#robotics | Logs for 2016-02-02

[01:55:24] <XGa8ty3ck> Loshki: What's the difference between top of the line and bottm?
[01:56:17] <rue_house> zlog
[01:57:36] <rue_house> its in how many corners they cut, how long the batteries last
[01:58:09] <rue_house> and software features that dont actually cost them mroe money to add, but that they dont want you to have if you dont want to give them more maoney
[02:07:18] <Jak_o_Shadows> We still on robot vacuums?
[02:07:36] <Jak_o_Shadows> I quite like the idea of the ones that use SLAM to actually move around in a sane effective movement
[03:16:34] <Loshki> XGa8ty3ck: https://www.quora.com/Can-you-explain-the-Roomba-models-to-me
[03:19:02] <Loshki> XGa8ty3ck: see also http://www.robotreviews.com/, which is crufty except for the amazing support forums.
[05:35:17] <deshipu> veverak: I wonder if one could use a 3d printer to get a thin layer of plastic on a PCB and then etch that
[05:35:43] <veverak> I've heard of this recently somewher
[06:54:52] * jhylands is feeling annoyed
[06:58:27] * deshipu soothes jhylands
[06:58:51] <jhylands> my new power board isn't showing up when I plug it in
[06:58:54] <deshipu> fun fact: annoyed originally meant bored
[07:00:18] <jhylands> https://app.box.com/s/qo0mqms9evom20lnt9adyjtwfaljkpwc
[07:01:46] <deshipu> maybe the stm chip is backwards? ;)
[07:01:56] <jhylands> nope
[07:02:03] <jhylands> its the same as my rev 1 board
[07:03:01] <deshipu> the programmer doesn't see it?
[07:03:34] <jhylands> There's no programmer - this is essentially a pyboard
[07:03:48] <deshipu> ah, so it's not appearing as an usb device?
[07:03:58] <deshipu> anything in dmesg?
[07:04:02] <jhylands> yeah, I'm not even seeing anything with dmesg
[07:04:33] <jhylands> I'm going to take out my sharp probes, and start checking continuity
[07:04:33] <deshipu> does your usb cable have data lines?
[07:04:44] <jhylands> yeah, I've tried a couple cables
[07:05:24] <jhylands> okay, I take that back
[07:05:32] <jhylands> there might be something wrong with my hub
[07:05:40] <jhylands> a normal board isn't showing up either :-/
[07:06:29] <deshipu> I hope it's the hub and not the computer
[07:06:31] <jhylands> okay, whew
[07:06:35] <jhylands> that was the hub
[07:06:59] <jhylands> A sight I love to see:
[07:07:00] <jhylands> Bus 001 Device 014: ID 0483:df11 STMicroelectronics STM Device in DFU Mode
[07:13:52] * jhylands is very happy now
[07:47:38] <deshipu> by the way, I got the rpi version of Tote to walk'
[07:48:04] <deshipu> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jJsWgjJycL8
[07:48:16] <deshipu> very small steps for now
[07:50:19] <jhylands> cool
[07:50:47] <jhylands> now that I have a functioning power board, it won't be too much longer before Roz is walking with an rPi as well
[08:35:55] <veverak> more rpi robotz! :)
[08:36:25] <jhylands> Roz is going to have an rpi 2, with a 2.8" LCD touchscreen
[08:38:13] * veverak thinks about switching to rpi b+
[08:42:49] <SpeedEvil> http://www.aliexpress.com/item/NEW-RS232-TTL-JPEG-Digital-Serial-Port-CCTV-Camera-Module-SCB-1-with-video-out-Support/1975852463.html?ws_ab_test=searchweb201556_1,searchweb201644_1_505_506_503_504_301_502_10001_10002_10016_10005_10006_10003_10004,searchweb201560_8,searchweb1451318400_-1,searchweb1451318411_6448&btsid=e33c6084-8377-4b3f-8f2f-1ed058de18bb
[08:42:50] <SpeedEvil> TTL jpeg camera $15
[09:00:33] <deshipu> not sure how useful those cameras are
[09:00:47] <deshipu> I mean, all you can do is save it to an sdcard
[09:01:21] <jhylands> well, you can stream the pic to a microcontroller
[09:01:25] <jhylands> but I agree
[09:01:56] <deshipu> and decode jpeg on it?
[09:02:14] <jhylands> well, if it was powerful enough
[09:02:31] <jhylands> that's pretty much what the openmv is doind
[09:02:32] <jhylands> doing
[09:02:38] <SpeedEvil> Or transmit it across a slow radio link
[09:03:06] <deshipu> except they use some kind of parallel interface
[09:03:23] <SpeedEvil> It's serial
[09:03:42] <jhylands> I meant conceptually, not the physical interface
[09:04:08] <deshipu> also, I think they get raw data
[09:04:45] <deshipu> large part of that camera's price is the encoder and serial interface
[09:06:11] <deshipu> http://paste.sheep.art.pl/a06cd0f5-b81e-46ff-beb7-a65f2dbbbc33/%2Binline <-- current status
[09:07:54] <jhylands> my current status: https://app.box.com/s/qo0mqms9evom20lnt9adyjtwfaljkpwc
[09:09:01] <SpeedEvil> deshipu: yeah - at least half
[09:11:53] <deshipu> now I need some h bridge
[09:17:24] <rue_house> or a split supply and a half bridge
[09:37:26] rue_house changed topic of #robotics to: Arduino controlled, 3d printed psycho robots! | http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81/~webpage/index.php | project updates at 2am GMT! | E is for Eletromechanical
[12:25:56] <veverak> great
[12:26:03] <veverak> my lipo ubec give me voltage of the battery
[12:26:06] <veverak> and no 5v
[12:29:46] <deshipu> connected wrong way around?
[12:30:14] <veverak> nope
[12:30:16] <veverak> :)
[12:33:15] <veverak> deshipu: that's pretty forward
[12:33:19] <veverak> or easy to figure out
[12:59:46] <deshipu> is the battery lower than 5V?
[13:01:28] <veverak> nope, battery got 7.7V
[13:01:33] <veverak> I get 7.7V from ubec
[13:04:00] <Snert_> exactly which ubec?
[13:04:09] <Snert_> there are so many.
[13:04:54] <veverak> http://www.pelikandaniel.com/products/1RC21505/b_0.jpg
[13:05:02] <veverak> and I am afraid they got only czech description
[13:05:05] <veverak> :)
[13:05:17] * veverak allready got one of them and it was working perfectly for soem time now
[13:06:47] <Snert_> you should be able to move that jumper and produce some kind of voltage change. Even if may not be the right thing exactly.
[13:07:05] <Snert_> a 1v drop maybe. Ideally 6 to 5 but who knows.
[13:07:47] <Snert_> ... and it should match up to your known good one.
[13:08:24] <veverak> (that is currently in different city)
[13:20:00] <deshipu> have you tried to switch it off and on?
[13:20:02] <deshipu> ;)
[13:24:38] <deshipu> hmm, so I managed to rearrange the parts on the Tote PCB such that I have 1/4 of one side and whole second side free
[13:24:54] <jhylands> cool
[13:25:02] <deshipu> well, ok, 4/5 of the second side
[13:25:11] <veverak> (Y)
[13:25:16] * veverak is playing with esp826
[13:25:24] <veverak> *esp8266
[13:25:26] <deshipu> and micropython?
[13:26:01] <veverak> yep
[13:28:37] <deshipu> this is going to be a long month, sigh
[13:29:07] <z64555> veverak: do you have a pic of the board with the label removed?
[13:29:37] <z64555> I'm wondering if its a SMPC or a simple voltage regulator
[13:30:31] <z64555> might also be able to tell if a component burnt out or didn't get soldered correctly
[13:34:10] <veverak> hmm
[13:34:31] <veverak> will have to wait until somebody tells me on IRC how to turn the fckin lights on
[13:34:33] <veverak> :)
[13:35:16] <z64555> lol wat
[13:38:50] <veverak> lights are controller by rpi
[13:38:54] <veverak> and it sort of fails sometimes
[13:40:57] <z64555> ah, one of those "power saving" setups?
[13:41:47] <z64555> saw that in my highschool's band hall when they renovated
[13:42:43] <z64555> If you're not a hot body, or the room is too warm, the lights go off even if 2 or 3 people are in it
[13:42:55] <veverak> nope
[13:42:58] <veverak> just automation
[13:43:01] <veverak> :)
[13:43:17] <veverak> but yeah, one of the goals is to have abillity to turn off everything somehow modern way
[13:43:20] <veverak> :)
[13:43:33] <deshipu> bang two rocks together
[13:43:35] <veverak> http://i.imgur.com/1hs6ZoL.jpg
[13:44:43] <veverak> z64555: ^^
[13:45:13] <veverak> yeah
[13:45:20] <veverak> deshipu: compilation of esp sdk takes a while
[13:45:28] <z64555> thx, looking at it now
[13:45:52] <veverak> I suppose that crack on the big thing in the center
[13:46:02] <veverak> should not be there :)
[13:47:39] <deshipu> that big thing in the center is a coil
[13:48:02] <deshipu> an inductor that gets pumped up to get a voltage spike
[13:49:47] <z64555> the crack shouldn't have any major effect, I think
[13:50:05] <veverak> also
[13:50:08] <veverak> it smells OK
[13:50:11] <veverak> so no burning happend
[13:50:15] <z64555> yes. that's a good indicator :)
[13:50:51] <z64555> anything on the backside? or is it just connections?
[13:52:03] <veverak> chip with 8 pins, resistor, small capacitator
[13:52:42] <veverak> (imgur plays scumbeg and doesn't allow me to uplaod it)
[13:52:46] <veverak> *scumbag
[13:53:16] <z64555> that's probably the uC. the other chips on the top look like power stuff
[13:53:44] <veverak> anyway
[13:53:49] <veverak> it seems it's not worth any repairs
[13:53:55] <veverak> as the problem is not really visible
[13:53:58] <veverak> :/
[13:54:02] <veverak> (and it's not so expesnive...)
[13:54:40] <z64555> yeah, but it's always good to know what went wrong :)
[13:54:50] <veverak> yeah...
[13:55:08] <z64555> hm.
[13:55:14] <veverak> but, it cracked
[13:55:24] <veverak> so maybe it got damaged while in my bag..
[13:55:25] <z64555> Yeah.
[13:55:39] <veverak> that explains a lot ...
[13:55:47] <z64555> It might've loosened a connection on the board
[13:55:49] <veverak> sidenote is that I really should figure out a some hard box
[13:56:09] <z64555> See that big solder blob on the side where the crack is?
[13:56:26] <veverak> yeah?
[13:56:42] <z64555> is it bonded with the board still?
[13:56:57] <veverak> yeah
[13:57:04] <z64555> lol.
[13:57:25] <z64555> then it came broke
[13:57:43] <veverak> I've got ...
[13:57:50] <veverak> 'contact' between two sides of the coil
[13:57:56] <veverak> or 'shortcut' ?
[13:58:50] * veverak got it
[13:58:50] <z64555> hm.
[13:59:12] <veverak> z64555: do you the thing that looks like two resistors
[13:59:15] <veverak> *see
[13:59:26] <veverak> soldered together in front of the big black thing?
[13:59:41] <z64555> righ side of the board, yeah?
[13:59:46] <veverak> yeah
[13:59:51] <veverak> right side, in front of big black thing
[13:59:54] <veverak> it just fell off
[13:59:59] * veverak just touched it
[14:00:05] <z64555> lmao...
[14:01:42] <z64555> I'd say scrap it for parts
[14:02:23] <veverak> it looks like two capacitators on top of two resistors
[14:02:25] <veverak> weird
[14:22:28] <deshipu> quality assembly
[14:22:52] <veverak> anyway
[14:22:58] <veverak> sucessfully flashed micropython into esp8266
[14:23:01] <veverak> >>> import esp
[14:23:03] <veverak> >>> dir(esp)
[14:23:05] <veverak> ['__name__', 'wifi_mode', 'phy_mode', 'sleep_type', 'deepsleep', 'flash_id', 'flash_read', 'socket', 'getaddrinfo', 'MODE_11B', 'MODE_11G', 'MODE_11N', 'SLEEP_NONE', 'SLEEP_LIGHT', 'SLEEP_MODEM', 'STA_MODE', 'AP_MODE', 'STA_AP_MODE']
[14:23:10] <veverak> but I misss the "connect" function in esp module
[14:28:26] <veverak> perfect
[14:28:34] <veverak> "connect" function was in different module
[14:28:37] <veverak> :)
[14:28:42] <veverak> but I've got OSError: Cannot set STA config instead
[14:32:59] <deshipu> set it to station mode
[14:33:16] <deshipu> veverak: compile the docs for esp8266, they have up to date api
[14:33:53] <deshipu> veverak: some examples here: https://bitbucket.org/thesheep/esp8266upy/src
[14:36:18] * veverak allready copied the monitor
[14:36:21] <veverak> :)
[14:37:29] <deshipu> see connect.py for how to setup connection
[14:39:16] <veverak> deshipu: have I ever told you how awesome you are?
[14:44:35] <veverak> also
[14:44:43] <veverak> am I blind or there is no method to get esp8266 ip?
[14:53:45] <deshipu> veverak: you are not blind, it's missing
[14:53:55] <deshipu> veverak: but you can get the mac ;)
[14:54:02] <veverak> ok
[14:54:09] <veverak> so find a way how to scan local network for mac
[14:54:12] <veverak> naaaaaaah
[14:54:20] <deshipu> veverak: you can use that nc.py on your laptop
[14:54:44] <deshipu> veverak: and use the send example to connect to it
[14:54:48] <deshipu> then you will see the ip
[15:00:34] <veverak> hmm
[15:00:45] <veverak> no reboot either
[15:00:48] <veverak> this will be fun
[15:00:50] <veverak> :)
[15:03:41] <deshipu> press ctrl+d for reboot
[15:03:50] <veverak> awesome
[15:04:17] <veverak> only remaining problem is that simple listen on doesn't work
[15:04:34] <veverak> OSError: only one espconn can listen at a time
[15:04:46] <deshipu> you have unclosed connection
[15:05:17] <veverak> (that is shown on reboot)
[15:05:31] <deshipu> do a hard reboot
[15:05:33] <deshipu> with power
[15:06:49] <veverak> same
[15:06:57] <deshipu> hmmm
[15:07:38] <deshipu> you are using this? https://bitbucket.org/thesheep/esp8266upy/src/3e8e3a36b51e3b1ddbe804c4680085104c6f3353/server.py?at=default
[15:07:58] <veverak> qhttps://hackaday.io/project/6050-tote/log/19645-remote-control-with-esp8266-and-micropython
[15:10:45] <veverak> deshipu: nope, what you send got same error
[15:11:03] <veverak> http://pastebin.com/4U1XbpvF
[15:11:35] <deshipu> did you try it by hand?
[15:11:37] <deshipu> in the console?
[15:12:17] <veverak> same thing
[15:13:25] <deshipu> sounds like a bug
[15:13:43] <deshipu> try an earlier version :P
[15:13:48] <deshipu> it used to work
[15:15:26] * veverak actually thinks about switching to different thing entirely
[15:15:29] <veverak> :)
[15:15:31] <veverak> https://github.com/beckdac/ESP8266-transparent-bridge
[15:16:08] <deshipu> probably a good idea
[15:16:22] <deshipu> micropython is not going to be ready for another month or two
[15:17:10] <veverak> yeah
[15:17:20] <veverak> and I really want wireless bridge for raspbi debug
[15:17:22] <veverak> :)
[15:17:23] <veverak> or anything serial debug
[15:19:39] <veverak> https://www.reddit.com/r/esp8266/comments/34izb1/is_there_an_easy_way_to_setup_a_port_to_serial/
[15:19:46] <veverak> this redit posted the github
[15:19:57] <veverak> what I am missing is nice linux way of connecting to it
[15:20:05] <deshipu> you can also write it in lua, I think they even have that in examples
[15:20:11] <deshipu> but whatever works
[15:20:24] <deshipu> veverak: you don't have netcat or telnet?
[15:20:56] <veverak> have buuuuut something more fancy?
[15:20:59] <veverak> :)
[15:21:06] <deshipu> veverak: there was also that network serial thing, that opened a connection and made it available as a tty
[15:21:16] <veverak> that would be awesome
[15:21:19] <veverak> :)
[15:25:46] <maiden> have you seen SAFFiR ? a bit down in this article: http://www.theverge.com/2011/11/8/2518608/walking-as-jazz-virginia-tech-robotics
[15:31:17] <Snert_> I wish they made little bits of feet for things like that.
[15:44:14] * veverak have to learn how to lua
[15:44:16] <veverak> :)
[16:07:30] <deshipu> ok, the robot rides
[16:07:42] <deshipu> for now I used LD293D
[16:07:53] <deshipu> and a pyboard
[16:08:53] <deshipu> eventually I will probably use arduino and a bluetooth module
[16:09:02] <deshipu> so that it can be controlled from a phone
[16:09:08] <deshipu> you know, android from android
[16:11:24] <veverak> :)
[16:32:56] <rue_house> 18200 is more efficient
[16:33:16] <rue_house> usually
[16:34:22] <deshipu> I have a drv8833, but too much work to connect it
[16:45:36] <foul_owl> Is there a good python library that can convert angle to PWM for servos? I want to be able to input an angle, and have the output be whatever PWM is needed to control that servo. Using the rpi servo hat
[16:46:17] <deshipu> that's a very simple calculation, no need for a library for that
[16:46:41] <deshipu> the problem is, you have to tune it for your particular servos
[16:47:01] <deshipu> because different servos have different ranges
[16:48:05] <deshipu> pwm = servo_min + (servo_max - servo_min) * degrees / 180
[16:49:30] <deshipu> you need to set servo_min and servo_max to the right values for your servos
[16:49:36] <deshipu> for mine it's 600 and 2400
[17:27:54] <veverak> meantime
[17:28:35] <veverak> numpy.interp(degrees, [-90, 90], [servo_min, servo_max])
[17:28:43] <veverak> much simpler :)
[17:29:25] <veverak> also, you will find handy
[17:30:03] <veverak> numpy.clip(degrees, -90, 90) (if degrees is smaller than -90, makes it -90, if it's bigger than 90, makes it 90)
[17:32:06] <veverak> deshipu: btw, as for trim setup
[17:32:10] <veverak> deshipu: ROS is awesome
[17:32:22] <veverak> deshipu: it seems there si allready made module to setup config parameters with gui
[17:32:27] <veverak> just learn how to use it
[17:32:30] <veverak> ;)
[18:13:37] <veverak> ok
[18:13:49] <veverak> I tried to flash to esp8266 some lua code via usb->ttl
[18:13:55] <veverak> now my usb->ttl won't show in the system
[18:13:58] <veverak> (Y)
[18:15:02] <veverak> OK
[18:15:06] <veverak> at first li-po ubec
[18:15:09] <veverak> now usb->ttl
[18:15:14] <veverak> great, this day is awesome
[18:24:56] <flyback> what brand usb to ttl
[18:25:08] <flyback> ftdi?
[18:25:23] <veverak> CP2102
[18:25:52] <flyback> excellent choice btw ;)
[18:26:05] <flyback> way more stable than pl2303 horseshit
[18:26:12] <veverak> it's awesome
[18:26:19] <veverak> especially the part htat it got 5v + 3.3V
[18:26:19] <flyback> what os
[18:26:21] <veverak> BUT
[18:26:26] <veverak> suddenly it stopped working
[18:26:33] <veverak> $ uname -a
[18:26:36] <veverak> Linux walnut 4.1.15-1-MANJARO #1 SMP PREEMPT Tue Dec 15 07:48:44 UTC 2015 x86_64 GNU/Linux
[18:26:37] <flyback> ok linux
[18:26:40] <flyback> do a dmesg
[18:26:47] <flyback> anything about a usb device or error
[18:26:48] <veverak> nothing there
[18:26:54] <veverak> (that's what I always do)
[18:26:55] <flyback> ok pull the module out
[18:26:59] <veverak> also 'lsusb' nothing
[18:27:01] <flyback> check the usb socket for damage
[18:27:01] <veverak> which one? :D
[18:27:10] <flyback> the cp2102 module
[18:27:22] <flyback> could just be a canucked cable
[18:27:30] * flyback rubs rue_house against it
[18:28:00] <veverak> nothing...
[18:28:24] <veverak> and I don't have voltmeter here :/
[18:28:56] <veverak> flyback: green light is ON
[18:29:00] <flyback> do you have another cable?
[18:29:10] <flyback> could be the data line is broken not the power or grd
[18:29:37] <veverak> wait
[18:29:42] * veverak tried arduino with usb
[18:29:44] <veverak> not shown either
[18:30:10] <flyback> mabye it's just a bad port, bad cable or your shorted the power and it went into latchup
[18:30:29] <flyback> in which case the port might revive if you totally deprive it of power
[18:30:53] * veverak rebooted
[18:30:54] <flyback> course if it's a older p4 775 system it might not :)
[18:30:59] <flyback> reboot is not the same thing
[18:31:04] <flyback> you need to cut it's peepee off
[18:31:10] <flyback> so the chip resets
[18:31:11] <veverak> tried many different usb ports
[18:31:15] <flyback> oh ok
[18:31:19] <flyback> mabye the cable is just bad
[18:31:24] <veverak> (one of them being on usb hub with on off)
[18:31:24] <flyback> you said arduino didn't work either
[18:31:26] <flyback> same cable?
[18:31:30] <veverak> inserted directly
[18:31:36] <flyback> oh hmm
[18:31:40] <flyback> this isn't a older board is it?
[18:31:46] <veverak> thI mean, the usb->ttl
[18:31:52] <veverak> inserted directly
[18:31:56] <veverak> arduino got cable
[18:32:28] <veverak> good part is that different USB devices reconnected when I on/off the usb hub
[18:32:34] <veverak> (like sound card, keyboard...)
[18:32:39] <flyback> oh ok good
[18:32:58] <flyback> so the ttl thing has a port directely?
[18:33:22] <flyback> get a magnifier or something and look at the board for a solder joint crack or damage to the port
[18:33:27] <flyback> phone cam will work also
[18:35:38] <veverak> ok
[18:35:43] <veverak> got one arduino with usb that shows up
[18:35:50] <veverak> one arduino with usb that doesn't show up
[18:35:55] <veverak> and usb -> ttl that doesn't show up
[18:36:47] <flyback> im telling you to exambine the ttl circuit board
[18:36:54] <flyback> espically the usb interface on it
[18:37:10] <veverak> did that, didn't worked
[18:37:17] <veverak> *didn't saw anything
[18:37:37] <veverak> http://www.dx.com/p/usb-to-ttl-cp2102-serial-module-red-309988#.VrFF-eCNJhE something like this propably
[18:39:10] <veverak> one last thing
[18:39:48] * veverak boots up rpi
[18:39:54] <veverak> ok
[18:39:56] <veverak> wait a sec
[18:40:00] * veverak can't connect to rpi serial
[18:40:04] * veverak have to find usb
[18:40:22] <veverak> *usb hub
[18:42:02] <flyback> yeah same mine is getting ratty
[18:42:03] <flyback> for $5
[18:42:14] <flyback> I can get a official one from silicon labs so ordering 2
[18:42:24] <veverak> well
[18:42:36] <veverak> bad news is that even rpi doesn't recognize the usb->ttl
[18:42:39] <veverak> :/
[18:43:55] <flyback> so either the chip dies
[18:43:58] <flyback> or the port is bad
[18:44:04] <flyback> id examine the port dude
[18:44:10] <flyback> look at the inside
[18:44:13] <veverak> nah
[18:44:16] <veverak> looks good
[18:44:23] <flyback> look at the solder joints
[18:44:30] <flyback> there;s 4 from the usb plug
[18:44:41] <flyback> look at those resistors and caps see if they looked burned
[18:44:48] <flyback> see if the chip looks burned or discolored
[18:45:02] <flyback> look at the solder joints around the chip
[18:45:31] <veverak> can't see anything unusual
[18:45:40] <veverak> DAAAAAAAAAAMN
[18:45:46] <flyback> what?
[18:45:47] <flyback> find something?
[18:45:48] <veverak> (my table lamp is too strong)
[18:45:58] <veverak> turned it off and felt like being blind
[18:47:06] <veverak> damn
[18:47:08] <veverak> SECOND thing this day
[18:47:19] <veverak> that ceased to work ...
[18:47:52] <flyback> dude it's been like this every day for me for the last 10 yrs
[18:48:39] <foul_owl> deshipu: Thank you!!
[18:48:58] <veverak> flyback: feel sorry for ya
[18:49:26] <foul_owl> deshipu: Is there a table where I can look up those values?
[18:49:28] <foul_owl> My servo is http://www.hobbyking.com/hobbyking/store/__662__HXT900_Micro_Servo_1_6kg_0_12sec_9g.html
[18:49:55] <veverak> question is
[18:50:00] <veverak> do I want to buy same thing again
[18:50:06] <veverak> or is there something more ... bullet prooft ?
[18:50:08] <veverak> *proof
[18:50:10] <Snert_> 2buck servos? lol.
[18:50:34] <flyback> more bullet proof would be the official cp2104 mini module from silicon labs
[18:50:37] <flyback> who makes the chip
[18:50:43] <flyback> it's $5 us but i dunno how much to .cz
[18:50:53] <flyback> bonus the cp2104 has 4 gpio also
[18:52:44] <veverak> hmm
[19:59:04] <veverak> hmm
[19:59:12] * veverak can't find any tutorial for makin c code for esp8266
[20:44:52] <mrdata> veverak, presumably it will resemble generic C code?
[21:41:13] <rue_house> only C for PIC microcontrollers is special
[21:41:50] <rue_house> http://sawgenie.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/Bosch-GCM12SD.jpg
[21:41:50] <rue_house> hmmm
[21:42:50] <flyback> http://www.banggood.com/TS100-Digital-OLED-Programable-Interface-DC-5525-Soldering-Iron-Station-Built-in-STM32-Chip-p-984214.html
[21:42:53] <flyback> check that out
[21:42:58] <flyback> owns your "canuck"...........canuck!
[21:43:08] * flyback dukes of hazard jumps over rue_house
[21:45:07] <rue_house> $78 for a soldering iron.... naaaaa....
[21:55:51] <orlock> rue: i got printing in ABS finally
[21:59:10] <rue_house> excellent
[21:59:15] <rue_house> what was holding you up?
[21:59:27] <orlock> main thing was, it needed to be in a box
[21:59:36] <rue_house> flyback, are you trying to find some friends again?
[21:59:43] <orlock> even in summer in the shed it needed a box
[21:59:46] <rue_house> ah, airflow
[21:59:55] <orlock> yeah, it wants no airflow
[22:00:01] <rue_house> what is the result of too much airflow?
[22:00:06] <orlock> wants to be 50C +
[22:00:15] <orlock> parts warp
[22:00:15] <rue_house> how do you cool the nozzel?
[22:00:24] <orlock> causes them to peel from bed, and layers to delaminate
[22:00:31] <orlock> fan still
[22:00:34] <z64555> That iron doesn't look impressive
[22:00:39] <rue_house> just directed away?
[22:00:48] <orlock> just a fan blowing over the heatsink
[22:00:58] <rue_house> z64555, its got an stm32 processor, it must be the best thing ever
[22:01:21] <orlock> also had issues with a surface - i'd been using watered down pva glue
[22:01:21] <z64555> Only thing I thought was interesting was the temp controls on the pencil, that's about it
[22:01:22] <rue_house> http://www.boschtools.com/us/en/ocsmedia/CM10GD_hero%283%29.png
[22:01:25] <orlock> still had gorners lift
[22:01:26] <rue_house> I must commit this to memory
[22:01:39] <orlock> and the prts stick so well at the middle it destroyed the print taking them off
[22:01:48] <z64555> rue_house: its... a cross cut saw?
[22:01:48] <orlock> Kapton tape heated to 100+ works well
[22:02:06] <rue_house> yea, and the two arms on the back emulate a linear slider
[22:02:14] <z64555> wait wait
[22:02:17] * z64555 looks closely
[22:02:57] <z64555> nice.
[22:03:53] * z64555 gets all the terms wrong
[22:04:26] <z64555> it's a sliding compound miter saw.
[22:04:43] <z64555> something of a mouth full
[22:05:21] <z64555> Trying to reproduce the arms?
[22:11:14] <flyback> rue_house, im ordering the aoyue 2930 right now
[22:11:31] <flyback> I thought that non name was cute cause it uses a stm32 and power is dc input 12 to 24v
[22:11:36] <flyback> I dunno how good that one would be
[22:11:58] <flyback> my aoyue 35w that came on my 968 is too weak and I already put a $15 wand on my $39 sparkfun 50w that fails
[22:12:20] <flyback> just deciding on a flux pen before I hit checkout
[22:13:08] <flyback> rue_house, I found some of my lost bbs/irc info
[22:13:15] <flyback> turns out I had some on a cdr after all
[22:13:21] <flyback> in shock it read after 20 yrs too
[22:14:18] <rue_shop3> huh
[22:14:30] <rue_shop3> made anything in 15 years?
[22:14:34] <flyback> <rue_house> flyback, are you trying to find some friends again?
[22:14:40] <flyback> yeah a few little things
[22:15:22] <flyback> fixed some things
[22:15:25] <flyback> modded some things
[22:15:41] <rue_shop3> your the master of hard drive hacking
[22:15:47] <flyback> rue_bed, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xX8rqq0-TbQ
[22:15:55] <flyback> yes I saved a company of 30+ people last year
[22:16:02] <flyback> using the last of my gift card $$$$ from work for this iron
[22:18:38] <flyback> rue_bed, also
[22:18:39] <flyback> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r4-eQYhro58
[22:37:28] <flyback> I didn't get it to set it up this year cause the base is shot
[22:37:31] <flyback> I have to rebuild the base
[22:37:37] <flyback> :/
[23:01:28] <foul_owl> When describing an n-axis robotic arm, do you count the gripper as an axis?
[23:02:47] <zhanx> Yes
[23:12:30] <SpeedEvil> Everything that can move intentionally against anything else.
[23:12:41] <SpeedEvil> ^independantly
[23:13:19] <SpeedEvil> So the end three joints of your fingers have two degrees of freedom in the 'curl' axes.
[23:13:28] <SpeedEvil> because you can't move the end joint independantly
[23:14:47] <Hyratel> each finger has 3 total
[23:15:36] <Hyratel> base tilt, base yaw, tip (two joints shared axis) curl
[23:27:21] <SpeedEvil> yes - I was ignoring the yaw axes
[23:35:40] <rue_house> http://www.toolreporter.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/Bosch-GCM12SD-Miter-Saw-Feature-800x537.jpg
[23:35:59] <rue_house> at some point, there will be a robot you just say "cut the board like this" and it uss a standard skillsaw
[23:50:29] <SpeedEvil> A machine that can take common dimensional lumber - up to - say 2*6, feed it through, and make arbitrary mitres or tenons or holes/... along the sides and edges would be amazing, if it could be gotten cheap
[23:53:34] <Hyratel> SpeedEvil, so lets see
[23:53:49] <Hyratel> you'll need a linear indexer
[23:53:57] <Hyratel> a starting/calibration fence
[23:54:10] <SpeedEvil> Linear indexer, a router of some form that can do all four sides.
[23:54:16] <Hyratel> however many adjustment axes are on your saw
[23:54:18] <SpeedEvil> And ideally the ends too
[23:54:39] <Hyratel> I'd start with an automatic miter saw
[23:54:47] <Hyratel> with a slide
[23:56:09] <Hyratel> so calibration fence, linear indexer, two autoclamps, miter yaw and roll, Drop, slide, trigger
[23:56:30] <Hyratel> linear indexing servo
[23:56:37] <Hyratel> that's what I was trying to think of
[23:56:37] <SpeedEvil> yeah - saw alone would be interesting
[23:56:53] <Hyratel> an indexing servo would be interesting
[23:56:59] <SpeedEvil> But you don't really want to have a machine that long.
[23:57:10] <Hyratel> huh?
[23:57:21] <Hyratel> no that's what the calibration fence is for
[23:57:30] <SpeedEvil> A machine that can do 3.6 or 4.8m lumber - you don't want it to be twice that
[23:57:33] <SpeedEvil> oh
[23:57:50] <Hyratel> it jams the stock against the fence, zeroes out, and withdraws the fence
[23:58:33] <Hyratel> like touching off your printer nozzle