#robotics | Logs for 2016-03-12

[00:08:47] <z64555> hmm... self test, high-pass filter reset, and... what else?
[00:09:00] <z64555> power down
[00:14:33] <z64555> hm, there's no mention of any power-up delays
[05:47:34] <z64555> ok, got the mid-level code for the AHRS done
[05:48:10] <z64555> next would be to make the low-level code for the IMU, which currently would mean reading from the A2D
[06:02:46] <z64555> oh, dangit TI, why did you put the doxy in the .c file
[06:02:53] <z64555> that's opposite of useful
[07:24:18] <affs> How many years away are we from creating a robot that men will want to make love to with today's technology?
[07:42:57] <joga> well uh, I think we have had the required tech for decades for purposes of essentially masturbation, but it's a complex thing
[07:43:48] <joga> some may actually expect companionship out of the robot and that might take a few years (not that there aren't people who will fall in love with a potted plant etc)
[07:45:57] <joga> and dunno, I think many would be weirded out by robots trying to simulate traditional sex, at least thus far even the best and ludicrously priced sex dolls are ugly as hell or otherwise uncanny
[07:49:32] <affs> joga: the purpose is not to seek companionship. One market for such robots are men married to women who refuse to have sex with them but these men have huge sex drive.
[07:49:47] <joga> that's one of the oh-so-many markets
[07:50:01] <affs> i think such robots will sell like hot cakes.
[07:50:18] <affs> whoever can make a good robot will be the next bill gates
[07:50:25] <joga> also disabled people etc. would probably jump at the possibility of having a proper sex bot
[07:50:37] <joga> ...well, err.. maybe not jump but heh
[07:50:38] <joga> :)
[07:51:02] <affs> i think the difficult part is not the electronics or the mechanics. It's the texture
[07:51:23] <affs> sexbot can be passive. Just lie there and wait for the thrust. But they must feel real
[07:52:10] <joga> in VR looking a model in the eyes seems to work quite effectively, but having a physical robot look at you without appearing creepy is a challenge too
[07:52:11] <affs> It actually does not sound difficult. i wonder if human dolls fit the bill today
[07:52:55] <joga> I guess all bots wouldn't need to be human at all
[07:52:56] <affs> VR is just visual. There must be a sense of touch involved. what is sex if only eyes are aroused? There has to be some touching
[07:53:14] <joga> VR is just one part of the equation
[07:53:46] <joga> but it's cheap, it works currently, and it can be augmented with physical stuff, and it might be much more affordable and wide spread than everyone getting a costly robot in their homes
[07:54:03] <joga> ...also easier to hide and explain to others hehe
[07:54:34] <affs> VR is 3D. actually 2D on youtube is good enough. Sometimes, watching 3D gives me headache
[07:54:41] <Snert> everyone? not many people like to fuck rubber dolls.
[07:54:48] <joga> but simply having a rift and a sybian + some nice software would be quite enough for having fun
[07:55:21] <joga> and infinitely flexible in terms of the visual side
[07:58:02] <joga> and heh, VR is more than just 3D, there's immersion you don't get otherwise
[07:58:21] <joga> it's going to reign first, then we'll see what happens with the bots etc
[07:59:38] <affs> the gaming world is getting real. The touch aspect is missing.
[07:59:54] <joga> the mind can pull off many tricks
[08:00:11] <affs> of course, I don't want to be really punched when playing violent games
[08:00:37] <z64555> affs: stereoscopic 3D or that new stuff?
[08:00:41] <affs> I definitely doing mind feeling pleasure when playing more pleasant computer games:)
[08:01:21] <joga> the htc vive (and also rift) have the touch controllers so you can manipulate stuff and while I haven't tried them myself yet, it seems to give one a pretty nice sense of manipulating the environment. sure, it's not the same as caressing virtual skin but that's just another technical challenge that we could implement in a way that is simple enough but combined with perception fools us into thinking it's pretty real
[08:02:26] <joga> (to be honest, if I was going to essentially masturbate anyway and not have actual sex with a person, I wouldn't care that much if I miss the sensation of touching the virtual blob)
[08:02:43] <affs> if the technology advances too much, it may lead to extinction of humans. Men would rather stay at home and play with their computers instead of finding a woman and make babies.
[08:02:49] <joga> hehe
[08:03:05] <joga> don't worry, such toys are only for the rich elite of the western world for now
[08:03:31] <affs> oh dear. The rich elites from the West will go extinct.
[08:04:05] <affs> hopefully, we can replace women with robots that have reproduction systems:)
[08:04:09] <joga> *sob*
[08:04:27] <affs> joga: are u a woman or man?
[08:04:46] <joga> man
[08:05:07] <affs> joga: good. some woman may feel uncomfortable when discussing such topics
[08:05:31] <joga> that's an unfortunate stereotype and highly inaccurate in my experience (among my friends)
[08:05:34] <affs> I think such a robot will sell very well in China where there are many men who cannot find wives
[08:06:07] <joga> (though I'm sort of a sexy beast and most of my friends are quite open about those things hah)
[08:06:09] <affs> joga: it's dangerous to discuss such topics at work with female colleagues. If they accuse us men of sexual harrassment, we can lose our jobs
[08:06:43] <joga> harassing is one thing, discussing topics another
[08:06:47] <affs> joga: ahhh ... i see. i guess u have no need for such robots. women come flocking to u, the sexy beast:)
[08:07:07] <z64555> #malepriorities
[08:07:17] <joga> oh they do... actually I was supposed to leave soon to an irc channel meeting that just so happens to be a channel called #sextalk (but in another language)
[08:07:21] <joga> :)
[08:07:30] <joga> (most there are female)
[08:08:06] <affs> joga: oh dear. be careful. Robots are risk-free. women are not. u never know who they slept with. If they sleep with robots, u're on safe grounds:)
[08:08:12] <joga> pah
[08:08:22] <joga> you have a jilted view of women I think :p
[08:08:39] <affs> just being cautious.
[08:08:40] <joga> (and I would be the one they're worried about anyway hah)
[08:08:43] <z64555> "robots are risk-free" never been electrocuted, I see
[08:08:47] <joga> but showerytime ->
[08:09:11] <Snert> I ain't ever gonna fuck no plastic doll lol
[08:09:33] <z64555> double negatives say you would :P
[08:09:45] <Snert> lol....nope
[08:10:06] <z64555> just picking at ya :P
[08:10:25] <affs> robots may not be a bad idea for married men with wives who deprive them
[08:10:45] <z64555> that just promotes the idea of concubines
[08:11:19] <affs> z64555: concubines are humans. The law forbid marriage to more than 1 wife
[08:11:21] <Snert> who is it that kills female babies because they aren't of value?
[08:12:10] <z64555> Snert: presumably that was in some Asian country, China, perhaps
[08:12:17] <Snert> lol.
[08:12:26] <Snert> kill girls then fuck dolls.
[08:12:32] <Snert> lol...idiots.
[08:12:46] <z64555> largely due to the 1-child per family mandate, IIRC
[08:14:56] <affs> Snert: sounds funny, the way u put it. haha. But on second thoughts, the policy made sense then. Too many mouths to feed, so restrict the number of mouths.
[08:15:37] <affs> anyway, there's where robots come in. Those robots will sell very well in China. Anyone who can make a good one will be the next Jack Ma
[08:16:25] * z64555 shakes head
[08:17:04] <joga> sex bots will be just a tiny blip in the sea things of come, and certainly not very important
[08:17:09] <joga> *sea of
[08:17:39] <affs> joga: another money-making robot will be a maid who can take care of old folks. Aging population today. Rich world needs it
[08:17:45] <joga> some actually transformative stuff is more likely some bioengineering or whatever, so people can get energy and food and perhaps not kill each other all the time so much
[08:17:52] <joga> oh well...maybe in a few hundred years at least..
[08:18:23] <joga> yeah well if all of the economy will just crash, who cares about the rich or money
[08:18:26] <joga> :)
[08:18:31] <affs> at least a robot who can do dirty jobs like clean shit and wipe asses. Even filial children lose their temper if they have to wipe asses literally
[08:18:53] <z64555> builds character
[08:19:42] <joga> there's surely a dire need for taking care of the old people since it's morally suspicious to just eat them
[08:19:47] <affs> z64555: today, people are not having children or having only a single child. It is asking too much of the child to wipe 2 asses. Better leave that job to a robot
[08:20:23] <z64555> that's largely due to population pressure, as well as culture
[08:20:28] <affs> joga: it's a serious problem. Such a robot will make the creator the next Bill gates
[08:20:32] <joga> maybe some day there will be a hospital of horrors where the only humans are the patients
[08:21:05] <joga> japan already has some cool exoskeletons and stuff for nurses etc, but they're still a tool for a person
[08:21:07] <affs> joga: not possible. robots cannot replace jobs that require human touch.
[08:21:38] <joga> affs, hah, no one's arguing that, but if there simple aren't enough humans to tend to them, they either die or accept the cold care
[08:21:41] <affs> robots cannot replace nurses. We need human touch. But having robots wipe asses will be useful
[08:21:51] <z64555> "Get the robots to do all the dirty jobs" substitute peasants for robots there
[08:21:55] <joga> then we should do an asswiping robot
[08:21:56] <joga> :)
[08:22:07] <joga> yeah it's cheaper to enslave the poor
[08:22:16] <z64555> with the same ethics
[08:22:18] <affs> joga: even lifting the old person is a challenge.
[08:23:08] <affs> Some old folks live up to 90 years old. Even their children is in their 60s. Old folks themselves. It is really a mighty terrible problem.
[08:23:18] <joga> affs, yeah, but that's why these are so cool http://exoskeletonreport.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/HAL-Exoskeleton-620x264.jpg
[08:23:27] <joga> ...of course made by cyberdyne hehe...
[08:23:49] <z64555> to get a robot to adequately replace the majority of jobs done by people, you'll need at the very least the robot to have an intelligence of an average 12 year old human
[08:23:49] <joga> less injuries for nurses etc
[08:23:58] <affs> joga: u mean, nurses wearing those ironman suits so that they have strength to lift old folks?
[08:24:01] <joga> well, alphago is doing pretty well in Go now
[08:24:03] <joga> :)
[08:24:09] <joga> affs, yes, that's what it's designed for
[08:24:16] <joga> among other physically difficult jobs
[08:24:22] <affs> joga: sounds like good idea. I would like to be iron man.
[08:24:28] <z64555> not all 60 year olds are frail
[08:24:34] <joga> and it's actually already in use there and approved as a medical device
[08:24:36] <affs> wait ... what if those suits are very uncomfortable to wear?
[08:25:10] <affs> what if excess force is applied and the bones of old folks can hurt?
[08:25:12] <joga> I don't think they would design such a thing so poorly, google for HAL Cyberdyne and see
[08:26:19] <affs> hmm ... are the japanese the most advanced robotics nation today?
[08:26:47] <affs> i guess having lots of old folks help in japanese robotics. Make the robot necessity more urgent
[08:26:51] <joga> hard to tell what's "most advanced" but they seem to have some cool things
[08:27:40] <z64555> japan has the most people-oriented robots
[08:27:53] <z64555> America, Germany have the most industrial robots
[08:28:03] <affs> i wonder why this robotics is not as active as other channels. The world needs lots of robots to solve future problems
[08:28:34] <joga> yeah like an army that kills all opposition
[08:28:35] <z64555> robotics requires a very wide skillset
[08:28:39] <affs> z64555: people-oriented robots to help the old folks? wipe asses?
[08:29:13] <z64555> affs: like asimo, some talking bots, and others
[08:29:27] <affs> z64555: in robotics, one needs to be mechanical and electronic and computer science expert, right?
[08:30:01] <affs> z64555: i wonder why don't they give asimo wheels instead of legs. Would have made the design much simpler
[08:30:21] <z64555> mechanical engineering is the bulk of the industrial robotics. electronic deals with power supplies and sensor construction, computer science deals with the high-level software
[08:30:34] <z64555> all three deal with control systems
[08:30:39] <joga> things are sometimes done not because they're easy, but because they're hard
[08:30:59] <z64555> Asimo was given legs so that it could climb stairs
[08:31:10] <z64555> ...doesn't always do a good job of it
[08:31:17] <affs> z64555: am i right to say the mechanical aspect is the most dominant in robots?
[08:31:32] <joga> robocup (where various kinds of robots play soccer) is intended to drive robotics research and make things better by having an ultimate goal
[08:31:42] <affs> z64555: is the standard PID control system good enough for robots?
[08:31:51] <joga> that is, to have a humanoid robot team beat a human team in 2050 (iirc)
[08:32:09] <z64555> affs: yes, because MEEN's have the best understanding of the core physics involved, as well as the necassary knowledge behind fabrication
[08:32:52] <z64555> affs: PID's are the de-facto standard for most linear things. Non-linear things such as rice cookers and automobile engine controls use fuzzy logic or other controller types
[08:33:21] <z64555> Nueral nets are being studied as a potential type of self-learning controller
[08:33:53] <affs> z64555: is robot movement considered linear or non-linear control system?
[08:33:59] <z64555> as well as help the bio industry better understand the brain and nervous system
[08:34:10] <z64555> affs: depends on the robot
[08:34:26] <z64555> and depends on what you're controlling
[08:34:28] <affs> say, asimo walking forward on a flat floor. Linear or non-linear?
[08:34:49] <z64555> position and velocity controller. linear.
[08:35:12] <z64555> now, if you wanted him to get there the fastest he can, that's nonlinear
[08:35:18] <affs> z64555: pardon my ignorance. what's MEEN?
[08:35:22] <z64555> since that gets into acceleration and jerk
[08:35:31] <z64555> MEEN = MEchanical ENgineer
[08:35:41] <z64555> EEEN = Electronic and Electrical ENgineer
[08:36:08] <z64555> CSEN = Computer Science ENgineer (although I don't know if this one's official yet)
[08:36:09] <affs> z64555: sad. I'm EEEN. I did not become MEEN because I cannot do technical drawings.
[08:36:30] <affs> I can learn CSEN stuff but steer clear of MEEN. Bad at technical drawings
[08:36:37] <z64555> how so?
[08:36:49] <z64555> trouble visualizing 3D objects?
[08:36:51] <affs> just cannot draw 3D drawings
[08:37:06] <z64555> not even simple isometric?
[08:37:09] <affs> z64555: EXACTLY! It's something I work hard at but just cannot do it
[08:37:42] <affs> z64555: from 3D object, i can draw front, side and top in 2D. But I cannot do the reverse.
[08:38:05] <affs> simply cannot visualize. Does that mean I cannot do robotics?
[08:39:13] <z64555> sorry, was afk for a bit
[08:40:10] <z64555> No, it doesn't mean you can't do robotics. Just the kinematics and mechanical side of things
[08:40:20] <z64555> err
[08:40:35] <z64555> It just means that you'll have difficulty with the kinematics and mechanical side of things
[08:40:58] <z64555> like I said, robotics is a broad field
[08:41:37] <affs> z64555: actually, i can understand the physics of motion. I just cannot draw 3D stuff.
[08:42:34] <affs> I hope for the day when there're ready robotics kits where hobbyist can simply write code to do stuff. Don't need to create mechanical stuff myself
[08:42:40] <affs> Are there such robotic kits today?
[08:42:51] <z64555> lots
[08:42:52] <affs> write code to control robots?
[08:43:01] <z64555> lots
[08:43:11] <joga> heh buy lego
[08:43:12] <affs> no need to care about mechanical and electronic stuff. Just write code.
[08:43:12] <joga> :)
[08:43:19] <joga> sure
[08:43:29] <z64555> protip: stay on the ground
[08:43:59] <affs> are the kits useful enough? if just move forward, backward, not too useful
[08:44:07] <z64555> lol, I say that to everyone because I'm working on an aerial bot
[08:44:20] <joga> affs, you should perhaps google a bit for them
[08:44:25] <joga> there's a gazillion
[08:44:31] <z64555> affs: most of them are the line crawler type, such as the sumobot
[08:44:32] <affs> joga: ok. pardon my ignorance.
[08:44:41] <joga> lego nxt has been in use for a long time in education (and rcx etc)
[08:44:44] <affs> any good keyword to start?
[08:44:59] <Tom_itx> lazy bot builder
[08:45:00] <joga> depends on what kind of stuff you want to do
[08:45:00] <affs> as easy as arduino?
[08:45:03] <joga> easier
[08:45:28] <Tom_itx> where's the fun if it's all done for you
[08:45:41] <joga> well if you only want to do the code part, simulation should be fine
[08:46:09] <affs> any robotic kits where I can program the robot to catch lizards, cockroaches for me? I am terrified of these little things
[08:46:10] <joga> but there's plenty of sample robot designs etc you can use to help with the mechanical stuff if you don't want to buy a whole robot you can just program with
[08:46:43] <joga> heh perhaps... but you could mount a powerful laser and shoot them from the ceiling or something ;)
[08:47:10] <Tom_itx> and burn the place down trying
[08:47:12] <joga> it's not a very easy thing for a robot to do though
[08:47:15] <joga> heh yeah
[08:47:23] <z64555> Tom_itx: pre-built kits save a ton of frustration when you're new to the field. You have something that works instead of trying to re-invent every. single. component on the robot
[08:47:25] <joga> cockroaches are tough and fast
[08:47:54] <Tom_itx> z64555 there's the satisfaction of knowing you did
[08:48:25] <veverak> Tom_itx: doesn't have to come before you throw it out of the window
[08:48:27] <veverak> :)
[08:48:40] <Tom_itx> no patience
[08:48:42] * veverak agress that trying to do everything when you start is not good
[08:48:43] <veverak> :)
[08:49:03] <Tom_itx> that's how rue_house and i do it
[08:49:08] <affs> by the way, do u need a garage to do robotic stuff?
[08:49:19] <affs> not everyone live in big houses
[08:49:26] <z64555> affs: at the very least, a good solid work table
[08:49:39] <joga> if you want to build a tractor sized robot, perhaps yeah
[08:49:56] <joga> otherwise a small desk is fine but even that isn't really needed :)
[08:50:10] <veverak> affs: if you are bad ad mechanics
[08:50:15] <veverak> just find some kit you will ike
[08:50:18] <veverak> and learn on it
[08:50:29] * veverak is bad at electronics, started same way with eletronics more or less
[08:50:50] <z64555> veverak: analog or digital electronics? :P
[08:51:08] <affs> i live in a tiny place. Was wondering if I should just stick to the computer science aspect. Just do the coding.
[08:51:27] <veverak> z64555: I can more or less connect boards together
[08:51:30] <veverak> and solder connectors
[08:51:32] <veverak> ;)
[08:51:44] <z64555> affs: you can, but you'd be limited to working with only off-the-shelf components
[08:51:49] <veverak> but first custom pcb on the way!
[08:51:52] <z64555> which, isn't much of a handicap, tbh
[08:52:00] <z64555> veverak: woo!
[08:52:01] <veverak> affs: target small robots
[08:52:03] <veverak> :)
[08:52:36] <affs> veverak: great. I will build small robots to catch tiny insects like lizards and dead cockroaches.
[08:52:56] <veverak> that can be tricky :D
[08:53:00] <z64555> would be more efficient to use traps, tbh
[08:53:04] <affs> oopps. there will be the problem of disposing the disgusting insects.
[08:53:21] <z64555> use disposible traps. problem solved
[08:53:38] <affs> yeah. traps would be better. with lizards and cockroaches stuck to the robots, I dare not go near the robots. Just use traps.
[08:53:45] <joga> for just coding, I wonder if something like this is good, anyone tried? http://gazebosim.org/
[08:54:00] <affs> I was simply trying to complicate a solution in order to have fun
[08:54:16] <veverak> :D
[08:54:18] <z64555> low-tech tends to be the most effective in terms of cost, high-tech goes towards most efficient and most entertaining (not necassarily both)
[08:54:28] <joga> affs, just leave the critters be and have the robot drive in circles around you so you're safe
[08:54:31] <joga> :)
[08:54:41] <veverak> well
[08:54:45] <veverak> lat's get to the funn stuff
[08:54:50] <veverak> affs: you definetly have to mount laser on it
[08:54:53] <veverak> ;)
[08:55:22] <z64555> joga: looks interesting, in particular for aerial bots and swarm bots
[08:55:23] <joga> http://i.imgur.com/YxVqfHQ.png
[08:55:48] <veverak> :D :D :D :D
[08:56:06] <affs> with gazebo, everything can be done with a computer? looks fun to learn
[08:56:18] <affs> no need to buy a physical robot kit?
[08:56:37] <z64555> not quite
[08:56:58] <z64555> Simulations are just that. Usually the model doesn't precisely match up with the physical device
[08:57:07] <veverak> yep
[08:57:56] <z64555> So. even if your algorithm works perfectly in simulation, something as simple as an ungreased bearing on the prototype will make it run sideways
[08:58:02] <affs> gotta go off now. Nice chatting with u guys. good bye
[08:58:13] <z64555> c u
[08:59:12] <z64555> sexbot talk occurs too frequently. :(
[08:59:19] <veverak> :D
[12:05:18] <dysoco> How crazy is it to build a biped, arduino controled robot, about 1.10m tall in about 9 months with ~1k U$D and a team of 12 people?
[12:05:32] <dysoco> I know it's a lot of time and resources, but I think our professor might have gone a bit crazy this year
[12:06:08] <dysoco> specially because we barely know how to use Arduinos, and we're building everything else from scratch, also, making something that tall walk sounds pretty hard
[12:09:35] <MarkX> a full biped based on arduino sounds difficult
[12:09:41] <MarkX> what kind of arduino? uno? mega?
[12:09:45] <myself> yeah, that's the only part that sounds whackass
[12:09:59] <myself> 1k might be a bit low too, motors and mechanisms add up fast
[12:10:08] <myself> and motor controllers...
[12:10:15] <MarkX> not really
[12:10:23] <MarkX> i mean you could do it all with metal servos
[12:10:29] <MarkX> but what does it have to do?
[12:10:33] <MarkX> just be legs that walk?
[12:10:50] <dysoco> legs torso head, ideally arms too
[12:10:57] <MarkX> .... so a full robot
[12:11:16] <dysoco> my professor is an engineer so he /should/ know that it's pretty much impossible, but I have no experience in the field so I wouldn't know better
[12:11:21] <MarkX> and it has to do what? interact with people? perform a specific task?
[12:11:32] <dysoco> not really, this year just walk
[12:11:41] <MarkX> brb one sec
[12:11:49] <dysoco> he said it'd be cool if we could make it walk and then add some sensors and stuff but I doubt we'll get that far
[12:12:01] <dysoco> I mean, we're building the skeleton AND exoeskeleton too, sounds like a lot of work
[12:12:06] <dysoco> (luckily I'm just the programmer)
[12:13:16] <myself> I hope you have an intermeshing-feet design that doesn't need dynamic balance to walk ;)
[12:13:42] <dysoco> I doubt we'll be able to perform any kind of dynamic movement analysis
[12:13:56] <myself> this sucker: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3FSOgAodo0c
[12:13:59] <dysoco> this is senior High School, we can barely do calculus
[12:14:13] <dysoco> he basically said "you'll just have to do a lot of trial and error to balance the thing"
[12:14:24] <myself> he's criminally insane
[12:14:51] <dysoco> then again, this is more of a "project planning" class
[12:14:53] <myself> you do not try-and-err your way to an inverse pendulum, much less to a system way more complex than that
[12:14:56] <dysoco> maybe he just wants us to work on something that's impossible
[12:15:13] <dysoco> although last year I said the same, and we did finish the Android game
[12:15:15] <dysoco> but it was that, a game
[12:15:24] <myself> to see how long it takes before mutiny? ;)
[12:15:36] <myself> http://memory-alpha.wikia.com/wiki/Kobayashi_Maru_scenario
[12:17:08] <dysoco> Would you say that using wheels would simplify the robot to a "doable" situation?
[12:17:26] <myself> provided there are more than 2 wheels, yes :)
[12:17:40] <myself> segway balance, maybe
[12:17:51] <myself> 1 wheel, maybe.
[12:17:54] <dysoco> I see, the other team has to do a small dog
[12:18:10] <dysoco> we got the hardest one because they have me on the team, still, I doubt I can make something walk
[12:18:40] <myself> well, just give ample credit to the code you borrow from the examples you find, and they can't call it plagiarism :)
[12:19:14] <dysoco> his idea is to make this an "opensource robot" of some sort and documentate everything and make it open anyways
[12:19:21] <z64555> lolno
[12:19:41] <dysoco> do you have any resources on biped robots so I can maybe show him how difficult that is?
[12:20:10] <z64555> show em atlas
[12:20:26] <dysoco> I did
[12:20:42] <dysoco> I meant more of a technical document or schematics, something we can analyze a bit
[12:20:49] <dysoco> obviously the most simple one there is
[12:21:09] <z64555> did he not realize how long it took them to get that far?
[12:21:45] <dysoco> yeah but he was like "nah but this one just has to walk on a flat surface"
[12:21:53] <LoRez> kinemhttp://letsmakerobots.com/node/40586
[12:22:04] <dysoco> and then he showed us stuff like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rAnMYhZTT-Q
[12:22:17] <dysoco> which makes it look somewhat acomplishable, but still, that's super small
[12:22:45] <MarkX> you could try it
[12:23:00] <dysoco> that looks interesting
[12:23:12] <MarkX> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7kI9yXxjmV4
[12:23:13] <MarkX> like that
[12:23:17] <dysoco> there's something in me that says "maybe with trial and error I can make something that walks for 5 seconds and balances a bit"
[12:23:23] <MarkX> just build the rest of the robot above it
[12:23:36] <MarkX> it sounds like a fun project but it will take some real work
[12:23:45] <MarkX> and some proper planning
[12:24:35] <dysoco> I don't know, we'll check on this
[12:24:40] <dysoco> I wish he'd just give us another game to make :P
[12:24:55] <MarkX> itd be better if you had actual guidelines
[12:25:03] <MarkX> does it need to be biped
[12:25:14] <MarkX> what kind of movement it can use to actually walk
[12:25:23] <MarkX> why does the rest of the body need to be built if only walking is required
[12:25:30] <MarkX> what do the sensors need to do
[12:25:30] <MarkX> etc
[12:25:53] <dysoco> I'll talk to him this Monday if possible
[12:26:04] <MarkX> also i just saw you said "arduinos"
[12:26:12] <dysoco> maybe making it smaller (less than 1m) makes it easier
[12:26:17] <MarkX> i'm assuming they are suppose to talk to each other some how
[12:26:21] <MarkX> yes smaller would be better/easier
[12:26:41] <MarkX> if it doesn't need to be biped, you could go for a self balancing one with an arduino brain
[12:26:43] <dysoco> not really, I think the first step is just to make something that walks with preprogrammed movement
[12:26:49] <MarkX> or even a robot arm with a couple of axis
[12:26:59] <dysoco> then next year maybe someone will add remote control, sensor stuff, but that's their problem
[12:27:14] <dysoco> self balancing how? wheels? how many?
[12:27:24] <MarkX> 2 wheels
[12:27:24] <MarkX> sec
[12:27:39] <MarkX> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_afq1DTAJZo
[12:29:28] <dysoco> he's going to tell me that it looks super easy
[12:29:38] <MarkX> well ya
[12:29:39] <dysoco> but we'll look into that
[12:29:49] <MarkX> but i mean you need something more middle
[12:29:58] <dysoco> maybe we could make that taller
[12:30:04] <dysoco> and add the arms maybe
[12:30:08] <dysoco> no idea how that would balance though
[12:30:08] <MarkX> right now you're doing biped which is hard, and self balancing which is easy
[12:30:12] <MarkX> so you need something in the middle
[12:30:37] <MarkX> but then again
[12:30:39] <MarkX> you have this
[12:30:40] <MarkX> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JNzUC5VBF8Y
[12:30:58] <MarkX> like i said, a bunch of servos and a pre programmed control
[12:31:07] <MarkX> if it falls over though, you gotta reset it
[12:31:50] <dysoco> oh yeah that's the one he showed us
[12:32:01] <dysoco> having something like that would be what we're aiming for
[12:32:10] <MarkX> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JenJEQxVlSM
[12:34:30] <dysoco> yeah seen that too
[12:34:36] <dysoco> all that makes it look somewhat possible
[12:34:44] <MarkX> oh it is
[12:34:46] <dysoco> but that's 12 servos, and it's just the legs, and it's small
[12:34:59] <dysoco> I was talking about the previous one, this one is taller
[12:34:59] <MarkX> but you've said you haven't worked with arduinos
[12:35:06] <MarkX> how about solidworks?
[12:35:15] <MarkX> or inventor (if that's still relevant)?
[12:35:26] <MarkX> i mean it's not just arduinos at play here
[12:35:37] <dysoco> I think he already has the Arduinos so I guess we're working with that
[12:35:47] <dysoco> wait isn't Solidworks some software?
[12:35:52] <MarkX> yes
[12:36:04] <MarkX> for the skeleton
[12:36:08] <dysoco> that's not my field really, I'm pretty much the only programmer so I'll be working on that
[12:36:20] <MarkX> right so then someone has to design the body
[12:36:26] <dysoco> but as far as I'm concerned, we're cutting aluminum and try to make something
[12:36:44] <MarkX> its doable for sure
[12:36:45] <dysoco> we're a technical school, we have the tools and have done similar stuff before
[12:36:47] <MarkX> but there is a lot involved
[12:37:19] <dysoco> so far he's told us to research a bit on proportions for legs and stuff, to start planning the robot
[12:38:25] <MarkX> does it have to be all your own?
[12:38:32] <MarkX> could probably find an existing design
[12:38:36] <MarkX> to implement
[12:39:24] <MarkX> http://www.instructables.com/id/Arduino-Biped/
[12:39:28] <MarkX> there's a full instructables for it
[12:40:25] <dysoco> we can look into existing designs sure
[12:40:39] <dysoco> but don't wanna get a kit or anything, I don't think I can copy the code either, and I don't think I can anyways
[12:40:47] <dysoco> that looks pretty cool though, thanks
[12:41:23] <MarkX> there's a bunch of stuff already for this
[12:41:43] <MarkX> you just started by saying you've never worked with arduino so i figured it might be out of your reach
[12:41:53] <MarkX> but if you have the tools and time and people, sure you can do it
[12:45:15] <dysoco> alright then, maybe it's not impossible
[12:46:07] <MarkX> its gonna be difficult for next year if they gotta build on top of it though
[12:46:17] <MarkX> cause they weren't involved in the planning for the legs
[12:46:17] <MarkX> :P
[12:47:21] <dysoco> that's their problem :P
[12:47:44] <Seidel> Hey guys, do you think is a bad idea learn Rust instead C++?
[12:50:51] <Seidel> Because, of course, C++ is extemamently used
[12:50:54] <dysoco> I've played a bit with Rust, not a bad language, but you can't beat C++'s popularity
[12:51:00] <dysoco> I can't speak on robotics though
[12:52:50] <Seidel> Thank you :D
[12:55:06] <ace4016> learning multiple langauges isn't bad. shows flexibility and you learn different paradigms from different perspectives
[12:57:40] <Seidel> Thank you again :D
[12:57:44] <Seidel> Gtg
[13:24:24] <MrCurious> anyone here worked with intel RealSense cameras?
[13:48:59] <anniepoo> I think that's rebranded technology of the creative labs gesture camera?
[13:49:26] <anniepoo> yes, it's the software end of that
[13:49:29] <anniepoo> in that case, yes
[13:49:48] <anniepoo> have one of the creative labs cameras on my computer now
[13:51:48] <anniepoo> I was in the RealSense App Challenge
[13:52:09] <anniepoo> I wrote a tool to generate gesture code
[13:53:45] <anniepoo> https://github.com/Anniepoo/perchack
[13:57:37] <MrCurious> anniepoo: have you been able to use it on non intel hardware? specifically ARM? i have an nvidia TK1 i want to use it with, but the drivers i have seen have inline sse3 instructions.
[13:58:46] <MrCurious> looks like your code relies on the standard libs which are x86 only
[14:00:31] <anniepoo> yup - I basically used the thing for the hackathon, and since haven't done much with it
[14:00:40] <anniepoo> so no, sorry, no ARM
[14:01:49] <anniepoo> 8cd which also explains the low quality of the code
[14:05:01] <MrCurious> no worries, thanks for the reply. i will search a bit more then surrender and get either a compute stick or nuc for it
[14:33:19] <mrdata> http://spectrum.ieee.org/automaton/robotics/industrial-robots/sri-micro-robots-can-now-manufacture-their-own-tools
[15:31:12] <rue_house> can I line be called a shape?
[15:31:17] <rue_house> if not, what is it?
[15:34:26] <veverak> why it coudln't?
[15:34:28] <veverak> :)
[15:34:51] <rue_house> I'm working on a CAM program
[15:35:06] <rue_house> having issues working out terms for things that need to be seperated and grouped
[15:35:18] <veverak> I understand! :D
[15:35:28] <veverak> one of the most shitty parts with designing programs
[15:35:29] <veverak> hmm
[15:35:41] <veverak> rue_house: I would be OK with line being shape propably
[15:35:45] <rue_house> my program opens a cnc file
[15:36:16] <rue_house> the goal is to be able to specify a path of _____ and get it to do operations to it
[15:36:40] <rue_house> things like cutting it out by stepping the bit down in increments or pocketing or whatever
[15:37:16] <rue_house> but its a hybrid of cad and cnc commands that dosn't mix well
[15:37:37] <veverak> I see
[15:38:16] <rue_house> I'm kinda opening a cnc program as a cad document and them working on turning it into a cnc program
[15:38:30] <rue_house> you can probably see why I'm hainvg challanges
[15:39:19] <veverak> yeah
[15:39:31] <veverak> rue_house: would propably make it easy to change the naming
[15:39:44] <veverak> pretty damn sure you won't make it right on first try
[15:40:58] <rue_house> I think that I want to have the program take the shapes, build paths, and then build them up into operations
[15:41:41] <rue_house> the paths and operations would be metadata on the existing file instructions
[15:41:55] <rue_house> ah, I'm gonna work on deleting and adding commands next
[15:42:20] <veverak> good luck
[15:42:22] <veverak> :)
[15:42:27] * veverak is going to play with perl
[15:43:42] <rue_house> 3 monitors would be nice right now
[15:44:09] <deshipu> veverak: perl is the dark side
[15:45:01] <veverak> perl is what I use at my work
[15:45:09] <veverak> deshipu: perfectly fits each other
[15:45:11] <veverak> :)
[15:46:04] <deshipu> https://www.python.org/doc/humor/#python-vs-perl-according-to-yoda
[15:50:24] <rue_house> yay, delete worked
[15:54:25] <veverak> deshipu: perfect!
[18:44:42] <faws> which are some companies to watch out for in the area of robotics? are they publicly listed?
[18:46:13] <Snert> watch out for good, or watch out for bad?
[18:46:50] <faws> watch for making money by using their products, buying their stocks
[18:47:30] <Snert> fanuc is a jap company I think. Does industrial robots I think.
[18:47:48] <Snert> I have no idea is it's publicly traded.
[18:47:55] <Snert> or what exchange, if any.
[18:47:56] <anonnumberanon> faws, Irobot, Fanuc
[18:48:04] <anonnumberanon> Neato
[18:48:52] <Snert> neato is the underdog - one to watch I'd think.
[18:49:15] <Snert> cheaper than a roomba anyways.
[18:51:30] <faws> nobody mentions honda? honda makes asimo
[18:51:58] <faws> neato is not listed
[18:52:27] <anonnumberanon> nah making robot does not give you robot making company to watch credit
[18:52:43] <anonnumberanon> *making one robot
[18:53:09] <faws> i wonder if it's possible to have a company that makes iRobots like the movie iRobot
[18:53:18] <faws> love that movie.
[18:55:00] <faws> which is the most important aspect in robotics? AI for improving intelligence, mechanics for improving robot motion, electronics for err .. say lower power consumption and longer battery life?
[18:55:05] <faws> for today
[19:01:10] <anonnumberanon> faws, Robot actuators.
[19:01:30] <faws> anonnumberanon: so, the mechanics matter the most today?
[19:02:21] <anonnumberanon> That's what needs to go down in price at least.
[19:04:23] <faws> anonnumberanon: is it the most expensive part today?
[19:04:44] <anonnumberanon> By a lot yeah.
[19:05:16] <faws> what is the most promising area for control algorithm today? Is AI that area today? can the Google Go champion be useful?
[19:05:36] <faws> anonnumberanon: i guess the electronics is the cheap part today? Electronics not so important, correct?
[19:07:04] <anonnumberanon> Well it take s a lot of money to hire someone to code the electronics.
[19:07:22] <DagoRed> Not really. More money is spent on test equipment.
[19:07:41] <DagoRed> Hardware engineers are getting screwed in terms of compensation.
[19:07:54] <anonnumberanon> You buy test equipment and hire embedded programmers DagoRed ?
[19:08:09] <faws> DagoRed: why are HW engineers underpaid? do u mean most money goes to software guys?
[19:08:36] <anonnumberanon> Hardware guy in electronics is still a software guy .
[19:09:14] <faws> anonnumberanon: do embedded robotics guy need to be good in mechanics?
[19:09:22] <DagoRed> Speaking as a hardware guy... the money is terrible compared to web developers right now.
[19:09:30] <DagoRed> I can't figure out why either.
[19:10:21] <faws> DagoRed: how about comparedd to embedded guys?
[19:10:32] * DagoRed is an embedded guy
[19:10:45] <DagoRed> embedded people are having a tough go.
[19:10:49] <anonnumberanon> DagoRed, But it is your first job right?
[19:10:53] <DagoRed> No
[19:10:57] <faws> DagoRed: impressive. u code firmware and create hardware?
[19:11:05] <DagoRed> I have in the past.
[19:11:24] <DagoRed> I used to work on hard drive read channels. My custers were Hitachi and Seagate primarily.
[19:11:42] <faws> DagoRed: puzzles me. u can write code and design hardware. web developers can only write code. why aren't u better paid? why do u think this is so?
[19:12:25] <DagoRed> faws: I don't know. Web is a big thing right now and my friends in my LUG have come to the conclusion there is a alot of VC money with web.
[19:12:42] <faws> what is LUG?
[19:12:51] <DagoRed> Web and big data are the fad right now and companies will spend themselves stupid.
[19:12:58] <DagoRed> Linux Users Group = LUG
[19:13:00] <faws> wouldn't it be easy for a versatie person like u to pick up Web?
[19:13:10] <faws> versatile
[19:13:23] <DagoRed> Its not hard, just boring and not very challenging.
[19:13:29] <faws> web guys can't pick up hardware easily. hardware guys to pick up web coding should be easier
[19:13:49] <DagoRed> The biggest issuew with web isn't learning how to master the DOM, it's being proficient with the proper trendy web tools.
[19:14:09] <faws> DagoRed: hey! what's wrong with u? which is better? easy and more $$$ versus hard and less $$$. isn't it a no-brainer?
[19:14:11] <DagoRed> Web guys talk about API development as if its so hard.
[19:14:53] <DagoRed> faws: Would you rather make big money money now and then find yourself no longer with a job in the future because your skills are antique after 2 years.
[19:14:55] <DagoRed> ?
[19:15:08] <faws> DagoRed: hmm ... great insight.
[19:15:24] <faws> wait. go back to embedded after web has lost its $$$ appeal. easy
[19:15:44] <faws> go where the $$$ is at the moment
[19:15:46] <DagoRed> Regardless, learning REST and api development has its advantages for VC money that you can make bank on.
[19:16:09] <DagoRed> faws: Not so simple, recruiters look at your last job only
[19:16:57] <faws> DagoRed: just do a project and put it online. it will look good on the resume.
[19:17:06] <faws> regardless of whether it's web or embedded
[19:17:11] <DagoRed> Which is what I'm doing atm.
[19:17:19] <faws> what's atm?
[19:17:29] <DagoRed> IoT platform. I'm doing the hardware design all the way up to the web portal and android app.
[19:17:38] <DagoRed> at the moment = atm
[19:17:46] <DagoRed> .ud atm
[19:17:46] <makepi> DagoRed: At the moment. - Entry 1/10.
[19:23:10] * z64555 smells an IRC newb
[19:23:35] <DagoRed> z64555: That's never a bad thing so shh.
[19:23:55] <DagoRed> Also... I really need to mess with sopel again.
[19:24:11] <DagoRed> makepi needs to get a software and hardware upgrade.
[19:24:27] <z64555> DagoRed: depends on the channel you join. some have some hazing or introductory rituals that are wierd
[19:24:57] * z64555 spreads rumors
[19:25:24] <DagoRed> This isn't one of those channels. Also rue is pretty awesome on embracing new people from ##c or #electronics
[19:25:41] <z64555> thank rue for that. :D
[19:26:09] <DagoRed> Yeah... this place is a pretty good safe haven. That and Rue does work on some awesome projects.
[19:26:18] <DagoRed> I miss his bot though.
[19:26:48] <z64555> anyway. Ideally it would be better to learn the underlying principles of programming and how hardware works rather than be locked into any given language
[19:27:53] <DagoRed> Exactly.
[19:28:53] <DagoRed> My IoT project uses C, C++, Python, Perl, Erlang, node.js, Perl, postgress, and Java.
[19:29:15] <DagoRed> I'm debating mixing in golang but not really feeling it.
[19:30:07] <MrCurious> oh! this room has gotten more interesting in my absence
[19:30:29] <DagoRed> It was an accident.
[19:32:46] <anonnumberanon> Why not just Python, C, C++, Java?
[19:33:12] <anonnumberanon> Like me :)
[19:33:39] * z64555 needs to resume learning python
[19:34:16] <MrCurious> erlang, great for async high throughput messaging systems
[19:34:28] <z64555> perhaps also haskell. there's a guy in another channel I frequent that posivtely raves about it every. chance. he. gets.
[19:35:02] <DagoRed> anonnumberanon: Because I need to support people a lot dumber than us that only use languages like javascript.
[19:35:12] <anonnumberanon> I learned Python in a couple days this week for work, I waited to learn it until it became necessary and I think I was right to do so.
[19:35:21] <DagoRed> z64555: if you have python questions, I can answer.
[19:35:27] <z64555> DagoRed: ...should we set up a charity fund for those poor souls?
[19:35:54] <z64555> DagoRed: thanks, but really I just need to sit down long enough and do the work
[19:35:59] <anonnumberanon> I actually made this program in Python because it will be used by another team who are not developers.
[19:36:17] <DagoRed> Fuck no z64555, build stuff and sell it to them instead.
[19:36:24] <z64555> lol.
[19:36:32] <z64555> that's evil
[19:36:42] <anonnumberanon> We're the ones needing a damn charity fund.
[19:37:03] <DagoRed> anonnumberanon: bingo!
[19:37:04] <z64555> lolol, that's why we're selling the stuff
[19:37:41] <DagoRed> Look, let them come here if they want to learn. If they bitch about how hard thing are, do it for them and charge them as much money as they are willing to pay.
[19:38:29] <anonnumberanon> DagoRed, I usually just offer to make it for money before helping, unless I hear something of the sort of "fuck that, I want to do it myself".
[19:38:47] * z64555 takes notes
[19:39:04] <anonnumberanon> But if you don't have an engineering degree, it's kinda of waste of time teaching people how to make circuits or program them.
[19:39:18] <DagoRed> I do have an engineering degree...
[19:39:19] <anonnumberanon> Also best way to shoot yourself in the foot.
[19:39:31] <DagoRed> So... who wants a recent funny story?
[19:39:38] <anonnumberanon> I'm saying if the asker doesn't have an engineering degree.
[19:39:42] <DagoRed> ahh
[19:40:14] <z64555> Technicians don't have to have an engineering degree, but need to know circuits, etc.
[19:40:18] <DagoRed> Still... funny story involving me saying FU to a bunch of business majors at harvard?
[19:40:25] <z64555> OH GODS YES
[19:40:31] * z64555 runs to get popcorn
[19:40:47] <MrCurious> here, have some of my popcorn...
[19:40:52] * anonnumberanon enumerates things he could fetch to eat
[19:40:52] <MrCurious> you wont want to miss this
[19:40:52] <DagoRed> Ok, so some guy I know through a semi-local hackerspace connected me with some harvard guys
[19:41:18] <DagoRed> The harvard guys want "and avr and android programmer to help with a project, they're willing to pay"
[19:41:37] <DagoRed> The project... a matrix of LED's on a short that use bluetooth to connect to an iphone app.
[19:41:49] <anonnumberanon> Lol "help with the project", more like "do the entire project".
[19:42:09] <DagoRed> Yes... google it, it exists and these buisiness majors think they can do it better/cheaper
[19:42:13] <DagoRed> anonnumberanon: BINGO!
[19:42:16] <MrCurious> so a phone blinkable wireless led... seems a weak project idea...
[19:42:21] <DagoRed> Time table: 8 weeks.
[19:42:29] <MrCurious> have they heard of the bluebean?
[19:42:35] <MrCurious> erm lightbluebean
[19:42:44] <DagoRed> MrCurious: think wireless matrix that is plyable and washable.
[19:43:05] * z64555 munches
[19:43:15] <MrCurious> you can get those as belt buckles at disneyland
[19:43:34] <anonnumberanon> 0=)
[19:43:50] <DagoRed> So yeah... $1200 for 8 weeks of work for a working prototype. I'm on the hook for materials and traveling to do a demonstration infront of them. My pay is based on their grade.
[19:43:53] <MrCurious> now if it was a pov blade with rgb and bluetooth that attaches to bilke spokes, they may be able to get to market
[19:44:01] <z64555> sweet
[19:44:13] <z64555> wait
[19:44:15] * z64555 does maths
[19:44:36] <DagoRed> I verbally chewed these two kids a new asshole so large you could feel the gravitational pull.
[19:44:49] <z64555> $10/hr thats less than minimum wage
[19:45:03] <z64555> wait, actually, no it isn't
[19:45:09] <z64555> but $10/hr can't get you much
[19:45:11] <DagoRed> On top of that, started a small bitching session around other avenues I know they would try and had them black balled.
[19:45:17] <anonnumberanon> They graded your prototype to be worth $1200?
[19:45:23] <z64555> oh hell. lol
[19:45:44] <DagoRed> I told them if they want a ground up development without equity in the deal. $65/hr starting and maybe I'll consider it. It should really be more.
[19:46:23] <DagoRed> I also told them that if they want to do this cheap and run into the same problems, pay $10 to some free lancer in India and have a nice day.
[19:47:08] * z64555 applauds
[19:47:13] * DagoRed bows
[19:47:33] <DagoRed> Thank you. I love destroying business majors.
[19:48:30] <DagoRed> I don't care what field you are in, the minute someone starts a meeting without respect do not hesitate to rip them a new one unless you are getting paid well enough not to care.
[19:49:58] * DagoRed dives back into his IoT protocol.
[19:56:14] <myself> DagoRed: can I paypal you a beer, on behalf of hardware designers everywhere? That chewing must've taken work and you have, umm, calories to replace! Yeah that's it!
[19:57:15] <DagoRed> myself: Appreciated, but not necessary.
[19:57:48] <myself> Well, high-five anyway. I hope they take it to heart.
[19:57:56] <DagoRed> Also I got a buisiness major to buy me a beer and got me a new $24k server for free!!
[19:58:09] <DagoRed> 45 Drives is awesome.
[19:59:50] <myself> no kidding. I've followed the backblaze blog for years and can't help but giggle every time I hear what Sun charges for a Thumper compared to a 45drives pod.
[19:59:58] <anonnumberanon> work is stupid they won't get me an SSD drive for my machine
[20:01:00] <DagoRed> myself: We're getting our third server now...
[20:02:16] <myself> anonnumberanon: Heh. Coworker of mine has been running the "time wasted by not having enough local storage" math all the way up the management chain to try to get IT to let him put a $500 SSD in his laptop, when the same folks will happily drop 10x that cash on silly stuff they understand less and has a much shakier value proposition. Bikeshedding, man.
[20:03:09] <DagoRed> myself: Can you do me a huge favor?
[20:03:17] <DagoRed> Mind if I pm you myself?
[20:04:01] * anonnumberanon just remembered he hasa a 160GB SSD he just pulled from his laptop that he could bring to work as a hack to this huge problem
[20:04:31] <DagoRed> what huge problem?
[20:04:44] <anonnumberanon> of them not buying me an SSD for my machine
[20:06:27] <DagoRed> ahh
[20:06:45] * DagoRed pokes myself again to read above
[20:07:35] <anonnumberanon> in my case i kind of understand because it's a stasrtup and they're probab;ly short on money
[20:08:45] <DagoRed> They also live on credit and it's a business expense. They can pay it.
[20:15:53] <anonnumberanon> On credit?
[20:16:33] <DagoRed> Yeah
[20:16:59] <anonnumberanon> Explain pls.
[20:17:43] <DagoRed> start ups live off of credit... so let them add to it.
[20:17:54] <DagoRed> Business lines of credits should handle tools like that.
[20:29:28] * DagoRed watches someone doing burn outs in a modded tractor.
[20:32:51] <myself> Only thing I've smoked the tires on recently was an electric wheelchair...
[20:33:59] <DagoRed> Oh dear.
[20:34:09] <DagoRed> For me... it was the double shovel.
[20:36:14] <DagoRed> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwJ35QhLZLVfY3g0ajFNSmtYRFk/view?usp=sharing
[20:36:37] <DagoRed> myself: This was the first thing I did on a burn out. ^
[20:37:40] <DagoRed> .info
[20:37:41] <makepi> DagoRed: IMG_20150626_231656.jpg - Google Drive- http://j.mp/21oNzuB
[20:40:58] <myself> guh... wh..
[20:41:07] <myself> how the...
[20:41:22] <DagoRed> I was bike mechanic in grad school.
[20:41:25] <MrCurious> realsense showing bad magic numbers. half the sdk linux apps work
[20:42:56] <myself> I used to know a guy who put a Wankel from an RX7 into a DeLorean. I think this is right up there on the awesomeness scale.
[20:43:24] <DagoRed> Kind of.
[20:43:28] <DagoRed> That's more like wtf scale.
[20:43:38] <DagoRed> That bike... is fucking insane....
[20:43:54] <myself> V-V-twin-twin.
[20:43:56] <DagoRed> The compression ratio is so high it has to run aviation fuel.
[20:44:38] <myself> Nice long lever arm, wheelies are either impossible or very controllable. :)
[20:44:51] <DagoRed> both engines are independent in terms of ignition and starting... yet stay perfectly syncronized without snapping the primary between the engines.
[20:45:14] <DagoRed> I've wheelied that bike...
[20:56:28] <myself> That bike should totally be called "toil and trouble".