#robotics | Logs for 2016-01-22

[01:06:06] <rue_house> what are you having problems with?
[01:08:45] <wildmage> with the plumbus
[01:09:49] * rue_house slowly rotates his head 360 to see if it adds any enlightenment about what that meant
[01:09:55] <rue_house> Casper, tig problems?
[01:10:16] <rue_house> so avrs are dead, damnit
[01:10:26] <rue_house> I'll have to take up 8051
[01:16:13] <wildmage> well, it's made from the dingle bop and smoothed out with the schleem
[01:16:29] <wildmage> it's pushed through a grumbo and rubbed with fleeb
[01:16:53] <wildmage> that's how you make a plumbus
[01:17:34] <Snert> I've always used a deframinator on my plumbus
[01:18:11] <wildmage> how did you deal with the extra hizzards then?
[01:18:28] <Snert> left handed crescent wrench
[01:19:24] <wildmage> hmm, the other way is to rub the blamfs against the chubbles and solves your hizzards problem
[01:19:35] <wildmage> s/chubbles/chumbles/
[01:19:38] <wildmage> typo
[01:20:42] <Snert> sounds like we could get a robot all fixed up in no time
[01:21:13] <wildmage> okay, we're done here
[01:56:20] <hypodyne> Howdy
[03:07:18] <deshipu> yawn
[03:14:58] <anonnumberanon> AVR is dead?
[03:15:07] <anonnumberanon> sigh
[03:15:37] <SpeedEvil> #esp8266
[03:16:02] <anonnumberanon> lol
[03:16:06] <anonnumberanon> that's shit
[03:16:29] <joga> damn... I had already forgotten I should get a few of them in the mail...
[03:16:33] <SpeedEvil> It has slight lack of IO.
[03:16:45] <SpeedEvil> And could do with more ADC
[03:16:54] <SpeedEvil> ESP32 should be awesome
[03:17:11] <anonnumberanon> looks like kind of a black box
[03:17:19] <SpeedEvil> http://www.aliexpress.com/item/RGBWW-Strip-WiFi-Controller-1-Port-Control-200-Lights-Communicate-with-Android-Phone-Via-WLAN-to/32502007408.html?ws_ab_test=searchweb201556_1%2Csearchweb201644_1_10001_10002_10005_301_10006_10003_10004_62%2Csearchweb201560_8%2Csearchweb1451318400_6149
[03:17:43] <SpeedEvil> 5 PWM motor controls over wifi for $11
[03:18:48] <anonnumberanon> oh there really is an Atmel story?
[03:18:51] <SpeedEvil> It's a microcontroller. It has some code it usually runs to implement wifi.
[03:19:14] <anonnumberanon> they'll probably keep the line like it is they won't kill Atmel
[03:19:19] <anonnumberanon> or Atmegas
[03:19:29] <anonnumberanon> although it's only a stepping stone to arm chips though
[03:19:56] <SpeedEvil> It usually also runs some 'user' code - which can be anything from the stock 'AT' firmware, to a webserver, thing to drive an e-ink screen and download images to it, or play mp3 ... It's a 32 bit 80MHz processor. (switchable to 160)
[03:21:40] <anonnumberanon> "The semiconductor industry has cash and wants to spend it."
[03:21:46] <anonnumberanon> That does not sound true.
[03:23:16] <SpeedEvil> Are you just being confusing, or is someone I'm ignoring talking?
[03:24:09] <Jak_o_Shadows> Wow.
[03:24:18] <anonnumberanon> oh im reading the article SpeedEvil
[03:24:21] <Jak_o_Shadows> Home lighting / christmas lights is easier now isn't it
[03:24:24] <anonnumberanon> and the comments
[03:24:31] <anonnumberanon> http://hackaday.com/2016/01/20/microchip-to-acquire-atmel-for-3-56-billion/
[03:24:41] <anonnumberanon> which you probably already have done
[03:24:43] <SpeedEvil> Jak_o_Shadows: just a bit
[03:25:20] <DagoRed> .info
[03:25:22] <makepi> DagoRed: Microchip To Acquire Atmel for $3.56 Billion | Hackaday- http://j.mp/1P9U2ad
[03:25:44] <SpeedEvil> Jak_o_Shadows: plus - unsolder those FETs, put on different ones, and that board will go up to perhaps 20A/200V per channel easily
[03:27:06] <Jak_o_Shadows> Yep
[03:27:16] <Jak_o_Shadows> scrolling down to the board photo, that looks easy
[03:27:36] <anonnumberanon> "I hope Microchip doesn’t kill off the AVR, as that will push everybody onto an ARM solution."
[03:27:39] <Jak_o_Shadows> I wonder what those rx, tx, gnd, 3.3 is though
[03:27:46] <anonnumberanon> Heh sounds like what I was just saying too.
[03:28:23] <Jak_o_Shadows> Cause wifi is nice, but I have closer to 15 sets of lights
[03:31:43] <SpeedEvil> Jak_o_Shadows: 3.3V regulated power from the LDO, and rx/tx from teh chip to do flashing probably
[03:32:55] <Jak_o_Shadows> yeah.
[04:04:52] <spacer> Why isn't there any hal in here
[07:50:04] <robotustra> https://ca.news.yahoo.com/woman-claims-selfies-were-taken-092540721.html
[08:06:39] <deshipu> robotustra: that's called https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sleep_paralysis
[08:20:54] <robotustra> may be
[08:56:13] <Snert> How many years now, have megapixel cameras been on just about every of gadget we have?
[08:56:21] <Snert> 8.....10?
[08:56:53] <Snert> doncha think that once in a decade somebody would have gotten a clear pic of an alien or a UFO?
[08:57:23] <joga> that's what THEY want you to think...
[08:57:45] <joga> only oldschool cameras can snap pics of alien activity..the new ones have been ADJUSTED to hide all supernatural phenomena
[08:58:53] <Snert> That's it! yes, of course :)
[08:59:13] <robotustra> aliens have shaky hands
[09:00:53] <jhylands> bigfoot suffers from the same problem
[09:00:54] <Snert> <--- not buying it
[09:01:07] <Snert> true on bigfoot
[09:01:22] <jhylands> here's a shaky 240-p video I took with my iPhone 6
[09:01:34] <jhylands> clearly shows bigfoot is real
[09:05:40] <LiohAu> Snert: same problem for porns, every time we have low res videos :(
[09:06:35] <Snert> yea thank goodness The Time Of Bad Porn are behind us.
[09:06:46] <robotustra> LiohAu: you do not understand porn - the best porn is low resolution amateur porn
[09:07:23] <deshipu> the best porn is in your head
[09:07:24] <robotustra> all other is just production
[09:07:59] <LiohAu> robotustra: well that's the main problem in that world, we need amateur HQ porn
[09:08:09] <veverak> FullHD
[09:08:12] <veverak> at least
[09:08:14] <veverak> :0
[09:08:46] <LiohAu> that probably explains china growth issues :D
[09:13:23] <Snert> sherry shriner has all the answers
[09:13:28] <Snert> http://sherryshriner.com/
[09:17:57] <robotustra> better go fund me :)
[09:18:17] <jhylands> speaking of bad videos
[09:18:20] <jhylands> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kGTJ4Cv5ktE
[09:20:20] <robotustra> I don't like non science fiction
[09:20:41] <robotustra> because it's nonsence
[10:06:34] <Casper> rue_house: yeah tig prog... I tend to have penetration issue and blow throught, and unable to melt the filler rod :D
[12:44:36] <veverak> hmm
[12:44:43] <veverak> one 9g servo
[12:44:59] <veverak> turning once a day there and back (valve on flowering)
[12:45:13] <veverak> that could be more or less powered with solar cell and li-po battery?
[12:50:17] <Snert_> sounds about right. little 2S lipo.
[12:51:10] <veverak> 2s?
[12:51:14] <veverak> nah, 1s
[12:51:24] * veverak knows about electronics for 1s case
[12:51:48] <veverak> little board that can power device (esp8266 + servo propably) AND charge the li-po from solar cell
[12:51:54] <veverak> never seen that for 2s
[12:52:20] <deshipu> there are practically no ready charging modules for 2s lipos
[12:52:31] <veverak> yeah
[12:52:41] <Snert_> 2s would put out 7v ish so need to regulate that down. Or buck it up from 3.7 to 5 or whatever as you wish.
[12:52:42] <deshipu> jhylands: does your power board do charging?
[12:52:51] <deshipu> jhylands: you have a 3s lipo, right?
[12:52:53] <veverak> http://www.hwkitchen.com/products/lipo-rider-pro/
[12:53:37] <veverak> nah
[12:53:45] * veverak finally got free time durign exams on unviersity
[12:53:52] <veverak> and I didn't soldered esp8266 to pcb
[12:53:56] <veverak> so can't play with them
[12:54:06] <veverak> and hackerspace is too far away :/
[12:54:09] <veverak> bu25
[12:54:49] <jhylands> deshipu, no, my power board does not charge
[12:55:32] <jhylands> and yes, it uses a 3S lipo
[12:55:48] <deshipu> jhylands: why not? it seems a logical thing to add?
[12:55:56] * veverak would appreciate such a thing for 2s
[12:56:01] <veverak> for tote...
[12:56:07] <deshipu> veverak: there are chips out there
[12:56:13] <veverak> wait a sec
[12:56:14] <deshipu> veverak: just nobody makes ready modules
[12:56:24] <jhylands> deshipu, because I have no idea how to charge a 3S lipo, and aside from that, I didn't want to make the board any larger
[12:57:44] <deshipu> jhylands: so you are removing the batteries for charging?
[12:57:52] <veverak> jhylands: you charge it as one battery with high voltage
[12:58:03] <jhylands> deshipu, probably just disconnecting
[12:58:04] <veverak> or 3*3.7
[12:58:06] <veverak> that is
[12:58:09] <deshipu> veverak: actually you have to balance them too
[12:58:12] <veverak> and use balance connector to balance it out
[12:58:15] <veverak> :)
[12:58:23] <jhylands> yeah, you have to balance, and you can't overcharge, and so on and so on
[12:58:26] <veverak> deshipu: yeah, but you won't push main current through the balance connector
[12:59:10] <jhylands> for small lipos you can, but for larger ones you need both the main plug and the balance plug
[12:59:16] <emeraldgreen> Charging is a long standing problem for me as well. I want to make an fully autonomous robot with a dock station, but I haven't found how to implement a charger for 2-3S battery. 1s is too small to use in such a robot.
[12:59:16] <veverak> exactly
[12:59:31] <veverak> well
[12:59:45] <veverak> propably you could include normal charger in the dock
[12:59:51] <veverak> and just connect power pins and balance pins
[12:59:55] <veverak> (propably as one big connector)
[13:00:06] <veverak> what I was wondered usually about....
[13:00:19] <veverak> can I charge battery which is also connected to the circuit it powers usually?
[13:00:21] <veverak> :)
[13:00:42] <emeraldgreen> yup
[13:00:44] <deshipu> veverak: there are chargers that allow that
[13:01:01] <veverak> deshipu: so special cahrger needed?
[13:01:03] <veverak> nah
[13:01:06] <emeraldgreen> The most stupid way would be to disconnect the battery from the system by a relay
[13:01:33] <emeraldgreen> but still I'd like to find out how big guys (e.g. roomba) do that
[13:01:41] <veverak> :)
[13:01:46] <veverak> true
[13:01:46] <jhylands> I use a MOSFET to disconnect
[13:01:58] <jhylands> my power board already does that
[13:02:11] <jhylands> I use an LTC4412 chip that auto-selects between wall power and battery power
[13:02:18] <deshipu> veverak: basically the charger has separate output for your device, and switches between the battery and the external power
[13:02:35] <veverak> deshipu: you mean charger inside the robot as circuit?
[13:02:42] <deshipu> veverak: so you are not actually powering it from battery while charging
[13:02:48] <veverak> I see
[13:02:51] <veverak> that would be awesome
[13:03:59] <deshipu> we need to talk someone into doing a kickstarter ;)
[13:04:12] <emeraldgreen> deshipu Do laptops work the same way?
[13:04:30] <emeraldgreen> deshipu Or at least a github with charger schematics
[13:04:32] <deshipu> emeraldgreen: I suppose so, but laptop's charhing mechanisms are a tad complex
[13:05:26] <veverak> deshipu: friend of one gave me once post about circuit for e-cigar
[13:05:29] <deshipu> emeraldgreen: I think that some laptops even discharge some cells to charge others, to keep them moving
[13:05:36] <veverak> that could charge the 2s lipo battery it was for
[13:05:52] <deshipu> why would you put a 2s battery in an e-cigar? :/
[13:06:39] <veverak> ehmm
[13:06:47] <veverak> if the cigar have 100W there are some points...
[13:06:50] <veverak> :)
[13:07:41] <deshipu> really?
[13:08:46] <veverak> +-
[13:09:40] <deshipu> why would you put 100W in your mouth?
[13:10:37] <veverak> making clouds?
[13:10:39] <veverak> :)
[13:12:00] <veverak> https://learn.adafruit.com/multi-cell-lipo-charging/fast-multi-cell-charger
[13:12:02] <veverak> well
[13:12:07] <veverak> little bit unpractical I would say
[13:12:09] <veverak> :D
[13:12:40] <deshipu> veverak: http://subversiveinfluence.com/images/2015/05/spock-illogical.jpg
[13:12:44] <emeraldgreen> >manual mechanical switch
[13:12:49] <veverak> :D
[13:13:18] <deshipu> veverak: buy a 2s power bank?
[13:13:32] <veverak> power banks are expensive and usually heavy
[13:13:43] <deshipu> veverak: buy one without batteries
[13:13:48] <veverak> hmm
[13:13:53] <veverak> maybe that could work
[13:14:10] <emeraldgreen> I thought about powerbanks too
[13:14:21] <veverak> more or less
[13:14:26] <emeraldgreen> 1S @ 15000 mah would be ok
[13:14:38] <veverak> the quest can be "find cheap chinese batter bank that doesn't suck much"
[13:15:10] <deshipu> "find a vaccuum cleaner that doesn't suck"
[13:15:16] <jhylands> pololu makes some really sweet step-up/step-down switching regulators that are really cheap
[13:15:40] <emeraldgreen> deshipu how about making our own?
[13:15:53] <deshipu> veverak: http://www.aliexpress.com/item/2-In-1-2S-Battery-Balance-Charger-For-Syma-X8C-X8W-X8G-RC-Quadcopter/32579592412.html
[13:16:01] <deshipu> emeraldgreen: too hard, too much work ;)
[13:16:24] <veverak> interesting
[13:17:16] <jhylands> its not hard to run something off a 1s lipo that only needs 5 volts and not too much current
[13:17:40] <veverak> ok
[13:17:43] <veverak> https://www.adafruit.com/product/1304
[13:17:45] <veverak> this is sweet
[13:17:47] <veverak> :D
[13:17:58] <jhylands> https://www.pololu.com/product/2115
[13:18:49] * veverak got today all tools to make coffie
[13:18:50] <veverak> worth it!
[13:19:24] <jhylands> or this: https://www.sparkfun.com/products/11231
[13:19:39] <jhylands> a little more pricey, but incorporates the boost and charger in one
[13:20:31] <emeraldgreen> I use LM2577 converters from ebay, work fine for me
[13:20:54] <emeraldgreen> like this http://www.ebay.com/itm/New-LM2577-DC-DC-Adjustable-Step-up-boost-Power-supply-Converter-Module-/140741642172
[13:21:21] <jhylands> that's no good for a single lipo
[13:21:28] <jhylands> lowest input voltage is 3.5 volts
[13:21:56] <emeraldgreen> hmm, I agree
[13:23:06] <jhylands> https://www.sparkfun.com/products/8484
[13:23:19] <jhylands> decently big 1s lipo from an american source
[13:23:57] <emeraldgreen> >american source why bother if china is closer anyway hehe
[13:24:08] <jhylands> well, for people in Europe sure
[13:24:14] <emeraldgreen> cheap turnigy cells worked fine for me
[13:27:55] <deshipu> except their connectors are backwards
[13:30:13] <deshipu> veverak: btw, I submitted a Tote workshop for that hackaday conference
[13:30:20] <veverak> nice
[13:30:24] <deshipu> veverak: will see if they can handle the price tag :/
[13:30:40] <veverak> :)
[13:30:53] <deshipu> if they can, I'm going to make a special edition of tote
[13:30:55] * veverak could finally publlish his project on hackaday
[19:04:02] <robotustra> shabbot?
[22:09:55] <robotustra> ping ping
[22:15:30] <RifRaf> pong pong
[22:21:24] <ace4016> pong ping
[22:37:37] <robotustra> run gyro finally
[22:37:48] <robotustra> but you could not see
[22:38:47] <robotustra> did PCB for it
[22:54:44] <robotustra> http://i.imgur.com/4HIFfGw.jpg
[22:54:55] <robotustra> http://i.imgur.com/hqFsh3L.jpg
[23:21:19] <mrdata> cute little arduinos
[23:21:41] <mrdata> robotustra, what does this do?
[23:43:58] <hypodyne> howdy
[23:48:35] <Casper> o/