#robotics | Logs for 2016-03-11

[00:00:02] <DagoRed> It has a size and weight constraint.
[00:00:13] <DagoRed> Messed up part is that in testing... I'll be at a bowling alley.
[00:02:24] <MarkX> you could go with a custom pcb
[00:02:31] <MarkX> depends how in depth you wanna go though
[00:02:51] <DagoRed> Test first, then I'll make the custom PCB
[00:03:11] <DagoRed> First we need to make sure the accelerometers meet our needs for proof of concept.
[00:03:26] <MarkX> gotcha
[00:03:45] <DagoRed> I'm not making boards for a failed idea.
[00:03:54] <MarkX> yep that's smart
[00:04:17] <DagoRed> actually it's kinda lazy but it works.
[00:08:59] <MarkX> what are you making
[00:11:27] <DagoRed> I don't know if I can say. Just more toys for people with way too much money really.
[00:11:35] <MarkX> oh
[00:11:37] <MarkX> no problem
[00:11:41] <MarkX> i understand :)
[00:11:52] <MarkX> good luck!
[00:12:05] <MarkX> also check out #hackvana. lots of smart people there as well
[00:12:26] <DagoRed> Will do, thanks!
[00:30:16] <DagoRed> Now... to figure out how to handle asynchronus reading and writing with rabbitmq.
[01:09:25] <MarkX> anniepoo_: still awake?
[03:14:41] <z64555> huh? somebody asked if an IMU would work underwater
[03:15:14] <z64555> it was translated, definitely
[03:19:05] <deshipu> I'm pretty confident that an inertial sensor will work pretty much in any environment, as long as it is not destroyed by it
[03:19:16] <deshipu> I wish we had some way to shield against inertia...
[03:24:37] <veverak> :)
[03:34:54] <z64555> like an enclosure, or something
[04:06:36] <pokmo> hi
[04:06:40] <pokmo> this lego gear has 4 round holes, how are they meant to be used? https://www.thedailybrick.co.uk/media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/700x700/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/l/e/lego_gear_with_24_teeth__3648__lego-dark-stone-gray-gear-with-24-teeth-3648-27-612214-50.jpg
[04:06:58] <pokmo> why are those holes needed anyway?
[04:10:38] <deshipu> they are useful for using the gear as a crank
[04:10:55] <deshipu> or for connecting several gears
[04:11:39] <deshipu> you insert those in the holes: http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/71Uu4kJXqLL._SL1280_.jpg
[04:15:25] <Jak_o_Shadows> Yeah. Basically it joines nicely enough to other lego
[04:23:57] <z64555> oh
[04:24:06] <z64555> Don't forget about the cylinder brick
[04:52:57] <z64555> any Descent fans here
[04:53:05] <z64555> https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/revivalprod/overload-the-ultimate-six-degree-of-freedom-shoote
[04:53:34] <z64555> think there was one or two on this channel
[04:58:02] <Jak_o_Shadows> I want a HTC vive
[04:58:08] <Jak_o_Shadows> The localization bit is really interesting
[05:01:28] <deshipu> hmm, I always wanted to play such a shooter, but instead of controlling a flying vehicle, control a spider-like vehicle crawling on the walls
[05:01:57] <deshipu> a bit like the alien in AVP
[05:03:58] <z64555> neat idea
[05:26:37] <z64555> man, one thing I've wanted since graduating Uni is a tabletop milling machine
[07:42:48] * z64555 ponders the usage of microSD cards for uC's
[07:44:24] <z64555> that's one thing the RaspPi has going for it, it can load programs from external storage into its larger RAM
[07:45:03] <z64555> uC's generally have a smallish RAM for operations, and on-board flash memory for programs
[07:46:18] <z64555> You can use off-board memory, like from the SD cards, for additional program storage, but you either have to make due with the smaller RAM size, or take extra time to flash
[07:59:55] <deshipu> well, flash is slow
[08:08:02] <z64555> yep.
[08:09:08] <deshipu> you can't really run a program from it directly, the microcontrollers that do have a big chunk of ram reserved for cache
[08:10:29] <z64555> yep
[08:11:29] <z64555> so really, the SD card is only good for logs and media
[08:12:39] <deshipu> and levels
[08:12:47] <deshipu> and savegames
[08:31:14] <deshipu> and configuration
[12:31:15] <anniepoo_> halt.
[12:35:56] <deshipu> Hammerzeit!
[15:26:25] <deshipu> a cheap version of Spot: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ZPBL1zsLCg
[15:29:20] <Snert_> pretty good!
[15:29:44] <z64555> thumbs up
[15:32:56] <deshipu> except it lacks all the sensors and stabilization algorithms
[15:33:04] <deshipu> so it only goes on flat floor
[15:33:51] <deshipu> ok, it has some of the stabilization algorithms
[15:34:38] <Snert_> still costs about 2 tons more than I can afford
[15:35:23] <deshipu> we will get there
[15:35:30] <deshipu> as they get smaller
[15:36:33] <deshipu> I wonder what robo-pet would be possible with today's technology, if some company really got to it and didn't care about patents
[15:43:24] <Snert_> besides Sony's Aibo I havent really seen a good example of that.
[15:43:49] <z64555> aside from it being a novelty or toy, there isn't a market for it
[15:44:37] <z64555> if a business wanted to make such a thing, it would be to brag about the products that went into making it, products that would be more practical in other applications
[15:45:34] <z64555> I'd give it another 10 or 20 years
[16:40:59] <deshipu> I think there would be some clients willing to pay a lot for a custom robot like that
[16:53:16] <z64555> yeah.
[16:53:17] <z64555> us.
[16:53:18] <z64555> :P
[17:07:36] <SpeedEvil> Simples.
[17:07:39] <SpeedEvil> Cat-matrix.
[17:07:47] <SpeedEvil> Strap kittens into little pods.
[17:08:17] <SpeedEvil> Of course - you don't tell the users that
[17:08:38] <Jak_o_Shadows> Annoyingly, most little cometitions i've been in disallow animals
[17:20:08] <MarkX> http://www.bbc.com/news/technology-35310200
[17:20:12] <MarkX> there was this a little while ago
[17:23:40] <Snert> wow. no puke or shit, even.
[17:25:17] <Snert> the spotted cat is pretty suspicious!
[17:31:07] <MarkX> it's got cold dead eyes though
[17:34:14] <Snert> kinda looks like the body is a 1 position thing. Made for in your lap not walking.
[17:34:53] <MarkX> i could have sworn i saw a video of it moving around
[17:34:56] <MarkX> could be wrong though
[20:16:11] <rue_house> I'm not doing what I need to be doing, I'm doing what I want to be doing, but I'm not doing it cause I think I should be doing the other thing. what should I do? go to sleep instead?
[20:17:29] <rue_house> its 6pm
[20:17:42] <rue_house> if I start welding now, will I be awake at 6:30pm?
[21:00:52] <z64555> do want you need to do, do want you want to do, do as you like
[21:51:23] <anonnumberanon> z64555, I've seen your posts and everythin and I have to say that's you're doing great on R&D.
[21:52:52] <anonnumberanon> How do you detect a crash with an IMU like with an airbag but just saying to the micro "okay we fucking crashed just now"?
[21:54:01] <anonnumberanon> It's that time when the micro that is on your body takes over cause you're passed out and/or incapacitated.
[22:06:46] <flyback> happy canuckday to me
[22:06:47] <flyback> happy canuckday to me
[22:06:51] * flyback turned 42 :(
[22:08:25] <Jak_o_Shadows> hb
[22:08:35] <flyback> thx
[22:09:22] <SpeedEvil> Not 42, 7*9!
[22:13:46] <Jak_o_Shadows> not 21, 37
[22:16:45] <z64555> anonnumberanon: You could put a limit on the acceptable number of g's the accelerometer could have
[22:17:12] <z64555> hm. no
[22:17:20] <z64555> Limit on jerk
[22:17:39] <z64555> which is the derivative of acceleration
[22:18:02] <z64555> If you sense a substantial jerk, you can trigger some "SHUT IT DOWN" code
[22:19:08] <z64555> Commercial ESC's have a similar safety for the engines, if they detect a huge surge in current (like, a propellor struck something) they'll shut down even if there's still a control signal to it
[22:19:29] <z64555> also thanks. :)
[22:21:56] <z64555> mid-air collisions have the possibility of recovery, if you have sufficient height to react. The quad might even be able to glide down using auto-rotation (unpowered props that spin freely)
[22:23:58] <SpeedEvil> z64555: not really
[22:24:12] <SpeedEvil> z64555: for most quads, the disk loading is orders of magnitude higher than helicopters
[22:24:21] <SpeedEvil> they can't meaningfully autorotate
[22:25:36] <z64555> bummer, not even with large props?
[22:26:23] <SpeedEvil> Autorotation also pretty much requires variable pitch props
[22:26:43] <SpeedEvil> most quads are optimised for short flight times, responsiveness and size
[22:27:58] <z64555> an easy to replace props. :D
[22:28:46] <z64555> one of my long-term projects is to play with some tilt rotor stuff
[22:29:07] * SpeedEvil ponders if he can find.
[22:29:38] <SpeedEvil> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aEPf0QHVuMM
[22:29:42] <SpeedEvil> A Swashplateless MAV: Thrust, Roll, Pitch, and Yaw from Only Two Motors
[22:30:22] <SpeedEvil> z64555: I was pondering doing that an entirely otehr way
[22:30:45] <SpeedEvil> http://www.mauve.plus.com/test.png
[22:31:12] <SpeedEvil> this is a climb optimised heli - with vanes in the exhaust for torque cancelling
[22:32:16] <SpeedEvil> If you simply take this - or a conventional quad - and put a wing on each side, so it takes off vertically - then it can climb, and then flip over and accellerat into winged flight
[22:33:13] <z64555> gotcha
[22:34:13] <SpeedEvil> Alternatively, you might attach a wing and a hinge to each corner of a quad, and then have it land on the edges of them
[22:34:18] <SpeedEvil> with them pointed down
[22:34:31] <SpeedEvil> and then have them actuatable to become a biplane
[22:35:27] <z64555> hmmm
[22:35:43] <z64555> I seem to remember a similar UFO drone design similar to yours
[22:35:50] * z64555 all the similars
[22:36:22] <SpeedEvil> This was designed back when it was arguably legal in the UK
[22:36:30] <SpeedEvil> subsequent rule-changes make it clearly not
[22:36:43] <SpeedEvil> - it was intended to ascend to 1-2km and take a gigapixel pan.
[22:36:50] <SpeedEvil> and then descend vertically
[22:38:17] <z64555> you didn't happen to go through torque calculations, did you? I'd think that arrangement would be inefficient
[22:38:59] <z64555> although, if you put wings on the outside, like you said, that would take care of most of the countertorque
[22:41:40] <z64555> that arrangement however makes it difficult to have a payload, though
[22:41:53] * z64555 is very redundant right now
[22:44:09] <SpeedEvil> The vanes diddn't cause too much loss on simple sums.
[23:18:48] <Jak_o_Shadows> I remember seeing something like that