#robotics | Logs for 2016-01-04

[00:24:12] <anonnumberanon> rue_bed, I was doing some heavy moving.
[03:03:38] <rue_bed> 64 bit?
[03:11:26] <anonnumberanon> nah
[03:11:48] <anonnumberanon> unloading cars full of my stuff and etc
[03:11:52] <anonnumberanon> now bed though
[03:19:17] <rue_bed> anonnumberanon, did you get the code I posted for you?
[03:19:52] <rue_bed> http://codepad.org/LSq6ZkIr
[04:12:21] <rue_bed> I'm so not getting any sleep
[04:12:26] <rue_bed> 2am ouch
[04:12:47] <rue_bed> so many things to think about
[04:13:17] <rue_bed> I realized that the castor vector correction for the mowerbot till be a bit more ocmplex than I thought
[04:13:56] <rue_bed> the directional vector is partly dependent on the previous vector
[04:14:20] <rue_bed> I think I'll use a sine/cosine sensor for the castor direction
[04:15:05] <rue_bed> not sure how to identify which serial port is which when using hte usb converters
[04:15:19] <rue_bed> I think I can get a lot of things done this year
[04:15:35] <rue_bed> I havn't started any new big projects for a while
[05:53:28] <hypodyne> howdy
[07:57:56] <akem> hello world of robots
[07:58:16] <akem> really the mg995 i got were crap
[07:58:37] <akem> im still waiting one HJ is think it is
[08:00:10] <akem> why the first gear is platic, the bottom one and other ones metal
[08:02:14] <robotustra> because the torque at high speed on the shaft of motor is small and plastic could handle it
[08:03:07] <akem> lie
[08:04:43] <akem> if the motor is forced a littlebit the metal gear next to it will byte the plastic teeth out
[08:05:28] <akem> and also its a small one
[08:07:41] <robotustra> did you measure the torque?
[08:38:56] <Snert> it's sacrificial.
[08:39:06] <Snert> saves the metal gears in a crash.
[08:40:18] <Snert> provided that one can buy gear sets for those servos it's a good thing.
[08:41:30] <deshipu> you can
[08:45:33] <robotustra> At the big hit the plastic gear will not be broken, rather last one
[08:46:08] <robotustra> so your speculations have no reason
[08:47:00] <robotustra> the parts with max torque will be broken
[08:47:14] <robotustra> i.e. last gear
[08:47:37] <Snert> I've crashed enuff RC helis to appreciate sacrificial gears.
[08:50:05] <robotustra> in helicopter you have big plastic gear and metal gear on the motor shaft
[08:50:13] <robotustra> and here is reverse
[08:50:48] <robotustra> As soon as I understand - plastic gear is on motor shaft and all other gears are metal
[09:22:35] <Snert> heli crashes are so overwhelming - there is tremendous stress on all gears.
[09:25:15] <rue_house> I'd guess that if the only plastic gear is the one on the motor, that it didn't strip, it spun
[11:45:03] <femtogram> hey guys, i want to set up some cameras to monitor robots from a top-down view in the lab. do any of you have this kind of setup? if so, what sorts of cameras do you use?
[11:45:37] <SpeedEvil> several questions arise.
[11:45:44] <SpeedEvil> Latency/resolution/...
[11:46:23] <SpeedEvil> If you're trying to track quadcopters in real time, and use the 3d position to control hard manoevering, things are a lot more complex than if you're using the data to control a vacuum
[11:47:07] <femtogram> SpeedEvil: it's closer to controlling a vacuum ;) the robot is a ground robot.
[11:47:57] <femtogram> as for latency, the lower the better, and for resolution, i think 1080p.
[11:47:59] <SpeedEvil> Several network webcams may suit fine
[11:48:07] <SpeedEvil> latency can be a problem there.
[11:48:10] <deshipu> I have the sony something-eye camera for that purpose, but haven't set it up yet
[11:48:21] <deshipu> it has pretty high frame rate
[11:48:24] <femtogram> SpeedEvil: yeah, i'm worried about latency
[11:48:24] <SpeedEvil> Tehre are alternatives.
[11:48:36] <femtogram> deshipu: ahh, alright.
[11:49:35] <deshipu> http://www.ebay.com/itm/Sony-PS3-Playstation-USB-Move-Motion-Eye-Camera-Microphone-Zoom-Lens-Gaming-/251901071962
[11:49:38] <deshipu> one like this
[11:50:16] <femtogram> hmm...
[11:50:31] <femtogram> wow 120 fps
[11:50:33] <deshipu> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PlayStation_Eye
[11:50:48] <SpeedEvil> fps and latency does not always go together
[11:50:58] <femtogram> While there is no official support or drivers by Sony to run the PlayStation Eye on other platforms such as personal computers, there are community-supported drivers available for Mac OS,[fn 3] Linux,[fn 4] and NetBSD[fn 5] and a commercially available driver for Windows.
[11:51:05] <deshipu> true, also, latency depends on the whole chain
[11:51:09] <femtogram> yeah
[11:51:34] <deshipu> and buffering settings
[11:51:55] <femtogram> are ip cameras better suited for my application than usb?
[11:52:12] <femtogram> the big problem with usb cameras is the usb cable length of course
[11:52:12] <SpeedEvil> femtogram: not inherently.
[11:52:21] <femtogram> alright
[11:52:22] <SpeedEvil> USB cable length can be worked around.
[11:52:29] <SpeedEvil> For example, you can chain hubs.
[11:52:29] <femtogram> thicker cables
[11:52:31] <deshipu> with scissors
[11:52:45] <femtogram> hm
[11:52:47] * SpeedEvil stabs USB3.
[11:53:07] <SpeedEvil> I don't understand why the hell they couldn't have also specified a transaction translator for nice hubs.
[11:53:15] <SpeedEvil> So there was at least a way to do it in the spec.
[11:53:20] <deshipu> femtogram: I would guess that network will tend to have worse latency than cable
[11:53:40] <deshipu> SpeedEvil: because standards comittee
[11:53:47] <SpeedEvil> This directly means you cannot plug in more than one 'USB2 (or USB3 non super-speed)' camera to a USB3 port, and get improved performance
[11:53:54] <deshipu> SpeedEvil: it has to be horrible
[11:54:07] <femtogram> deshipu: i mean, that's largely bandwidth no?
[11:54:54] <deshipu> femtogram: bandwidth is how much data you can push at once, latency is how long it takes for the data to travel from the camera to the computer
[11:55:17] <deshipu> femtogram: for instance, a train filled with cd records has large bandwidth but crappy latency
[11:55:20] <femtogram> deshipu: yeah, i get that.
[11:55:22] <femtogram> hmm
[11:55:37] <femtogram> i like that analogy
[11:55:49] <jhylands> so I did some experimentation with a raspberry pi 2 and a couple 720p webcams
[11:56:14] <jhylands> I can stream 2 of them at that resolution over wifi with not more than say 200ms of latency
[11:56:23] <jhylands> at 25 fps
[11:56:41] <SpeedEvil> You can - with microSD cards, easily exceed a terabyte an hour with them swallowed in little capsules.
[11:56:48] <SpeedEvil> Latency sucks though.
[11:57:12] <deshipu> SpeedEvil: bah capsules
[11:57:28] <deshipu> SpeedEvil: just take a high stack of them
[11:57:38] <deshipu> SpeedEvil: put one at the top, remove one from the bottom
[11:57:42] <femtogram> jhylands: interesting.
[11:57:43] <SpeedEvil> http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B00DR590OM?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=ox_sc_act_title_1&smid=A2QBPBC148VCN1 - for silly robots.
[11:58:02] <SpeedEvil> 3.3V+servo, and you're at a wireless controlled robot
[11:58:18] <SpeedEvil> (it can run LUA scripts and GPIO on the pins)
[11:58:36] <deshipu> SpeedEvil: how many gpio pins?
[11:58:43] <SpeedEvil> 5
[11:58:49] <SpeedEvil> It's a SD card
[11:59:24] <deshipu> hmm, with 3 you can make a Bob
[11:59:46] <deshipu> (with two servos on a common pin)
[12:00:02] <deshipu> is that esp8266?
[12:00:04] <SpeedEvil> No.
[12:00:19] <SpeedEvil> I have no idea what the core is, and I haven't checked if anyone has rooted it.
[12:00:27] <SpeedEvil> It is the stock firmware for a toshiba wifi-sd card
[12:00:43] <SpeedEvil> It supports GPIO and LUA - just give it 3.3V and it is good to go
[12:00:45] <deshipu> because you kinda get the same thing with esp8266, except cheaper and with more tools available
[12:00:57] <SpeedEvil> Yes, I know.
[12:01:10] <SpeedEvil> (though the ESP of course doesn't have 8GB flash)
[12:01:18] <deshipu> it can
[12:01:24] <SpeedEvil> Well - yes.
[12:01:56] <deshipu> in fact it might have been designed exactly for this use case
[12:02:04] <deshipu> originally, I mean
[12:02:05] <SpeedEvil> I wasn't particularly advocating it over the esp8266
[12:02:25] <deshipu> it's a fun idea for a project
[12:02:29] <deshipu> if someone is bored
[12:02:33] <SpeedEvil> I just found it depressingly amazing that 'mass market' hardware has this feature.
[12:11:47] <deshipu> I can blink a led with python \o/
[12:12:56] <jhylands> woot
[12:13:12] <jhylands> don't you run one of your robots with a pyboard?
[12:15:30] <femtogram> ugh, why don't webcams and things give latency specs :/
[12:17:40] <femtogram> i'm looking at this guy: http://www.amazon.com/GW-Security-Megapixel-Ethernet-Varifocal/dp/B017VACJR8/ref=cm_cr_pr_product_top?ie=UTF8
[12:18:18] <femtogram> do you guys think i can just plug that into a network or whatever and stream that data? i've never worked with security cameras before
[12:21:49] <jhylands> hard to say
[12:23:21] <deshipu> jhylands: yeah, I have one unfinished hexapod with pyboard
[12:23:37] <deshipu> jhylands: got stuck at body IK
[12:23:55] <jhylands> ok
[12:24:17] <deshipu> but it uses a maestro servo controller
[12:24:23] <deshipu> so it's all just serial commands
[12:24:46] <jhylands> https://github.com/JonHylands/roz/blob/master/Nuke.py#L197-L214
[12:25:39] <deshipu> yeah, no, the problem is with a specific leg configuration
[12:25:48] <deshipu> they are in a circle, not in two rows
[12:26:15] <jhylands> oh right
[12:26:21] <jhylands> heh
[12:26:32] <deshipu> and I tried to be smart and instead of converting coordinates, just adjust leg angle
[12:26:41] <jhylands> Zenta did a hexapod like that once
[12:26:51] <deshipu> it's not hard
[12:27:11] <deshipu> it just requires sitting down and doing the boring work
[12:27:21] <deshipu> I will finish it some day
[12:27:45] <deshipu> jhylands: do you use 1.27mm pitch pins at the back of the espruino pico?
[12:28:10] <jhylands> I haven't done anything with my pico yet
[12:28:21] <jhylands> but if I need them, I'll probably put a DF-13 connector on it
[12:28:40] <deshipu> I wonder how I am supposed to solder the pins in there -- the 1.27mm ones are too short to get to the other side of that super-thick pcb
[12:29:22] <jhylands> I can see the tips of the pins
[12:29:32] <deshipu> that should be enough
[12:30:41] <deshipu> looking at the number of elements on that espruino pico, I might think about making my own board one day
[12:33:43] <jhylands> I just did one with the exact same CPU
[12:35:27] <jhylands> its really simple - you need a few caps and a few resistors on specific pins, and if you want to use USB you need an 8 MHz crystal
[12:36:08] <jhylands> if you look at this schematic: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-z_tJFqsYYy0/VokiBIgU0jI/AAAAAAAADUU/XPXWSDy-Wu4/s1600/Roz-Schematic.png
[12:36:24] <jhylands> just ignore everything else, and look at the chip on the right, and the stuff directly attached to it
[12:36:27] <jhylands> that's all you need
[12:37:03] <jhylands> if you don't want battery backed RTC, you don't need the 32.768 kHz crystal
[12:37:05] <deshipu> what's the double switch doing?
[12:37:13] <jhylands> which one?
[12:37:17] <deshipu> power
[12:37:31] <jhylands> its a push-button, double pole
[12:37:40] <deshipu> I see that
[12:37:44] <jhylands> one side triggers the n-channel mosfet gate to power up
[12:38:01] <jhylands> the other side it connected to the uC for power-down
[12:38:23] <deshipu> ah, so you decide in software when and how to power down
[12:38:25] <deshipu> neat
[12:38:26] <jhylands> yeah
[12:38:30] <jhylands> and power up as well
[12:38:38] <jhylands> we have a gate line that holds the n-channel gate
[12:38:55] <jhylands> I only engage that if you've held the power button down for > 500ms
[12:39:26] <jhylands> I'm going to set it up so push-and-hold for > 2 seconds will power down
[12:39:47] <jhylands> but normally that decision will be made by the pi
[12:41:18] <jhylands> the UFQFPN-48 is a nice package - small, but still relatively easy to solder
[12:42:38] <deshipu> I don't see myself soldering that
[12:42:49] <jhylands> well, I do it with a reflow oven
[12:43:26] <deshipu> right
[12:43:57] <deshipu> sigh, the OpenMV got delayed another couple of months
[12:44:05] <jhylands> yeah, I saw that
[12:44:10] <jhylands> I have one of the beta boards
[12:44:21] <deshipu> lucky you
[12:44:38] <deshipu> how many gpios do they have available?
[12:44:48] <jhylands> which? openmv?
[12:44:51] <jhylands> or the 401?
[12:44:52] <deshipu> yeah
[12:44:56] <deshipu> openmv
[12:45:47] <jhylands> it has a UART, SPI port (4 pins)
[12:46:01] <jhylands> plus a 2x3 group of pads that are unlabeled
[12:46:25] <deshipu> jtag probably
[12:46:27] <jhylands> looks like it might be a debug port
[12:52:35] <jhylands> I can fit an 8-pin DF-13 header on the top of the pico
[12:52:42] <jhylands> it just touches the crystal
[12:52:51] <jhylands> well, the ceramic resonator
[12:58:38] <deshipu> veverak: https://hackaday.io/project/9065-tote-zero
[12:59:12] <deshipu> veverak: want a board?
[12:59:33] <deshipu> veverak: I can pass it on FOSDEM to someone from Brno
[13:02:24] <veverak> nononono
[13:02:34] * veverak just got rpi a+
[13:02:36] <veverak> :D
[13:02:40] <veverak> and struggle with ros
[13:02:44] <veverak> deshipu: maybe next project? :)
[13:03:40] <deshipu> you can just shelve it or use as a generic servo breakout
[13:21:31] <femtogram> okay, i went ahead and purchased a power over ethernet security camera which should do the trick for what i'm looking for
[13:21:54] <femtogram> ip based thing
[13:22:07] <femtogram> apparently it streams h264 over the network
[13:36:51] <Snert_> do you have a poe switch or going to use a poe injector?
[13:50:33] <femtogram> i have a poe switch
[13:50:44] <femtogram> or rather, i ordered one along with the camera
[13:50:50] <Snert_> good deal.
[13:52:07] <femtogram> yup. i'm looking forward to playing with this. hopefully the latency is low enough for my application.
[14:15:44] <rue_house> if its over network it'll be 3 seconds latency
[14:16:10] <rue_house> only analog dosn't have a delay
[14:16:15] <rue_house> caue it cant, no storage
[14:17:46] <jhylands> no it won't
[14:18:06] <jhylands> I can stream 720p video over wifi with about 200ms of latency
[14:30:24] <femtogram> rue_house: what makes you say 3 second latency?
[14:30:35] <femtogram> like, where did that number come from?
[14:51:49] <kiloreux> if anyone has some good resources or would like to check this out https://github.com/Kiloreux/awesome-robotics
[14:53:55] <femtogram> kiloreux: ha, i work for the guy teaching the mit intro robotics course.
[14:56:07] <kiloreux> that sounds awesome
[14:56:31] <kiloreux> so you are in robotics engineering i guess ?
[15:10:38] <femtogram> kiloreux: yeah, i'm a roboticist
[15:20:21] <kiloreux> I'm first year Master student, so i'm still in the beginning of things.
[15:20:39] <femtogram> kiloreux: may i ask where at?
[15:20:54] <femtogram> i know that might be a little too personal for irc :p
[15:21:13] <kiloreux> nah it's fine, in a country far far away (Algeria) :P
[15:22:30] <femtogram> oh gee, that /is/ very far
[15:22:53] <kiloreux> haha yeah, and also the quality of education is pretty low
[15:23:00] <femtogram> :(
[15:23:16] <femtogram> i guess having access to these web resources is great for you then
[15:23:57] <kiloreux> but we got a lot of robots :P , which is cool in itself, actually i made those web resources so other beginners can get a starting point.
[15:24:29] <femtogram> ah, cool. so have you gone through a lot of that yourself?
[15:25:56] <kiloreux> most of it yeah, but i still need more practice on real life problems using robots and get to master ROS better :P
[15:26:04] <kiloreux> so still a long way to go :P
[15:27:08] <femtogram> as great as ros and opencv are, i find they are terribly buggy...
[15:27:35] <kiloreux> ohh so what do you use ?
[15:27:43] <femtogram> well i do use them :P
[15:27:55] <femtogram> but the more critical stuff is all in house
[15:28:12] <femtogram> or the pieces that don't meet up to spec
[15:28:14] <kiloreux> ohhh you have your own tools ?
[15:28:33] <femtogram> haha well some, yeah.
[15:29:25] <femtogram> idk, i wish i had more time to flesh out the tools, but i am too busy with robot building :P
[15:30:40] <kiloreux> so since you build your own robots , i supposed you got some Electrical Engineering background also
[15:30:41] <kiloreux> ?
[15:30:54] <femtogram> yeah, my education was all in electrical engineering.
[15:31:30] <kiloreux> same here
[15:31:39] <femtogram> it's the way to go ;)
[15:31:47] <femtogram> actually, everyone i work with is a mechanical engineer
[15:32:01] <kiloreux> no CS people ? o.O
[15:32:01] <femtogram> robotics is cool because you can approach it from so many different disciplines.
[15:32:06] <femtogram> i'm the CS person
[15:32:36] <kiloreux> haha CS and EE that's kind of exciting
[15:32:36] <femtogram> my education is in CS, but i've been doing deep learning
[15:32:43] <femtogram> or rather
[15:32:45] <femtogram> my education is in EE
[15:33:05] <femtogram> kiloreux: well that's exactly why robotics is cool. you can bridge the disciplines ;)
[15:33:37] <kiloreux> yeah yeah i see, that's so cool.
[15:33:39] <kiloreux> actually there's a Phd student in our laboratory that was supposed to make a tool to be used nationally for controlling robots remotely , she's on her
[15:33:46] <kiloreux> third year
[15:33:49] <kiloreux> and not even started
[15:33:56] <femtogram> oh, haha
[15:34:17] <femtogram> what's keeping her from working on it..? o.o
[15:34:39] <kiloreux> that's the problem :P , NOTHING
[15:34:44] <kiloreux> everyday in the laboratory
[15:34:58] <femtogram> huh...
[15:35:15] <kiloreux> just procrastinating and she doesn't even master linux (she's supposed to be working with ROS)
[15:35:17] <femtogram> is she okay? like, mental health wise?
[15:35:39] <kiloreux> hhhhh yeah yeah completely okay
[15:35:44] <kiloreux> but that's general here
[15:35:55] <femtogram> oh, the not doing anything?
[15:36:12] <kiloreux> the slow progress thing
[15:36:19] <femtogram> slow progress is true everywhere
[15:36:23] <femtogram> that's just how engineering is
[15:37:14] <kiloreux> but when i tell you that she doesn't even have the smallest prototype (never done one) :P
[15:37:28] <kiloreux> i think that's weird for me at least
[15:37:33] <femtogram> hehe well i would agree that three years is a little too long for that :P
[15:37:56] <kiloreux> i'd do such thing in max 2 months
[15:38:56] <femtogram> haha yeah
[15:39:14] <kiloreux> software engineering sucks here but also the salaries is really bad so sometimes i understand why developers are not doing their best.
[15:39:26] <kiloreux> does similar things happen in your environment ?
[15:50:56] <deshipu> it's typical for when you get a large complex project dropped on you
[15:51:25] <deshipu> and even if you make something, you are afraid to show it, because all they will say is "that's what took you 2 years to make?"
[15:51:58] <femtogram> because many managers/business people don't understand the work that goes into engineering problems XD
[15:53:10] <deshipu> learning is work too
[15:54:27] <kiloreux> learning doesn't make money on short term :P , i think it's long term investment :P
[18:11:16] <Anniepoo__> your fellow PhD student's problem isn't unique to computer science
[18:11:46] <Anniepoo__> http://phdcomics.com/comics.php
[18:14:52] <ace4016> hehe
[18:30:53] <Anniepoo__> darn it, autonerdsniped myself - been reading it instead of working
[20:38:36] <Casper> hi there, is there a place where I can buy cheap "tank tracks" in rubber?
[20:38:47] <Casper> seems to be something very expensive :/
[20:42:43] <psYbR> Casper: i've done a lot of searching and found the same :( let me know if you find a good alternative!
[21:19:14] <anonnumberanon> rue_bed, yeah most likely I tend to save everything that gets posted always if that's inside a conversation between me and people about code
[21:19:32] <Casper> psYbR: I want to make a stair climbing bot
[21:22:26] <psYbR> Casper: triple wheels like the stair climbing moving trolleys maybe?
[21:22:58] <psYbR> http://image.made-in-china.com/2f0j00TSytFNEPCIbW/Stair-Trolley-Ht0101.jpg
[21:24:09] <Casper> that might work
[21:24:11] <Snert> Casper just dupe this
[21:24:15] <Snert> motorized stair climber hand truck
[21:24:55] <Snert> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ifWSXhCJFkE
[21:25:27] <Casper> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ifWSXhCJFkE perfect!
[21:25:40] <Casper> oh found it at the same time..
[21:25:44] <psYbR> lol! still needs a tank tracky kind of thing
[21:26:06] <Snert> It works too. I've used one.
[21:26:08] <Casper> I want to make a welding cart that can go up and down the stairs
[21:26:23] <Casper> even if it require 120V
[21:26:34] <Snert> I've taken a fully loaded pop machine up a flight of stairs one handed....smoking a cigarette.
[21:26:50] <Snert> using that cart.
[21:26:59] <Casper> which I might actually do, it won't go up and down enought to warrant a battery
[21:27:17] <Snert> you do NOT want entangled ac cord.
[21:27:23] <Snert> you want a battery.
[21:28:07] <Snert> 12 volt small car battery is what it uses.
[21:28:08] <robotustra_> that's what americans would invent to not pay 2 men's salary
[21:30:14] <Casper> the gearbox is the problem
[21:30:31] <Snert> it's a vertical screw jack.
[21:30:39] <Snert> no real gear box.
[21:31:03] <Casper> whatever, that's what is the hardest thing to get
[21:31:06] <Snert> just twirl the threaded rod and up she goes.
[21:32:15] <robotustra_> the year 2004
[21:32:32] <robotustra_> is this company still running?
[21:35:15] <psYbR> Casper: just for fun: http://www.instructables.com/id/How-to-make-custom-and-strong-tank-tracks-for-very/
[21:35:43] <robotustra_> this one is better https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AObl5g58Vrs
[21:37:03] <robotustra_> that's how egyptian pyramids were built
[21:44:07] <robotustra_> Casper: do you work as porter?
[21:45:37] <Casper> robotustra_: nope
[21:46:38] <robotustra_> so why do you need stares climber?
[21:46:48] <robotustra_> a robot?
[21:46:53] <Casper> for a welder cart I want to make :D
[21:47:09] <robotustra_> that could could climbe?
[21:47:37] <robotustra_> welder cart?
[21:47:50] <robotustra_> wleding machine on the cart?
[21:47:52] <Casper> yup
[21:48:03] <Casper> to move the welder
[21:48:11] <Casper> which is stored in the basement
[21:48:20] <robotustra_> ah
[21:49:04] <Casper> 45lbs unit, plus like 30 of power cable, plus the other stuff, plus the tank
[21:49:04] <robotustra_> I think it's not good idea to move welding machine, but if you can't avoid it - no choise
[21:49:28] <robotustra_> 20 kg
[21:49:50] <robotustra_> not so heavy actually
[21:50:03] <robotustra_> like a car lead battery
[21:50:16] <Casper> not that heavy, but just annoying to move
[21:50:54] <robotustra_> just use carriage with 6 wheels
[21:51:10] <robotustra_> and don't waste your time :)
[21:51:16] <robotustra_> better build new things
[21:51:24] <robotustra_> never done before
[21:52:41] <Casper> I also need to learn how to make very strong welds...
[21:53:10] <Casper> so the handle will not break and send the cart flying
[21:59:50] <RifRaf|2> penetration
[22:02:21] <psYbR> Casper: build an elevator into your house ;)
[22:02:41] <psYbR> that way when you construct a big killer robot in your basement you have a way to release it into the world
[22:11:35] <rue_house> RifRaf, gone for how long and thats all youhave to say?
[22:12:29] <RifRaf> happy new year :)
[22:12:32] <rue_house> RifRaf, tell us, whats going on!
[22:12:35] <rue_house> happy new year
[22:12:48] <zhanx> Rifraf lives
[22:12:56] <RifRaf> cutting 100 y plates at moment, nice way to spend holidays
[22:13:16] <rue_house> I was gonna ask if you were still doing repraps
[22:13:25] <rue_house> I take it business is good
[22:13:37] <rue_house> I saw what looked like one of your plates comming out of china
[22:13:44] <RifRaf> not really, just making the most of empty factory
[22:13:51] <RifRaf> bastards
[22:13:52] <rue_house> 2 pc kit
[22:14:47] <rue_house> how fast are they selling?
[22:15:02] <rue_house> they were also selling water cut extruders
[22:15:11] <RifRaf> i want to start creating again, so trying to make a few months worth so i can make real things, only doing about 4 a week
[22:15:30] <rue_house> thats pretty damn good
[22:15:41] <Casper> psYbR: tought about it, not enought space (22x24')
[22:16:09] <RifRaf> yeah is only way to survive, everything is going up, dollar gone way done, and wages stay the same :/
[22:16:17] <RifRaf> down*
[22:16:26] <rue_house> yea, ours is bailing too
[22:16:42] <rue_house> iirc invenst in the yaun, its been going up steady for 4 years
[22:17:08] <rue_house> were par with aud right now
[22:17:35] <RifRaf> so no point moving to canada then?
[22:17:54] <rue_house> about as much point as me moving to au back when I came over
[22:19:03] <rue_house> you never came over for that party in salmo
[22:19:09] <rue_house> i was looking forward
[22:19:20] <RifRaf> yes i know, this year maybe
[22:19:40] <rue_house> its quite a ways out for me
[22:20:00] <rue_house> would be an interesting trip
[22:20:37] <rue_house> how many extruders your machine got now?
[22:20:51] <rue_house> hey, you were only printing ABS, did you have a heated bed?
[22:20:55] <RifRaf> heh still 3, have not been printing for months,
[22:21:01] <RifRaf> always have a heated bed
[22:21:06] <rue_house> hmm
[22:21:17] <rue_house> your using an aluminium plate aren't ya?
[22:21:56] <rue_house> I'v broken 3 glass beds so far
[22:21:56] <RifRaf> nah just glass in the red heater, with my aluminium y plate at the bottom
[22:22:05] <RifRaf> on the red heater*
[22:22:06] <rue_house> hmm
[22:22:18] <RifRaf> never broken one yet, boro for the win
[22:22:36] <rue_house> I keep trying to use thin glass
[22:23:10] <RifRaf> 3mm borosilicate has not failed me yet
[22:23:37] <rue_house> I keep turning the heat up too much/fast
[22:24:32] <RifRaf> thats where the boro excels, should try a bit, good investment
[22:25:05] <rue_house> I was told by an experienced guy its not worth the difference
[22:26:35] <RifRaf> ok then, this experienced guy thinks different :)
[22:26:51] <rue_house> :) now my oppinion is neutral
[22:27:25] <rue_house> any other things going on?
[22:27:44] <rue_house> your in mid summer over there?
[22:28:00] <RifRaf> alot, but more personal goal stuff, been doing lots of study
[22:28:36] <rue_house> I'm working on finishing projects
[22:28:45] <RifRaf> hoping to make this year the best in many years, but its a struggle
[22:28:48] <Casper> man epoxy cure really fast when heated up
[22:28:51] <rue_house> I finished the digital clock I started 19 years ago
[22:29:14] <Casper> rue_house: I hope that clock is precise!
[22:29:21] <Casper> ntp enabled?
[22:29:22] <rue_house> its doing pretty good
[22:29:24] <rue_house> no
[22:29:37] <RifRaf> been cleaning house because of upcoming inspection, found sooo many projects i want to finish
[22:29:38] <rue_house> I used a computer rtc module, an old parallel one
[22:29:54] <rue_house> were you able to keep the lathe?
[22:30:00] <rue_house> and compressor?
[22:30:02] <rue_house> :)
[22:31:38] <rue_house> I wonder what the difference is between borosilicate and quarts
[22:32:38] <rue_shop3> are you using slic3r?
[22:40:09] <zhanx> either pure- or synthetic-fused silica types. The main differences are the percentage of compounds and the percentage of silica or SiO2 in the glass. Borosilicate is usually in the 80% range, while quartz is over 99%.
[23:04:03] <anonnumberanon> What is it with c++ that makes it so unbearable to look at?
[23:04:29] <anonnumberanon> I'll start with ::
[23:21:00] <Snert> AllerC .... the cure for your C allergy!
[23:31:17] <anonnumberanon> I like C though don't need AllerC.
[23:31:46] <Snert> It can help with those sudden :: attacks of anxiety :)
[23:34:13] <anonnumberanon> I want to code now.
[23:34:21] <anonnumberanon> I can't because manual labor.
[23:34:44] <anonnumberanon> It's -10 C outside but I have a cup of coffee and a small radiator.
[23:34:57] <anonnumberanon> Gonna change my brakes.
[23:35:10] <anonnumberanon> /blog heh
[23:44:15] <Casper> what stuff can remove orange silicon like stuff (make a gasket junk?)
[23:44:52] <Casper> it is between some rought alu and a piece of glass
[23:45:10] <Casper> the chinese fucked up the seal...
[23:49:58] <psYbR> razor, if its flat or even just friction if you can get to it
[23:50:09] <psYbR> rub your thumb on it hard enough and it should 'roll' off
[23:50:35] <Casper> between the 2, and it's inside a cup like...
[23:51:00] <Jak_o_Shadows> So you're looking for a solvent.
[23:51:28] <Casper> something that can creep between the glass and alu
[23:52:50] <psYbR> dip a spider in turps :d
[23:53:00] * psYbR feeling helpful