#robotics | Logs for 2016-02-01

[01:15:28] <XGa8ty3ck> So what's a good channel to ask about robot vaccum cleaners?
[01:17:36] <vicarion> not this one. we only deal with robots used for sexual purposes
[01:17:50] <XGa8ty3ck> what's a good model for that?
[01:30:51] <Loshki> XGa8ty3ck: I'll talk to you about robot vacuum cleaners. What do you wanna know?
[01:36:25] <XGa8ty3ck> I'm considering buying one...
[01:36:36] <XGa8ty3ck> I'm not sure which one would be the best for me...
[01:36:46] <XGa8ty3ck> Nor where/when to buy it
[01:42:37] <Loshki> XGa8ty3ck: where do you live?
[01:51:50] <rue_bed> I live in the present
[01:51:52] <rue_bed> mostly
[01:52:29] <rue_bed> vicarion, what about vacuum cleaning robots used for sex?
[01:52:54] <rue_bed> XGa8ty3ck, if you get a rooma, it will last a few years
[01:53:02] <rue_bed> and then the batteries will go bad
[01:53:08] <rue_bed> and then you will get another one
[01:54:00] <rue_bed> now, if you want to BUILD a vacuum cleaning robot, thats where we can really help
[01:54:15] <rue_bed> then you can have a robot that will last forever
[01:54:29] <rue_bed> it may never work right, but it will last forever
[01:56:21] <Jak_o_Shadows> Surely somebody has hacked a roomba to have a rechargeable battery
[01:56:25] <Jak_o_Shadows> Or ebay?
[01:57:11] <rue_bed> they are, and they wear out
[02:02:35] <XGa8ty3ck> rue_bed: I don't want to build one...
[02:02:56] <XGa8ty3ck> rue_bed: A one a good one, that's very smart (my apartment has a lot of dynamic obstacles)
[02:28:19] <Jak_o_Shadows> I am VERY CLOSE to having wifi in the shed
[02:28:21] <Jak_o_Shadows> sooooo close
[03:05:28] <rue_bed> XGa8ty3ck, your too pickey, only you can create something to the standards you are asking for
[03:05:56] <rue_bed> Jak_o_Shadows, wifi it always almost there, whereever you go, its almost there
[03:06:16] <rue_bed> and a hard line is there, but no further
[03:10:18] <XGa8ty3ck> rue_bed: It's dumb that no one seems to have created a robot vaccum cleaner with an extendable arm
[03:10:27] <XGa8ty3ck> rue_bed: That would solve all it's "reach" problems
[03:13:45] <rue_bed> see, you designed it already
[03:13:52] <rue_bed> now you just need to build it
[03:14:32] <rue_bed> with hard work and preserveerence you can give up on the first prototype in just 3 short years
[03:22:25] <Jak_o_Shadows> Pretty much.
[03:22:32] <Jak_o_Shadows> I think the sheet metal of the shed doesn't help.
[03:22:47] <deshipu> turn it into a huge antenna!
[03:22:59] <Jak_o_Shadows> Gonna have to bridge it or hard-wire it. If I get a wifi dongle and stick it on the roof it'll work I think
[03:23:56] <deshipu> wouldn't it be easier to just bury an ethernet cable?
[03:24:38] <Jak_o_Shadows> Well, the shed is unpowered anyway most of the time. I have to drag an extension lead across.
[03:25:05] <Jak_o_Shadows> Also, it is kinda difficult to get the internet out of the room it's in through the walls. The wallspace is a bit messy
[03:25:39] <rue_bed> yea, wireless is ok unless your not sitting beside the router
[03:26:16] <Jak_o_Shadows> If I were digging in power I'd run ethernet as well
[03:27:16] <deshipu> you can always have the wireless router in your home next to where the power cable starts
[03:27:23] <deshipu> and ethernet from there
[03:27:45] <Jak_o_Shadows> Nah, I can't move the router
[03:27:50] <Jak_o_Shadows> Too hard
[03:27:52] <deshipu> I mean a second one
[03:28:01] <deshipu> configured in reverse
[03:28:07] <deshipu> so that wifi is upstream for it
[03:28:09] <rue_bed> and get a third for coverage on the other side of the room
[03:28:59] <Jak_o_Shadows> Oh, yeah. I am going to bridge it through the computer down there. If I use the same SSID it should be seamless enough
[04:02:32] <vicarion> my access to scientific literature and textbooks is soon going to go back to pleb level. what must-have robotics articles/books should i grab before that happens?
[04:36:36] <Jak_o_Shadows> Dunno if there's anything general
[06:55:35] <theBear> there's a general feeling of hopelessness and despondancy
[06:55:45] <theBear> heh, nah, it's all cheery smiles
[14:02:39] <maiden> ping
[14:55:17] <anonnumberanon> pong
[14:55:59] <emeraldgreen> peng
[15:33:37] <veverak> deshipu: got tote design
[15:33:39] <veverak> http://alpha.wallhaven.cc/wallpaper/327957
[15:34:37] <deshipu> veverak: is that a wifi antenna?
[15:34:44] <veverak> +-
[15:34:47] <veverak> :)
[15:34:55] <deshipu> the feet would be tricky
[15:35:06] <deshipu> I guess you could mount them on ball hinges
[15:35:13] <veverak> exactly :)
[15:44:12] <jhylands> or you could use pegs for feet, sort of like Roz does
[15:46:10] <jhylands> but that's a pretty cool quad walker design, for sure
[15:59:49] <Snert__> I'd have to re-do the weird thing on it's head sticking back, but a very cool design.
[16:01:08] <Snert__> that's a wallpaper I guess. Duznt really exist.
[16:01:17] <jhylands> its concept art
[16:11:00] * veverak figured out that wallpaper could be nice way to ...
[16:11:10] <veverak> get inspiration for practical design
[16:14:04] <veverak> :)
[16:21:27] <Snert__> I need a 3d printer for that.
[16:21:51] <Snert__> somehow, there's one in my future I bet.
[16:40:37] <deshipu> I hate t how concept art robots never have proper cable routing
[16:41:04] <veverak> :D
[16:41:10] <veverak> all wireless!!
[16:41:13] * veverak hides
[16:41:44] <Snert__> my wiring is always hidden to the maximum extent possible.
[16:42:15] <Snert__> it's not always possible. But it can look pretty nice regardless.
[16:42:35] <Snert__> if it's visible, there must be Feng Shui
[16:45:14] <Snert__> Or Hang Schwaaa as I call it :)
[16:45:23] <z64555> Yeah, think theres only like 1 in 10 robotics teams that have decent cable routing
[16:45:51] <z64555> ...and then there's the team that asks all the other teams for "extra cables"
[16:46:03] <Snert__> cleanliness should be a design category to judge on.
[16:46:08] <DagoRed> https://plus.google.com/+GiseleWatersconvergence/posts/XroApoRHZyu
[16:46:18] <DagoRed> No words what I'm seeing... but that does look like a fun build.
[16:47:23] <z64555> neat
[17:08:34] <anonnumberanon> Snert_, please no.
[17:09:07] <DagoRed> They left
[17:32:02] <deshipu> hmm
[17:32:04] <deshipu> http://www.aliexpress.com/item/1PCS-new-DC3V-Micro-716-Precision-Gear-Motor-Full-Metal-Gearbox-Micro-Servos-With-Velocimetry-free/32581180665.html
[17:32:09] <deshipu> this looks interesting
[17:32:23] <jhylands> wow, neat
[17:33:35] <veverak> looks interesting
[17:34:36] <Hyratel> oh wow. ball bearing output shaft?
[17:35:02] <Hyratel> and an encoder
[17:35:03] <Hyratel> nice
[17:35:05] <Snert_> Just got 2 of those cute little motors.
[17:35:51] <deshipu> me too
[17:36:02] <deshipu> will see how well they work
[17:36:20] <deshipu> and if they send them before the chinese new year :/
[17:36:35] <deshipu> I think it starts next week
[17:37:00] <Snert_> Oh well, might haveta wait but no biggee
[17:40:56] <jhylands> deshipu, is that a fixed rotation servo, or continuous do you think?
[17:44:36] <Hyratel> it's not a servo
[17:44:45] <Hyratel> it's a motor with an encoder
[17:44:57] <Hyratel> you could MAKE a servo with it
[17:46:22] <z64555> *controller not included
[17:47:06] <jhylands> well, it says its a servo
[17:48:21] <Hyratel> jhylands,
[17:48:33] <Hyratel> a servo is a positional controller with feedback sensing
[17:48:49] <Hyratel> it combines an actuator, sensor and feedback loop
[17:49:07] <Hyratel> this is an actuator and sensor with no feedback loop logic nor driving logic
[17:49:41] <jhylands> I'm aware of what a servo is, thanks :-)
[17:49:53] <jhylands> I was just wondering because it actually says its a servo
[17:50:05] <Snert_> well, chinglish.
[17:50:23] <Snert_> toss in all the buzzwords you can.
[17:51:38] <Hyratel> ^ what Snert said. that's why searching 'arduino' is ueseless on ebay because you get everything else that has the word 'arduino' in the title
[17:52:09] <jhylands> I'm curious how they would do speed on that - most pots like that only measure 300 or 330 degrees
[17:52:26] <Hyratel> is it a pot or an encoder though
[17:52:48] <jhylands> well, it says "5K pot"
[17:52:51] <jhylands> in the description
[17:53:06] <jhylands> but continuous rotation pots are (from my experience) really expensive
[17:53:20] <Hyratel> so you could *make* a servo with it
[17:53:26] <Hyratel> use an openServo board
[17:53:32] <Hyratel> or roll your own
[17:53:33] <jhylands> I guess you could get a rough idea, treat it like a 4 or 5-position encoder
[17:53:41] <Hyratel> ???
[17:53:51] <jhylands> well, if it was a 300 degree pot
[17:54:00] <jhylands> you've got 60 degrees where you get no reading
[17:54:01] <Hyratel> pots have endstops
[17:54:19] <jhylands> not all of them
[17:54:31] <jhylands> AX-12 servos use a pot much like that one
[17:54:49] <jhylands> and you can switch from a 300 degree servo to continuous rotation with a software switch
[17:55:21] <Hyratel> wait till folks get them in, and ask?
[19:48:59] <RustySha1kleford> I'm guessing there are some crafty motherfuckers in here
[19:49:14] <RustySha1kleford> I want to build a desk that can convert from a sitting to a standing desk
[19:50:29] <Snert_> ass applied to robots, maybe so. RoboDesk?
[19:51:15] <Snert_> I maean,capentry wizards not so much
[19:51:30] <RustySha1kleford> yeah way off topic I know
[19:52:00] <RustySha1kleford> well there would be moving parts, but its certainly not a robot
[19:52:29] <Snert_> would take a basic mechanism that works, then make it happen 5 minutes b4 you get to work
[19:56:06] <RustySha1kleford> think less sophisticated
[19:56:21] <RustySha1kleford> either an electric motor with a switch to raise and lower it
[19:56:39] <RustySha1kleford> or even just a manual mechanism
[20:21:00] <XGa8ty3ck> rue_bed: I was hoping that something would be cleaning my house in a few weeks though...
[20:43:00] <mrdata_> XGa8ty3ck, something like a robot maid, maybe?
[20:43:58] <Hyratel> RustySha1kleford, lead screws and worm drive motors
[20:44:08] <Hyratel> possibly with encoders to make sure they stay level
[20:44:55] <Hyratel> RustySha1kleford, how high do you need the desk to change?
[20:46:04] <Hyratel> http://www.ikea.com/us/en/catalog/products/S19022530/
[21:09:34] <Hyratel> RustySha1kleford, hey
[21:26:20] <XGa8ty3ck> mrdata_: That's a great idea: http://rdigitalife.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/jetsons-rosie.jpg?dea710
[21:31:09] <anonnumberanon> mrdata_, how is the emp gun?
[21:52:56] <RustySha1kleford> Hyratel: yeah but for 500ish bucks
[21:53:04] <RustySha1kleford> i know, I've seen that one. Very nice
[21:53:12] <RustySha1kleford> I think I've got it figured out
[21:53:34] <Hyratel> good luck doing it for cheaper, seriously
[21:53:45] <RustySha1kleford> home depot or menards shelving, some pins, and an angle grinder
[21:54:02] <Hyratel> why the grinder
[21:55:16] <RustySha1kleford> to cut a track in the shelving bracket
[21:55:31] <RustySha1kleford> still need to figure out how to securely lock the shelf in place
[21:56:07] <Hyratel> huh?
[21:56:16] <Hyratel> didn't you wnat it motorisd?
[21:56:32] <RustySha1kleford> I said not necessarily
[21:57:23] <mrdata_> anonnumberanon, currently holding while i try to find parts :/
[21:59:04] <z64555> anonnumberanon: emp gun? part of "Plan B" ?
[21:59:18] <z64555> I guess mrdata_ as well
[21:59:36] <mrdata_> z64555, if you cant bend your opponent in half, zap him
[21:59:42] <anonnumberanon> z64555, you never heard this conversation. You will go home and rethink your life.
[22:00:03] <mrdata_> it's not a weapon
[22:00:23] <mrdata_> but it might be a bench top electronics stress tester
[22:00:40] <mrdata_> i must run some tests
[22:00:46] <anonnumberanon> Yeah the space industry would need that.
[22:00:55] <anonnumberanon> In their EMI testing activities.
[22:00:58] <z64555> neat
[22:01:02] <anonnumberanon> Or something, not sure.
[22:02:22] <z64555> Nah, I was making a joke based on the terminator singularity. An EMP would be nice to have if you accidentally a T1000
[23:28:08] <Loshki> XGa8ty3ck: It comes down to a roomba or a neato. What's your budget? The top-of-the-line roomba is still $1000, the neato half that.
[23:29:18] <Hyratel> everybody on windows 7/8 needs to disable all automatic updates. and get "GWX Control Panel"
[23:32:19] <SpeedEvil> I'm still on Vista.
[23:32:41] <SpeedEvil> (as my only windows system, which is only used as a printer driver)
[23:33:15] <Hyratel> http://ultimateoutsider.com/downloads/