <orlock> DagoRed: fixed my thing (badly)
[00:46:51] <orlock> havent had time to test proper fix
[00:47:05] <orlock> also - had crazy storms after i fixed it, heh
[00:47:22] <DagoRed> figures
[00:47:27] <DagoRed> how bad was your code?
[00:48:02] <orlock> main bug was.. the code to fix the wrap around, i had inside a loop that never got triggered due to the wrap around bug...
[00:48:14] <orlock> had to move it outside of loop, duh, easy fix
[00:48:48] <orlock> the actual fix is the same as it was - but rue says that i should not actually need anything as long as i use unsigned longs for both
[00:49:06] <orlock> next addition will be commands for timed moves
[00:49:21] <DagoRed> not bad!
[00:49:33] <orlock> so rather than requiring an explicit start/stop command for corrections
[00:49:56] <orlock> it will just perform a correction move for the specified time
[00:50:16] <orlock> (this is all in the command spec i'm emulating already)
[00:50:16] <DagoRed> neat, and that'll be a lot smoother of operation as awell.
[00:50:18] <DagoRed> *as well
[00:50:51] <orlock> and its a toggle in the control software whether to use the feature or not
[00:51:10] <DagoRed> that'll make it more user friendly.
[00:51:31] <orlock> eh, its not user friendly at all
[00:51:55] <orlock> its pretty much a horrid kludge
[00:52:09] <orlock> but, its the nature of the beast
[00:53:00] <orlock> the only thing i've written is the code to talk a published protocol to control some motors
[00:53:08] <DagoRed> it has a specific use case... and as far as user friendly the user sounds like it will most likely be you.
[00:53:11] <orlock> the rest of its existing code from other people
[00:53:37] <orlock> phd to use a webcam to generate the control messages to autocorrect the telescope mount
[00:54:08] <orlock> and indi to act as a control system that receives the messages from phd and passes them onto the telescope driver
[00:54:44] <orlock> http://openphdguiding.org/ http://indilib.org/
[00:55:27] <DagoRed> I'll have to check that out later.
[00:55:37] <rue_house> orlock, did you try that code?
[00:55:38] <DagoRed> It's late here and I'm trying to do my own library as well.
[07:29:27] <veverak> oh, maybe somebody here, I know there are ROS people here
[07:29:43] <veverak> anybody any experience with makin sphinx doc per package and than merging it into one big doc?
[08:08:53] <LiohAu> veverak: not me :(
[09:55:03] <rue_house> yay, my dxf entity list object works!
[10:01:11] <DagoRed> sweet!
[20:32:42] <rue_house> did everyone see yesterdays marble robot arm video?
[20:32:51] <orlock> yup
[20:33:02] <orlock> tested my updated timing thingy last night
[20:33:07] <rue_house> and?
[20:33:11] <rue_house> unsigned numbers?
[20:33:17] <orlock> homebrew image looked the same as factory
[20:33:26] <rue_house> ?
[20:33:31] <orlock> ahh, no - skies were clear so i was testing imaging
[20:33:32] <rue_house> is that good or bad
[20:33:37] <orlock> good
[20:33:40] <rue_house> ah
[20:33:42] <orlock> previous attempt
[20:33:54] <orlock> http://somepicturesof.space/10_Minute_Unguided_Stock_motor.jpg - factory controller
[20:34:03] <orlock> http://somepicturesof.space/10_Minute_Unguided.jpg - that was with the homebrew controller before i fixed the timing
[20:34:21] <orlock> this time they both looked like http://somepicturesof.space/10_Minute_Unguided_Stock_motor.jpg
[20:34:41] <orlock> and with the second stepper you sent me doing autocorrection
[20:35:06] <rue_house> I did?
[20:35:10] <orlock> it corrected http://somepicturesof.space/10_Minute_Unguided.jpg to http://somepicturesof.space/10_Minute_Guided_First_Light.jpg
[20:35:19] <orlock> second stepper as in
[20:35:22] <orlock> you sent me one stepper
[20:35:28] <orlock> which is the second stepper on that mjount
[20:35:35] <rue_house> I did?
[20:35:48] <rue_house> (I could have, I dont r5emmber)
[20:36:04] <rue_house> I wonder what the remaining jiggle is from
[20:36:18] <orlock> http://en.crypt.net.au/Astro/20150607_214730.jpg
[20:36:25] <orlock> attached to the metal sheet
[20:36:44] <rue_house> oh, its one of the ones form the chart recorders
[20:36:47] <rue_house> geared
[20:38:29] <rue_house> was that a few years back?
[20:38:56] <orlock> 6 or so
[20:38:59] <rue_house> heh
[20:39:03] <rue_house> k