#robotics | Logs for 2016-02-08

[00:47:51] <rue_shop3> whats the square root of 32?
[00:47:53] <rue_shop3> no
[00:48:06] <rue_shop3> square root of 28(16^2)
[00:48:10] <rue_shop3> square root of 2*(16^2)
[00:49:54] <rue_shop3> why the hell cant anyone make a gui calc that works properly?
[00:51:27] <rue_shop3> fffff
[00:51:42] <rue_shop3> wtf is the side of an equil tri thats got a hyp of 16!?
[00:51:45] <rue_shop3> freaking
[00:52:05] <rue_shop3> r^2 = x^2 + y^2
[00:52:08] <rue_shop3> x = y
[00:52:19] <rue_shop3> so r^2 = 2(x^2)
[00:52:33] <rue_shop3> r^2/2
[00:52:37] <rue_shop3> thats what I did wrong
[00:52:41] <rue_shop3> why are you all dead?
[00:52:48] <z64555> not enough coffee
[00:54:01] <z64555> My guess would be 16 * sqrt(2)
[01:27:04] <mrdata> it happens
[01:54:46] <Jak_o_Shadows> well, I now have a shed computer
[01:54:51] <Jak_o_Shadows> time to find the wifi dongle for the internet
[01:56:38] <joga> wish I had a shed :(
[02:21:53] <rue_shop3> join a hackspace
[02:23:57] <deshipu> if I had a shed I would have probably blown it up
[02:25:39] <rue_shop3> blow up a hackspace, you will get more publicity
[02:40:30] <rue_shop3> http://g02.a.alicdn.com/kf/HTB1ghOFJVXXXXatXFXXq6xXFXXXz/300-trillingen-bord-vibrator-baseren-chassis-automatische-feeder-trays-elektromagneet-controller-lineaire-feeder.jpg
[02:40:33] <rue_shop3> this is the goal
[02:40:49] <rue_shop3> I had an EI core inductor I was able to take apart..
[02:41:01] <rue_shop3> the rest is just 4 leaf springs and some welding
[02:41:09] <rue_shop3> its only quarter after midnight
[03:58:12] <rue_shop3> is there anyone up?
[03:58:19] <rue_shop3> why am I the only person ever alive?
[03:58:24] <rue_shop3> ugh
[03:59:27] <deshipu> perhaps you are just the only person with a fetish for inductors
[03:59:39] <rue_shop3> its a vibration sorter motor
[03:59:47] <rue_shop3> I'm building one
[03:59:56] <rue_shop3> http://nl.aliexpress.com/item/High-precision-vibration-plate-base-150-small-amplitude-vibration-plate-automatic-feeder-chassis-controller-electromagnet/32493348894.html?shttp://nl.aliexpress.com/item/High-precision-vibration-plate-base-150-small-amplitude-vibration-plate-automatic-feeder-chassis-controller-electromagnet/32493348894.html?spm=2114.48010708.4.73.cGXoFOpm=2114.48010708.4.73.cGXoFO
[03:59:59] <rue_shop3> oops
[04:00:00] <rue_shop3> http://nl.aliexpress.com/item/High-precision-vibration-plate-base-150-small-amplitude-vibration-plate-automatic-feeder-chassis-controller-electromagnet/32493348894.html?spm=2114.48010708.4.73.cGXoFO
[04:00:08] <rue_shop3> what angle do you think thats set at
[04:00:26] <rue_shop3> http://nl.aliexpress.com/item/The-new-vibration-plate-base-160-full-wave-half-wave-vibrator-copper-electromagnet-automatic-feeders-controller/32490113289.html?spm=2114.48010708.4.82.cGXoFO
[04:01:21] <rue_shop3> 70?
[04:02:09] <rue_shop3> yea, I think its 70
[04:06:31] <rue_shop3> springs need to be 12cm
[04:06:36] <rue_shop3> hmmm
[04:06:42] <rue_shop3> need some spring steel
[04:06:46] <rue_shop3> or
[04:06:56] <rue_shop3> conveyor belt?
[04:13:15] <rue_shop3> ok, its 2am and you cant find your piece of conveyor belt. WHAT DO YOU DO!?
[04:15:13] <deshipu> go to sleep
[04:18:47] <rue_shop3> THATS CORRECT
[04:18:55] <rue_shop3> but as usual, not what I"m going to do
[04:19:03] <rue_shop3> found it, need to work out how to cut it
[04:19:29] <rue_shop3> q: how do you cut conveyor belt
[04:19:36] <rue_shop3> a: with great difficulty
[04:22:20] <rue_shop3> haha my best knife cant get thru the frst layer of theard in it
[04:23:07] <deshipu> use a laser
[04:23:20] <Jak_o_Shadows> serrated scissors
[04:24:07] <rue_shop3> its 1/2" thick
[04:24:26] <Jak_o_Shadows> serrated tree lopers
[04:24:28] <Jak_o_Shadows> key is serrated
[04:27:36] <rue_shop3> this is a worn section, only 7/16"
[04:29:25] <rue_shop3> ok
[04:31:00] <rue_shop3> I wonder if I can drill a hole in this or if I have to punch it
[04:31:17] <deshipu> with your fists
[04:32:38] <rue_shop3> drill bit went thru... but theres no hole...
[04:33:11] <deshipu> dark matter
[05:15:18] <rue_shop3> hard to do this at 2:30am
[05:15:30] <rue_shop3> I had to make 4 punches, the first one I bent,
[05:15:43] <rue_shop3> I lost the next 2 somewhere on the floor/lathe
[05:15:50] <rue_shop3> and the last one I made the holes with
[05:17:27] <rue_shop3> ok I need 8 1" bolts
[05:26:14] <rue_shop3> 3am
[05:26:35] <rue_shop3> if I make up a dummy spacer I can weld the nuts on to hold the rubber pieces
[05:27:02] <rue_shop3> how do i do that again?
[05:27:17] <rue_shop3> maybe I should call it a night
[05:57:45] <rue_house> ok
[05:59:12] <deshipu> you are still there?
[06:20:36] <rue_bed> no I'm here
[06:20:49] <rue_bed> I think I can finish tommorow
[06:21:09] <deshipu> today
[06:48:33] <cyberdelic> rue_bed, dremel? hole saw?
[06:51:07] <nos> rue_bed: lol
[16:21:10] <rue_shop3> ...
[16:21:17] <rue_shop3> your all 10 hours late
[16:21:34] <jhylands> rue_shop3, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kWZEq-bKDKc
[16:46:12] <deshipu> jhylands: hmm, that doesn't look like it will last long?
[16:46:19] <jhylands> why not?
[16:46:49] <deshipu> friction on the rolls
[16:46:57] <jhylands> oh yeah - this is just a prototype
[16:47:14] <jhylands> functional prototype
[16:47:38] <deshipu> you want a cable in that tether?
[16:47:44] <jhylands> when I build the production version, it will have bearings
[16:47:52] <jhylands> yeah, the rope is just a placeholder
[16:48:14] <deshipu> I wonder if such a tight angle is good for the cable
[16:48:48] <jhylands> I can make it without quite those tight angles
[16:49:07] <deshipu> yeah, just bigger rolls
[16:49:11] <jhylands> but its going to be redesigned when I make the pulley bigger for the actual tether
[16:49:21] <jhylands> which is going to be about 100' long
[16:50:55] <deshipu> 100 minutes? that's a lot, on what geographical height?
[16:51:21] <deshipu> I mean longitude
[16:51:29] <jhylands> heh
[16:51:33] <jhylands> 30 meters
[16:55:09] <deshipu> that's not much for a multicopter
[16:55:16] <jhylands> its a prototype
[16:55:25] <deshipu> 150m is the legal height limit here
[16:55:42] <deshipu> (we have an airport nearby)
[16:56:14] <deshipu> of course 30m of cable is going to weight...
[16:56:42] <jhylands> not that much - the drone I have right now can lift it with no issues
[16:58:53] <deshipu> this is really shaping up well, good luck
[16:58:58] <deshipu> and good night
[16:58:59] <jhylands> thanks
[17:28:16] <anonnumberanon> jhylands, I see what you're doing, an automatic fishing line!!!
[17:28:38] <jhylands> yeah :-)
[18:36:05] <maiden> ping
[18:53:31] <rue_house> jhylands, the video was deleted
[18:54:38] <rue_house> drone fishing, thats a new one
[18:55:31] <rue_house> well, my shaker motor works, but the power supply for it isn't right
[18:55:44] <rue_house> if I want it to work I ahve to make a special power supply for it
[18:57:38] <anonnumberanon> maiden, pong
[18:58:10] <anonnumberanon> rue_house, what specs power source do you need?
[19:01:20] <maiden> i am starting to make some progress on my robot :D
[19:01:35] <z64555> drone fishing sounds rather inefficient
[19:02:04] <z64555> unless its like a boat with a hook and some beefy motors to tire out the fish
[19:03:46] <anonnumberanon> nah just buy one of jhylands' systems and attach it to the side of your fishing boat with the cable pointing down with 100' of length and make it go up and down. In the ocean that should catch fish for you in a hurry.
[19:03:55] <maiden> https://plus.google.com/115118068134567436838/posts/HsT8wKtStA8
[19:04:10] <anonnumberanon> With the feedback, the motor controller would know when stuff is really happening.
[19:24:01] <rue_shop3> funny what the words "half rectified" can do for a project
[19:24:09] <rue_shop3> er "half wave"
[19:24:38] <rue_shop3> http://www.aliexpress.com/item/Priced-at-wholesale-base-vibration-plate-vibration-plate-160-parts-linear-feeder-controller-can-be-invoiced/32576168299.html
[19:25:23] <rue_shop3> hmm, if they are using an SCR, there is nothing to say I cant too
[19:31:14] <anonnumberanon> I want to see more progress on your air muscles rue_shop3 .
[19:31:20] <anonnumberanon> You have three days.
[19:31:33] <anonnumberanon> =)
[19:34:36] <rue_shop3> hmm
[19:34:43] <rue_shop3> I was thinking about it yesterday
[19:35:03] <rue_shop3> the hangup I'm on right now, is that I need either a pressure guage or a force sensor
[19:35:30] <rue_shop3> I can make a dummy strand off a mucle and use force or a pressure sensor and calculate it
[19:35:32] <anonnumberanon> makes me think of the gauge you use for checking an engine's compression
[19:36:02] <anonnumberanon> is it really worth it though? have you calculated whether or not it could be a reasonable way to actuate a large robot
[19:36:25] <rue_shop3> for counteracting muscles, you have to know the tension
[19:36:51] <rue_shop3> its the highest power density for least weight at the lowest price
[19:37:16] <rue_shop3> :) I just made a $240 vibration sorter motor
[19:39:56] <anonnumberanon> rue_shop3, "at the lowest price" -->> specifics?
[19:40:19] <anonnumberanon> rue_shop3, to sort your bolts and nuts? hehe
[19:40:37] <anonnumberanon> did you ever ship them bolts to the guy who was asking you? i think it was jhylands
[19:41:17] <rue_house> yea, I have about 80kg of unsorted nuts and bolts and screws
[19:41:30] <rue_house> I dont recall anyone asking
[19:42:31] <rue_house> anonnumberanon, the reason for using the air muscles is power density, price, weight, and esp compliance
[19:43:08] <rue_house> if a 12' mecha falls over, you dont want actuators bending because an active compliance system couldn't react fast enough
[19:43:24] <rue_house> pneumatics offer passive compliance
[19:43:48] <rue_house> you need a power plant for the pneumatics, but you only need one, so on a large robot, thats not an issue
[19:44:05] <rue_house> I can use washing machine valves, which for now, seem to work fine
[19:44:10] <rue_house> which I can get free
[19:45:41] <anonnumberanon> But you must try and get an intuition on whether or not you can actually scale it, actually make it happen. Do you have that intuition right now?
[20:38:59] <rue_house> so far the numbers look like they totally work
[20:39:10] <rue_house> but I need to work out a pressure or force sensor
[20:49:35] <mrdata--> for what pressures?
[20:52:38] <anonnumberanon> SUP mrdata-- !!!!!!
[20:52:47] <mrdata--> hi anonnumberanon
[20:52:48] <anonnumberanon> wHERE'S my EMP BRAH?
[20:53:09] <anonnumberanon> dID you saw my robot video, it's only lacking an emp arm now!!!
[20:53:12] <mrdata--> i may still build it but CSIS wants\ to talk with me about that
[20:53:46] <anonnumberanon> youz bleuffing
[20:54:18] <mrdata--> no they asked my buddy for info already
[20:54:19] <mrdata--> he says
[20:55:25] <anonnumberanon> Don't let that discourage you from making me an emp gun, how else can I win against years of fighting robot engineering at Robo-One?
[20:55:26] <mrdata--> there is science still to do
[20:55:30] <mrdata--> show me your video?
[20:55:37] <anonnumberanon> okay
[20:56:40] * anonnumberanon chuckles at the thought that the gun would actually be about 4 to 5 times heavier than the robot itself, size likewise
[20:57:23] <anonnumberanon> mrdata--, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JQdXDg9PtzY
[21:00:51] <mrdata--> nice
[21:01:03] <mrdata--> friends here had a look
[21:01:13] <mrdata--> i must let you know, though,
[21:01:32] <mrdata--> the excitor coil for the EMP is avg 10 inch dia
[21:02:02] <mrdata--> and can be lifted by a person but this bot seems very small
[21:02:03] <anonnumberanon> =)
[21:04:44] <mrdata--> i was imagining something the size of a chair, at least
[21:05:25] <mrdata--> i'll weigh the parts i have
[21:05:38] <mrdata--> though i'm not sure i'm happy with the capacitor bank
[21:06:11] <mrdata--> it and the coil are the heaviest pieces; they'll be connected by bus bar which is also significant
[21:11:16] <anonnumberanon> mrdata--, I can't make a robot that size because the parts would be too expensive to buy/try/throw away. Development would thus be slow. And that's not good.
[21:11:40] <anonnumberanon> If I start developing a really good toolset with this robot I'll start thinking of making it larger.
[21:11:52] <anonnumberanon> "Start small"
[21:11:56] <mrdata--> anonnumberanon, what if you chop up a discsarded shopping cart?
[21:12:13] <anonnumberanon> Too heavy isn't it?
[21:12:24] <anonnumberanon> That stuff isn't aluminum.
[21:12:31] <mrdata--> strong enough for a large payload
[21:12:32] <anonnumberanon> Motors nowadays are really weak.
[21:12:48] <mrdata--> hobby motors maybe
[21:12:51] <anonnumberanon> We're talking about a larger robot right?
[21:12:59] <mrdata--> i routinely see CNC milling machines
[21:13:12] <mrdata--> with motors as large as chickens
[21:13:37] <mrdata--> but by all means continue work on this robot
[21:13:56] <mrdata--> things can scale later
[21:14:08] <mrdata--> and that may give me more time to make the device ;)
[21:14:57] <anonnumberanon> Heh if you successfully make something like this it would become an immediate Star Trek-level item.
[21:15:05] * mrdata-- must leave
[21:15:15] <mrdata--> home in a couple hours