#robotics | Logs for 2016-01-25

[00:26:29] <Jak_o_Shadows> argh.
[00:26:37] <Jak_o_Shadows> I can't be bothered rectifing this.
[00:29:58] <mrdata> rectifying what?
[00:30:14] <mrdata> Jak_o_Shadows, ^
[00:51:35] <Jak_o_Shadows> I need 24V
[00:51:49] <Jak_o_Shadows> So I have a 24V christmas light power suppy
[00:51:59] <Jak_o_Shadows> Whiich I just blew up my only 4 diodes
[00:55:15] <Jak_o_Shadows> bye bye magic smoke
[01:35:38] <rue_bed> 4 diodes?
[01:35:50] <rue_bed> Jak_o_Shadows, what are you up to?
[01:36:36] <rue_bed> Casper, there is no linux cam software
[01:37:13] <Jak_o_Shadows> Wargaming table for some friends. Playing around with an ultrasonic mister for for fog effects. It wants 24V, but my only power supplies that high are AC from christmas lights. So need to rectify it.
[02:12:17] <Hyratel> Jak_o_Shadows, yeah you should probably just find a 24vDC supply
[02:30:53] <Jak_o_Shadows> Probably.
[02:31:03] <Jak_o_Shadows> I do have a 40V power supply that I could regulate down
[14:07:49] <deshipu> veverak: turns out that gluing tote's servos differently, to make the legs longer, makes it work better
[14:08:17] <veverak> pics? :)
[14:08:44] <deshipu> basically same as http://sheep.art.pl/%2Bdownload/ukubik.jpg
[14:08:57] <veverak> I see
[14:09:02] * veverak got doublesided tape there
[14:09:23] <deshipu> won't be as strong, though
[14:09:28] <deshipu> the surface area is smaller
[14:09:30] <deshipu> for the glue
[14:09:31] <veverak> but I have longer tibia
[14:09:32] <veverak> hmmm
[14:09:45] <deshipu> you do?
[14:10:04] <deshipu> so, making coxa longer doesn't require stronger servos
[19:36:54] <mrdata> r.i.p. marvin minsky http://www.nytimes.com/2016/01/26/business/marvin-minsky-pioneer-in-artificial-intelligence-dies-at-88.html?_r=0
[19:44:24] <mrdata> "His family said the cause was a cerebral hemorrhage."
[19:44:40] <mrdata> a very quick way to go, i guess
[19:55:53] <Casper> my aunt died of that
[19:56:28] <Casper> she lost conciousness in less than a minute
[19:56:58] <Casper> was found to be celebrally dead within 2 hours
[20:00:02] <Casper> was in 92 iirc, she made some organ donations. 7 persons received the organs... bro's friend found a record of 3, and the 3 were still alive as of 2013
[20:05:56] <hypodyne> howdy
[20:19:14] <Casper> o/ bored, and wondering what to do
[20:20:31] <Jak_o_Shadows> angle grind something
[20:23:03] <Casper> I'm actually watching the paint dry on the door...
[20:27:45] <Casper> but... angle grinding will happend somewhere "soonish"
[20:28:16] <Casper> need to make a cart for my welder... but I'm currently broke (I forgot that I had to pay my car insurances... yikes)
[20:42:12] <mrdata> angle grind all the things
[20:42:50] <mrdata> Casper, begin with an abandoned shopping cart maybe?
[21:07:20] <Hyratel> that actually sounds like a good basis
[21:08:34] <Casper> shoping carts around here are in really bad shape...
[21:09:02] <Casper> and since walmart has closed... the others are yuck...
[21:09:09] <Casper> and yes, walmart closed...
[21:09:14] <Casper> ... temporrary
[21:09:31] <Casper> a bobcat broke throught the ceiling and landed in the men shoes...
[21:10:48] <mrdata> LOL
[21:11:01] <mrdata> gtg; ttyl
[21:11:31] <hypodyne> lol