#robotics | Logs for 2016-02-05

[02:39:16] <shadej> I am software engineer planning to study concurrency thoery and robotics, from the money point of view is it a good plan?
[02:39:44] <shadej> I mean what is my future goin to be after my Msc.?
[02:47:26] <Jak_o_Shadows> go for satellites
[02:48:35] <deshipu> learn javascript and look for work as a devop in some cool startup
[02:53:28] <flyback> shadej1, do keep idling here along with ##electronics and mabye #avr
[02:53:39] <flyback> goodnight
[02:54:20] <z64555> Minor in business.
[02:54:46] <z64555> and maybe get a different IRC client...
[02:55:54] <shadej> z64555: why? :-)
[02:56:24] <z64555> the irc client? well you dropped out of the channel moments after you joined
[02:56:57] <shadej> It is not the client's problem it my networks problem
[02:57:11] <z64555> k
[02:57:37] <shadej> So any exprience with robotics?
[02:57:59] <z64555> beginner hobbiest
[02:58:14] <z64555> I lurk around hoping to gain a few tips here and there. :)
[03:01:03] <shadej1> z64555:
[03:01:24] <z64555> yes?
[03:06:03] <deshipu> bye bye
[03:09:20] <shadej1> z64555: was disconnected again :-) why do you wan to learn about robots?
[03:13:18] <z64555> short answer, I find them interesting. :)
[03:14:12] <z64555> the long answer may be on the order of a thesis or something
[04:31:56] <SpeedEvil> yay
[04:32:04] <SpeedEvil> oops - scrolled up, nvm
[04:36:22] <maiden> hello
[05:31:48] <rue_bed> hello
[05:32:08] <Jak_o_Shadows> hi
[05:55:29] <shadej> yello
[06:20:58] <LiohAu> SpeedEvil when using cross-bracing for a structure, is there a rule about the angle of the cross brace?
[08:03:14] <akem> hey
[08:04:27] <akem> anyone from France knows about some electronic/robotic .fr webshop ?
[08:07:31] <akem> (i order my components from China DX, they have a EU warehouse)
[12:58:38] <rue_house> there are wold maps for hackspaces
[13:31:10] <z64555> oh, akem left already
[13:31:26] <z64555> And here I was, about to get into a 3 paragraph lecture
[13:44:20] <rue_house> in house design, do you think there should be a minimum seperation between the bathroom and the kitchen?
[13:55:08] <z64555> yes. all of my yes
[13:56:54] <z64555> by maybe 8 or 12 feet
[13:57:12] <z64555> preferrably at least on the opposite sides of the living room
[13:57:55] <rue_house> some of the house plans on google, you would be hard pressed to remember the instructions to the bathroom by the time you got there
[13:59:06] <z64555> There should be at least one that is close to the living room or foyer, or w/e if you have a larger house
[13:59:14] <z64555> such as a 1/2 bath
[13:59:42] <rue_house> I think I an only go 30' wide
[13:59:56] <rue_house> 9m
[14:01:12] <z64555> single story?
[14:01:25] <rue_house> "yes"
[14:01:30] <rue_house> the shop is the floor under it
[14:01:43] <z64555> interesting
[14:02:06] <rue_house> who puts the kitchen on the second foor?
[14:02:41] <z64555> I think some of the old western shops did that
[14:02:51] <z64555> where they had the store on the first level and the living quarters upstairs
[14:09:58] <rue_house> not shop, workshop
[14:10:43] <z64555> a shop is a shop :P
[14:15:34] <rue_house> I think a 10x30 livingroom dosn't work
[14:15:55] <z64555> yeah
[14:16:16] <z64555> You'll need some sort of mud room between the workshop and the living area
[14:16:27] <rue_house> its a seperate floor
[14:16:38] <z64555> yes
[14:20:42] <z64555> I mean like place the washer/dryer and a 1/2 bath at/near the base of the stairs to the living floor
[14:20:50] * z64555 is getting too involved
[14:31:37] <rue_house> hmm, there is sort of a line
[14:31:43] <rue_house> I dont use the living room
[14:31:57] <rue_house> guesets dont use the laundry or bedroom
[14:37:06] <jhylands> rue_house, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fLHoramPdm0
[14:38:05] <rue_house> thats a fair bit of fice...
[14:38:10] <rue_house> idea is working tho
[14:38:19] <jhylands> fice?
[14:38:41] <rue_house> force
[14:38:58] <jhylands> well, it is a big drone pulling on it
[14:38:59] <rue_house> wtf happens betweeen my brain and my fingers?
[14:41:47] <z64555> your spine
[14:42:49] <rue_house> so its either a macro compression or decompression error
[14:44:12] <rue_house> wonder how many macros are on the system
[14:44:38] <rue_house> maybe the number of macros is pushing the system capabilites too much
[14:45:24] <rue_house> or there are erronious communication corrections
[14:45:28] <rue_house> hmmm
[14:45:29] <Tom_itx> rue_house what to use to find who's eating up your interweb bytes?
[14:45:36] <Tom_itx> on windows
[14:45:38] <rue_house> fault ecc
[14:45:43] <Tom_itx> (not me)
[14:45:59] <rue_house> Tom_itx, not available for windows
[14:46:04] <rue_house> that I'm aware of
[14:46:19] <Tom_itx> wireshark will log the traffic
[14:46:20] <rue_house> different logins on the same computer?
[14:46:28] <Tom_itx> i'm not sure what he's got goin on
[14:46:34] <Tom_itx> single pc
[14:46:58] <rue_house> yea, maybe make a bat file to save the ifconfig byte count on login/out
[14:47:06] <rue_house> ipconfig, whatever
[14:48:13] <rue_house> ok I have to eat and clean out the video card in this computer
[14:48:15] <Tom_itx> he's on win 7
[14:48:30] <rue_house> batch files still exist
[14:48:32] <Tom_itx> what do video cards taste like?
[14:48:34] <jhylands> Tom_itx, you can use Windows 7 Resource Monitor to do that
[14:48:39] <jhylands> http://info4admins.com/monitoring-network-traffic-per-program-in-windows/
[14:49:03] <Tom_itx> thanks
[14:49:04] <jhylands> at least that's what this page claims
[14:49:05] <rue_house> IE 100%
[14:49:36] <jhylands> yep, works great
[14:52:12] <rue_house> I hate shutting down this machine...
[14:52:21] <rue_house> its no way to get good uptime
[14:52:38] <rue_house> nor is having an overheating video card
[14:53:32] <hypodyne> howdy
[14:54:03] <rue_house> hey
[14:54:21] <Tom_itx> jhylands, will that show if someone from outside is using your ip?
[14:54:37] <Tom_itx> seems that's just for the local machine
[14:54:57] <rue_house> you would have to have a capable router
[14:54:59] <jhylands> unless you have open ports on your router, that is virtually impossible
[14:55:03] <rue_house> if its from any ip
[14:55:27] <rue_house> well, as impossable as it is to hack widnows
[14:55:27] <Tom_itx> well i'm not sure where it's coming from
[14:55:31] <jhylands> Tom_itx, do you mean you want to see if someone is using your internet, or is connected from outside to that specific PC?
[14:55:37] <Tom_itx> but it's eating GB
[14:56:00] <Tom_itx> this guy just hooked up dish for interweb and it's already eaten up all his bandwidth in 3 days
[14:56:12] <rue_house> also as impossable as it is to exploit a router that has been left with its default password and an open firware update system
[14:56:25] <Tom_itx> checked for virus/malware etc
[14:56:59] <rue_house> 10's of 1000's of routers on comcast are what Rucus used to ddos anyone he wanted, including freenode
[14:57:00] <jhylands> Tom_itx, he should assume its something installed on his PC first, and check that
[14:57:11] <Tom_itx> that's what i told him
[14:57:17] <rue_house> and internet providers like comcast dont care
[14:57:42] <jhylands> he should make sure he disables WPS on the router (he does have a router, right?)
[14:57:42] <rue_house> its super easy to scan huge blocks of their ips for routers that can be compromised
[14:57:58] <jhylands> and make sure he has a secure password on the admin interface for the router
[14:58:10] <jhylands> and make it so you can't screw with the router admin interface over wifi
[14:58:22] <jhylands> that's just basic security
[14:58:33] <jhylands> to close the obvious holeas
[14:58:42] <rue_house> unless its firmware was already 'updated' by a hacker
[14:59:15] <jhylands> Tom_itx, is this guy technical at all? Did he change the router password at least?
[14:59:18] <Tom_itx> rue_house this catia if fun stuff
[14:59:22] <rue_house> ruccas had one machine that would use forwarding set up on the comcast routers
[14:59:31] <Tom_itx> jhylands, no not really that's why he calls me
[14:59:47] <rue_house> his machine would be pushing all the ddos packets and comcast would provide the ip aliasing
[15:00:24] <rue_house> a hacker actually managed to get into my router and was using it for ddos
[15:00:30] <rue_house> and its a linux box
[15:00:54] <rue_house> it seems it was a postgres/apache exploit, so I removed them fom the router
[15:01:44] <rue_house> it was a cute little self-recovering setup too
[15:02:00] <rue_house> luckily, the router was installed so long ago that all the new files were easy to find
[15:02:24] <veverak> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Srv0GZPvTtw <3
[15:03:25] <Tom_itx> jhylands, can you log that traffic from resource monitor?
[15:03:56] <jhylands> Tom_itx, I don't think so
[15:04:11] <Tom_itx> wireshark will but it's way too detailed
[15:04:15] <jhylands> yeah
[16:29:17] <rue_house> I wonder what I did that I dont get youtube ads anymore?
[16:30:00] <rue_house> oh I bet its browser support
[16:30:17] <rue_house> I can watch videos, but the ads aren't available to me
[16:32:09] <z64555> Is this a complaint? D:
[16:32:28] <rue_house> no, an observation
[16:32:43] <rue_house> it occurs to me that I havn't seen an ad in a long, long time
[16:33:08] <z64555> its nice, isn't it?
[16:34:27] <rue_house> yea
[16:34:57] <rue_house> not seeing many ads latley, I have most of the ad servers in my HOSTS file as
[16:35:19] <rue_house> nobody seems to want to host the ads on their own site
[16:35:33] <rue_house> there are like 7 servers that constitute 95% of the ads on the internet
[16:35:43] <veverak> smart
[16:37:05] <rue_house> on one of my machines i run a local apache with a picture of a cat as the 404
[16:37:10] <rue_house> all ad images are a cat
[16:37:13] <veverak> :D
[16:37:39] <rue_house> some pages are plastered in the cute cat
[18:43:40] * flyback bites Montezuma and Zhyr
[18:43:42] <flyback> CANUCKS
[18:44:08] <Zhyr> -.-
[18:47:29] <Jak_o_Shadows> yo flyback
[19:04:28] <flyback> hi
[19:05:00] <robopal> hi
[19:11:27] <veverak> http://www.hobbyking.com/hobbyking/store/__41216__Turnigy_TGY_S508_300_Digital_Intelligent_Metal_Gear_Robot_Servo_8kg_0_16Sec_75g.html anybody any experience?
[19:13:15] <veverak> actually
[19:13:19] <veverak> http://www.robotshop.com/en/dynamixel-xl-320-ollo-smart-serial-servo.html does make more sense
[19:15:14] <rue_house> I dont buy servos that are more than $10ea
[19:16:09] <veverak> if you have such a servo with such a properties...
[19:16:17] * veverak doesn't want them... yet
[19:16:52] <veverak> but having something with torque settings, speed, position/temp feedback...
[19:17:06] <veverak> mabye once I will see that it's needed :)
[19:18:52] <veverak> main point is that I finally somehow stored it so I won't forget it even exists
[19:20:54] <rue_house> I can find you servos that are $1000 if you want
[19:20:59] <rue_house> $1000ea
[19:25:23] <jhylands> I like smart digital servos
[19:25:26] <jhylands> they work great
[19:25:37] <jhylands> especially Robotis servos
[19:29:17] <rue_house> ok, gonna clean out video card...
[19:29:43] <rue_house> I knew a guy who once said, "every time you turn off a computer may be the last time it ever ran"
[19:30:58] <emeraldgreen1> jhylands they also cost great
[19:31:12] <jhylands> some things are more important than cost, at least to me
[19:31:19] <jhylands> I value my time far more
[19:31:47] <robopal> heh, what rue said has happened to me
[19:32:14] <flyback> my new iron arrives tomarrow
[19:32:26] <robopal> which one did you get
[19:49:46] <flyback> aoyue 2730
[19:49:57] <flyback> which isn't a cheap knockoff like earlier stuff
[19:50:02] <flyback> integrated heater tips
[19:50:10] <flyback> more expensive $12-$16 btui worth it
[19:50:27] <flyback> also got some rohs solder, fluxes and a replacement heater core for my 968 hot air tool
[19:50:41] <flyback> you can't upgrade the iron from 35w to 70w between the 968 and 968 a
[19:50:56] <flyback> buT you can upgrade the hot air heating coil from 968 to 968A
[19:51:05] <flyback> mine is 7 yrs old due to burn out
[19:51:11] <flyback> old one is uneven wire mesh shit
[19:51:20] <flyback> new one is a spiral wound coil like you see on hair dryers
[19:58:39] <jhylands> flyback, how do you think that compares with a WES50?
[19:59:01] <flyback> beats
[19:59:15] <jhylands> I've never really looked into it much - I got the WES as a gift, and its served me pretty well over the past 10 years
[19:59:17] <flyback> integrated heater tips
[19:59:23] <flyback> nothing wrong with that wes
[19:59:26] <flyback> excellent choice
[20:00:31] <flyback> hakko wants $500 for integrated heater tip iron
[20:00:35] <flyback> this was $72
[20:00:42] <jhylands> nice
[20:00:53] <flyback> I was hello bent on the hakko fx-888d not intrgrated heater tips but still
[20:01:06] <flyback> apprentely you an mod this thing for $20 to use a hakko wand and iht's
[20:01:10] <flyback> not goin gto bother
[20:01:35] <flyback> going to try to fix the 35w and 50w irons I have enough to work on lead stuff
[20:01:43] <flyback> so I don't have to have seperate tips on my new one for lead
[20:01:52] <flyback> the 50w can probably do lead ok
[20:02:26] <flyback> bbl time for the weekly shave
[21:24:36] <rue_shop3> well, there I did something, I put the hour counter on the shop lights
[21:24:48] <rue_shop3> see if I get my 8000 hours from the bulbs
[21:29:15] rue_shop3 changed topic of #robotics to: Arduino controlled, 3d printed psycho robots! | http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81/~webpage/index.php | project updates at 2am GMT! | E is for Electromechanical
[22:28:53] <anonnumberanon> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JQdXDg9PtzY&feature=youtu.be
[22:47:49] <anonnumberanon> Sup guys.
[22:56:11] <rue_house> why di you solder the jumpers on!?
[22:57:12] <flyback> BMCC
[22:57:31] <flyback> rue_house, so I bought this $13 china 12v charger 1.5a
[22:57:38] <flyback> I got it with intent to mod it
[22:57:49] <anonnumberanon> Seemed like a good idea at the time.
[22:58:01] <flyback> inside is a pretty nice transformer, tl431, optocoupler with scr driver and scr
[22:58:18] <flyback> well if you attach a old sla it cycles on/off randomly
[22:58:22] <rue_house> I hope that jitter is from the adc
[22:58:34] <flyback> I put it on top of my washer since it's all metal in case something overheats overnight
[22:58:56] <flyback> well the impulse created by the scr driving the transformer is tranmitting thru the casing into the washer
[22:59:08] <flyback> LeelooMinai, BMCC
[22:59:37] <rue_house> anonnumberanon, have you ever heard of a .bvh file??
[22:59:52] <anonnumberanon> No and no.
[23:00:03] <rue_house> mmmm you should look it up...
[23:00:12] <rue_house> motion capture.. (just for fun)
[23:00:15] <anonnumberanon> jitter is from the PWM generation.
[23:00:28] <rue_house> ugh
[23:00:37] <flyback> rue_bed, my new solder gear arrives in around 12 hrs
[23:00:43] <flyback> just in case for 2 work emergencies
[23:00:45] <flyback> eh
[23:00:47] <flyback> heh
[23:01:01] <flyback> one is only 2 miles I juts have to swap out a disk
[23:01:18] <flyback> the other is a customer 2 hrs away got hacked badly I might have to end up being driven there
[23:01:24] <rue_house> anonnumberanon, remember, if the steps are too big, there is still my pwm genorator
[23:01:46] <anonnumberanon> The end of this vid clearly shows all the PWMs going to litteral shit. That's when the radio chip interferes with the regular functioning of the controller's refresh loop.
[23:02:16] <rue_house> hmm\
[23:02:36] <anonnumberanon> Yes when the robot does a split at the very end.
[23:02:48] <rue_house> did I ever tell you the value of an easy to reach off switch?
[23:03:25] <rue_house> I learned about that whent eh robot mower went amuck in the shop as I tried to pull the battery wire off
[23:03:32] <anonnumberanon> This is when I really realized that there was a major problem with the program/system and not just random little problems here and there.
[23:03:51] <anonnumberanon> So when I did a long study of the thing with my oscilloscope I found out the radio was the problem.
[23:03:52] <rue_house> after I got the wire off, I sat back and thought about it while looking at the chaos it'd caused
[23:04:00] <anonnumberanon> I'll have to address jitter as well, I know.
[23:04:10] <rue_house> my code dosn't jitter
[23:04:22] <anonnumberanon> Yeah I added a switch afterwards, it isn't in the video at that time.
[23:04:24] <rue_house> the m328 boards are just $3 ea
[23:04:47] <flyback> http://www.sra-solder.com/aoyue-2930-programmable-digital-soldering-station
[23:06:05] <anonnumberanon> rue_house, If i load your code I'll take shortcuts and won't learn.
[23:06:23] <anonnumberanon> It's a career for me eventually I have to be able to code these things by heart.
[23:06:50] <rue_house> there is plenty of learning, use my code and go back when you have things working and remake that peice
[23:07:24] <anonnumberanon> Things are working though.
[23:07:31] <anonnumberanon> See that remote controller?
[23:08:09] <rue_house> exe3cute a project thru a series of stepped progress milesstones that leave you with soemthing that operates in an intended way when you finish
[23:08:15] <rue_house> yea
[23:10:29] <anonnumberanon> So everything you see is really cheap, except for the servos at $8 a pop.
[23:10:44] <anonnumberanon> Not your $20 project but still pretty affordable.
[23:11:20] <anonnumberanon> The servos's lack of power and short lifespan remains the blacksheep in this build.
[23:14:11] <anonnumberanon> .bhv >> nice