#robotics | Logs for 2016-03-02

[00:01:49] <z64555> k. :)
[00:06:12] <winsoff> The real question is "Why are robots so expensive"
[00:36:35] <theBear> the ones rue and me built (to be fair i done more portions of robots in seperate sections and time periods, for various reasons, but he got a small army ready to roll 24/7 at his place) are far from 'spensive
[00:37:09] <theBear> it's just tv-star japanese ones that cost big dollars, like anything you see on tv (except the slap-chop, that's a steal (just one slap, mashed potato!))
[02:10:42] <Loshki> lol@slap chop
[02:13:00] <Loshki> winsoff: well, they used to be impossible. Impossible to expensive is an upgrade.
[02:16:48] <winsoff> Loshki, that is a really neat perspective.
[02:32:26] <z64555> robots have been around for a long time, Hiro of Alexandria built several
[02:32:46] <winsoff> z64555, in what manner?
[02:33:12] <z64555> letsee, he built a musical elephant, and I think a mechanical lion that presumably walked a little ways
[02:33:29] <z64555> if I'm remembering correctly
[02:33:50] <Loshki> Do player pianos count?
[02:33:57] <winsoff> Good point, Loshki.
[02:34:05] <winsoff> z64555, that reminds me of the strandbeest
[02:36:20] <z64555> "and eventually I want to put these animals out in herds on the beaches, so they will live their own lives."
[02:36:22] <z64555> oh boy.
[02:37:50] <z64555> living junk, I say. although it would be nice thing to study
[02:38:08] <z64555> maybe even a sort of art exhibit
[02:40:04] <winsoff> Pahaha. Truth, but really, really creative.
[02:51:11] <z64555> definitely
[03:13:20] <winsoff> z64555, the linkage he created for the "rhino" legs is really awesome, as well.
[13:38:21] <veverak> rpi3 arrived
[13:38:23] <veverak> ;)
[13:40:50] <doomlord> does rpi3 still have the issue with gpu-interupts stopping it doing precise motor control
[13:41:46] <DagoRed> yes
[13:41:49] <DagoRed> not much as changed.
[13:41:56] <DagoRed> .g hackaday odroid c2
[13:41:56] <makepi> DagoRed: http://hackaday.com/2016/03/02/odroid-c2-bests-raspberry-pi-3-in-several-ways/
[13:42:03] <DagoRed> .info
[13:42:04] <makepi> DagoRed: Odroid C2 Bests Raspberry Pi 3 in Several Ways | Hackaday- http://j.mp/1Qsj1Gu
[13:42:23] <doomlord> i like the fact they added inbuilt wifi
[13:43:13] <DagoRed> While nice... the pi foundation screwed up horribly.
[13:45:52] <veverak> lol
[13:45:54] <veverak> rpi wins for me
[13:46:24] <veverak> fancy camera connection, more than enough power, community is big..
[13:46:37] <veverak> and I never seen Odroid in any shop close which can deliver me the thing fast
[13:47:54] <DagoRed> www.ameridroid.com
[13:47:57] <DagoRed> 3 days
[13:48:15] <DagoRed> Also the argument for the community being big... it's full on arch linux.
[13:48:41] <DagoRed> I work with those guys. I've sent packages to the build farm and help manage another distro with the same build tools. Odroids are sweet.
[13:49:21] <DagoRed> If you want a raspi 3.. just know that it's running 32 bit software on a 64 bit board. Worst of all, ethernet is STILL on the usb bus.
[13:51:18] <veverak> well
[13:51:25] <veverak> maybe if I would give a shit about ethernet I would care
[13:51:36] <veverak> DagoRed: point is, I know what I need and it looks like rpi fulfills it better
[13:51:52] <veverak> it's downsides won't bothre me and some things that it's better with I appreciate
[13:52:05] <z64555> plus, he already bought it
[13:52:08] <veverak> yep
[13:52:11] <veverak> ;D
[13:52:17] * DagoRed shakes head
[13:52:35] <DagoRed> I'll admit, I abuse the crap out of my pi's. But I have a tone of android hardware.
[13:52:41] <DagoRed> *ARM hardware.
[13:52:57] * veverak needs brain for robot
[13:52:59] <veverak> :)
[13:53:00] <DagoRed> The pi's are consistently the worst performers and the most buggy.
[13:53:22] <veverak> and A+ got allready enough processing power
[13:53:29] <veverak> it's just that it burned microsd cards too fas
[13:53:43] <veverak> also, given that rpi3 got it's own wifi chip, I hope that it iwll get nice driver support
[13:56:18] <veverak> and, I like the fact that I don't have to use USB cameras
[13:56:42] <DagoRed> A lot of my boards have mipi interfaces.
[13:57:06] <veverak> and any of the part -> board/camera is easy to get :)
[13:57:10] <veverak> on a lot of places
[13:57:13] <veverak> so, won for me for now
[13:57:20] <veverak> of course it can chnage one day
[13:57:36] <DagoRed> Like when you want 4k video.
[13:57:58] <veverak> 4k from DIY robot is scifi for some time
[13:58:04] <veverak> I would need to fuel that thing
[13:58:09] <veverak> also, I want livestreaming over wifi
[13:58:46] <veverak> and I don't need it so much now
[13:58:49] <veverak> ;)
[13:58:50] <doomlord> wifi was the right choice for upgrade
[13:58:59] <veverak> yeah
[13:59:02] <doomlord> for that reason.. does more out of the box
[13:59:13] <veverak> exactly, also, one usb free
[13:59:15] <veverak> ;D
[13:59:26] <veverak> but I suspect that with 4 usbs, it's not so relevant
[13:59:29] <veverak> but does affect the price
[15:32:42] * z64555 actually starts coding his kalman filter stuff
[15:35:24] <DagoRed> sweet!
[15:35:46] <DagoRed> z64555: I'd love to see it when you're at a point of completion.
[15:38:10] <z64555> sure
[16:04:37] <theBear> heh, that's what she said
[16:06:20] <z64555> yes, yes it is
[16:06:32] * z64555 sobs dramatically
[16:14:44] <Loshki> z64555: what are you coding it in?
[16:14:52] <z64555> C, for now
[16:15:01] <z64555> will go C++ if I need to
[16:23:57] <theBear> shorts and a office chair with arms
[16:24:47] <theBear> and that was backwards, if anything you might sometimes need to resort to c cos c++ is ridiculously inappropriate for such a tiny micro/procedural kinda thing
[16:29:35] <z64555> tell that to java :P
[16:35:32] <theBear> i been telling java about how it does everything wrong and even does a poor job of doing that, and always has since the beginning times, well, since the beginning times... stupid java
[16:41:24] <z64555> ok... got my sigma generator, now for the a priori function
[16:45:55] <theBear> but, you need a delta gen too, or the sigma one will get all lonely AND wear itself out
[17:04:21] <z64555> aw shoot, I need to keep a scale factor for sigma
[17:09:52] <theBear> pew pew, ok, i done the shoot bit, your turn
[17:43:25] <z64555> i wonder if it would be less computations if I did the scaling before and after the kalman calculations
[17:43:34] <z64555> instead of having them in the filter
[17:44:37] <z64555> currently thinking that it would, one scale on the sensors, and another scale on the posteriori state
[17:45:32] <z64555> vs. scaling the acceleration sigma, the sensor sigma...
[17:47:46] * z64555 tries to find something else
[18:13:35] * z64555 gets distracted
[22:53:04] <z64555> oh bother, I cant tell if Q is a vector or not
[22:53:12] * z64555 sleeps on it
[22:54:57] <zzz64> wiki says its a matrix.
[22:54:58] <zzz64> :/
[22:55:04] * zzz64 rewrites stuff