#robotics | Logs for 2016-01-29

[00:32:42] <rue_shop3> hahaha!
[00:32:55] <rue_shop3> I found a transistor for my power supply that fits the SOA!
[00:33:02] <rue_shop3> 2sc2625 :/
[00:38:34] <rue_shop3> hahaha
[00:38:37] <rue_shop3> the gain is 10
[00:38:46] <zhanx> Perfect
[00:42:06] <rue_shop3> I dont think the soa of the drivers I'v got set up will work at 0.6A
[03:21:30] <RifRaf> seen rue_shop2?
[09:11:00] <rue_house> you know the canadian dollar is bad when the dollar store is now the twodollar store
[09:17:52] <robotustra> it's 2$ store already 5 years
[09:32:57] <rue_house> do you find all the big company buyouts un-nerving?
[09:37:57] <robotustra> because of drop of CAD?
[09:39:35] <rue_house> no, I think the world markets are going for a dump
[09:39:46] <rue_house> atmel wasn't the only big buy recently
[09:39:54] <rue_house> lots of the big names are globulating
[09:40:13] <robotustra> freescale also was bought by nxp
[09:40:18] <rue_house> people who were just bought by people are now being bought by people
[09:40:24] <rue_house> wow
[09:40:30] <robotustra> it's consolidation of business
[09:40:50] <rue_house> yea, but it seems like in the last month there's been a landslide of it
[09:40:51] <robotustra> the same story was with hard drives
[09:41:38] <robotustra> at the beginning there were about 15-20 companies doing HDDs
[09:41:49] <robotustra> now - only 3
[09:41:52] <rue_house> I heard wd was bought, but was thre someone else?
[09:41:56] <rue_house> 3!?
[09:41:58] <rue_house> hmm
[09:42:17] <rue_house> I suppose tablets dont need hard drives
[09:42:49] <robotustra> yeah, shuft to SSD
[09:42:54] <robotustra> and flash
[09:44:42] <robotustra> 3 main productions
[09:46:55] <robotustra> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_defunct_hard_disk_manufacturers
[09:47:30] <robotustra> was 18 -> now 3
[09:48:23] <robotustra> Most of that industry has vanished through bankruptcy or mergers and acquisitions.
[09:49:30] <robotustra> atmel was acquired by some unknown IoT company
[10:04:13] <rue_house> but its owned by microchip now
[10:05:31] <rue_house> my fujitsu drive was the best of them all
[10:07:28] <robotustra> may be
[10:07:46] <robotustra> I didn't expirienced any hdd crash
[10:08:03] <robotustra> used maxtor, wd, seagate
[12:47:47] <robotustra> deshipu: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H0Awse45b9E&list=PLhCZ-QuF3rs8TNLhuOcJCuwEwNTKmKeG6
[15:09:37] <maiden> omg, i love my 3d printer
[15:11:11] <maiden> have just printed 11 parts in serial without any "manual labor", just remove the part and load new file and print again :D, no bed preparation or anything :D
[15:20:49] <Snert_> that's powerful mojo
[15:20:54] <Snert_> get back!
[15:32:44] <Amyzonian> Howdy, everyone!
[15:33:12] <maiden> hello
[15:34:46] <Amyzonian> I'm new to this channel, is it a place of gathering for hobbyists and professionals in the field of robotics?
[15:46:42] <maiden> yes it is
[15:47:11] <maiden> Amyzonian: what are you aiming for/doing?
[15:47:43] <Amyzonian> maiden: I work in robotics, and I wanted to see what's up with everyone else! I do robotic-human interaction safety
[15:51:05] <maiden> oh sweet :D
[15:51:11] <maiden> What company?
[15:51:18] <Snert_> Amyzonian: welcome...I'll have some questions fer yaafterlunch if you still here.
[15:51:47] <maiden> i worked for a short while at ABB Robotics and another company called Giraff Technologies (tele precience robot)
[15:52:08] <Amyzonian> maiden: Amazon Robotics. We make robots that scuttle around on the ground and carry heavy things.
[15:52:18] <Amyzonian> Very muchso industrial robots.
[15:52:20] <maiden> oh Sweet :D
[15:52:42] <maiden> I am working on a 1:1 humanoid :p
[15:52:44] <Amyzonian> Snert_: I'll be heading out soon. I'm on the EST clock, and it's almost time for Friday to become the weekend
[15:52:59] <maiden> not that i expect any fantastic results :p
[15:53:02] <Amyzonian> That is the best kind of robot, because you can give it a high five
[15:53:25] <Amyzonian> I've seen a pretty cool one demoed by Boston Dynamics (Petman)
[15:53:48] <Amyzonian> The control systems involved are incredible
[15:54:10] <Amyzonian> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tFrjrgBV8K0 This guy!
[16:21:41] <Hyratel> is that a kinetic walk?
[16:21:47] <Hyratel> or a static walk
[16:21:54] <Hyratel> (asimo used a static walk)
[17:27:25] <Anniepoo_> hey Amyzonian - I'm working in MaaS right now, but have worked in social robotics in the past and would like to get back to that field
[17:28:25] <Anniepoo_> and yes, that's a really nice walk!
[20:50:31] <rue_house> jhylands, :P I'm 600000km away and I'm workin on your project :P
[21:22:56] <jhylands> rue_house, 600000km puts you way out past the moon...
[21:23:17] <rue_house> :P the commute is a *****
[21:23:33] <jhylands> I like my 30 second commute every day
[21:24:24] <rue_house> well I need to finish your project and clean up the shop
[21:24:32] <rue_house> tho I AM in my pajamas...
[21:24:38] <jhylands> which part of my project are you doing?
[21:24:55] <rue_house> the whole thing
[21:25:11] <rue_house> gonna have to use high tension to keep the line current low tho
[21:25:24] <jhylands> high voltage you mean
[21:25:33] <rue_house> sure
[21:25:45] <jhylands> yeah, I'm going to run 220/240 AC up the line
[21:25:57] <jhylands> 24 gauge
[21:25:58] <rue_house> HF I hope
[21:26:05] <rue_house> 24!
[21:26:09] <rue_house> big...
[21:26:15] <jhylands> I only need 2 amps
[21:26:44] <jhylands> well, I chose 24 gauge because I want to be able to use 110 AC (which is of course much simpler to produce around here)
[21:26:51] <jhylands> so that would require 4 amps
[21:27:17] <rue_house> I need to find some 74hc4060 for a price I like
[21:27:39] <jhylands> what for?
[21:28:27] <jhylands> http://www.digikey.ca/product-detail/en/SN74HC4060N/296-8209-5-ND/386620
[21:28:29] <jhylands> $0.87
[21:29:12] <rue_house> funny, I'm at .24 and .25
[21:29:23] <jhylands> from where?
[21:29:28] <rue_house> china
[21:29:31] <jhylands> well, sure
[21:29:38] <jhylands> digikey is local
[21:29:42] <jhylands> next day delivery
[21:29:46] <rue_house> there are some for .13, but I dont trust that price
[21:29:52] <rue_house> I dont need them next day
[21:30:19] <jhylands> what do you want to use them for?
[21:31:00] <jhylands> anyways, I need to go - talk to you tomorrow
[21:37:42] <rue_house> I'll make your a video of constant current winder
[21:40:19] <rue_shop3> jhylands, you gone?
[21:40:38] <rue_shop3> send you some 3d printer files...