#robotics | Logs for 2016-01-27

[00:29:20] <akem> hi
[00:29:30] <akem> what driver bvoardls
[00:29:52] <akem> touch screen error.
[00:30:34] <akem> what driver board you would suggest for driving Nema step motors?
[01:08:05] <SpeedEvil> http://imgur.com/gallery/DinJPMm
[01:43:59] <deshipu> veverak: how are you powering them?
[01:44:10] <deshipu> veverak: they often shake when they don't get enough current
[04:33:11] <veverak> deshipu: 3A ubec
[04:33:14] <veverak> from 2s battery
[04:33:33] <deshipu> what voltage?
[04:33:59] <deshipu> can you measure the voltage while they work?
[04:39:10] <veverak> not now
[04:39:12] <veverak> bot got a point
[04:39:15] <veverak> deshipu: should be 5V
[04:40:25] <deshipu> if it's below ~3.5V, they will behave very erratically
[04:41:39] <veverak> ack
[04:44:20] <veverak> deshipu: also got a question
[04:44:39] <veverak> code for your project "servo controlled"
[04:44:49] <veverak> can i add Serial usage in there?
[04:44:57] <veverak> (aka, won't it hurt the way it works?)
[04:45:23] <veverak> for the testing phase, I don't use i2c for now and prefer serial
[04:45:40] <veverak> (serial version of my code is talkative a lot to have proper feedback)
[04:45:52] <veverak> (for the devel phase)
[04:49:31] <deshipu> veverak: you need to remove the first two pins then
[04:49:37] <deshipu> veverak: from the servos list
[04:51:08] <deshipu> veverak: http://paste.sheep.art.pl/a4971b27-db32-4c60-a681-0b31e879cc55
[04:51:28] <deshipu> lines 2, 6 and 11
[05:14:26] <veverak> ok
[05:22:57] <deshipu> and of course write the serial handling code
[05:28:30] <Jak_o_Shadows> I'm playing with the little stm32 boards
[05:28:39] <Jak_o_Shadows> Nifty, if more complicated thananything i've ever used
[05:30:36] <deshipu> I used stm32duino with the "blue pill" board
[05:32:20] <Jak_o_Shadows> I'm setting up the arm-none-eabi toolchain
[13:39:00] <Ne0ratek1> hello
[13:40:02] <Ne0ratek1> how are you ?
[13:40:15] <emeraldgreen> hi
[13:40:38] <emeraldgreen> fine, reading about new deepmind's result https://www.reddit.com/r/MachineLearning/comments/42ymo8/the_computer_that_mastered_go_nature_video_on/
[16:33:46] <ace4016> impressive
[16:34:05] <emeraldgreen> yup, deepmind rocks
[16:50:28] <emeraldgreen> Reinforcement learning will play a more prominent role in robotics in the coming years.
[16:50:38] <emeraldgreen> wanna build an RL-enabled robot
[16:55:07] <ace4016> what are you going to make it do?
[16:55:16] <anonnumberanon> why
[16:56:55] <emeraldgreen> ace4016 walking, or ball following
[16:57:22] <emeraldgreen> anonnumberanon because RL is cool and hand-coding is not cool (also infeasible for hard tasks)
[16:58:21] <anonnumberanon> What language do you use?
[17:02:11] <emeraldgreen> anonnumberanon anything that fits the problem. Often I use some scripting language like python/js or even racket and code in C(++) if high performance is necessary (e.g. in ball following code)
[17:03:03] <emeraldgreen> my hexapod ball following code was quite a mess: C on the robot, racket on the large PC for inverse kinematics and high-level control and C++/opencv for ball detection
[17:03:17] <anonnumberanon> Can you follow a transparent ball though?
[17:06:52] <emeraldgreen> anonnumberanon with current code - no
[17:07:28] <emeraldgreen> But I have written a simple multilayer perceptron code, I may train it to detect a transparent ball
[17:07:38] <emeraldgreen> it may work, it may not
[17:08:01] <anonnumberanon> If the ball is a little opaque?
[17:08:08] <emeraldgreen> yup
[17:08:28] <emeraldgreen> if a human can detect it, you can try doing it with an MLP
[17:09:26] <emeraldgreen> advanced deep learning can beat humans in some recognition tasks
[17:09:45] <emeraldgreen> e.g. http://people.idsia.ch/~juergen/superhumanpatternrecognition.html
[18:15:32] <mbrumlow_> http://pluto.brumtopia.com:8080/indexl.html <- back on line
[18:32:48] <jhylands> emeraldgreen, why are you doing IK on a PC instead of on the robot?
[18:35:27] <emeraldgreen> jhylands That way it was easier to prototype, and it remained at that stage :)
[18:35:36] <jhylands> ah, okay
[22:35:08] * flyback bites Zhyr
[22:35:09] <flyback> CANUCK
[22:41:20] <DagoRed> flyback: shut up
[22:45:27] <flyback> orly?
[22:45:30] <flyback> what part of pa are you in?
[22:56:49] <flyback> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xjh3UTe6DhY