#robotics | Logs for 2016-03-09

[00:38:21] <z64555> so. I managed to get the eigen stuff compiled at last, but the compiler is telling me that I am out of memory
[00:45:20] <rue_house> heh
[00:45:47] <rue_house> what are you trying to do on what kinda device?
[01:16:35] <z64555> trying to use a LM4F120 (ARM-4) chip as a flight controller for a quad
[01:17:07] <z64555> 256KB should be plenty of program space, but I somehow went past that limit
[01:17:32] <rue_house> hah
[01:17:54] <rue_house> so much code not even an arm could take it?
[01:18:42] <z64555> I'm honestly not sure. I look at the .obj's and there' like
[01:19:09] <z64555> 60KB or so
[01:19:14] <z64555> total
[01:19:47] <z64555> I guess this is as good a time as any to go through the tutorial projects to get acquinted with code composer
[01:20:03] <z64555> but boy, do I find those boring
[01:20:15] <z64555> "load this project to blink an LED!"
[01:20:18] <z64555> woopie
[01:21:56] <SpeedEvil> I've wondered about ESP
[01:22:03] <SpeedEvil> https://spritesmods.com/?art=einkdisplay
[01:22:18] <SpeedEvil> you can do very, very fast interrupt routines - way faster than you'd need for a quad
[01:29:57] <MarkX> cool link SpeedEvil
[02:29:13] <z64555> ESP?
[03:40:54] <z64555> hm. well
[03:41:15] <z64555> What I can do is open a visual studio project and work on the algorithm on the PC
[03:41:20] <deshipu> I got the micropython binary for it today \o/
[03:41:40] <z64555> huh, whats it do
[03:42:15] <deshipu> lets you program it in python
[03:42:36] <deshipu> it's still pretty much a beta
[05:06:16] <z64555> hm, does it plug into VS's intellesense? if so, then that's a major selling point
[05:31:04] <deshipu> z64555: into what?
[05:31:25] <deshipu> it plugs into your usb2ttl adapter
[05:34:40] <z64555> k, we might be one different frequencies here.
[05:34:42] * z64555 googles
[05:36:49] <z64555> Ok. I thought you meant that the micropython binary plugged into visual studio, but you were talking about a programming tool
[05:37:00] * z64555 doesn't know what to call it
[05:40:33] <deshipu> the binary is firmware that you flash to the esp8266
[05:41:41] <z64555> gotcha
[06:55:28] <codepython777> anyone here?
[06:55:42] <deshipu> codepython777: no, nobody
[06:55:59] <codepython777> hi deshipu
[06:56:14] <codepython777> I've a motor that is directly connected to a wheel
[06:56:32] <codepython777> So there is traverse load on the shaft. How does one estimate how much load can i put on such a motor?
[06:56:50] <deshipu> put weight on it until it breaks?
[06:57:46] <codepython777> deshipu: Is there a way to calculate this information from the specs? (Instead of loosing $50) :)
[07:00:22] <deshipu> possibly, but that involves information that is usually not disclosed by the manufacturers of cheap motors
[07:04:03] <z64555> what's your bearing/bushings look like
[08:27:27] <z64555> Code composer's "GUI Composer" looks interesting. It's marketed as a GUI editor for applications that you build for your uC
[08:36:36] <codepython777> z64555: lemme find the motor for you
[08:47:39] <z64555> k
[08:48:17] <z64555> boring progress: managed to flash the chip with a different program, figured out which debugger setting to use, at least
[08:48:38] <z64555> all while there's a strong thunderstorm outside
[08:48:45] <z64555> perfect weather for flying a kite :)
[08:49:45] <z64555> codepython777: sorry, but I gotta disconnect the wireless router. I haven't gotten a proper ground for the mast yet, and I'm worried about static discharge blowing it up
[11:01:39] <can> hello, I have made a pid controller that controls speed of a motor with help from an encoder. everything works well. but the pid algorithm will not converge output to zero, when the setpoint is zero.
[11:32:17] <Tom_itx> the I term causes it to dance around the 0 setpoint
[11:43:59] * flyback kicks can
[11:44:10] <flyback> new tips came today
[11:44:17] <flyback> got a big 5c chistel looks like screwdriver for my 2930
[11:44:27] <flyback> btu I got normal a 900m chisel and 2 lipsticks for my aoyue 35w and atten 50w
[11:44:39] <flyback> also got copper meesh to replace the sponge
[11:45:25] <flyback> should be able to over power that rohs thru hole connector on a co workers laptop tomarrow finally :)
[11:46:29] <flyback> and start recapping lcd screns
[11:46:58] <flyback> and rue_*.* BMCC
[12:58:19] <veverak> hmm, I wonder
[12:58:49] <veverak> I have project that will propably endup as mix of C++ and Python
[12:58:56] <veverak> well, much more on the python part proapbly :)
[12:59:24] <veverak> doxygen or sphinx?
[13:00:00] <deshipu> sphinx
[13:00:05] <deshipu> and napoleon
[13:00:59] <veverak> I thought so
[13:02:22] <veverak> last question
[13:02:30] <veverak> is there some wiki software that can view 3d models?
[13:02:32] <veverak> :)
[13:02:35] <veverak> (stl propably)
[13:04:09] <veverak> yeah, github, nevermind
[13:04:11] <veverak> :)
[18:13:29] <z64[]> thunderbird is having trouble connecting to freenode again
[18:13:30] <z64[]> :/
[18:16:11] <z64[]> z64555: oui you miserable piece of lint, bout time you got on
[18:16:47] <z64555> z64[] bugger off
[18:17:00] <z64[]> D:<
[18:17:53] <z64555> switched ports and turned off SSL, since for some reason thunderbird didn't like it
[18:18:01] <z64555> hm. might be outdated
[18:20:08] <z64555> anyway. Compiled the pilot program on MSVS and its size is 126KB
[18:20:28] <z64555> so there should still be plenty of room on it
[18:37:42] <rue_bed> I need a way to code in bed
[18:44:54] <DagoRed> Laptop?
[18:46:44] <DagoRed> rue_bed: I think if you had a monitor mount that would work with your bed + a split keyboard maybe the best way to go about. Second only to the chair in grandma's boy.
[18:47:42] <rue_bed> this is the laptop
[18:47:51] <rue_bed> the problem is the design of my arms
[18:48:07] <rue_bed> if my hands came off my chin things might work better
[18:49:42] <DagoRed> http://www.gizmag.com/emperor-1510-workstation-mwe/21412/
[18:49:47] <DagoRed> .info
[18:49:48] <makepi> DagoRed: Emperor 1510 - the workstation on steroids- http://j.mp/2249FEW