#robotics | Logs for 2016-01-21

[01:58:45] <hypodyne> howdy
[02:34:29] <anonnumberanon> hypodyne, sup
[02:34:37] <anonnumberanon> what ya workan uhn?
[02:36:43] <hypodyne> trying to get my 3d printer working at the moment
[02:36:58] <hypodyne> so I can print an InMoov robot
[02:38:35] <hypodyne> although a Prusa i3 won't be big enough to do it all.
[09:17:08] <rue_house> I need to work out the X carrige design for my next printer
[09:24:37] <veverak> what style?
[09:25:40] <rue_house> its like an i2
[09:26:08] <rue_house> larger, geared motors
[09:26:23] <veverak> I see
[09:26:43] * veverak still wants to figure out sane way to make xcarriage where machine can exchange tools
[09:41:25] <rue_house> k...
[09:41:54] <veverak> on i2 style it could be doen if "tools" were on top, hmm
[09:42:21] <rue_house> I'm really looking at stacked bars like an i3
[09:42:45] <rue_house> I'm going to use 10mm
[10:31:42] <robotustra> it's interesting whether Elon Mask receive input form aliens?
[10:32:17] <LiohAu> Elon Mask, no. Elon musk maybe :P
[10:32:51] <deshipu> both of them
[10:34:15] <robotustra> yeah, I mean Musk
[10:37:48] <deshipu> and which aliens, too
[10:39:02] <robotustra> how many alien types do you know?
[10:41:16] <deshipu> I don't go out much
[10:43:05] <robotustra> do yu work?
[10:43:28] <deshipu> remotely
[10:43:34] <deshipu> from home
[10:43:54] <robotustra> do you buy food from internet?
[10:44:00] <deshipu> yes
[10:44:57] <robotustra> good for you
[10:45:11] <robotustra> I would like to work like this
[10:45:34] <jhylands> I work like that
[10:45:35] <jhylands> its nice
[10:45:57] <deshipu> as long as you don't have family and kids at home ;)
[10:46:27] <jhylands> well, the kids are at college/univ, so they're gone most days
[10:46:46] <robotustra> kids are in school, wife is at work
[10:46:54] <robotustra> I have my own lab
[10:47:01] <robotustra> so I can work at home
[10:47:29] <deshipu> I love the look of panic I see in the eyes of some of my friends with little kids when I tell them I work from home. The utter horror as they imagine doing that.
[10:48:22] <jhylands> my wife stayed at home and raised the kids, so she's retired now :-)
[10:49:55] <jhylands> I just ran a very simple flight test (1 foot hover) on my new drone, works well
[10:50:04] <deshipu> wow
[10:50:23] <deshipu> I have a friend who built a quad, but he can't get it stabilized
[10:50:34] <jhylands> well, I bought this one - its a DJI Inspire
[10:50:43] <jhylands> this is for work
[10:50:51] <deshipu> yeah
[10:51:10] <deshipu> I have a bunch of single-rotors, can't really fly them straight for more than 10s
[10:51:37] <robotustra> I fucked with i2c and gyro all last weekend, finally I make it working stable
[10:51:38] <jhylands> I was indoors, in my basement, so I only hovered for a couple seconds
[10:51:55] <jhylands> but apparently its very stable when you have space
[10:51:57] <deshipu> flying indoors sucks
[10:52:04] <jhylands> its -10C outside
[10:52:05] <deshipu> unless it's a huge hall
[10:52:39] <deshipu> nothing beats a big, open field with nice soft grass
[10:52:59] <deshipu> except it's hard to find the parts in the grass
[10:53:02] <robotustra> щк ыщае ытщц
[10:53:08] <robotustra> or soft snow
[10:53:10] <jhylands> its hard to find the grass under the snow
[10:53:25] <deshipu> I guess easier to find parts in the snow
[10:53:30] <deshipu> you see the holes ;)
[10:53:48] <deshipu> and the smoking craters
[10:54:21] <jhylands> The Inspire is a $3000 drone - I'd rather not have any smoking craters
[10:54:43] <deshipu> I suppose you have trained on smaller ones before?
[10:54:48] <jhylands> not really
[10:54:58] <jhylands> that's one reason I got an Inspire - they are really stable
[10:54:58] <deshipu> may be a good idea to get a cheap toy
[10:55:02] <deshipu> and train on it a bit
[10:55:11] <jhylands> but I don't really care, I didn't get the drone to fly it
[10:55:22] <jhylands> I'm designing and building a power tether for it
[10:55:56] <deshipu> you can get those tiny little quads from china for $8, you can fly them in the office with the propeller protectors on
[10:56:28] <robotustra> hm, I need to collect about 2k to buy all the rest for robot
[10:56:47] <jhylands> food time, back in a bit
[10:56:52] <robotustra> may be 3k
[10:57:06] <robotustra> food soon
[11:00:29] <deshipu> robotustra: where do you collect it? ;)
[11:01:37] <robotustra> collect - it means that I'll spend less on other junk
[11:01:56] <robotustra> like unnecessary food or goods
[11:02:45] <robotustra> and they will collected themself in 3-4 month
[11:02:57] <robotustra> be collected*
[11:06:06] <LiohAu> anybody here knows how I can print the path of a ROS artifact built with catkin ?
[11:10:34] * veverak needs to resume task to find box for his robo. stuff
[11:10:54] <veverak> that would fit nicely into my bag
[11:10:56] <deshipu> hmm, there is going to be a hackaday conference in Belgrad
[11:11:25] <deshipu> I wonder if I should submit a Tote workshop
[11:11:55] <veverak> wow, too far away for me :)
[11:14:03] <deshipu> closer for you than for me
[11:14:37] <veverak> true
[11:15:13] <veverak> schedule for devconf.cz is out! :)
[11:15:24] <jhylands> farthest west I've ever been in Europe is Oslo
[11:17:36] <deshipu> jhylands: they do it there because it's really cheap
[11:17:48] <jhylands> yeah, makes sense
[15:40:55] <maiden> hello
[15:43:02] <doomlord> greetings
[21:13:36] <rue_shop3> a song dissapeared from existance again
[21:13:40] <rue_shop3> this bothers me
[21:15:03] <Casper> rue_shop3: stop using reiserfs
[21:17:02] <rue_shop3> no, its gone from everywhere
[21:17:06] <rue_shop3> the internet and everything
[21:17:20] <rue_shop3> its the 3rd time I know a song that dosn't exist
[21:17:31] <rue_shop3> I know almost exactly how it goes
[21:17:39] <rue_shop3> can I file a bug to god?
[21:17:42] <Casper> what song? are you sure your memory is still fine?
[21:17:46] <rue_shop3> AND
[21:18:11] <rue_shop3> it turns out this tap, which is LASER ENGRAVED 4-40 is NOT 4-40, I'v just figured out its M3
[21:18:14] <rue_shop3> and I'm right
[21:18:26] <rue_shop3> the OTHER ones in the SAME CASE ARE 4-40
[21:18:35] * rue_shop3 just uses a M3 screw
[21:19:08] <Casper> but what song?
[21:19:13] <rue_shop3> Casper, its called "where have all the boys gone" it was done by an english band like or the same as 'men without hats'
[21:19:44] <rue_shop3> when you file it with god, get me a bug tracking number
[21:20:02] <Casper> paula cole?
[21:20:09] <rue_shop3> no
[21:21:39] <rue_shop3> it was on my computers, both file servers AND the jukebox
[21:21:40] <rue_shop3> its gone
[21:22:29] <rue_shop3> maybe I crossed thru a damned interdimentional portal again
[21:22:31] <rue_shop3> damnit.
[21:23:14] <Casper> or you have the wrong title
[21:23:21] <rue_shop3> no
[21:23:31] <rue_shop3> its called where did all the boys go
[21:23:40] <rue_shop3> man at work or men without hast
[21:23:43] <rue_shop3> hats
[21:25:11] <Casper> We walked around in circles singing, ooo, ha, o
[21:25:11] <Casper> I said, we walked around for practically forever, singing, ooo, ha, o
[21:25:12] <Casper> I said, our heads were filled with things that
[21:25:52] <rue_shop3> yup
[21:26:01] <rue_shop3> I'm glad you know it exised too
[21:26:07] <DagoRed> rue_shop3: Probably got pulled due to DMCA or something and noone reposted it back on youtube.
[21:26:13] <Casper> found the song
[21:26:19] <rue_shop3> no, its gone
[21:26:27] <rue_shop3> Casper, I think its the one
[21:26:31] <DagoRed> .g where did all the boys go men without hats
[21:26:32] <makepi> DagoRed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8T3N6a24A9I
[21:26:32] <rue_shop3> what name do you have on it?
[21:26:48] <rue_shop3> Casper, ?
[21:27:09] <Casper> I'll have the mp3 soon
[21:27:16] <rue_shop3> DagoRed, no, its gone off all my computers
[21:27:18] <Casper> Men Without Hats - 06 - Where Do The Boys Go
[21:28:03] <rue_shop3> W.T.F. its just not on my servers
[21:28:13] <DagoRed> Oh... that is annoying.
[21:28:17] <rue_shop3> it WAS
[21:28:20] <rue_shop3> all _3_
[21:30:35] <rue_shop3> I'm still confused tho
[21:30:51] * Casper wants better upload speed
[21:32:06] <Casper> rue_shop3: see, it didn't dissapeared from the internet! :D
[21:33:16] <rue_shop3> this makes me feel better, thankyou
[21:33:26] <rue_shop3> I accept my bug being closed
[21:34:07] * Casper haves a good source for mp3
[21:34:34] <DagoRed> next customer
[21:34:34] <makepi> DagoRed: Another satisfied customer! NEXT!
[21:35:13] <rue_shop3> I was about to actually go look at my cd's
[21:35:28] <rue_shop3> so I have an idea
[21:35:32] <rue_shop3> for a weigh scale
[21:35:43] <rue_shop3> I'v put a balanced shft on a motor
[21:36:02] <rue_shop3> I want to measure the current to keep it horizontal to get the weight
[21:36:54] <DagoRed> That's a neat idea. I can't think of how accurate it would be.
[21:37:17] <DagoRed> now I'm curious if that can be done with a servo as well.
[21:37:20] <rue_shop3> well, it should be able to do some really light weights
[21:37:26] <rue_shop3> no, cant be geared
[21:37:40] <rue_shop3> I dont even know if the friction in a raw motor is too much
[21:37:53] <rue_shop3> but you just have to be able to measure the current into the motor and you got it
[21:38:17] <DagoRed> Shouldn't be hard with a shunt circuit and uC.
[21:38:23] <rue_shop3> even a .5A scaleis prolly enough
[21:38:25] <rue_shop3> yea
[21:38:34] <DagoRed> Speaking of which... how does everyone feel about Microchip buying Atmel?
[21:38:58] <rue_shop3> hu!?
[21:39:07] <rue_shop3> is it a reverse takover?
[21:39:14] <rue_shop3> otherwise were screwed
[21:39:36] <DagoRed> Microchip bought out atmel
[21:39:43] <rue_shop3> F***
[21:39:47] <DagoRed> .g hackaday microchip buys atmel
[21:39:48] <makepi> DagoRed: http://hackaday.com/2016/01/20/microchip-to-acquire-atmel-for-3-56-billion/
[21:39:50] <rue_shop3> microchip sucks
[21:40:03] <DagoRed> I like microchip... but their linux support blows.
[21:40:55] <rue_shop3> nonono microchip wants everyoen to have to buy a programmer that only they make and costs hundreds of dollars
[21:41:03] <rue_shop3> FFFFFFFFFFF
[21:41:16] <rue_shop3> and they want people to have to pay for developemnt environments
[21:41:34] <rue_shop3> and their processor designs are crap
[21:42:41] <DagoRed> Kind of... not really. They want you to pay for an optimized compiler yes.
[21:43:17] <DagoRed> But they extended all their free offerings. The pickit 3 isn't bad but even as "basic" as it is, expect to spend $40 to $50 usd
[21:43:38] <jasonj8> Anyone have experience using the Kinect? I last used one ~3 years ago.
[21:45:04] <DagoRed> rue_shop3: I'm assuming that due to the ASME spec for Atmel, all parts and compilers and such are gaurenteed for AT LEAST 7 years before EOL of their catalogue. So I don't see Atmel's products going away anytime soon.
[21:53:19] <rue_shop3> I'm never using fucking pics again
[21:53:24] <rue_shop3> they are crap
[21:54:17] <rue_shop3> the tiny26 is the cheapest multichanned adc available anywhere
[21:57:01] <rue_shop3> I wonder if I can make a pwm multiplier
[21:57:12] <rue_shop3> ooo this atmel thing will be the end of arduino too
[22:01:26] <rue_shop3> that really ruins my day
[22:01:53] <rue_shop3> hmm, pwm multiplier
[22:09:57] <rue_shop3> how can the us dollar keep going up when they are in such a huge trade deficit
[22:11:43] <Casper> why don't the US open their vault and let the world see how little gold is really backi
[22:11:51] <Casper> backing their fake currency?%
[22:16:23] <DagoRed> Because everyone else would have to do the same. It's called liars poker for a reason.
[22:31:29] <rue_house> I wonder if the price of gold in climbing fast
[22:32:45] <DagoRed> http://goldprice.org/gold-price-history.html
[22:32:51] <DagoRed> rue_house: ^
[22:33:12] <rue_house> .. interseting
[22:33:54] <rue_house> I wonder if a recession flips the price of gold
[22:34:02] <DagoRed> It's inversly proportional to the strength of the US market in the last few years.
[22:34:11] <DagoRed> Yes!
[22:34:42] <rue_house> hmm
[22:34:53] <rue_house> so, recession comming = buy gold
[22:37:15] <rue_house> it looks like, if anything, the price of gold is gonna go down
[22:38:32] <DagoRed> Well... wait 6 months and yeah... it's going to start to get bad.
[23:30:48] <Casper> tig welding is not that easy... need to find some good lessons...