#robotics | Logs for 2016-02-10

[08:27:14] <coolguy1> hi all
[09:22:18] <rue_house> all of us?
[09:34:32] <Snert> no, all of "THEM".
[09:35:01] <Snert> you know, in the underground Dulce base.
[12:08:03] <ultimamax> hey im trying to learn about PID so I can implement it for a closed position loop
[12:08:17] <ultimamax> is there anything online that is like a PID system simulator or something
[12:08:22] <ultimamax> for practice
[12:08:50] <nos> https://www.google.com/patents/US2859629
[12:08:57] <nos> Differential cable drive mechanism
[14:07:08] <nos> http://www.fastweb.it/var/storage_feeds/CMS/articoli/bdb/bdbbdda57f5dd5f357e91cd0221bb0ad/icub_giorgio%20metta.jpg
[14:13:07] <robopal> :}
[14:22:52] * veverak needs utility thing for USB devices
[14:23:11] <veverak> simple 'reconnect' button, and Voltage/Current
[14:27:24] <Snert_> I've never seen a reconnect button. But the usb volts/current readout thingers are all over.
[14:36:46] <mrdata> uncanny valley
[14:37:35] <veverak> or
[14:37:42] <veverak> maybe I could just add something on breadboard to reconnect esp
[14:48:07] <veverak> [187489.379882] cp210x ttyUSB0: usb_serial_generic_read_bulk_callback - urb stopped: -32
[14:48:09] <veverak> [187489.380715] cp210x ttyUSB0: usb_serial_generic_write_bulk_callback - urb stopped: -32
[14:48:11] <veverak> [187489.480809] cp210x ttyUSB0: usb_serial_generic_write_bulk_callback - urb stopped: -32
[14:48:13] <veverak> why it hates me so much this day?
[14:48:15] * veverak just tries to flash esp
[14:48:55] * veverak was able to flash it, than disconnected, removed gnd from gpi0 and tried to connect to it after that
[14:48:59] <veverak> tons of erros in dmesg
[14:53:10] <veverak> hmm, that ubs->ttl seems OK when not connected to esp
[15:00:16] <nos> https://www-robotics.jpl.nasa.gov/systems/systemVideo.cfm?System=9&Video=66
[15:00:26] <nos> *wants*
[15:01:40] <Snert_> that shit makes me drool
[17:45:27] <Loshki> https://xkcd.com/337/ reminds me of several people here
[17:48:06] <Loshki> Sorry, wrong channel...
[17:50:54] <veverak> damn it
[17:50:58] <veverak> something is bad here
[17:51:49] <veverak> everytime I try to connect esp8266 to my usb to ttl
[17:51:53] <veverak> I got this https://bpaste.net/show/255d8264bc8b
[17:59:37] <veverak> I suppose
[17:59:56] <veverak> it's possible that esp8266 draws too much current... or more than that adapter can provide
[18:00:23] * veverak doesn't have 5v->3.3V, but got usb->ttl with 3.3V pin
[18:12:01] <rue_bed> hmm
[18:12:11] <rue_bed> how much current are you trying to pull?
[18:12:27] <veverak> dunno
[18:12:30] <rue_bed> ah
[18:12:33] * veverak didn't checked ho much esp takes
[18:12:41] <rue_bed> and do you have a ground votage loop?
[18:12:59] <rue_bed> or is the usb the only power source
[18:13:30] <rue_bed> I should get up
[18:13:46] <rue_bed> I need to get going on the 12' robot
[18:13:58] <rue_bed> and a new boiler
[18:14:02] <rue_bed> hmm
[18:14:14] <veverak> usb is only power source
[18:14:16] <veverak> :)
[18:14:17] <rue_bed> I think I'm gonna have to make the 22" tank I need
[18:14:41] <rue_bed> 210x
[18:14:43] <rue_bed> hmmm
[18:14:55] <rue_bed> I dont remmeber which adapter has the problem
[18:15:02] <veverak> 2102
[18:15:08] <rue_bed> ah
[18:15:18] <rue_bed> thats the one with the buffer problem?
[18:15:21] <veverak> sad thing is that it worked fined for the last one :/
[18:15:24] <veverak> dunno
[18:15:26] <veverak> it's the one I've got
[18:15:28] <rue_bed> oh
[18:15:53] <rue_bed> there is one that has a buffer problem, if you send data too fast, it just starts dropping it
[18:16:06] <rue_bed> to go slow enough you have to be on a keyboard
[18:16:39] <rue_bed> how do I drill a 1" hole in a peice of 1/2" plate steel?
[18:16:50] <rue_bed> maybe I dont
[18:16:57] <rue_bed> maybe I just weld on a hole
[18:18:52] <rue_bed> I dont know if I can weld a hole on 1/2" plate with a 200A welder
[18:19:52] <rue_bed> I have this problem up to 4 times on the same project
[18:21:29] <veverak> :)
[18:21:38] <rue_bed> hmm
[18:21:40] * veverak propably got proper 5->3.3v regulator
[18:21:56] <rue_bed> maybe I dont need the hole in the steel
[18:22:14] <rue_bed> veverak, wait, you were trying to use the 3.3V off the serial converter!?
[18:22:36] <veverak> that was the point...
[18:22:40] <rue_bed> haha
[18:22:48] <rue_bed> its not rated for anything
[18:23:04] <rue_bed> its a linear regulator thats the size of a grain of rice
[18:23:09] <rue_bed> (a small one)
[18:23:16] <rue_bed> (grain of rice)
[18:23:18] <veverak> yeah, that makes sense
[18:23:28] <veverak> it's just that I am curious why it worked before
[18:23:30] <veverak> ;)
[18:23:53] <rue_bed> maybe its ok if you drop the voltage before hand with a long cord
[18:24:26] <rue_bed> ok I'm having an idea
[18:24:47] <rue_bed> I think I'd better go to the hardware store
[18:33:11] <superlou> electronics questions?
[18:40:37] <Loshki> veverak: "it's just that I am curious why it worked before" -- when you were busy possibly burning out that tiny regulator you mean?
[18:40:53] <veverak> oh, makes sense
[18:43:31] <Loshki> I just happened to be discussing this elsewhere: 80ua for sleep, 70 - 100ma for wake and transmit. Dirty (including weak) power is a major cause of many difficult to reproduce odd behviors.
[18:44:54] <Loshki> Are electronics questions off topic in #robotics?
[18:45:45] <Loshki> veverak: lots of esp help in #esp8266
[18:45:53] <Snert_> maybe, if they stray too far into the 101 stuff.
[18:46:25] <Snert_> but heck, lots of ppl use esp8266 in robots
[18:46:36] <veverak> it's for robots
[18:46:39] <veverak> :)
[18:47:04] <Snert_> yea, fine by me. If it has a transistor in it then great it's appropriate.
[18:47:26] <Snert_> 8266s arent my thing but I get to learn.
[18:47:42] * veverak wants to use it this time as backup to get to rpi's serial on robot
[18:47:48] <Loshki> It was clearly a price-performance gap in the market. nrfs were probably the best you could do before that. Or wr703ns.
[18:55:02] <superlou> actually, I like electronics questions
[18:55:14] <superlou> i just am bad at staying at the keyboard
[18:55:33] <superlou> robots without electronics is dumb
[18:59:35] <veverak> also
[18:59:41] <veverak> this channel can be quite idle
[18:59:46] <veverak> so having offtopics is allright
[18:59:48] <veverak> :D
[19:13:03] <Snert_> get a grip!
[19:13:07] <Snert_> http://makezine.com/2016/02/10/robots-getting-a-grip-with-electroadhesive-fingers/
[19:13:31] <Jentrep> looks cool
[19:14:23] <Snert_> an egg. that surprised me. quite abit of weight.
[19:14:51] <Jentrep> it's probs the max lol
[19:18:45] <anonnumberanon> Interesting. But it's crap by itself without engineering things to use this for.
[19:18:52] * anonnumberanon waits and lurks
[19:21:14] <Jentrep> does anyone here know anyone that works at SpaceX?
[19:21:30] <Jentrep> I would love to talk to someone on the inside to learn more about their timelines and stuff
[19:23:07] <anonnumberanon> What do you mean by a "timeline"?
[19:23:16] <Jentrep> projections
[19:23:21] <anonnumberanon> of what?
[19:23:25] <Jentrep> of anything
[19:23:35] <anonnumberanon> okay they have several public ones already
[19:23:42] <Jentrep> no, I want more detail
[19:23:54] <anonnumberanon> the inside ones are well guarded you'll never see them
[19:24:00] <Jentrep> insiders perspectives will always differ from PR as well
[19:24:18] <superlou> that seems unlikely something you'll get from someone enjoying their time there
[19:24:26] <Jentrep> anonnumberanon: are you just talking out of your ass? Or do you know a lot of people that work there?
[19:24:30] <anonnumberanon> all employees sign NDAs so if they talk abou8t anything they can get fired and/or sued
[19:24:53] <anonnumberanon> superlou, well put :)
[19:24:58] <Jentrep> that depends on the specific of the NDA ....
[19:25:02] <anonnumberanon> no
[19:25:17] <Jentrep> ok
[19:25:21] <superlou> it doesn't even really depend on the NDA
[19:25:23] <superlou> it's unethical
[19:25:46] <Jentrep> that depends on a personal point of view
[19:25:52] <Jentrep> anyways ...
[19:26:00] <Jentrep> I will take it as a "no, no one here knows anyone"
[19:26:04] <superlou> :)
[19:26:39] * ace4016 snickers 0-:)
[19:26:41] <anonnumberanon> http://28oa9i1t08037ue3m1l0i861.wpengine.netdna-cdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/SpaceX-Business-Plan-2.png
[19:27:13] <anonnumberanon> petulent teenager
[19:27:40] <superlou> lol. Best business plan I've heard recently: we're selling product X under cost. Business VP: It's ok. We'll make it up in volume.
[19:27:47] <Snert_> only 500K to go to Mars?
[19:27:57] <Snert_> seems doable.
[19:28:03] <superlou> Wihtout timelines? Definitely.
[19:28:11] <ace4016> but they know that info is freely available! you just have to ask nicely for business info that competitors annd exploiters are waiting to get their hands on
[19:28:22] <anonnumberanon> yeah i guess in average people with beefy careers can get that cash in 15 years
[19:28:28] <anonnumberanon> if they graduate at 22
[19:28:45] <anonnumberanon> that means the first groups of martians will be 37 to 45 years old
[19:29:17] <superlou> Thankfully, the lower gravity of mars will mitigate the hernias.
[19:29:52] <ace4016> just send their horney teenage kids to mars instead
[19:29:56] <ace4016> proper colonoization!
[19:30:30] <anonnumberanon> wait a minute, the habitat engineers decide of how many children can be birthed
[19:30:41] <superlou> without the full internet, their memes will lose dank and dry up
[19:30:41] <anonnumberanon> (and by that power, are the dads)
[19:31:00] <Snert_> you know there is going to be a mars disaster or 2. There always is a disaster.
[19:31:03] <ace4016> and life will be shitty and Earth will try taking all the good resources, then a Mars Colony uprising will occur and we'll have ourselves a war after the Mars Colony blows up part of Luna
[19:31:15] <anonnumberanon> Snert_, yes that's the good thing.
[19:31:23] <superlou> ace4016, something something giant robots?
[19:31:30] <ace4016> :P
[19:31:38] <anonnumberanon> ace4016, I CANNOT WAIT
[19:31:38] <superlou> ace4016, dick move, that, blowing up Luna
[19:31:56] <superlou> Honestly, I'm a little pissed off North Korea gets to launch rockets and I don't.
[19:32:03] * anonnumberanon is building a shitty mini Gundam
[19:32:08] <ace4016> lol
[19:32:34] <Snert_> The Norks haven't gotten it right yet, though.
[19:32:49] <Snert_> this is the 2nd satellite they have lost to tumbling.
[19:32:59] <anonnumberanon> I applied to SpaceX Monday.
[19:33:04] <anonnumberanon> 4 positions
[19:33:12] <ace4016> sweet
[19:33:13] <anonnumberanon> 2 of them "not selected"
[19:33:18] <anonnumberanon> one more is "new"
[19:33:25] <anonnumberanon> the last is "in process"
[19:33:55] <superlou> cool
[19:34:01] <Snert_> SPaveX calling...ahem. Is this guy anonumberanon any good?
[19:34:18] <Snert_> We'll rep ya good, dont worry.
[19:34:19] <superlou> I heard he smells like rocks.
[19:35:32] <anonnumberanon> Snert_, that's why i made my robot video i sent in with the application, so that they can see, and judge by themselves who am I and if Im a noob or not, with potential or not, if they need my skills.
[19:35:42] <anonnumberanon> I sincerely hope they at least watch it.
[19:36:05] <Snert_> Great! hope it works out.
[19:36:34] <Snert_> even to be just a flunky wire harness maker or something
[19:36:51] <anonnumberanon> Yeah that would be great. You work very long hours and many weekends, for low pay, but I think I'm okay with that because I really want to help the space effort.
[19:36:56] <anonnumberanon> It's like a cause to me.
[19:37:20] <anonnumberanon> I'd take the wire harness maker job in a heart beat.
[19:37:37] <Snert_> equipment that is rated for space is just something else.
[19:37:52] <Snert_> they leave nothing to chance.
[19:37:54] <anonnumberanon> yeah, space/military, it's good stuff usually
[19:39:07] <anonnumberanon> as a army hardware engineer you must watch out, though and realize that cheaper parts that are tried and true can be better in some situations than "DA MOST EXPENZIVE BIGGER TOY"
[19:39:34] <anonnumberanon> maybe
[19:39:40] <anonnumberanon> I wouldn't know .ol.
[19:40:02] <Snert_> as long as it doesn't make the equipment like russian equipment. design once, never change.
[19:40:48] <ace4016> space/flight rated stuff is heavily tested and follows a fairly strict/controlled manufacturing process. depending on the importants/criticality of the mil stuff, it does the same
[19:40:57] <Snert_> you can look at russian equipment and just see how russian it is.
[19:41:17] <anonnumberanon> They don't purposefully make stuff that does not change. It is just that they have no money for space. Else they would be building more cool new stuff, cooler than the Soyuz.
[19:43:11] <anonnumberanon> Integration & Test Engineer (Dragon Spacecraft)
[19:43:11] <anonnumberanon> Not Selected
[19:43:14] <anonnumberanon> :(
[19:44:14] <anonnumberanon> "anonnumberanon stop, you're bad, this job, you cannot do it! get away from the Dragon!"
[19:44:33] <Snert_> How about Head Toilet Cleaner ? I'd take that in a heartbeat.
[19:44:41] <anonnumberanon> Would you?
[19:44:48] <ace4016> have any integration and test engineering experience?
[19:45:16] <anonnumberanon> I consider the robot I built, integrated and tested to be that yeah.
[19:45:23] <anonnumberanon> And my quadcopter.
[19:45:28] <Snert_> yep for about 7 days then know how to schmooze my way into an engineering technician position.
[19:45:44] <anonnumberanon> ^^yes, YES
[19:45:49] <ace4016> hehe
[19:46:44] <Snert_> I'd never make it. My formal training is just electronics technician.
[19:47:20] <Snert_> I've done prototype engineering a little but not officially on resume stuff.
[19:48:08] <Snert_> and squigglymath ... yuck.
[19:48:55] <ace4016> i'm sure SpaceX needs/wants electronics techs
[19:49:27] <anonnumberanon> ace4016, yeah but maybe they get engineers to do that
[19:49:54] <Snert_> I'm sure that's where they start El Funky Engineer.
[19:50:13] <ace4016> depends, but techs are usually better at actually putting things together
[19:50:14] <Snert_> until he proves he can solder rated for deep space.
[19:50:27] <anonnumberanon> haha
[19:53:40] <Snert_> blue origin did pretty good on their reusable stage landing too.
[19:53:56] <Snert_> so there is there too. not just spacex
[19:54:40] <Snert_> but seems like spacex is maybe a little more ahead.
[20:02:41] <ace4016> sparking interest is always a good thing
[20:02:52] <ace4016> one company won't be able to do it all
[20:04:27] <anonnumberanon> there are truly innovative and successful companies in the industry right now, Blue Origin is one of them
[20:58:52] <jhylands> Roz with the power board plus the raspberry pi 2 with the LCD screen: https://app.box.com/s/emhj2tzvh1x63omtqdwuv29v3wn9iwi1
[21:19:51] <rue_house> there is so much money sitting right there in that one project
[21:20:57] <jhylands> yeah, but its a cool robot that has a lot of capability and future expansion
[21:21:34] <jhylands> I have a rpi camera (the tiny spy one from Adafruit) coming also, so I'll get to play with SimpleCV
[21:35:54] <Snert> I like those servos. I might get a couple of those.
[21:35:56] <jhylands> I especially like the fact that with the new power board I have a momentary push-button powerup (like a cell phone or whatever)
[21:36:17] <jhylands> I push and hold the power button for 1/2 a second, and it powers up the system