#robotics | Logs for 2016-02-15

[00:14:23] <rue_shop3> theBear, hey, send me contact information for a company that does rainwater colection installations over there!
[00:15:14] <theBear> umm, only person i met that done more than a one-off is me and the dodgy lying wifecheating ass i used to work with on the other side of the country
[00:15:18] <theBear> and we never really had a company name
[00:15:27] <theBear> maybe try to find the company that makes them tanks
[00:15:47] <theBear> most of them like 2 or 3 upright cylinders with the gaps "filled in" all plastic molded style
[00:15:48] <rue_shop3> ok
[00:15:55] <rue_shop3> canada is just learning to catch rainwater
[00:16:07] <rue_shop3> nobody has access to proper materials or knows waht they are doing
[00:16:17] <rue_shop3> you just buy the hardware from bunnings or soemting?
[00:19:36] <rue_shop3> cmon, I'm a cm away from building a factory to make stuff
[00:34:37] <rue_house> theBear, ?
[00:37:17] <z64555> barrel under the gutter not effective?
[00:37:36] <theBear> heh, it's pioneer-times here too, tho i spose it wasn't that recent we did a lot of that stuff now... most of the hardware came from the guy sthat made the tanks, the fittings and stuff, rest way pretty much stock standard plumber blue/green "glue" and i spose 100mm or maybe 50/60mm pvc white pipes, standard plumbing/guttering angles and bits
[00:39:32] <z64555> theres's a place in europe that grows grass on their roofs for insulations. dunno if it applies to rainwater collection as well
[00:40:56] <rue_house> theBear, can you get me a pic of a descent one?
[00:42:54] <theBear> ummm, i can try the gimage machine, don't think i got any in my old building-pics collection
[00:43:08] <theBear> z64555, heh, that's probly not as silly as it sounds, but it DOES sound hilarious
[00:43:37] <theBear> wow, that was suspiciously easy
[00:45:52] <theBear> http://architectureinsights.com.au/media/uploads/thumbs/uploads/eventimages/Rainwater_tank_1.jpg.460x307_q85_crop_upscale.jpg http://www.irrigationstore.com.au/library/image/tanks/Poly-Tanks.jpg http://www.teampoly.com.au/files/8013/8060/0053/small-water-tanks.png is like what i mentioned/remember, and http://huru.com.au/_bfol/slim-tanks-gerneric/thin-tanks-1.jpg is a fancy new style i noticed a bit, all disguised like... also looks like some
[00:45:52] <theBear> corrugated colorbond/roofing places are in on the act, with just horizontal oval-section tanks, and of course farms/country places traditionally have varying height/width corrugated zinc whatchacallit electric-anti-rust roofing round tanks
[00:45:55] <theBear> like, BIG ones
[00:47:33] <rue_house> ah, they all dump direct intot he tank and th overflow is off the tank top.
[00:47:34] <rue_house> k
[00:47:44] <theBear> http://www.admin.weblite.com.au/template/files/8256/2007_0521Image0018.JPG those are the traditional old-style HUGE country ones
[00:47:55] <theBear> yeah, not rocket-science
[00:49:16] <z64555> some use a simple cloth filter feeder
[00:49:34] <theBear> the huge ones traditionally (would range from maybe 6'*4' either way x/y for a single dwelling/house in a no-scheme-water area up to that image kinda deal for a small "town"/hamlet) fill off a small nearby boiler-shed or something with a roof, or even their own lids, tho high flow gutter style is better than a big flat area for bird shit etc, remembering that those older single-house kinda ones generally went straight to the tap you drank outta with
[00:49:35] <theBear> no chemicals or filtering inbetween
[00:49:36] <z64555> like, burlap or canvas tied over the mouth of a funnel
[00:50:02] <theBear> also the single-house ones often ended up on a 12-20' "stand" if they weren't HUGE, get some pressure for the shower etc
[00:50:42] <theBear> of course, yeah, we used to stick some cloth something over the "lid hole" on the old ones, ya know, so at least the fresh-falling bird shite wouldn't go and mix right in there :)
[00:50:45] <theBear> how quickly we forget
[00:51:02] <rue_house> http://cdn1.bigcommerce.com/server800/c2644/product_images/uploaded_images/img-0866.jpg
[00:51:13] <rue_house> this is the leading technology in north america
[00:51:25] <theBear> still got one at the "beachhouse" down south, tho i think it only feeds the old boilerroom/shed and the tap these days, sure the shower gets "real" pressure from the giant tank up the back of the dunes now
[00:51:31] <rue_house> large barrels are 1000L
[00:51:41] <theBear> what, a plastic fitting ? wow, those americans have done it again !
[00:51:55] <rue_house> pushes into the downspout pipe
[00:52:07] <z64555> looks like it redirects some of the flow
[00:52:16] <rue_house> http://www.aquabarrel.com/media/images/products/abpPK90sea_Rain_Barrel_Kit_earthminded_500x375_0645.png
[00:52:26] <z64555> yep
[00:52:52] <rue_house> http://project.theownerbuildernetwork.co/files/2015/06/PVC-Aquaponic-System-06.jpg
[00:53:01] <rue_house> people get all excited about having a 45gal drum
[00:53:11] <rue_house> which is good for, maybe a few days?
[00:53:36] <z64555> toielts and showers, man
[00:53:45] <theBear> don't you mean a 44gal 2*bbq's not yet cut in half ?
[00:53:46] <z64555> *toilets
[00:53:57] <theBear> heh, gotta love terlets and showers
[00:54:06] <rue_house> yup
[00:54:11] <rue_house> plastic tho
[00:56:00] <z64555> you've seen those curved gutters? the ones where the leaves don'e get into the gutters and just glide off
[00:56:15] <rue_house> does anything actaully work?
[00:56:46] <z64555> maybe. i dunno
[00:56:56] * z64555 is unhelpful
[00:57:09] <rue_house> https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51nx1ADdNML._SL256_.jpg
[00:57:22] <rue_house> how you gonna clean out that one?
[00:57:28] <z64555> lol
[00:59:44] <rue_house> https://ctmprojectsblog.files.wordpress.com/2015/11/3d-printed-drill-holder-2.jpg?w=500&h=848
[00:59:49] <rue_house> oooo, I like that one kinda
[01:00:30] <rue_house> drillbits are upside down, store drillbits so you grab them by the DULL END not the SHARP END
[01:00:39] <z64555> yes.
[01:01:06] <z64555> that's one of my complaints on the drill indices
[01:01:32] <z64555> Great way of checking if they're sharp, tho
[01:03:49] <theBear> the umm, what ?
[01:04:01] <theBear> how does a curve anywhere help leaves not go in gutters ?
[01:04:34] <rue_house> the idea is that the water sticks to the metal, the leaves slide off
[01:05:03] <rue_house> the illustrations clearly show the leaves blowing away in dry weather while the rain curves right in
[01:05:17] <rue_house> ;)
[01:06:18] <theBear> hmmm, so you get a leave-covered rusty roof instead of a easy to clean out thing at one edge eh ?
[01:07:14] <rue_house> I suspect the leaves slip down and make sure no water can get in the gutter
[01:07:36] <rue_house> OR, there is a pourus foam you can fill you gutters with too,
[01:07:54] <rue_house> I'm sure it dosn't take less than a year to plug up with algee...
[01:11:33] <theBear> those gutter-guard kinda giant-plastic-flyscreen things are popular some areas here, think it depends if some jackass salesman style local tradesperson likes putting em in instead of doing useful work <grin> but they just move the issue from down in teh gutter area a few inches to the end of the roof, and a bunch of small stuff slips thru where you can no longer get to it anyway
[01:16:49] <rue_house> I need to 3d print a 60 foot augger to pull all the junk in my gutter to the end I can get at
[01:17:41] <Jak_o_Shadows> Who was it that made a robot to do that? Roomba? It looked ineffective
[02:12:52] <theBear> hmmmm, i know where there's a lathe with a building loosely attached to the outside edges of itself to keep the weather out that could pull that off easy, not sure about a 3d printer
[02:13:17] <theBear> maybe if you make it in simple normalised/repeatable modules and just kinda, goop it together with the old ratcheting goop gun
[10:18:42] <pokmo> Hi
[10:21:52] <deshipu> hi ppo
[10:21:57] <deshipu> hi pokmo